

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06




1. What can be inferred about the overall pace of the search process on the island?

a. The search process has been completed efficiently.

b. Most of the island has already been searched.

c. There is a significant portion of the area left to be searched.

d. The focus has shifted from searching to rebuilding.

2. Based on the article, what is Representative Jill Tokuda's relationship to Lahaina?

a. She is a historian documenting the town's history.

b. She is a resident of Lahaina and lost her property.

c. She has personal connections and memories associated with the town.

d. She is responsible for the town's early warning systems.


Maui fire: 93 killed as governor warns of 'significant' death toll rise

From: BBC

Ninety-three people have been confirmed killed in the Maui fire that razed the historic town of Lahaina, marking the most deadly US fire in a century.

The death toll could rise "significantly", Hawaii Governor Josh Green warned on Saturday, as forensic work continues to identify the victims.

Hundreds remain unaccounted for while hundreds of others fill shelters across Maui after fleeing the flames.

"It's an impossible day," Mr Green said.

The fire will "certainly be the worst natural disaster that Hawaii ever faced", he said.

"We can only wait and support those who are living. Our focus now is to reunite people when we can and get them housing and get them health care, and then turn to rebuilding."

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if early warning systems were used or if they malfunctioned, with many people telling the BBC they were not forewarned about the fires.

The state's attorney general is conducting a "comprehensive review" into how the authorities responded.

Representative Jill Tokuda of Hawaii's 2nd congressional district told the BBC World Service's Newshour programme on Sunday that "serious questions" needed to be addressed.

"There's every justification for everyone to feel angry in this particular situation, and we all want answers," Ms Tokuda said.

She also described her visit to Lahaina over the weekend as "heart-breaking".

"We have so many memories there, so many of our families and friends lost everything, [or are] still looking for loved ones."

According to Mr Green, gusts from that storm reached speeds of as high as 81mph (130km/h), fanning the flames to travel at one mile per minute and giving people little time to escape.

While the fires are now largely under control, efforts to fully extinguish them are continuing in parts of the island, including around Lahaina, which has been devastated.

Authorities have focused efforts on combing through what is left of the coastal area of the island, using sniffer dogs trained to detect bodies to look for signs of corpses under the rubble.

So far, they have covered only 3% of the search area, said a visibly emotional Maui Police Chief John Pelletier.

"None of us really understand the size of this yet," he said.

Jeremy Greenberg, a senior official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has told the BBC that extra support being sent included urban search and rescue, and fire suppression teams.

"The absolute number one priority is survivor safety," he said.

Mr Greenberg added that while close to 1,000 people are still yet to be contacted, some of these may be safe but out of reach for a number of reasons.

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Maui fire: 93 killed as governor warns of 'significant' death toll rise

From: BBC

Ninety-three people have been confirmed killed in the Maui fire that razed the historic town of Lahaina, marking the most deadly US fire in a century.



raze /reɪz/ 表示“把(城市、建筑物等)夷为平地;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“to completely destroy a city, building, etc.”举个🌰:The town was razed to the ground in the bombing raid - not a building was left standing. 整个城镇在空袭中被夷为平地——没有一座建筑物幸存。

📍raze /reɪz/ 这个词与“raise”发音相同,但意思完全相反。想象为了建新的购物中心,旧的建筑被“彻底摧毁”。近义词:demolish(拆除),常用短语:raze to the ground(夷为平地)

The death toll could rise "significantly", Hawaii Governor Josh Green warned on Saturday, as forensic work continues to identify the victims.

夏威夷州州长乔什·格林(Josh Green)上周六(8月12日)警告称,随着遇难者的身份鉴定工作持续 进行,死亡人数可能会大幅上升。


1)表示“伤亡;损失;破坏”,英文解释为“suffering, deaths, or damage”,一般指“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”举个🌰:Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands. 独立消息人士称地震中的伤亡人数达到数千人。

2)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.”举个🌰:Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day. 大部分开车上收费公路的人不是每天都走公路。

Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll

📍这个词来自古英语的“toll”,表示“支付小费”。现在用来表示“通行费”或“代价”。想象事故对他身体和精神上都付出了“沉重的代价”。同根词:tollbooth(收费站) 常用短语:take a toll on(对...产生不良影响)


forensic /fəˈren.zɪk/ 表示“法医的”,英文解释为“related to scientific methods of solving crimes, involving examining the objects or substances that are involved in the crime”如:forensic evidence/medicine/science 法医证据/学/科学。

Hundreds remain unaccounted for while hundreds of others fill shelters across Maui after fleeing the flames.


unaccounted for

1)表示“(某人)生死未知的”,英文解释为“If a person is unaccounted for, it is not known where they are or whether they are still alive.”举个🌰:A fire on the ship killed a hundred or more passengers - some likely victims are still unaccounted for. 船上的大火让一百多名乘客丧生,可能还有些人生死未知。

2)表示“(金钱)找不到的,去向不明的”,英文解释为“If something such as an amount of money is unaccounted for, it is not present and there is no explanation for what has happened to it.”举个🌰:An audit of the police department found that $100,000 in cash and one handgun were unaccounted for. 对警察局进行的审计发现有10万美元现金和一支手枪去向不明。



shelter /ˈʃel.tər/ 表示“掩蔽(处);遮蔽(处)”,英文解释为“(a building designed to give) protection from bad weather, danger, or attack”如:an air-raid shelter 防空洞。


1)表示“火焰;火舌”,英文解释为“a stream of hot, burning gas from something on fire”举个🌰:The flames grew larger as the fire spread. 火势蔓延,火焰越来越高。

2)表示“强烈的感情;激情”,英文解释为“a powerful feeling”举个🌰:Flames of passion swept through both of them. 他们俩一时间激情澎湃。

📍大S与具俊晔官宣结婚文中提到 old flame 表示“旧情人,老相好”,英文解释为“a person that you loved or had a sexual relationship with in the past”

"It's an impossible day," Mr Green said.


The fire will "certainly be the worst natural disaster that Hawaii ever faced", he said.


"We can only wait and support those who are living. Our focus now is to reunite people when we can and get them housing and get them health care, and then turn to rebuilding."


Meanwhile, it remains unclear if early warning systems were used or if they malfunctioned, with many people telling the BBC they were not forewarned about the fires.



malfunction /ˌmælˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ 表示“运转不正常,发生故障”,英文解释为“to fail to work or operate correctly”

📍这个词由“mal-”(坏的)和“function”(功能)组成,表示“功能不好”或“故障”。想象计算机“失灵”并需要维修。近义词:breakdown(故障),同根词:malformation(畸形),function(功能),常用短语:malfunction alarm(故障警报)


forewarn /fɔːˈwɔːn/ 表示“预先警告,事先告诫”,英文解释为“to tell someone that something unpleasant is going to happen”举个🌰:The employees had been forewarned (that) the end-of-year financial results would be poor. 雇员们已得到预先警告,年底的财政状况会很糟。

📍forewarned is forearmed 表示“先知先戒备;有备无患”,英文解释为“said to mean that if you know about something before it happens, you can be prepared for it”

The state's attorney general is conducting a "comprehensive review" into how the authorities responded.


attorney general

attorney general 表示“(某些国家的)检察总长,首席检察官;司法部长”,英文解释为“the top legal officer in some countries, whose job is to provide legal advice to the government and to represent the government”;

attorney /əˈtɜːnɪ/ 本身可表示“律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我们可以说a prosecuting attorney,即“公诉律师”。


Representative Jill Tokuda of Hawaii's 2nd congressional district told the BBC World Service's Newshour programme on Sunday that "serious questions" needed to be addressed.

夏威夷州第二国会选区代表吉尔·德田(Jill Tokuda)在周日接受BBC采访时表示,有“严重的问题”需要解答。


表示“(美国)国会的”,英文解释为“belonging or related to the US Congress”如:a congressional committee 国会委员会。

"There's every justification for everyone to feel angry in this particular situation, and we all want answers," Ms Tokuda said.



表示“正当的理由;辩解”,英文解释为“a good reason or explanation for something”举个🌰:There is no justification for treating people so badly. 没有理由如此恶劣地对待他人。

She also described her visit to Lahaina over the weekend as "heart-breaking".


"We have so many memories there, so many of our families and friends lost everything, [or are] still looking for loved ones."


According to Mr Green, gusts from that storm reached speeds of as high as 81mph (130km/h), fanning the flames to travel at one mile per minute and giving people little time to escape.



gust /ɡʌst/ 表示“一阵狂风,一阵强风”,英文解释为“a sudden strong wind”举个🌰:A sudden gust of wind blew his umbrella inside out. 一阵狂风把他的伞吹翻了。


fan /fæn/ 作动词,1)表示“扇,吹(使火更旺)”,英文解释为“to blow air at a fire to make it burn more strongly”

2)表示“煽动;激起”,英文解释为“to encourage bad emotions or behaviour to get worse”如:to fan the violence/hatred 煽动暴力/激起仇恨。

While the fires are now largely under control, efforts to fully extinguish them are continuing in parts of the island, including around Lahaina, which has been devastated.



1)表示“熄灭,扑灭(火或光)”,英文解释为“to stop a fire or a light burning”举个🌰:It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish the flames. 消防队员花了几个小时才将烈焰扑灭。

2)表示“使(想法或感情)破灭;使消亡;消除”,英文解释为“to stop or get rid of an idea or feeling”举个🌰:Nothing could extinguish his love for her. 什么都无法熄灭他对她的爱情之火。


1)表示“(极度)不安的,混乱的,震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely upset and shocked”举个🌰:His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。

2)表示“被彻底摧毁的;毁灭的”,英文解释为“completely destroyed”举个🌰:Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains. 数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里。

📍devastate /ˈdɛvəˌsteɪt/ 本身可以作动词,表示“严重破坏;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.”

Authorities have focused efforts on combing through what is left of the coastal area of the island, using sniffer dogs trained to detect bodies to look for signs of corpses under the rubble.



comb /kəʊm/ 作名词,表示“梳子”,英文解释为“a flat piece of plastic, wood, or metal with a thin row of long, narrow parts along one side, used to tidy and arrange your hair”

作动词,表示“认真搜寻;仔细搜查”,英文解释为“to search a place or an area very carefully in order to find something”举个🌰:The police combed the whole area for evidence. 警方为了寻找证据搜遍了整个地区。


表示“(位于)海岸的;临海的;沿海的”,英文解释为“positioned on, or relating to the coast”如:a coastal town 海滨城镇。

sniffer dog

sniffer dog /ˈsnɪf.ə ˌdɒɡ/ 表示“嗅探犬(经过训练专门用于嗅探毒品和炸弹的狗)”,英文解释为“a dog that is trained and used by the police or army to find hidden drugs or bombs, or to find someone the police are looking for, using its sense of smell”


corpse /kɔːps/ 表示“(人的)尸体”,英文解释为“the dead body of a person”举个🌰:The corpse was found by children playing in the woods. 这具尸体是在林子里玩耍的孩子发现的。


rubble表示“(房屋倒塌或被毁后留下的)瓦砾堆,碎砖烂瓦,碎石”,英文解释为“the piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed”举个🌰:The bomb reduced the house to rubble. 炸弹把这座房屋炸成了一堆瓦砾。


📍rubber表示“橡胶;合成橡胶”, 英文解释为“an elastic substance (= that stretches) made either from the juice of particular tropical trees or artificially”。

So far, they have covered only 3% of the search area, said a visibly emotional Maui Police Chief John Pelletier.

毛伊岛警察局局长约翰·佩蒂埃(John Pelletier)情绪激动地表示,目前他们只覆盖了搜索区域的3%。

"None of us really understand the size of this yet," he said.


Jeremy Greenberg, a senior official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has told the BBC that extra support being sent included urban search and rescue, and fire suppression teams.

联邦应急管理署(FEMA)高级官员杰里米·格林伯格(Jeremy Greenberg)向BBC表示,包括城市搜救和火灾扑灭队等在内的额外增援正在被派往火灾地区。


suppression /-ˈpreʃ.ən/ 1)表示“(用武力)压制,制止”,英文解释为“the act of ending something by force”

2)表示“抑制,忍住,压抑;查禁”,英文解释为“the act of preventing something from being seen or expressed or from operating”如:the illegal suppression of evidence 非法扣留证据。

"The absolute number one priority is survivor safety," he said.


Mr Greenberg added that while close to 1,000 people are still yet to be contacted, some of these may be safe but out of reach for a number of reasons.


- 词汇盘点 -

raze、 toll、 forensic、 unaccounted for、 shelter、 flame、 malfunction、 forewarn、 attorney general、 congressional、 justification、 gust、 fan、 extinguish、 devastated、 comb、 coastal、 sniffer dog、 corpse、 rubble、 suppression

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

After a coastal malfunction razed shelters, flames fanned by gusts left devastation. The toll was high with many unaccounted for. Sniffer dogs combed rubble for corpses. The attorney general demanded a forensic inquiry, seeking justification for the malfunction. Congressional members forewarned of more such events. Suppression teams tried extinguishing lingering fires.
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