

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. What does the victim's reaction to the judge's decision suggest about the potential consequences of the ruling?

A. It could lead to more women reporting such incidents.

B. It could result in more such incidents happening.

C. It might deter women from reporting such incidents.

D. It would prompt an immediate change in laws.

2. What could be inferred about the societal norms and expectations in Italy based on the article?

A. There is widespread tolerance for harassment.

B. There is a push towards addressing sexual harassment.

C. The society values humor over personal boundaries.

D. The society believes in preserving traditional power dynamics.


Social media trend mocks 'brief groping' ruling by Italian judge in sex assault case

From: Fox News

The trend involves users groping themselves for 10 seconds without speaking

An Italian judge’s ruling that sexual harassment doesn’t occur until 10 seconds have passed has caused outrage and prompted a trend on social media of Italians groping themselves to show just how long that is. 

"How is it possible? How do you time 10 seconds? Who decides?" "White Lotus" actor Paolo Camili said in a comment to Fox News Digital. "Some think that it's a very short time, that it's nothing, that it happens by chance... If they stand there and count for themselves, they will realize that 10 seconds are really a long time."

A judge ruled that 66-year-old Antonio Avola did not sexually harass a 17-year-old student at a Rome high school because the April 2022 incident happened too quickly, the BBC reported. 

The student said she was walking up a staircase when a janitor pulled her trousers down and touched her buttocks and grabbed her underwear. A prosecutor asked for a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the crime.

The janitor admitted to groping the student without consent but insisted it was a joke, and the judge acquitted the man and claimed the incident "did not constitute a crime," shocking many of the country's youth and drawing outrage. 

The victim herself asked if the judge was "joking" with his decision, insisting the janitor "took" her from behind without saying anything. "This, at least for me, is not a joke," she said, stressing that the ruling may in fact discourage women from reporting violence because they might worry it’s "not worth it." 

"Silence, in general, protects aggressors," she said, hoping that the prosecutor’s office will appeal the ruling, according to Day Italia News. "I’m starting to think I was wrong to trust the institutions. This is not justice." 

Camili took to social media to express his anger over the "palpaga breve" — or "brief groping" — ruling, putting a timer over a video of himself feeling his own chest for 10 seconds before exploding in an angry rant.  

He posted the video with the comment, "Lo Stato non dovrebbe proteggere?," or "Shouldn’t the State protect?" 

Other influencers followed, similarly posting videos of themselves either with a timer or counting to 10 on their fingers to show just how long a time that is. The posters remain silent and stare at the camera for the whole time, and mostly grope their own chests. 

Activist Francesco Cicconetti posted his own video, writing, "Women’s bodies are not owned by men. It is owned by no one, only the women themselves." 

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Social media trend mocks 'brief groping' ruling by Italian judge in sex assault case

From: Fox News

The trend involves users groping themselves for 10 seconds without speaking



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo. 事件发生几分钟后她的名字就在微博上传开了。

trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


1)表示“摸索;(尤指)摸寻,探寻,摸索着前进”,英文解释为“to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards something when you cannot see easily”;

2)表示“摸(某人);(通常指)猥亵”,英文解释为“to touch someone's body in order to get sexual pleasure, usually when the person does not like it”

📍这个词在2021年专八阅读 | 心是孤独的猎手文中也出现了:He glided open the back of the case and his fat hand groped lovingly for some particular dainty inside which he had wanted. 他滑开柜子的后门,一只胖手深情地摸索他渴望的某种特别的美味。

An Italian judge's ruling that sexual harassment doesn't occur until 10 seconds have passed has caused outrage and prompted a trend on social media of Italians groping themselves to show just how long that is.


sexual harassment

sexual harassment /ˌsek.ʃʊəl həˈræs.mənt/ 表示“性骚扰”,英文解释为“unwanted or offensive sexual attention, suggestions, or talk, especially from an employer or other person in a position of power”


outrage本身可以作动词,表示“(尤指不公平的行为或言论)使感到义愤,使愤慨,激怒”,也可以作名词,表示“愤怒;义愤;愤慨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of shock and anger”举个🌰:The judge's remarks caused public outrage. 裁判的话引起了公愤。

outraged作形容词,表示“愤怒的;愤慨的,义愤填膺的”,英文解释为“feeling outrage”举个🌰:Outraged viewers jumped onto social media to complain about the ending of the series. 许多愤怒的观众纷纷在社交平台上对连续剧的结局表示不满。


作名词,1)表示“(计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”

2)表示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

3)作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。

📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

4)作动词,表示“(尤指)给(演员)提词”,英文解释为“to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do”举个🌰:I forgot my line and had to be prompted. 我忘词了,只好让人提词。

"How is it possible? How do you time 10 seconds? Who decides?" "White Lotus" actor Paolo Camili said in a comment to Fox News Digital. "Some think that it's a very short time, that it's nothing, that it happens by chance... If they stand there and count for themselves, they will realize that 10 seconds are really a long time."

《白莲花度假村》(White Lotus)演员保罗·卡米利(Paolo Camili)在接受福克斯新闻数字媒体采访时表示:“这怎么可能?10秒钟怎么计时?谁说了算?”他说,“有些人认为这是很短的时间,没什么,只是偶然……如果他们站在里自己数一数,就会意识到10秒实际上是很长的时间。”


lotus /ˈləʊ.təs/ 表示“莲花”,英文解释为“a type of tropical water lily (= a plant with large, flat leaves that float on the surface of lakes and pools)”

A judge ruled that 66-year-old Antonio Avola did not sexually harass a 17-year-old student at a Rome high school because the April 2022 incident happened too quickly, the BBC reported.

据英国广播公司报道,66岁的安东尼奥·阿沃拉(Antonio Avola)于2022年4月在罗马一所高中对一名17岁女学生进行了性骚扰,但由于这起事件生得太快,法官裁定他没有犯罪行为。

The student said she was walking up a staircase when a janitor pulled her trousers down and touched her buttocks and grabbed her underwear. A prosecutor asked for a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the crime.



表示“(建筑物内通常带有扶手的)楼梯”,英文解释为“a set of stairs inside a building, usually with a bar fixed on the wall or onto vertical poles at the side for you to hold on to”举个🌰:She descended the sweeping (= long and wide) staircase into the crowd of photographers and journalists. 她走下又长又宽的楼梯,来到摄影师和记者中间。


janitor /ˈdʒæn.ɪ.tər/ 表示“管理员,看护人”,英文解释为“a person employed to take care of a large building, such as a school, and who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.”


trousers /ˈtraʊ.zəz/ 表示“裤子”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top”


buttock /ˈbʌt.ək/ 通常复数,表示“臀部”,英文解释为“Your buttocks are the two rounded fleshy parts of your body that you sit on.”


1)表示“公诉人;检察官”,英文解释为“a public official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court”,如:the public/state prosecutor 公诉人;州检察官。

2)表示“原告律师;控方律师”,英文解释为“a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court”。


sentence /ˈsen.təns/ 可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“(法官)宣布判决,宣判”,英文解释为“to decide and say officially what a punishment will be”举个🌰:He was sentenced to life imprisonment. 他被判终身监禁。

作名词,还可以表示“句,句子”,英文解释为“a group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a thought in the form of a statement, question, instruction, or exclamation and starts with a capital letter when written”

The janitor admitted to groping the student without consent but insisted it was a joke, and the judge acquitted the man and claimed the incident "did not constitute a crime," shocking many of the country's youth and drawing outrage.



表示“同意;准许;允许”,英文解释为“permission to do sth, especially given by sb in authority”举个🌰:Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment. 16岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。


acquit /əˈkwɪt/ 表示“宣判…无罪”,英文解释为“to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime”举个🌰:She was acquitted of all the charges against her. 她被宣判无罪,所有对其指控皆不成立。


除了表示“组成”,等同于make up,还可以表示“构成,被视为,被算作”,英文解释为“If something constitutes a particular thing, it can be regarded as being that thing.”,如:constitute a professional and legal offence 构成职业和法律犯罪;举个🌰:Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract. 不能完成工作被视为违反雇用合同。The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society. 犯罪率上升对社会构成了威胁。

🎬电影《空中危机》(Flightplan)中的台词提到:A teddy bear does not constitute an inaccurate passenger manifest. 有一只泰迪熊并不代表 乘客名单出了错。

🎬电影《从足球流氓到黑帮崛起3》(Rise of the Footsoldier 3)中的台词提到:High on drink and pills does not constitute as a defense. 醉药 醉酒 不能作为辩护证据。

The victim herself asked if the judge was "joking" with his decision, insisting the janitor "took" her from behind without saying anything. "This, at least for me, is not a joke," she said, stressing that the ruling may in fact discourage women from reporting violence because they might worry it's "not worth it."



1)表示“使泄气,给…泼冷水,使心灰意冷”,英文解释为“to make someone feel less confident, enthusiastic, and positive about something, or less willing to do something”举个🌰:The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her. 一想到还有那么多工作得做她就泄了气。

2)表示“(试图)阻挠,为…设置障碍,阻止”,英文解释为“to prevent or try to prevent something happening or someone doing something, by making things difficult or unpleasant, or by showing disapproval”如:a campaign to discourage people from smoking 阻止人们吸烟的运动。

"Silence, in general, protects aggressors," she said, hoping that the prosecutor's office will appeal the ruling, according to Day Italia News. "I'm starting to think I was wrong to trust the institutions. This is not justice."



aggressor /əˈɡres.ər/ 表示“侵略者;挑衅者”,英文解释为“a person or country that starts an argument, fight, or war by attacking first”


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(尤指为了改变法律或官方裁决而提出的)诉请,异议,申诉”,英文解释为“a request made to a court of law or to someone in authority to change a previous decision”举个🌰:The case went to the court of appeal/the appeal court. 案件被提交到上诉法院。

Camili took to social media to express his anger over the "palpaga breve" — or "brief groping" — ruling, putting a timer over a video of himself feeling his own chest for 10 seconds before exploding in an angry rant.



rant /rænt/ 作动词,表示“怒吼;抱怨;叫嚷;大声责骂”,英文解释为“to speak or shout in a loud, uncontrolled, or angry way, often saying confused or silly things”举个🌰:He's always ranting (on) about her. 他总是抱怨她。

作名词,表示“颠三倒四的气话;愤怒的叫嚷;没完没了的怒骂”,英文解释为“a long, angry, and confused speech”

He posted the video with the comment, "Lo Stato non dovrebbe proteggere?," or "Shouldn't the State protect?"


Other influencers followed, similarly posting videos of themselves either with a timer or counting to 10 on their fingers to show just how long a time that is. The posters remain silent and stare at the camera for the whole time, and mostly grope their own chests.



字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“网红、博主”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.

Activist Francesco Cicconetti posted his own video, writing, "Women's bodies are not owned by men. It is owned by no one, only the women themselves."

活动人士朗切斯科·康内蒂(Francesco Cicconetti)发布了自己的视频,并写道:“女性的身体不属于男性,不属于任何人,只属于女性自己。”

- 词汇盘点 -

trend、 grope、 sexual harassment、 outrage、 prompt、 lotus、 staircase、 janitor、 trousers、 buttock、 prosecutor、 sentence、 consent、 acquit、 constitute、 discourage、 aggressor、 appeal、 rant、 influencer

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Influencer Lotus ranted about the trending outrage prompted by a janitor groping her on a staircase, constituting sexual harassment. The prosecutor, discouraged by the aggressor's appeal, strove to acquit him, arguing groping trousers doesn't constitute non-consensual touching of buttocks. Public opinion shifted, prompting new discussions about consent.
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