
[E355]A slow awakening

2016-02-19 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist《经济学人》2016年第8期,China版块。

Left-behind children

The government recognises a huge problem. Now it must tackle it

Feb 20th 2016 | BEIJING

AROUND 270m people have left China’s countryside to work in urban areas, many of them entrusting their children to the care of a lone parent[=single parent], grandparents, relatives or other guardians. By 2010 there were 61m of these “left-behind children[1]”, according to the All-China Women’s Federation[2]. In a directive[3] released on February 14th, the government has at last shown that it recognises the problems caused by the splintering of so many families. The document[4] acknowledges that there has been a “strong reaction” from the public to the plight of affected children. It describes improving their lot[5] as “urgent”.







[5]n. 份额;许多;命运;阄


splinter ['splɪntə]

to  into ,  

裂成碎片The  of the   had  and splintered.塑料罩子的边缘裂成了碎片。

plight [plaɪt]

an  ,  a ,  or one困境,窘境the plight of the /穷人/无家可归者的困难处境Few of us can be  by the plight of the  .我们几乎无一不被罗马尼亚孤儿的困难处境所触动。


That is clearly right. There have been numerous stories in recent years revealing the horrors some of these children endure. Last year four siblings left alone in the south-western province of Guizhou apparently committed suicide[1] by drinking pesticide. Numerous sex-abuse cases[2] involving left-behind children have come to light[3].



[1]four siblings(who are)left alone

committed suicide作谓语


[3](be revealed or disclosed)暴露;真相大白;众所周知


▷pesticide ['pestɪsaɪd]

a   used to   , ,  , and other  :杀虫剂

The pesticides that   on    , but they can also  people's .


The new proposals look sensible[1] enough: minors[2] may not be abandoned entirely; local institutions such as schools and hospitals[3] must do more to notify the authorities of cases of abuse or neglect; social workers should monitor the welfare of left-behind children. Sadly, however, the government’s suggested remedies will achieve little. They largely replicate[4] recent laws and policies designed to protect children (not just left-behind ones), which have been almost universally unenforced[5]. It is already illegal to allow minors to live alone, for example. There is no indication that the new recommendations will be made law or implemented any more rigorously[6].



[1]adj. 明智的;合乎情理的;通情达理的;意识到的,能感觉到的

[2]n. 未成年人;小调;副修科目


[4](to make or do something again in exactly the same way)使复现;重复;复制




The new scheme mentions the importance of giving migrants urban hukou, or household-registration certificates[1], which are needed to gain access to public services such as education and health care. Most migrants leave their children in the countryside because they do not have such papers[2]. In December the government announced plans to make it easier for migrants to gain urban hukou privileges. But few casual labourers[3] are likely to fulfil the still-onerous conditions that must be met to qualify.







onerous ['əʊn(ə)rəs; 'ɒn-]

 to do or  a lot of 繁重的;麻烦的;艰巨的the onerous  of  a  寻找和平解决方案的艰巨任务the onerous  of 为人母的繁重职责


A study published last year by researchers at Stanford University found that among more than 140,000 children assessed[1] in areas such as education, health and nutrition, left-behind ones performed as well as or better than those living in the countryside with both parents. But both kinds of children lagged far[2] behind those who grow up in cities.















