
He X v. Beijing XinBang Daikokuya Trading Corporation, Ltd.

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2022-12-01

  Case Analysis

He X v. Beijing XinBang Daikokuya Trading Corporation, Ltd.


Docket No.: No. 2139, second instance (终), civil case (民), (2020) Beijing Intellectual Property Court (京73)

Lower Court Docket No.: No. 3664, first instance (初), civil case (民), (2019) Beijing Dongcheng District People's Court (京0101)



Prefatory Syllabus


Under the current trademark law system of China, registration is still the main way to the exclusive right to use a trademark. In absence of clear evidence on ill intention or use of improper means, where a registrant registers a brand held by a person in a foreign country as a trademark, the exclusive right to use a trademark should be protected by law. If there is certain connection between goods and services in that the functional purpose of the goods closely relates to the contents of the services and they have overlaps in the way they are provided and in the consumers, making the public confused easily, we should regard them as similar goods and services. If their operators use identical or similar marks that are easy to cause confusion, this may constitute trademark infringement.


Basic Facts


Plaintiff-Appellee:HE X




Daikokuya Holdings Co. Ltd. (“Japan Daikokuya”) founded in 1947 is a Japan-based famous secondhand luxury goods company and has been operating under “Daikokuya” brand since its establishment. During 2009-2010, as reviewed and approved by Trademark Office, the Plaintiff He X registered “DHW 大黑屋” Trademark No. 5732822 and “大黑屋” Trademark No. 11844700 on “selling for others” and other services in Class 35, and “DHW 大黑屋” Trademark No. 5732821 on “treasure valuation and pawn” and other services in Class 36. The Defendant Beijing XinBang Daikokuya Trading Corporation, Ltd. ("XinBang Daikokuya") is a joint venture company jointly established by Japan Daikokuya and ZhongAn XinBang Asset Management Corporation Ltd. in China. He X was aware that XinBang Daikokuya used “信黑屋” and “大黑屋” Chinese characters in its official WeChat account, shop sign, business card, product tags and promotional materials when it traded in secondhand luxury goods. He X considered that the aforesaid act of XinBang Daikokuya infringed his exclusive right to use the involved trademarks, and sued XinBang Daikokuya to the court, claiming its liabilities to stop its infringement, to compensate for his economic losses and to eliminate the impact of the infringement.


Dongcheng District People’s Court of Beijing in the first instance held that the Plaintiff had registered the involved trademarks and there was no evidence of prior right formed on “大黑屋” brand in China or evidence that the Plaintiff had the ill intention of trademark squatting or used improper means, so the Plaintiff’s exclusive right to use registered trademark in respect of the trademarks in dispute should be protected by law. According to ascertained facts, the “信黑屋” and “大黑屋” marks used by the Defendant in its operation are similar marks to the trademarks in dispute, and the key to decide whether the Defendant has committed the crime of infringement lies in whether the goods and services operated by the Defendant and the goods and services on which the trademarks in dispute are approved to use are identical or similar. The Defendant engaged in acquiring and selling secondhand luxury goods and did not provide promotional or other services for others, so the Defendant did not infringe the Plaintiff’s exclusive right to use Trademarks No. 5732822 and No. 11844700 (Class 35). However, the jewelry and other luxury goods acquired and sold by the Defendant have high economic value and certain functions of investment and value preservation, and are closely related to the services such as treasure valuation and pawn. These are always regarded by consumers as two successive processes of the same industry. So, the goods are similar to the services, and the use of similar marks on them is easy to cause the likelihood of confusion. Therefore, the Defendant infringed the Plaintiff’s exclusive right to use Trademark No. 5732821 (Class 36) and should be liable for the infringement.


XinBang Daikokuya refused to accept the first instance judgment and appealed to Beijing Intellectual Property Court. Beijing Intellectual Property Court held in the second instance that the goods for which XinBang Daikokuya was accused of infringement act closely related to the jewelry valuation service on which He X's Registered Trademark No. 5732821 (Class 36) was approved to use and the public would deem that they had certain connection, so they were easy to cause confusion. Therefore, the appeal of XinBang Daikokuya should be dismissed due to lack of basis.


Typical Significance


First, this case relates to "trademark squatting" of a foreign brand in China. Along with economic globalization and cross-border trading development, a lot of foreign marks and brands are introduced in China, and Chinese citizens or organizations apply for registering them as trademarks. This way is used from time to time to stop foreign brand holders to use the brands in China. There are some disputes in handling relevant issues. In this case, the court fully respected the trademark registration principle and used whether the legally-protected prior right had been formed on the foreign brand in China and whether the registrant had ill intention or used improper means as the basis for its judgment.


Another issue reflected by this case is the similarity between goods and services. Compared with the similarity between goods and goods and between services and services, the situation of this case is relatively rare. In this case, the court clarified and refined affirmation methods and standards in terms of the functional purpose, consumers, provision ways and other aspects of the goods and the services, based on the specific facts of this case. The examination and affirmation of the above two issues provide positive reference significance for the trial of related cases.







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