
[E233]William’s TV appeal to 100m Chinese: Help stop illegal ……

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

William’s TV appeal to 100m Chinese: Help stop illegal wildlife trade

Prince William[威廉王子] is to make a direct television appeal[呼吁] to the people of China asking them to help stop the world’s illegal wildlife trade[非法野生动物买卖交易]. He has been invited to record a speech for Chinese state TV channel CCTV1 about the issue of wildlife conservation[野生生物保护], with up to 100 million people expected to see the programme. The Duke Of Cambridge[剑桥公爵]’s speech will be filmed at the Maughan Library at King’s College London[伦敦国王学院] in front of an audience of students and guests.

He considers this issue an important test for his generation’s ability to solve the much more complex global challenges it will face in the decades to come.

Kensington Palace spokesman

The recording will appear as part of a series of programmes called Let’s Talk, and is due to be broadcast[播送,播放] in China in a couple of weeks’ time. Kensington Palace[肯辛顿宫] said: “The Duke is grateful to have this opportunity to explain how people around the world must work together to save some of the planet’s most critically endangered species before they are lost forever."[世界各地的人们必须共同努力来挽救一些地球上最濒危的物种] Earlier this year during a visit to China, Prince William[威廉王子] raised the issue with the president and was said to be pleased about his willingness to discuss the issue. President Xi Jinping arrives in London this evening ahead of a state visit to the UK, where he will stay with the Queen at Buckingham Palace[白金汉宫].

I cannot imagine what it would feel like if the last elephant or rhinoceros[犀牛] in the wild died, and I then had to explain to my children how we let it happen.

William, writing in the Financial Times

