

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13

今天,国际高等教育研究机构QS Quacquarelli Symonds正式发布第20版世界大学排名。麻省理工学院连续第12年蝉联榜首,剑桥大学排名第2位,牛津大学排名第3位。



1. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that led to the University of Melbourne's significant rise in rankings?

A. The number of international students studying at the university

B. The university's academic reputation

C. Its performance in new categories including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability

D. Its ranking in other major global ranking systems

2. Based on the information in the article, what can be inferred about Australia's performance in the "faculty student ratio" category?

A. Australia consistently performs well in this category.

B. Australia's performance in this category improved this year.

C. Australia's performance in this category declined this year.

D. Australia's performance in this category remained the same as last year.


Three Australian universities place in top 20 of QS World University Rankings

From: The Guardian

Three Australian universities have made the world’s top 20 list for the first time after new metrics placing greater weight on international research and sustainability were introduced.

The QS World University Rankings, run by global higher education specialist Quacquarelli Symonds, draws from millions of academic papers and insights from 240,000 academics and employers across 1,500 universities.

The University of Melbourne ranked 14th on the list, a historic high for any Australian university, while the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney tied for 19th.

The Australian National University, Monash University and the University of Queensland also ranked in the top 50 at 34, 42 and 43 respectively.

The University of Melbourne jumped from 33 to 14 in the survey, cementing its place as the highest ranked university in Australia across the three major global rankings – QS, Times Higher Education, where it ranked 34, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities, where it ranked 32.

The leap was due to a strong showing in the academic reputation category and a high place in three new categories announced this year by QS including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability, which measures how well a university used sustainable practices to tackle both social and environmental impacts.

QS World University Rankings said the metrics, introduced on its 20th anniversary, reflected shifts in the sector and changing priorities of students.

Under the new system, Australia ranked 11th worldwide on sustainability programs and research with the University of Sydney ranking seventh.

For the first time this year, the weighting of academic reputation and faculty student ratios were also downgraded, to 30% and 10% respectively.

Of the “big four” study destinations – Australia, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom – which house the majority of QS top 300 universities, Australia received the highest overall score of 40.7 out of 100.

It scored top on academic reputation, citations, international faculty ratio and international research, while coming out last on its faculty student ratio which assesses teaching resources.

Some 29 Australian universities slid in the category after significant job cuts during the height of the pandemic in 2021.

The UK had the highest proportion of international students, followed by Australia, which enrolled 619,370 foreign students in 2022.

It’s up from 2021 but still 18% below 2019 levels, largely driven by Indian students after a decline in the Chinese market.

The University of Melbourne vice-chancellor, Duncan Maskell, said the new categories represented “things that are important to students when they make decisions about where to study”, adding he was “very pleased” the institution had rated so highly.

“The QS Rankings have reaffirmed Australian universities are among the very best in the world,” he said. “It is an unprecedented level of recognition that underlines the significant contribution that universities make to the nation’s global reputation.”

The vice-chancellor of the University of Sydney, Mark Scott, said the university had jumped 22 places to reach its highest ranking to date: “These outstanding results are a win for the higher education sector in Australia.

“We know our research is world-class and the education our students receive at universities across Australia is amongst the best in the world and this outcome is a testament to that.”

The University of Sydney ranked 31st for academic reputation and 13th for international students worldwide, regarded as a proxy measure for how “attractive” a university was to the international market.

The UNSW vice chancellor, Attila Brungs, said the result was a testament to the university’s strategy to focus on tackling “the most important challenges facing society”.

“What is most exciting is the opportunity this excellent result presents for us to amplify our societal impact and be at the forefront of positive change,” he said.

The QS senior vice-president, Ben Sowter, said it had “closely aligned” rankings with the priorities of gen Z and Alpha: “This … captures the core concerns of an increasingly socially conscious student population, in our rapidly evolving world.

“They must commit to sustainability, foster graduate employability, and intensify international collaboration to address the world’s pressing challenges.”

For the 12th consecutive year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology maintained its reign at the top, while the University of Cambridge came in second and the University of Oxford took third.

Ten of the top 20 universities were based in the US, while four were in the UK. Singapore, Switzerland and China were also represented in the top 20.

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Three Australian universities place in top 20 of QS World University Rankings

From: The Guardian

Three Australian universities have made the world's top 20 list for the first time after new metrics placing greater weight on international research and sustainability were introduced.



表示“衡量指标;指标;度量”,英文解释为“Metrics are measures of quantitative assessment commonly used for comparing, and tracking performance or production.”

📍词源和词根:来自古希腊语的metrike,源于metron,意为「测量」。派生词:metric, metrical,常用短语:business metrics 商业指标。


sustainability /səˌsteɪ.nəˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“(可)持续性,永续性”,英文解释为“the quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time”如:the company's commitment to environmental sustainability 公司对环境可持续性的承诺。

The QS World University Rankings, run by global higher education specialist Quacquarelli Symonds, draws from millions of academic papers and insights from 240,000 academics and employers across 1,500 universities.

QS世界大学排名由国际高等教育研究机构Quacquarelli Symonds运营,排名覆盖1500所大学,基于对数百万篇学术论文和24万名学者与雇主的专业意见分析而得出。

The University of Melbourne ranked 14th on the list, a historic high for any Australian university, while the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney tied for 19th.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(比赛、竞赛或选举中)分数相同,票数相同,平局,平手”,英文解释为“the result of a game, competition, or election when two or more people or teams get the same number of points, votes et”举个🌰:The match ended in a tie. 这场比赛以平局告终。Jane and I tied (for first place) in the spelling test. 在拼写比赛中(争夺第一名时)我和简打成平手。


📍draw:the final result of a game or competition in which both teams or players have the same number of points 平局,和局,举个🌰:The match ended in a draw. 这场比赛以平局结束。

The Australian National University, Monash University and the University of Queensland also ranked in the top 50 at 34, 42 and 43 respectively.


The University of Melbourne jumped from 33 to 14 in the survey, cementing its place as the highest ranked university in Australia across the three major global rankings – QS, Times Higher Education, where it ranked 34, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities, where it ranked 32.

墨尔本大学在排名中从33位跃升至14位,巩固了其在三大全球榜单澳大利亚大学中排名第一的地位——QS、泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,其中排名为34)和世界大学学术排名(其中排名为32)。


cement /sɪˈment/ 作名词,表示“水泥”,英文解释为“a grey powder that is mixed with water and sand to make mortar or with water, sand, and small stones to make concrete”如:a bag of cement 一袋水泥,也可以指表示“胶合剂;黏固剂”,英文解释为“a substance that sticks things together”

作动词,表示“加强,巩固(协议或友谊)”,英文解释为“to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger”举个🌰:The university's exchange scheme has cemented its links with many other academic institutions. 这所大学的交流计划加强了与许多其他学术机构的联系。

📍词源和词根:来自拉丁语的"caementum",意为"石头,石块"。派生词:cementation, cementer 常用短语:cement a relationship 巩固关系。

The leap was due to a strong showing in the academic reputation category and a high place in three new categories announced this year by QS including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability, which measures how well a university used sustainable practices to tackle both social and environmental impacts.



leap /liːp/ 常指“跳,跳跃;突然的动作”,也可以表示“巨变;激增;提高”,英文解释为“a big change, increase, or improvement”如:a leap in profits 利润激增。

作动词也可以表示“激增;猛涨;快速提高”,英文解释为“to increase, improve, or grow very quickly”举个🌰:Shares in the company leaped 250 percent. 公司的股票大涨250%。


category /ˈkæt.ə.ɡri/ 表示“种类,类别,范畴”,英文解释为“(in a system for dividing things according to appearance, quality, etc.) a type, or a group of things having some features that are the same”


The leap was due to a strong showing in the academic reputation category and a high place in three new categories announced this year by QS including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability, which measures how well a university used sustainable practices to tackle both social and environmental impacts.

📍首先,我们找到主句的主干:The leap was due to a strong showing and a high place. 这句话的基本意思是:这个跃升归功于强劲的表现和在某些领域的高位排名。

📍接着,我们可以添加更多的细节。a strong showing in the academic reputation category解释了「强劲的表现」具体是在哪个方面,即「在学术声誉方面的强劲表现」;a high place in three new categories announced this year by QS细化了「高位排名」在哪些领域,即「在QS今年公布的三个新类别中的高位排名」。including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability进一步说明了这三个新类别是什么:就业结果、国际研究和可持续性。最后,which measures how well a university used sustainable practices to tackle both social and environmental impacts. 这个从句对「sustainability」这个类别的进一步解释,指出这个类别衡量的是「大学如何利用可持续的做法来应对社会和环境影响的效果


📍仿写:The increase was attributable to a robust performance in the customer satisfaction department and a top ranking in three new areas introduced this year by the assessment agency encompassing product innovation, brand influence, and environmental responsibility, which evaluates how effectively a company implements eco-friendly policies to address both societal and ecological challenges. 这个增长归功于在客户满意度方面的出色表现,以及在评估机构今年新引入的三个领域中的顶级排名,包括产品创新、品牌影响力和环境责任,后者评估了一家公司如何有效地实施环保政策以应对社会和生态挑战。

QS World University Rankings said the metrics, introduced on its 20th anniversary, reflected shifts in the sector and changing priorities of students.


Under the new system, Australia ranked 11th worldwide on sustainability programs and research with the University of Sydney ranking seventh.


For the first time this year, the weighting of academic reputation and faculty student ratios were also downgraded, to 30% and 10% respectively.



faculty /ˈfæk.əl.ti/ 1)表示“官能,机能”,英文解释为“a natural ability to hear, see, think, move, etc.”举个🌰:Even at the age of 100, she still had all her faculties. 甚至在百岁高龄时,她的一切身体机能仍然保持正常。

2)表示“能力,才能”,英文解释为“a special ability to do a particular thing”举个🌰:She has a faculty for inspiring confidence in people. 她具有激发他人信心的能力。

3)表示“(高等院校中院系的)全体教师”,英文解释为“the people who teach in a department in a college”举个🌰:He has been a faculty member at the college for 20 years. 他在学院任教已有20年。


表示“比率;比例”,英文解释为“the relationship between two groups of people or things that is represented by two numbers showing how much larger one group is than the other”举个🌰:The school has a very high teacher-student ratio. 这所学校的师生比例很高。


downgrade表示“(使)降级;(使)降职;贬低;轻视”,英文解释为“to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be considered less important or valuable”举个🌰:My job's been downgraded to that of ordinary editor. 我已经被降为普通编辑了。

区分:📍degrade作动词,表示“降低…身份;侮辱…的人格;使受屈辱”,英文解释为:to show or treat sb in a way that makes them seem not worth any respect or not worth taking seriously,举个🌰:This poster is offensive and degrades women. 这张海报冒失无礼,有辱女性尊严。

📍degrade还可以表示“降解,自然分解”,英文解释为“(of a substance) to change into a more simple chemical structure”

Of the “big four” study destinations – Australia, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom – which house the majority of QS top 300 universities, Australia received the highest overall score of 40.7 out of 100.


It scored top on academic reputation, citations, international faculty ratio and international research, while coming out last on its faculty student ratio which assesses teaching resources.



citation /saɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ 表示“引语,引文,引述,引用”,英文解释为“a word or piece of writing taken from a written work”举个🌰:All citations are taken from the 2023 edition of the text. 全部引文均出自该文本2023年的版本。

Some 29 Australian universities slid in the category after significant job cuts during the height of the pandemic in 2021.



slide /slaɪd/ 作动词,过去式、过去分词均为slid,表示“(使)滑动,(使)滑行”;作名词,表示“幻灯片”,英文解释为“a small piece of photographic film in a frame that, when light is passed through it, shows a larger image on a screen or plain surface”如:colour slides 彩色幻灯片。

The UK had the highest proportion of international students, followed by Australia, which enrolled 619,370 foreign students in 2022.



1)表示“比率,比例”,英文解释为“the number, amount, or level of one thing when compared to another”举个🌰:The proportion of women to men at my college was about one to eight. 我所在大学的男女比例大约为8:1。

2)表示“部分;份额”,英文解释为“the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole”举个🌰:Children make up a large proportion of the world's population. 孩子占世界人口的很大一部分。

3)表示“(某物各个组成部分或一物与另一物之间的)相称,协调,均衡,匀称”,英文解释为“the correct or most attractive relationship between the size of different parts of the same thing or between one thing and another”举个🌰:Your legs are very much in proportion to (= the right size for) the rest of your body. 你的腿和你身体的其他部位比例非常协调。


表示“(使)加入;注册;招(生);吸收”,英文解释为“If you enrol or are enrolled at an institution or in a class, you officially join it.”举个🌰:I was enrolled at the University in 2016. 我是2016年上大学的。

It's up from 2021 but still 18% below 2019 levels, largely driven by Indian students after a decline in the Chinese market.


The University of Melbourne vice-chancellor, Duncan Maskell, said the new categories represented “things that are important to students when they make decisions about where to study”, adding he was “very pleased” the institution had rated so highly.

墨尔本大学副校长邓肯·马斯科尔(Duncan Maskell)表示,新指标代表了“学生在决定读哪所学校时认为重要的事情”,并补充说,对墨尔本大学获得如此高的评价“非常满意”。


vice chancellor /ˌvaɪs ˈtʃɑːn.səl.ər/ 1)表示“(美国大学或学院主管部分工作的)副校长”,英文解释为“in the US, the person in charge of some parts of a college or university”

2)表示“(英国大学或学院主持工作的)校长”,英文解释为“in the UK, the person in charge of a college or university”

📍chancellor /ˈtʃɑːn.səl.ər/ 表示“(政府)大臣,总理,大法官;(大学)校长”,英文解释为“a person in a position of the highest or high rank, especially in a government or university”举个🌰:He became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 1990. 他于1990年成为德国统一后的首任总理。

“The QS Rankings have reaffirmed Australian universities are among the very best in the world,” he said. “It is an unprecedented level of recognition that underlines the significant contribution that universities make to the nation's global reputation.”



表示“重申,再次声明;加强”,英文解释为“to give your support to a person, plan, idea, etc. for a second time; to state something as true again”举个🌰:The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process. 政府昨天重申了对目前和平进程的承诺。


表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. 环境在本世纪遭到了空前的破坏。

词源和词根:"un-"是"不"的意思,"precedented"来自拉丁语的"praecedere",意为"走在前面"。派生词:unprecedentedly,常用短语:unprecedented event 空前的事件。

🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。


underline /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪn/ 除了表示「划线」,还可以表示“强调,突出”,英文解释为“to emphasize”举个🌰:She gave some shocking examples to underline the seriousness of the situation. 她举了一些令人震惊的例子以强调形势的严峻。

The vice-chancellor of the University of Sydney, Mark Scott, said the university had jumped 22 places to reach its highest ranking to date: “These outstanding results are a win for the higher education sector in Australia.

悉尼大学副校长马克·斯科特(Mark Scott)表示,该大学在排名中跃升了22位,达到了迄今为止的最高排名,“这些杰出的成绩是澳大利亚高等教育部门的胜利。”

“We know our research is world-class and the education our students receive at universities across Australia is amongst the best in the world and this outcome is a testament to that.”



testament /ˈtes.tə.mənt/ 表示“证明;验证”,英文解释为“proof”举个🌰:The detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers of observation. 她画野生动物十分细致,这证明她有很强的观察能力。

The University of Sydney ranked 31st for academic reputation and 13th for international students worldwide, regarded as a proxy measure for how “attractive” a university was to the international market.



表示“(由个人委托的)代理人,代表;代理权;代表权”,英文解释为“authority given to a person to act for someone else, such as by voting for them in an election, or the person who this authority is given to”如:a proxy vote 代投的一票。

The UNSW vice chancellor, Attila Brungs, said the result was a testament to the university's strategy to focus on tackling “the most important challenges facing society”.

新南威尔士大学副校长阿蒂拉·布龙格斯(Attila Brungs)表示,这一结果证明了该大学专注于解决“社会面临的最重要挑战”的策略。

“What is most exciting is the opportunity this excellent result presents for us to amplify our societal impact and be at the forefront of positive change,” he said.



表示“增强,放大”,英文解释为“To amplify something means to increase its strength or intensity.”举个🌰:These stories only amplified her fears. 这些故事徒增了她的恐惧感。

The QS senior vice-president, Ben Sowter, said it had “closely aligned” rankings with the priorities of gen Z and Alpha: “This … captures the core concerns of an increasingly socially conscious student population, in our rapidly evolving world.



1)表示“排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线”,英文解释为“to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line”举个🌰:Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard. 务必使搁架与橱柜顶端对齐。

2)表示“使一致”,英文解释为“to change sth slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to sth else”举个🌰:Prices have been aligned with those in world markets. 价格已调整到与世界市场一致。


表示“有意识的;神志清醒的;有知觉的”,英文解释为“awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you”举个🌰:He's still conscious but he's very badly injured. 他神志还清醒,但伤得很重。

📍be conscious of sth/sb表示“意识到;察觉到;感觉到”,英文解释为“to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present”举个🌰:My tooth doesn't exactly hurt, but I'm conscious of it (= I can feel it) all the time. 牙齿并不疼,可是我总觉得不舒服。

“They must commit to sustainability, foster graduate employability, and intensify international collaboration to address the world's pressing challenges.”



foster /ˈfɒs.tər/ 作动词,表示“鼓励;促进;培养”,英文解释为“to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings”举个🌰:I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children. 我正努力培养我的孩子们对古典音乐的兴趣。

作形容词,表示“(在有限的一段时间内)(所)收养的,(所)代养的”,英文解释为“used to refer to someone or something connected with the care of children, usually for a limited time, by someone who is not the child's legal parent”如:a foster care/home/child/mother 非亲代养/寄养家庭/代养的孩子/养母。


pressing /ˈpres.ɪŋ/ 表示“紧迫的,迫切的”,英文解释为“urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately”如:a pressing need for housing 对住房的迫切需求,a pressing issue 紧迫的问题。

For the 12th consecutive year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology maintained its reign at the top, while the University of Cambridge came in second and the University of Oxford took third.



表示“连续的,连贯的,不间断的”,英文解释为“Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption.”举个🌰:This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working. 这是我连续第五个周末加班。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述绿色风投的文章中提到:Last year taxpayer-funded green-energy R&D around the world rose for the third consecutive year, to a record $25.4bn, accroding to the IEA. 根据国际能源署的数据,去年全球受政府资助的绿色能源研发连续第三年增长,达到创纪录的254亿美元。


reign /reɪn/ 作名词,1)表示“为王,为君;当政;统治”,英文解释为“the period of time when a king or queen rules a country”如:the reign of Henry VIII 亨利八世的统治。

2)表示“主宰(或支配)的时期”,英文解释为“a period when a particular person, feeling, or quality is very important or has a strong influence”如:his successful reign as manager of the team 他作为经理对这个小组的成功驾驭。

作动词 1)表示“统治;当政;为王;为君”,英文解释为“to rule as king, queen, emperor , etc.”举个🌰:Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901. 维多利亚女王自1837年至1901年在位。

2)从第一个含义引申出来,可以解释为“主宰;盛行;成为最显著的 ”,英文解释为“to be the most obvious feature of a place or moment”举个🌰:Confusion reigned about how the debate would end. 这场辩论将如何结束的问题令人困惑。

📍写作里可以试试这个表达,xxx reigned. 表示某个东西“占据了主导地位”,既简洁又高级。当然,要注意主语单复数/可不可数。At last silence reigned (= there was complete silence). 最后,万籁俱寂。

🎬电影《黑衣人2》(Men in Black II)中的台词提到:We have lived by its word, and peace has reigned throughout our world. 我们一直谨守诫律 和平相处。

Ten of the top 20 universities were based in the US, while four were in the UK. Singapore, Switzerland and China were also represented in the top 20.


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- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Amid unprecedented slides in enrollments and citations, the vice-chancellor's reign was underlined by downgrades in several faculty metrics. A conscious shift was fostered to align with sustainability, amplifying its importance in the university's category. The proportion of sustainable practices leaped, cementing a new testament to the university's vision. The ratio of sustainable projects was a proxy to their commitment, reaffirmed consecutively, underlining the pressing need to foster a sustainable future.
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