

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06




1. The author suggests that engaging in personal hobbies can result in:

a. Forgetting about your ex.

b. A distraction from negative self-talk.

c. Rediscovering individual passions and interests.

d. Reducing the time spent with friends and family.

2. Which of the following best represents the author's perspective on societal views on being single?

a. Society always encourages singleness.

b. Singleness is largely seen as a negative phase by society.

c. Public opinion is slowly starting to appreciate the merits of being single.

d. Social media discourages being single.

3. In the closing remarks, what does the 'Modern Love' essay emphasize?

a. Moving on quickly from past relationships.

b. Avoiding future relationships.

c. Being thankful for the experiences and lessons from past relationships.

d. The pain of break-ups.


How To Actually Enjoy Being Single

From: VICE

13 July 2023

Are you in the middle of processing a triggering break-up and feeling like you'd rather not sit with those uncomfy feelings?

We all know that person, or maybe are that person, that rebounds from a relationship to a situationship to another relationship, in a vicious cycle to avoid being alone.

We've all done it to a degree. Instead of working on ourselves, we're on dating apps, swiping on whoever we can, no matter how strong the ick is. It can lead us into toxic relationships and lose a sense of individuality because we're always chasing after someone.

But there is value in just being single.

If you're feeling anxious about being single, don't worry, that's not your fault. Society definitely pressures us into relationships.

Fortunately, we're starting to see a shift in public opinion, with social media discourse embracing singledom and the joys of it.

While we all have unique methods of dealing with loneliness, I'm here to tell you the end-all and be-all methods and show you that being single can actually be really fun.

Enjoy your own company

Maybe the hardest part about being single is trying to adjust your schedule to only factor in your own needs, rather than someone else's.

At the end of the day, we are our own best friend, and learning how to spend quality time with ourselves goes a long way in allowing us to be happy and well-balanced individuals.

A key component of this is learning how to develop positive self-talk and becoming your own personal hype man. Wanna ask that cute person on a date? Of course you can, you're a catch and you deserve it. Wanna hit the gym but think people are going to silently judge you? No they won't, everyone will be happy that you're there and help you if you struggle.

Engage in hobbies

Piggybacking off the previous point, but in relationships, especially if they're codependent, we sometimes forget to invest in our own personal interests and lose time for solo hobbies.

These can be simple things like quality time reading or watching shows, to social events like playing sports or online games with friends.

Picking up an old hobby is like riding a bike again, it might take a little bit to get into the swing of things, but it'll be like you never stopped after a period of time.

Enjoy not taking accountability

Perhaps the most liberating part of a break-up is that you no longer have someone to hold you accountable. That can sound scary, but it can also be really exciting.

No longer do you have to worry about someone being disappointed in you for eating that entire tub of ice cream by yourself or staying up until 3AM binge-watching all of House M.D. on TikTok.

Invest in your friends and family

Singledom also gifts us a great opportunity to reconnect and spend more time with our friends and family. Not only do you get to pull the sympathy card for being single so your friends have to hang out with you, but you can start to develop deeper and more meaningful connections now that you have the extra time to spend. Share new experiences with them like trips, or even just stay up really late talking about life.

But this also gives you the opportunity to develop new and even more beautiful relationships. Finding online forums that share your passions and interests, or going to art or fitness classes can help you meet like-minded people.

There are limitless ways for you to get out there and start enjoying life.

Break-ups are tough, and there will be moments when you miss your ex long after parting. It's completely normal to feel guilty for feeling happy after a break-up, especially if you're the one that initiated it. What's important to remember is that engaging in self-care and making yourself happy is still honouring your previous relationship. A beautiful ‘Modern Love' essay touched on this sentiment when the author's older therapist recounted that you being grateful is the best thing you can do.

“It's about honouring what happened,” she said. “You met a person who awoke something in you. A fire ignited. The work is to be grateful. Grateful every day that someone crossed your path and left a mark on you.”

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How To Actually Enjoy Being Single

From: VICE

13 July 2023

Are you in the middle of processing a triggering break-up and feeling like you'd rather not sit with those uncomfy feelings?




We all know that person, or maybe are that person, that rebounds from a relationship to a situationship to another relationship, in a vicious cycle to avoid being alone.



表示“弹回;反弹;跳回”,英文解释为“the act of rebounding”举个🌰:I hit the ball on the rebound (= after it had hit the wall or ground once). 球反弹回来时被我击中了。




vicious /ˈvɪʃ.əs/ 同义词是“malicious”,表示“狠毒的,恶毒的,恶意的”,英文解释为:very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someone’s feelings or make their character seem bad.

📍vicious circle表示“恶性循环”,英文解释为:a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse.

We've all done it to a degree. Instead of working on ourselves, we're on dating apps, swiping on whoever we can, no matter how strong the ick is. It can lead us into toxic relationships and lose a sense of individuality because we're always chasing after someone.



表示“滑屏,滑动”,英文解释为“to move your finger over the screen of a mobile phone or tablet in order to move onto the next page, choose something, etc.”


ick /ɪk/ 表示“(用于表示厌恶)”,英文解释为“used to express a feeling of shock or dislike that makes you feel sick”

在这个上下文中,ick是一个非正式的词汇,用来描述对某人或某事的强烈反感或厌恶感。所以,no matter how strong the ick is可以理解为“不管对方给我们的反感有多强烈”。这句话在描述即使对某些人感到不适或不喜欢,人们仍然在约会应用上与他们互动或选择他们。


toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ 1)表示“有毒的;引起中毒的”,相当于poisonous,如:toxic waste/chemicals/effluent 有毒的废料/化学品/废水,牛津词典2018年度词汇就是:Toxic.

2)表示“令人极不愉快的;不可接受的”,英文解释为“very unpleasant or unacceptable”。

3)表示“恶毒的;造成阴影的”,英文解释为“causing you a lot of harm and unhappiness over a long period of time”如:a toxic relationship 带毒的友谊。

But there is value in just being single.


If you're feeling anxious about being single, don't worry, that's not your fault. Society definitely pressures us into relationships.


Fortunately, we're starting to see a shift in public opinion, with social media discourse embracing singledom and the joys of it.



1)表示“论文;演讲”,英文解释为“a long and serious treatment or discussion of a subject in speech or writing”,如:a discourse on issues of gender equality 关于性别平等的论文。

2)表示“语篇;话语;对话;交流”,英文解释为“the use of language in speech and writing in order to produce meaning; language that is studied, usually in order to see how the different parts of a text are connected”。


1)表示“欣然接受;乐意采纳”,英文解释为“to accept something enthusiastically”举个🌰:This was an opportunity that he would embrace. 这样的机会他是求之不得的。

2)表示“抱,拥抱”,英文解释为“to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone”举个🌰:She saw them embrace on the station platform. 她看到他们在站台上拥抱。

While we all have unique methods of dealing with loneliness, I'm here to tell you the end-all and be-all methods and show you that being single can actually be really fun.


the be-all and end-all

表示“最重要的事;一切的一切”,英文解释为“the most important thing”举个🌰:We all agreed that winning was not the be-all and end-all. 我们都同意,获胜并不是最重要的事情。It was the period when everyone saw men in space as the be-all and end-all of space exploration. 那时候,人人都把载人上太空看作是太空探索最重要的事。

Enjoy your own company 享受独处

Maybe the hardest part about being single is trying to adjust your schedule to only factor in your own needs, rather than someone else's.


factor sth in

表示“把…因素包括进去”,英文解释为“to include something when you are doing a calculation, or when you are trying to understand something”举个🌰:People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off. 人们挣得更多了,但将通货膨胀因素考虑在内,他们并没有比以前宽裕。

At the end of the day, we are our own best friend, and learning how to spend quality time with ourselves goes a long way in allowing us to be happy and well-balanced individuals.


A key component of this is learning how to develop positive self-talk and becoming your own personal hype man. Wanna ask that cute person on a date? Of course you can, you're a catch and you deserve it. Wanna hit the gym but think people are going to silently judge you? No they won't, everyone will be happy that you're there and help you if you struggle.



component /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“组成部分;成分;零部件”,英文解释为“a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger”如:television/aircraft/computer components 电视/飞机/计算机零部件。


1)作名词,表示“大肆的宣传广告;炒作”,英文解释为“Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in something such as a product.”举个🌰:We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies. 我们的确看到一些公司天花乱坠的广告宣传。

2)作动词,等同于“hype up”,表示“大肆宣传”,英文解释为“To hype a product means to advertise or praise it a lot.”举个🌰:The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups. 传媒界似乎热衷于对某些个人或团体进行大肆炒作。

📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。

📍在这里,hype是指大力宣传或推广。当说到"becoming your own personal hype man"时,意思是成为自己的鼓励者或助威者,即学会自我激励、自我鼓舞。"hype man"在音乐或嘻哈文化中,特指那些在舞台上为主要表演者助威、提气氛的人。在这个上下文中,它被用作比喻,意味着你应该成为自己的支持者,鼓励自己,相信自己的价值。


作动词,熟词僻义,表示“患上;染上(疾病)”,英文解释为“If you catch a cold or a disease, you become ill with it.”举个🌰:The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold. 你所受的压力越大,越有可能患感冒。

作名词,可以表示“般配的人;合适的对象”,英文解释为“a person who is considered to be very suitable for a relationship”举个🌰:Her new boyfriend's not much of a catch really, is he? 她的新男朋友和她不太般配,是吧?

📍you're a catch是一个英语习语,意思是你是一个非常有吸引力、有价值或是理想的伴侣的人。当某人被描述为a catch时,这意味着他们在许多方面都很出色,无论是外貌、性格、才华还是其他品质,都使他们成为一个很受欢迎或很有吸引力的伴侣。

Engage in hobbies 培养兴趣爱好

Piggybacking off the previous point, but in relationships, especially if they're codependent, we sometimes forget to invest in our own personal interests and lose time for solo hobbies.



piggyback /ˈpɪɡ.i.bæk/ 表示“沾光,搭便车”,英文解释为“to use something that someone else has made or done in order to get an advantage”举个🌰:Everyone wants to piggyback on the phenomenal success of the TV series. 每个人都想借这部电视连续剧大获成功的机会沾点光。


codependent /ˌkəʊ.dɪˈpen.dənt/ 表示“(与成瘾者)共同依存的,相互依赖的”,英文解释为“involved in a relationship in which one person helps to cause another person's alcohol problem, drug addiction, etc. because they have a strong emotional need themselves”举个🌰:It is never easy to disengage from a codependent relationship. 从依赖关系中脱离出来绝非易事。

These can be simple things like quality time reading or watching shows, to social events like playing sports or online games with friends.


Picking up an old hobby is like riding a bike again, it might take a little bit to get into the swing of things, but it'll be like you never stopped after a period of time.


get into the swing of it/things

get into the swing of it/things 表示“开始积极投入”,英文解释为“to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something”举个🌰:I hadn't worked in an office for several years, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of it. 我已经好几年没有在办公室工作了,所以过了好长时间我才能真正投入工作。

Enjoy not taking accountability 享受无需为别人负责的乐趣

Perhaps the most liberating part of a break-up is that you no longer have someone to hold you accountable. That can sound scary, but it can also be really exciting.



accountability表示“问责制;有义务,有责任;可说明性”,英文解释为“the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable”。


表示“应负责任的;应作解释的;应加以说明的;(对自己的决定、行为)负有责任,有说明义务”,英文解释为“Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it.”举个🌰:She is accountable only to the managing director. 她只对总裁负责。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述商业软件公司SAP的文章中提到:“COUNT ON US, hold us accountable and together we will reinvent the way businesses run.”“信赖我们,向我们问责,齐心协力,我们将重塑公司的运营方式。”


liberating /ˈlɪb.ər.eɪ.tɪŋ/ 表示“令人感到自由的;令人畅快的;令人自由自在的”,英文解释为“making you feel free and able to behave as you like”

No longer do you have to worry about someone being disappointed in you for eating that entire tub of ice cream by yourself or staying up until 3AM binge-watching all of House M.D. on TikTok.

你再也不用担心有人因为你自己吃掉了一整桶冰淇淋或者熬夜到凌晨3点在TikTok上追《豪斯医生》(House M.D.)而对你失望了。


tub /tʌb/ 1)表示“(盛食物的塑料有盖)小桶,小杯”,英文解释为“a small plastic container with a lid, used for storing food”如:a tub of ice cream/margarine 一杯冰激凌/一小桶人造黄油;

2)表示“盆;缸”,英文解释为“a large, round container with a flat base and an open top”

3)等于bathtub,表示“浴缸”,英文解释为“a long plastic, metal, or ceramic container that is filled with water so that you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body”。


binge可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(尤指在饮食和花钱方面)无节制的狂热行为,狂欢,放纵,狂闹”,英文解释为“If you binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money.”如:a drinking/eating/spending binge 狂饮/暴食/滥花钱,举个🌰:He went on a five day drinking binge. 他连续5天狂饮。

📍binge drinking可以指“暴饮(酒),酗酒”(the activity of drinking too much alcohol on one occasion)。

📍binge watching可以理解为“无节制地狂看某部电视连续剧”或者说“追剧,刷剧”;binge-watch作动词,举个🌰:We binge-watched an entire season of Breaking Bad on Sunday. 我们星期天一口气看完了整季的《绝命毒师》。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述奈飞(Netflix)的文章中提到:Investors lap it up as hungrily as Netflix binge-watchers, who now number 193m worldwide. 投资者对奈飞的追捧一如从世界各地到它网上追剧的1.93亿人。

Invest in your friends and family 深化与朋友和家人的关系

Singledom also gifts us a great opportunity to reconnect and spend more time with our friends and family. Not only do you get to pull the sympathy card for being single so your friends have to hang out with you, but you can start to develop deeper and more meaningful connections now that you have the extra time to spend. Share new experiences with them like trips, or even just stay up really late talking about life.



sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθɪ/ 表示“同情(心),理解”,英文解释为“(an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering”举个🌰:He don't have much sympathy for her. 他不太同情她。

But this also gives you the opportunity to develop new and even more beautiful relationships. Finding online forums that share your passions and interests, or going to art or fitness classes can help you meet like-minded people.



forum /ˈfɔː.rəm/ 表示“(尤指讨论与公共利益相关的问题的)论坛,讨论会”,英文解释为“a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest”如:a forum for debate/discussion 进行辩论/讨论的论坛,或者表示“(互联网上的)论坛”,英文解释为“a place on the internet where people can leave messages or discuss particular subjects with other people at the same time”

There are limitless ways for you to get out there and start enjoying life.


Break-ups are tough, and there will be moments when you miss your ex long after parting. It's completely normal to feel guilty for feeling happy after a break-up, especially if you're the one that initiated it. What's important to remember is that engaging in self-care and making yourself happy is still honouring your previous relationship. A beautiful ‘Modern Love' essay touched on this sentiment when the author's older therapist recounted that you being grateful is the best thing you can do.

分手是很痛苦的,分开后你可能会想念你的前任。分手后为自己的快乐感到内疚是完全正常的,尤其是如果你是提出分手的那一方。要记住的是,照顾好自己、让自己快乐仍然是对过去那段关系的一种尊重。一篇感人的《现代爱情》(Modern Love)散文也谈到了这一观点,作者的资深治疗师说,心存感激是你能做的最好的事情。


表示“观点;意见;看法;情绪”,英文解释为“a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way of thinking about something”举个🌰:I don't think she shares my sentiments. 我认为她不同意我的观点。


recount表示“讲述;叙述;描述”,英文解释为“to describe how something happened, or to tell a story”举个🌰:He recounted his adventures since he had left home. 他讲述了离家以后的很多奇遇。

📍recount一词此前在《摩登情爱》:良莠不齐但时显魅力一文中出现过,A flashback-driven episode starring Dev Patel and Catherine Keener, in which the two leads recount stories of love and regret, is ultimately more effective. 在由戴夫·帕特尔(Dev Patel)和凯瑟琳·基纳(Catherine Keener)主演的倒叙一集中,两个主角讲述了爱与遗憾的故事,最终效果更好。

📍在EDG夺冠后翻译小姐姐火了也提到:As the longest-tenured player on EDward Gaming, he recounts how surreal it is to finally have this trophy. 作为在EDG任职时间最长的选手,他讲述了最终拥有这个奖杯是多么的梦幻。

“It's about honouring what happened,” she said. “You met a person who awoke something in you. A fire ignited. The work is to be grateful. Grateful every day that someone crossed your path and left a mark on you.”


- 词汇盘点 -

uncomfy、 rebound、 situationship、 vicious、 swipe、 ick、 toxic、 discourse、 embrace、 the be-all and end-all、 factor sth in、 component、 hype、 catch、 piggyback、 codependent、 get into the swing of it/things、 accountability、 accountable、 liberating、 tub、 binge、 sympathy、 forum、 sentiment、 recount

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

After an uncomfy rebound from a toxic situationship, Lara swiped into a forum discussing the vicious cycle of codependent relationships. Embracing the discourse, she recounted her story, gaining sympathy and hype. She realized relationships aren't the be-all and end-all. Factoring in self-worth as a key component, she piggybacked off shared sentiments, bingeing on liberating discussions in her tub. Lara learned the catch: to get into the swing of things, one must hold themselves accountable.
- 推荐阅读 -
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