
[E267]China confirms death of Chinese hostage

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

China confirms death of Chinese hostage

From CCTV.com

China has confirmed[确证;确认] the death of its national Fan Jinghui, who had been held hostage[劫持人质] by the Islamic State, and says the criminals must be brought to justice[必须绳之以法].

In a statement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says the government had been doing all it could to[想方设法] rescue Fan.

ISIL announced in its English-language magazine Dabiq that it had captured Chinese and Norwegian hostages, showing what appeared to be pictures of the dead men under a banner reading "Executed[处决]."

They identified the two as 50-year-old Fan, a freelance consultant[自由职业顾问], and 48-year-old Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad. The group did not specify when or where the two had been captured.

Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg told reporters Wednesday that Grimsgaard-Ofstad had most likely been killed, and condemned the murder.




