
HOW新展预告 | 宋陵:「我也开始有欲望了」

昊美术馆(上海) HOW昊美术馆 2023-11-09


Song Ling : I′m Also Starting to Have Desires

展期:2023年5月13日—2023年7月9日艺术家:宋陵学术主持:鲁明军地址:昊美术馆(上海)二楼,         上海市浦东新区祖冲之路2277弄1号主办:昊美术馆

*Please scroll down for English version.


1988年宋陵移居澳洲,「我也开始有欲望了」是他在缺席中国社会快速发展的20年后,重返中国当代艺术现场时的一个内心独白,也是艺术家在面对当下社会现状和艺术生态时的一句调侃 。短暂的缺席终究为宋陵带来了新的创作维度。本次展览由鲁明军担任学术主持。


宋陵,《夜⾏者-2》,2015,纸本⽔墨,165 × 91 cm,版权归艺术家所有

宋陵,《玛格丽特的房间-6号》,2018,纸本⽔墨,74 × 88 cm,私人收藏

宋陵,《虚构20》,2018,纸本⽔墨,172 × 90 cm × 3,版权归艺术家所有

宋陵,《临摹南宋马远—寿椿图》,2021,纸本水墨,70 × 70 cm ,版权归艺术家所有

宋陵,物事生非2号,2022,纸本水墨,56 × 40cm,私人收藏



生于杭州,1984年毕业于浙江美术学院中国画系(现中国美术学院),进入浙江画院任专业画师,1985年参加了“85 新空间展览”,以超现实主义冷峻的手法预⾔了工业化发展时代的人性矛盾。并在 1986 年和张培力,耿建翌、王强等一起创办了中国当代艺术早期最重要的艺术群体之一“池社”,创作了在当时具有代表性和影响力的作品“无意义的选择”系列,成为85 新潮美术运动之中的重要艺术家之⼀。





复旦大学哲学学院青年研究员。策展人。近年策划“疆域:地缘的拓扑”(2017-2018)、“没有航标的河流,1979”(2019)、 “靡菲斯特的舞步”(2021)等展览。在《文艺研究》《美术研究》《二十一世纪》等刊物发表多篇论文。近著有《美术变革与现代中国:中国当代艺术的激进根源》(2020)、《裂变的交响:20世纪中国艺术的三个当代时刻》(2021)、《前卫的承诺:〈十月〉访谈录》(2023)等。2015年获得何鸿毅家族基金中华研究奖助金;2016年获得Yishu中国当代艺术写作奖;2017年获得美国亚洲文化协会奖助金(ACC),同年,获得第10届中国当代艺术评论奖(CCAA);2019年获得中国当代艺术奖(AAC)年度策展人奖。


Song Ling : I′m Also Starting to Have Desires

Duration: 2023.05.13-2023.07.09

Artist: Song Ling

Academic Moderator: Lu Mingjun

Venue: HOW Art Museum(2F, No.1, Lane 2277, Zuchongzhi Road, Shanghai)

Organizer: HOW Art Museum

HOW Art Museum is pleased to announce that Song Ling’s solo exhibition I′m Also Starting to Have Desires will be on view at 2F Gallery at HOW Art Museum since May 13, 2023. Attempting to present a holistic picture of the artist’s practice during the past decade, the exhibition features nearly 100 works selected from his Wildlife series, Fabricated series, Study series and Make Ado about Nothing series.

Song Ling migrated to Australia in 1988. "I'm also starting to have desires" was his inner monologue when he returned to the Chinese contemporary art scene after 20 years of absence; and it is also a self-mockery the artist made in the face of the drastically changing social situations and ecology of the art world. The temporary absence has in fact brought a new dimension to Song Ling’s art. Professor Lu Mingjun is the academic moderator of the exhibition.


Song Ling, Night Stalker 2, 2016, Ink on paper, 165 × 91 cm, Copyright the artist

Song Ling, Magritte's Room No.3, 2018, Ink on paper, 74 × 88 cm, Private Collection

Song Ling, Fabricated No.20, 2018, Ink on paper, 172 × 90 cm × 3, Copyright the artist

Song Ling, A Study of Ma Yuan's "Picture of Longevity" from the Southern Song Dynasty, 2021, Ink on paper, 70 × 70cm, Copyright the artist

Song Ling, Make Ado about Nothing No.2, 2022, Ink on paper, 56 × 40cm, Private Collection


 Song Ling 

Song Ling, born in Hangzhou, graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts(now China Academy of Art) in 1984 and entered the Zhejiang Painting Academy as a professional painter. In 1985, He participated in the 85 New Space Exhibition, which foretold in a cool surrealist style the contradictions awaiting people in an era of industrialization. And in 1986, together with Zhang Peili, Geng Jianyi, and Wang Qiang, he founded one of the most important art groups in the early stage of Chinese contemporary art, “Pond Society”, and created one of his most renowned series, Meaningless Choice (1986-1987).  Highly praised and profoundly influential, he is one of the most important artists of the 85 New Wave Art Movement.

In 1988, Song Ling moved to Melbourne, Australia, where he participated in the earliest exhibitions on Chinese contemporary art, held seventeen solo exhibitions throughout Australia, and has been selected as the most noteworthy young Australian contemporary artist. His works has been collected by a number of public institutions and museums, including Artbank(Sydney), ANZ Bank, White Rabbit Gallery(Sydney), the Deakin University Art Collection(Melbourne), USC Pacific Asia Museum(San Francisco), Long Museum(Shanghai) and Yuz Foundation(Shanghai).

In 2014 and 2015, Song Ling held a large-scale retrospective exhibition Ghosts in the Mirror—Song Ling 1985-2015  at Today Art Museum in Beijing and Zhejiang Art Museum in Hangzhou respectively. He currently works and lives in Hangzhou and Melbourne.


 Lu Mingjun 

PhD in History, curator, Young Researcher of the School of Philosophy in Fudan University.

His recent curated exhibitions include “Frontier: Re-assessment of Post-Globalisation Politics”(2017- 2018), “Assembling” (2018), “River flowing without a Beacon, 1979” (2019) , “Corner Square Montage” (2019), and “Muses, Yu Gong and Compasses” (2020). His academic essays are published in Literature & Art Studies  and Art Research. Recent publications include Social Changes in the Painting Theory of Huang Binhong 1907-1954 (2018)  and “Poetic Justice” (2019). Lu was also the grantee of Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant in 2015; and the Recipient of the Yishu Award for Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art in 2016. He received fellowship grant from Asia Cultural Council (ACC) and was the recipient of 6th Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award(CCAA) in 2017. He was the Recipient of the Award of Art(AAC) Chinese Contemporary Art Curator Award.


