

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. According to the article, what does the recent temperature spike imply about global warming?

A. It supports the widely accepted proposition that global warming is pushing the world into a hotter future.

B. It is the direct result of global warming caused by human activities.

C. It refutes the idea that global warming is a serious threat to the planet.

D. It signifies that the impact of global warming is not as severe as previously predicted.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the article?

A. The recent high temperatures have set the record for the hottest day in centuries.

B. The data used to record the recent high temperatures dates back to the 19th century.

C. The daily high temperatures indicate that climate change is reaching new extremes.

D. Multiple locations around the world have experienced near-record or record-breaking heat.

3. What was one of the reasons mentioned in the article that the recent high temperatures might be misleading to people?

A. People are acclimated to these temperatures and don't see them as a problem.

B. The temperatures might not seem very hot compared to local high temperatures in many places.

C. People have been wrongly informed about the dangers of high temperatures.

D. The temperatures are being manipulated to create panic.


Tuesday set an unofficial record for the hottest day on Earth


The planet’s temperature spiked on Tuesday to its hottest day in decades and likely centuries, and Wednesday could become the third straight day Earth unofficially marks a record-breaking high. It’s the latest in a series of climate-change extremes that alarm but don’t surprise scientists.

The globe’s average temperature reached 62.9 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius) on Tuesday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, a common tool based on satellite data, observations, and computer simulations and used by climate scientists for a glimpse of the world’s condition. On Monday, the average temperature was 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit (17.01 degrees Celsius), setting a record that lasted only 24 hours.

While the figures are not an official government record, “this is showing us an indication of where we are right now,” said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration chief scientist Sarah Kapnick.

Even though the dataset used for the unofficial record goes back only to 1979, Kapnick said that given other data, the world is likely seeing the hottest day in “several hundred years that we’ve experienced.”

“A record like this is another piece of evidence for the now massively supported proposition that global warming is pushing us into a hotter future,” said Stanford University climate scientist Chris Field, who was not part of the calculations.

With many places seeing temperatures near 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius), the new average temperatures might not seem very hot. But Tuesday’s global high was nearly 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (a full degree Celsius) higher than the 1979-2000 average, which already tops the 20th- and 19th-century averages.

“People aren’t used to that. Their bodies aren’t used to that,” said Erinanne Saffell, Arizona’s state climatologist and an expert in extreme weather and climate events. “That’s important to understand who might be at risk, making sure people are hydrated, they’re staying cool, and they’re not exerting themselves outside, and taking care of those folks around you who might be at risk.”

The highs come after months of “truly unreal meteorology and climate stats for the year,” such as off-the-chart record warmth in the North Atlantic, record low sea ice in Antarctica and a rapidly strengthening El Nino, said University of Oklahoma meteorology professor Jason Furtado.

Scientists generally use much longer measurements — months, years, decades — to track the Earth’s warming. But the daily highs are an indication that climate change is reaching uncharted territory.

High-temperature records were surpassed this week in Quebec and Peru. Beijing reported nine straight days last week when the temperature exceeded 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). Cities across the U.S. from Medford, Oregon, to Tampa, Florida, have been hovering at all-time highs, said Zack Taylor, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

Wednesday may bring another unofficial record, with the Climate Reanalyzer again forecasting record or near-record heat. Antarctica’s average forecast for Wednesday is a whopping 4.5 degrees Celsius (8.1 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the 1979-2000 average.

In the U.S., heat advisories include portions of western Oregon, inland far northern California, central New Mexico, Texas, Florida and the coastal Carolinas, according to the National Weather Service Weather Prediction Center. Excessive heat warnings are continuing across southern Arizona and California.

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Tuesday set an unofficial record for the hottest day on Earth


The planet’s temperature spiked on Tuesday to its hottest day in decades and likely centuries, and Wednesday could become the third straight day Earth unofficially marks a record-breaking high. It’s the latest in a series of climate-change extremes that alarm but don’t surprise scientists.



剑桥词典公布2020年度词汇:Quarantine中出现了这个词,1)作名词,可以理解为“峰值”或者“激增;猛增;急升”,英文解释为“a sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something”,如:a spike in oil prices 油价的急剧上涨。

2)也可以作动词,同样表示“激增”,英文解释为“if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount ”举个🌰:New orders have spiked in the last two years. 新订单在过去两年里激增。


straight作形容词,除了表示“直的”(without a bend or curve; going in one direction only),表示“连续的,不间断的”,英文解释为“following one after another without an interruption”举个🌰:They had been working for 16 hours straight. 他们已经一连工作了16个小时。


📍in a row表示“接连地;连续地”,英文解释为“one after another without a break”举个🌰:She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row. 她已经连续3年当选为最佳女演员。

The globe’s average temperature reached 62.9 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius) on Tuesday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, a common tool based on satellite data, observations, and computer simulations and used by climate scientists for a glimpse of the world’s condition. On Monday, the average temperature was 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit (17.01 degrees Celsius), setting a record that lasted only 24 hours.

根据缅因大学气候再分析仪(Climate Reanalyzer)的数据,周二全球平均气温达到了62.9华氏度(17.18 摄氏度)。气候再分析仪是一种基于卫星数据和计算机模拟的常用工具,气候科学家用它来了解世界状况。周一平均气温为62.6华氏度(17.01摄氏度),打破了仅持续24小时的记录。


satellite /ˈsæt.əl.aɪt/ 表示“卫星;人造卫星”,英文解释为“a natural object moving around a larger object in space”举个🌰:The moon is Earth's satellite. 月球是地球的卫星。


表示“模拟,模仿”,英文解释为“a model of a set of problems or events that can be used to teach someone how to do something, or the process of making such a model”举个🌰:The manager prepared a computer simulation of likely sales performance for the rest of the year. 经理准备对该年度剩余时间内可能的销售业绩进行计算模拟分析。


glimpse一词在iOS 14来了!文中出现过Apple just offered a glimpse at how the experience of using an iPhone is about to change.

1)表示“一瞥;一见”,英文解释为“an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time”举个🌰:He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd. 他一眼瞥见她在人群里。

2)表示“短暂的感受(或领会/体验)”,英文解释为“a quick idea or understanding of what something is like”举个🌰:This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous. 这部传记展示了他成名前的一些生活情况。

📺英剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)第一季中的台词提到:I've given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse. 我给过你暗示 夏洛克 一点点提示/只字片语。

While the figures are not an official government record, “this is showing us an indication of where we are right now,” said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration chief scientist Sarah Kapnick.

虽然这不是美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的官方记录,但“这向我们展示了我们现在所处的状况,” NOAA首席科学家莎拉·卡普尼克(Sarah Kapnick)说。

Even though the dataset used for the unofficial record goes back only to 1979, Kapnick said that given other data, the world is likely seeing the hottest day in “several hundred years that we’ve experienced.”


“A record like this is another piece of evidence for the now massively supported proposition that global warming is pushing us into a hotter future,” said Stanford University climate scientist Chris Field, who was not part of the calculations.

斯坦福大学气候科学家克里斯·菲尔德(Chris Field)说:“这样的记录是目前得到广泛支持的命题的又一证据,即全球变暖正在将我们推向更炎热的未来。”菲尔德没与参与这次计算。


proposition /ˌprɒp.əˈzɪʃ.ən/ 1)表示“(通常指商业上的)提议,建议”,英文解释为“an offer or suggestion, usually in business”

2)表示“命题:需要求解的题目或需通过论证而得出真值的陈述句”,英文解释为“a statement or problem that must be solved or proved to be true or not true”

3)表示“主张;观点;见解”,英文解释为“A proposition is a statement or an idea that people can consider or discuss to decide whether it is true.”举个🌰:They were debating the proposition that "All people are created equal". 他们正就“人人生而平等”这一命题展开辩论。

With many places seeing temperatures near 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius), the new average temperatures might not seem very hot. But Tuesday’s global high was nearly 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (a full degree Celsius) higher than the 1979-2000 average, which already tops the 20th- and 19th-century averages.


“People aren’t used to that. Their bodies aren’t used to that,” said Erinanne Saffell, Arizona’s state climatologist and an expert in extreme weather and climate events. “That’s important to understand who might be at risk, making sure people are hydrated, they’re staying cool, and they’re not exerting themselves outside, and taking care of those folks around you who might be at risk.”

亚利桑那州气候学家、极端天气和气候事件专家埃里安·萨菲尔 (Erinanne Saffell) 说:“人们不习惯这种情况。他们的身体也不习惯这种情况,重要的是要了解谁可能面临危险,确保人们补充水分、保持凉爽、不要在户外过度使用体力,并照顾周围可能有风险的人。”


climatologist /ˌklaɪ.məˈtɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ 表示“气候学家”,英文解释为“a scientist who studies climate (= general or long-term weather conditions)”


📍hydrated /haɪˈdreɪ.tɪd/ 表示“摄入足够水分(或其他液体)的”,英文解释为“having absorbed enough water or other liquid”举个🌰:Be sure to stay hydrated during the race by drinking plenty of fluids. 在比赛中一定要多喝水,保持水分。

📍dehydrated /ˌdiː.haɪˈdreɪ.tɪd/ 表示“脱水的,极度干渴的”,英文解释为“not having the normal amount of water in your body so that you feel ill or weak”


exert /ɪɡˈzɜːt/ 表示“运用;行使(权威、权力等);施加(影响等)”,英文解释为“to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen”举个🌰:If you were to exert your influence they might change their decision. 如果你能施加你的影响,他们或许会改变决定。

📍exert yourself 表示“用力;尽力;努力”,英文解释为“to make a mental or physical effort”举个🌰:I was too tired to exert myself. 我太累了,心有余而力不足。

The highs come after months of “truly unreal meteorology and climate stats for the year,” such as off-the-chart record warmth in the North Atlantic, record low sea ice in Antarctica and a rapidly strengthening El Nino, said University of Oklahoma meteorology professor Jason Furtado.

俄克拉荷马大学气象学教授杰森·弗塔多(Jason Furtado)表示,在这次高温数据出现之前,地球经历了几个月的“今年真正难以置信的气象和气候统计数据”,比如北大西洋创纪录的温暖、南极洲创纪录的低海冰以及迅速加强的厄尔尼诺现象。


meteorology /ˌmiː.ti.əˈrɒl.ə.dʒi/ 表示“气象学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of the processes that cause particular weather conditions”


复数,表示“统计数字,统计信息”,英文解释为“information based on a study of the number of times something happens or is present, or other facts relating to numbers”举个🌰:The stats show that she's the greatest women's tennis player in history. 统计数字显示,她是历史上最伟大的女子网球选手。

off the charts

off the charts 1)表示“处于极高水平的”,英文解释为“at a very high level”举个🌰:His blood pressure was off the charts 他的血压高得吓人。

2)表示“非常受欢迎的,极成功的”,英文解释为“extremely popular or successful”举个🌰:The new restaurant is totally off the charts. 这家新开的餐馆口碑极佳。

Scientists generally use much longer measurements — months, years, decades — to track the Earth’s warming. But the daily highs are an indication that climate change is reaching uncharted territory.



uncharted /ʌnˈtʃɑː.tɪd/ 表示“(地方或处境)全新的,未知的,无人涉足的”,英文解释为“An uncharted place or situation is completely new and therefore has never been described before.”举个🌰:Nuclear fusion has taken physicists into uncharted seas/territory/waters (= a new and unknown area). 核聚变将物理学家们带入了全新的未知领域。


territory /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ 表示“领土;领域;领地;活动范围”,英文解释为“(an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person”举个🌰:He was shot down in enemy territory. 他在敌方领土上被击落。

High-temperature records were surpassed this week in Quebec and Peru. Beijing reported nine straight days last week when the temperature exceeded 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). Cities across the U.S. from Medford, Oregon, to Tampa, Florida, have been hovering at all-time highs, said Zack Taylor, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

本周魁北克和秘鲁的高温记录被打破。据报道,北京上周连续九天气温超过35摄氏度(95华氏度)。美国国家气象局(NWS)气象学家扎克·泰勒(Zack Taylor)表示,从俄勒冈州的梅德福到佛罗里达州的坦帕,美国各地的城市温度一直徘徊在历史最高水平。


surpass表示“优于;超过”,英文解释为“If one person or thing surpasses another, the first is better than, or has more of a particular quality than, the second.”举个🌰:He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers. 他决心超过他的几位哥哥的成就。


表示“超过,超出(数量);超越(规定的范围)”,英文解释为“to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit”举个🌰:The final cost should not exceed ¥100. 最终的花费不应超出100元。


hover /ˈhɒv.ər/ 1)表示“盘旋,翱翔;徘徊,守候”,英文解释为“to stay in one place in the air, usually by moving the wings quickly”举个🌰:A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey. 一只老鹰在天空中盘旋,要伺机俯冲捕捉猎物。

2)表示“(在某一水平附近)徘徊”,英文解释为“to stay at or near a particular level”举个🌰:Inflation is hovering at three percent. 通货膨胀率在3%左右徘徊。

Wednesday may bring another unofficial record, with the Climate Reanalyzer again forecasting record or near-record heat. Antarctica’s average forecast for Wednesday is a whopping 4.5 degrees Celsius (8.1 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the 1979-2000 average.



whopping /ˈwɒpɪŋ/ 表示“庞大的,巨大的”,英文解释为“If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large.”如:a whopping fee 一笔巨额费用,举个🌰:She won a whopping 99.5 percent yes vote. 她赢得了99.5%的高票支持。

In the U.S., heat advisories include portions of western Oregon, inland far northern California, central New Mexico, Texas, Florida and the coastal Carolinas, according to the National Weather Service Weather Prediction Center. Excessive heat warnings are continuing across southern Arizona and California.



advisory /ədˈvaɪ.zər.i/ 表示“给予意见的”,英文解释为“giving advice”举个🌰:She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity. 她被总裁聘为顾问。

作名词,表示“报告;公告;警告”,英文解释为“an official announcement that contains advice, information, or a warning”如:weather/travel advisories 天气报告/旅游公告。


📍adversary /ˈædvəsərɪ/ 表示“对手,敌手”,英文解释为“Your adversary is someone you are competing with, or arguing or fighting against.”

📍adversity /ədˈvɜː.sə.ti/ 表示“逆境;不幸;厄运”,英文解释为“a difficult or unlucky situation or event”举个🌰:She was always cheerful in adversity. 身处逆境时,她也从不垂头丧气。

- 词汇盘点 -

spike、 straight、 satellite、 simulation、 glimpse、 proposition、 climatologist、 hydrated、 exert、 meteorology、 stats、 off the charts、 uncharted、 territory、 surpass、 exceed、 hover、 whopping、 advisory

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Climatologists, using satellite simulations, glimpsed uncharted territory: temperature stats spiked straight off the charts, exceeding all propositions. This surprising finding surpassed previous meteorology records, revealing a whopping heat exertion hovering in an area. Hydrated by the shocking results, an advisory was quickly issued, propelling meteorology into surpassingly uncharted territories.
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