
[E265]Russia Labels Downing of Passenger Jet a Terrorist Act

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Russia Labels Downing of Passenger Jet a Terrorist Act


The head of Russia's Federal Security Service[俄罗斯联邦安全部门] Alexander Bortnikov revealed[透露;显示] that the plane crash[飞机失事] was the result of a terrorist attack[恐怖袭击], and that explosives[爆炸物] were used to orchestrate[精心组织;精心的安排] it.

"According to our experts, a homemade[自制的] explosive device[引爆装置] equivalent to[等于,相当于;与…等值] one kilogram of TNT went off[爆炸,离去] onboard[在飞机上], which caused the plane to break up[打碎,破碎;结束;解散] in the air, which explains why the fuselage[机身] was scattered over[散布在各处] such a large territory[领土,领域;范围;地域]. I can certainly say that this was a terrorist act[恐怖主义行为]."

Bortnikov had already communicated the findings to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has said Russia will strengthen its military operations in Syria and punish those responsible for the attack.

On Tuesday, Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer said the Kremlin's decision to disclose[公开;揭露] the findings was facilitated[促进;帮助] by last week's terrorist attacks in Paris.

"Apparently the political situation[政治局势] is developing more swiftly[很快地;敏捷地;即刻] with the attack on Paris and it was understood in Moscow[莫斯科] that maybe it's important to push forward the official disclosure[官方披露] about a breach[违反,破坏;打破] of security in Sharm-el-Sheikh[沙姆沙伊赫] and a bomb exploding on board."

Egyptian authorities have said they will take into consideration of[顾及;考虑到…] Russia's findings and incorporate them into a more comprehensive investigation[全面的调查] process.

The Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation[民航大臣] Hossam Kamal said on Tuesday that Egypt is yet to conclude its own investigation of the incident.

"The investigation team hasn't found any evidence of criminal activity[犯罪活动] in this accident, until now. As for the technical aspects, we have put possible scenarios[设想; 可能的情况] in place[put…in place到位;落实到位;正在实施]. These scenarios are being studied now, and as soon as we find out any conclusion, whether technical problems[技术问题] or criminal activity[犯罪活动], we will be the first to announce it."

On October 31, a Russian Metrojet Airbus crashed over the Sinai Peninsula[西奈半岛], shortly after taking off[起飞] from Sharm el-Sheikh. The plane was carrying mostly Russian tourists to St. Petersburg[圣彼德斯堡]. All 224 on board perished[灭亡;枯萎] in the crash.

Russia has offered 50 million US dollars in rewards[作为酬报] for information leading to the arrests of those responsible for the attack.

Meanwhile, at a St Petersburg crematorium[火葬场], people have continued to bring in flowers and candles to commemorate[纪念] the lives lost.

For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.

