

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. What does the author imply by mentioning the effects of TRF on both mice and humans?

a) TRF is applicable and beneficial to different species.

b) TRF is more effective on mice than humans.

c) The research on humans is less reliable than on mice.

d) The effects of TRF are temporary and reversible.

2. What outcome was observed among overweight individuals who adhered to a 10-hour eating window in the study mentioned?

a) They experienced an immediate weight gain.

b) They shed approximately 4% of their weight.

c) They reported feeling less energetic.

d) They developed a higher blood pressure.


A Diet Strategy That Counts Time, Not Calories

From: The Wall Street Journal

Stop counting calories. It's the clock that counts.

That's the concept behind time-restricted feeding, or TRF, a strategy increasingly being studied by researchers as a tool for weight-loss, diabetes prevention and even longevity.

In TRF, you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want—just not whenever you want. Daily food intake should be limited to a 12-hour window, and ideally cut down to eight to 10 hours. But you can pick the hours you want to eat. (Note: This doesn't mean you should stuff your face with cupcakes. Experts say you should dine as you normally would. Only noncaloric drinks like water and black coffee are allowed during fasting hours.)

Despite a lack of dietary restrictions, most people following TRF end up consuming fewer calories and lose weight, according to studies and experts. Preliminary evidence also shows other health benefits of fasting for 12 hours or more, including lower blood pressure and improved glucose levels, and physiological changes linked to slowing the aging process. Researchers believe that when the body kicks into fasting-mode it more efficiently breaks down food and fat, in particular.

Satchidananda Panda, a professor at Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, first tracked the effects of time-restricted feeding in mice. In 2015, he expanded his studies to include humans, using a free research app he created, called “MyCircadianClock,” to follow 156 people. Dr. Panda found that 50% ate over the course of 15 hours and only 10% restricted meals and snacking to the recommended 12 hours or less.

The findings, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, showed that when eight overweight people who naturally ate for 15-plus hours a day restricted their eating to a 10-hour window for 16 weeks, they lost 4% of their weight. A year later, they reported sticking to the plan, even though they didn't have to, and had kept the weight off.

“All of them said they slept better, and they felt more energetic throughout the day,” said Dr. Panda. “They were actually feeling less hungry.”

TRF studies of mice—which provide the bulk of research on the strategy—have found that the body, when fasting for half a day or more, has more time to produce the components for cellular repair, break down toxins and coloring agents in food, and repair damaged DNA in the skin and stomach lining, according to Dr. Panda. There is also some evidence that TRF may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Most of the repair processes peak around 12 hours after fasting starts, said Dr. Panda.

Julie Shatzel, a family medicine doctor at Mercy Medical Group in Folsom, Calif., said she became a proponent of TRF after coming across Dr. Panda's study in mice from 2012. She started recommending that her overweight patients restrict their eating to 11 to 12 hours a day. Since then, she's recommended TRF for patients who need to lower their blood pressure or blood glucose levels.

“Many patients have gone off of blood-pressure medications,” she said. “In some cases, I've seen the reversal of prediabetes.”

Dr. Shatzel is now running a weight-loss study with the Salk Institute, tracking patients through Dr. Panda's app for four months.

Vivian Rootness is among them. For the 66-year-old El Dorado, Calif., resident, dinner parties now start at 4 p.m.

“I've just told all my close friends that I have to eat before seven o'clock and they've accommodated,” said Ms. Rootness, a hair stylist, artist and biodynamic gardener who had tried countless other diets.

Since restricting eating to 10 to 12 hours a day about five months ago, she has lost around 6 pounds.

Her typical schedule begins with coffee at around 7 a.m. and always ends before 7 p.m. While she tends to eat a healthy diet, Ms. Rootness said she has indulged in dessert more often since starting TRF—and still lost weight.

“I don't have to count calories or think about what I'm eating now,” she said. “It's also easier because you're not depriving yourself of things.... This doesn't feel like a diet to me.”

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A Diet Strategy That Counts Time, Not Calories

From: The Wall Street Journal

Stop counting calories. It's the clock that counts.



calorie /ˈkæl.ər.i/ 表示“卡,卡路里(测量食物所含热量的单位)”,英文解释为“a unit of energy, often used as a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides”举个🌰:There are about 50 calories in an apple. 一个苹果大约含有50卡路里的热量。

That's the concept behind time-restricted feeding, or TRF, a strategy increasingly being studied by researchers as a tool for weight-loss, diabetes prevention and even longevity.

这就是限时进食法(time-restricted feeding , 简称TRF)背后的核心概念,现在被越来越多的科研人员当成减肥、预防糖尿病甚至延长寿命的工具加以研究。


diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs, -tiːz/ 表示“糖尿病”,英文解释为“a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.”


longevity /lɒnˈdʒev.ə.ti/ 表示“长寿,长命,持久”,英文解释为“living for a long time”举个🌰:To what do you attribute your longevity? 你的长寿归功于哪些因素?

In TRF, you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want—just not whenever you want. Daily food intake should be limited to a 12-hour window, and ideally cut down to eight to 10 hours. But you can pick the hours you want to eat. (Note: This doesn't mean you should stuff your face with cupcakes. Experts say you should dine as you normally would. Only noncaloric drinks like water and black coffee are allowed during fasting hours.)



intake /ˈɪn.teɪk/ 表示“摄入量”,英文解释为“the amount of a particular substance that is eaten or drunk during a particular time”

stuff your face

表示“吃得很多,大吃大喝”,英文解释为“to eat a lot”举个🌰:I've been stuffing my face all morning. 我一上午都在吃个不停。


dine /daɪn/ 表示“吃正餐;吃晚饭”,英文解释为“to eat the main meal of the day, usually in the evening”举个🌰:I hate dining alone. 我不喜欢一个人吃晚饭。


1)作动词,熟词僻义,表示“禁食;斋戒”,英文解释为“to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or health reasons”举个🌰:One day a week he fasts for health reasons. 他出于健康考虑每周禁食一天。

2)作名词,同样可以表示“禁食期;斋戒期”(a period of time when you eat no food),如:break one's fast就可以解释为开戒,英文解释为“to eat food for the first time after fasting, or for the first time in the day”

Despite a lack of dietary restrictions, most people following TRF end up consuming fewer calories and lose weight, according to studies and experts. Preliminary evidence also shows other health benefits of fasting for 12 hours or more, including lower blood pressure and improved glucose levels, and physiological changes linked to slowing the aging process. Researchers believe that when the body kicks into fasting-mode it more efficiently breaks down food and fat, in particular.



表示“饮食的”,英文解释为“relating to your diet”举个🌰:Dietary habits can be very difficult to change. 饮食习惯很难改变。


preliminary表示“预备性的;初步的;开始的”,英文解释为“happening before a more important action or event”如:preliminary results/findings/enquiries 初步结果/发现/调查,举个🌰:After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners. 说了几句开场白之后,他即宣布优胜者名单。


glucose /ˈɡluːkəʊz/ 表示“葡萄糖”,英文解释为“Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.”


physiological /ˌfɪz.i.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“生理学的”,英文解释为“relating to the way in which the bodies of living things work”举个🌰:Touching causes a physiological reaction. 触摸引起生理反应。

Satchidananda Panda, a professor at Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, first tracked the effects of time-restricted feeding in mice. In 2015, he expanded his studies to include humans, using a free research app he created, called “MyCircadianClock,” to follow 156 people. Dr. Panda found that 50% ate over the course of 15 hours and only 10% restricted meals and snacking to the recommended 12 hours or less.

美国圣迭戈索尔克生物研究所(Salk Institute for Biological Studies)的潘达(Satchidananda Panda)教授起初追踪了限时进食对小鼠的影响。2015年,他自创了一款免费应用程序“我的生物钟”(MyCircadianClock)来辅助研究,将他的研究对象从小鼠扩大到了人,共有156人参与了进来。潘达发现,50%的人在15小时内完成一天的进食,只有10%的人在推荐的12小时或更短时间内进食(包括一日三餐和零食)。


表示“推荐,介绍;建议”,英文解释为“to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done”举个🌰:I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious. 我可以向您推荐蘑菇汁鸡肉——这道菜非常可口。


The findings, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, showed that when eight overweight people who naturally ate for 15-plus hours a day restricted their eating to a 10-hour window for 16 weeks, they lost 4% of their weight. A year later, they reported sticking to the plan, even though they didn't have to, and had kept the weight off.

发表于科学期刊《细胞代谢》(Cell Metabolism)的研究结果显示,8名原本每天进食时间超过15小时的超重者,持续16周将每天的饮食控制在10小时内完成后,减重4%。一年后,他们称还在坚持TRF(尽管没人要求他们这样做),体重未再反弹。


metabolism /mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“新陈代谢”,英文解释为“the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth”举个🌰:The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold. 严寒可以使身体新陈代谢的速度下降。

“All of them said they slept better, and they felt more energetic throughout the day,” said Dr. Panda. “They were actually feeling less hungry.”


TRF studies of mice—which provide the bulk of research on the strategy—have found that the body, when fasting for half a day or more, has more time to produce the components for cellular repair, break down toxins and coloring agents in food, and repair damaged DNA in the skin and stomach lining, according to Dr. Panda. There is also some evidence that TRF may reduce the risk of breast cancer.


the bulk of

表示“(某物的)主要部分,大半”,英文解释为“the main or largest part of something”举个🌰 The bulk of consumers are based in towns. 大多数消费者都是城镇居民。


component /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“组成部分;成分;零部件”,英文解释为“a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger”如:television/aircraft/computer components 电视/飞机/计算机零部件。


cellular /ˈsel.jə.lər/ 1)表示“细胞的”,英文解释为“connected with the cells of a plant or animal”

2)表示“(无线电话)蜂窝状的”,英文解释为“connected with a telephone system that works by radio instead of wires”如:a cellular network 蜂窝式网络系统。


toxin /ˈtɒksɪn/ 表示“毒素”,英文解释为“A toxin is any poisonous substance produced by bacteria, animals, or plants.”


lining /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/ 1)表示“衬层;内衬;衬里”,英文解释为“a layer of material used to cover the inside surface of sth”如:a pair of leather gloves with fur linings 一双毛皮衬里的皮手套。

2)表示“(胃等器官内部的)保护层”,英文解释为“The lining of your stomach or other organ is a layer of tissue on the inside of it.”如:a bacterium that attacks the lining of the stomach 一种侵袭胃粘膜的细菌。

Most of the repair processes peak around 12 hours after fasting starts, said Dr. Panda.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“(达到)峰值”,英文解释为“When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.”举个🌰:Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees. 温度已达到峰值,超过了90度。

Julie Shatzel, a family medicine doctor at Mercy Medical Group in Folsom, Calif., said she became a proponent of TRF after coming across Dr. Panda's study in mice from 2012. She started recommending that her overweight patients restrict their eating to 11 to 12 hours a day. Since then, she's recommended TRF for patients who need to lower their blood pressure or blood glucose levels.

加州福尔瑟姆的医疗机构Mercy Medical Group的家庭医生萨彻尔(Julie Shatzel)说,自从2012年偶然发现潘达在老鼠身上做的TRF研究后,她就成了TRF的支持者,并且开始建议超重病人将饮食时间控制在11到12小时内。后来,她又把TRF推荐给那些需要降血压或血糖的病人。


proponent /prəˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“提倡者,倡导者,辩护者”,英文解释为“a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action”举个🌰:He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment. 他是死刑的主要支持者之一。


“Many patients have gone off of blood-pressure medications,” she said. “In some cases, I've seen the reversal of prediabetes.”



medication /ˌmed.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“药物,药剂”,英文解释为“a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular condition or illness”举个🌰:He is currently on/taking medication for his heart. 目前他正在服用治疗心脏病的药物。


reversal /rɪˈvɜː.səl/ 1)表示“反向;倒转;倒退;推翻”,英文解释为“the act of changing or making something change to its opposite”举个🌰:He demanded a reversal of the previous decision/policy. 他要求撤销原来的决定/废弃原先的政策。

2)表示“挫折;失败”,英文解释为“a problem or failure”举个🌰:We have suffered a couple of minor/temporary reversals. 我们遭遇了几次小/暂时的挫折。

Dr. Shatzel is now running a weight-loss study with the Salk Institute, tracking patients through Dr. Panda's app for four months.


Vivian Rootness is among them. For the 66-year-old El Dorado, Calif., resident, dinner parties now start at 4 p.m.

发型师、艺术家兼生物动力园艺师鲁特尼斯(Vivian Rootness)是被追踪的患者之一。对于这位现年66岁的加州埃尔多拉多居民来说,她的晚餐派对现在从下午4点开始。

“I've just told all my close friends that I have to eat before seven o'clock and they've accommodated,” said Ms. Rootness, a hair stylist, artist and biodynamic gardener who had tried countless other diets.



accommodate /əˈkɒm.ə.deɪt/ 1)表示“为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等)”,英文解释为“to provide sb with a room or place to sleep, live or sit”举个🌰:The hotel can accommodate up to 123 guests. 这家旅馆可供123位旅客住宿。

2)表示“容纳;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to provide enough space for sb/sth”举个🌰:Over 10 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD. 一张激光唱片可以容纳10多分钟的音乐。

3)表示“为…提供方便;对…予以照顾性考虑”,英文解释为“to give what is needed to someone”举个🌰:We always try to accommodate (= help) our clients with financial assistance if necessary. 必要时,我们总是尽力为客户提供财务上的帮助。

4)表示“考虑到;顾及”,英文解释为“to consider sth, such as sb's opinion or a fact, and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining sth”举个🌰:Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups. 我们的提案尽量照顾到少数群体的特殊需要。

5)表示“顺应,适应(新情况)”,英文解释为“to change your behaviour so that you can deal with a new situation better”举个🌰:I needed to accommodate to the new schedule. 我需要适应新的时间表。


stylist /ˈstaɪ.lɪst/ 表示“设计师;(尤指帮名人选择服装、发型等风格的)造型师”,英文解释为“a person whose job is to help people, especially famous people, decide on a style of clothes, hair, etc.”


biodynamic /ˌbaɪ.əʊ.daɪˈnæm.ɪk/ 表示“生物动力的;生物动力学的”,英文解释为“relating to biodynamics (= a particular type of organic farming or plant growing), or produced according to its principles”举个🌰:They sell a range of organic and biodynamic wines. 他们出售一系列有机葡萄酒和生物动力葡萄酒。

Since restricting eating to 10 to 12 hours a day about five months ago, she has lost around 6 pounds.


Her typical schedule begins with coffee at around 7 a.m. and always ends before 7 p.m. While she tends to eat a healthy diet, Ms. Rootness said she has indulged in dessert more often since starting TRF—and still lost weight.



indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/表示“(使)沉溺于;(尤指)放纵”,英文解释为“to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you”举个🌰:I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself. 我爱喝香槟,但一般都有节制。

“I don't have to count calories or think about what I'm eating now,” she said. “It's also easier because you're not depriving yourself of things.... This doesn't feel like a diet to me.”



deprive sb/sth of sth,表示“剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有”,英文解释为“to prevent sb from having or doing sth, especially sth important”举个🌰:You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep. 如果被剥夺了睡眠,人体就无法正常工作。

- 词汇盘点 -

calorie、 diabetes、 longevity、 intake、 stuff your face、 dine、 fast、 dietary、 preliminary、 glucose、 physiological、 recommend、 metabolism、 the bulk of、 component、 cellular、 toxin、 lining、 peak、 proponent、 medication、 reversal、 accommodate、 stylist、 biodynamic、 indulge、 deprive

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Amid a diabetes scare, Calorie-counting stylist Jenny decides to accommodate a dietary change, from dining indulgently to a biodynamic, less calorific intake. Preliminary checks show her glucose at a peak. A longevity proponent recommends fasting to combat cellular toxin buildup, aiding metabolic reversal. She, initially averse to depriving herself, soon appreciates the physiological shift, as her metabolism optimizes. Now she advises others, "Don't stuff your face; let moderation line your plate."
- 推荐阅读 -
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