

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-04



1. What can be inferred about Deng's family's response to the incident?

A. They aggressively pursued legal action.

B. They were primarily concerned about receiving an apology.

C. They engaged in a social media war against Zhang.

D. They sought to turn the incident into a broader social cause.

2. What is the People's Daily's stance on the public reaction to Zhang's actions?

A. They believe the public is justified in seeking justice.

B. They are indifferent and report the incident neutrally.

C. They criticize the extent of public reaction and urge for calm.

D. They support the public’s call for Zhang to be expelled from her university.


A college student is getting eviscerated on social media for accusing a Chinese migrant worker of taking upskirt photos of her, even though she knew he was just minding his own business


A Chinese university student has found herself in the center of a social media maelstrom after she falsely accused a man of taking upskirt photos of her, despite verifying on-camera that he didn't commit the act.

Identified only by her surname, Zhang, the woman made a social media post on June 7 saying that she noticed a migrant worker squatting near her on the Guangzhou subway, per local media.

Zhang said she suspected him of secretly taking upskirt photos of her, and posted an online video that showed his face.

"It couldn't be the first time that this wretched old man has taken photos with skillful tactics," she wrote in a caption.

The now-deleted video went viral, but the footage appeared to debunk Zhang's claim. It showed Zhang's confrontation with the man, who Chinese media outlets identified by his last name, Deng. 

"Hello. May I see your phone to check if you took photos of me?" she asked Zhang.

Appearing confused, the man immediately opened his photo gallery and showed that it did not have any photos of Zhang or anyone on the subway.

"Watch it. Don't carelessly take photos of others," Zhang told him before leaving.

Zhang gets blasted online and quickly goes viral

As Zhang's video and accusations about the man's conduct spread, she started getting slammed on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.

"If you suspect that I've done something wrong, shouldn't you show evidence that I've done so? Why do I need to prove my innocence? Report it to the police and let them figure it out," said one Weibo user.

"The most hateful thing about this woman is that after she clearly reconciled the situation, she posted something on the internet to make others go viral," wrote another.

On Monday, the local broadsheet Qilu Evening News published an interview with Deng's son, who said his father was a migrant worker visiting the city on his off day when he was confronted by Zhang on the subway.

Deng's son said his family went to the police over the weekend to mediate the dispute between Zhang and the migrant worker. He told Qilu Evening News that the family, at the time, was unaware of the video that was already circulating on Weibo.

After finding out about the Weibo post, Deng's son told local reporters that his family intended to sue Zhang if she didn't apologize.

Zhang has since issued a public apology on her Weibo account. "Sir, I'm sorry, I was really wrong. I shouldn't have spread this video on the internet even after confirming your innocence," she wrote on Sunday evening.

"I sincerely acknowledge that this incident has caused serious harm to you and your family, and I solemnly express my deep apologies to you and your family," she added.

Zhang did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

The backlash has intensified to the point that its top state media outlets are getting involved in the fracas

The university student's accusations have gone viral on Weibo, with hashtags related to her post being viewed nearly 1 billion times, per data seen by Insider.

Even the Ministry of Public Security jumped in, posting on Monday that people should seek help from police first when facing potential criminal issues that are "difficult to judge and deal with."

Meanwhile, people have called for Zhang to be charged in court for false accusations, and expelled from her school, Sichuan University. Unverified details about her life and relationships with her college classmates also went viral.

Deng's son told local media that his family has chosen to forgive Zhang. "We've already said that as long as she apologizes, we'll forgive her and give her a chance," he said.

The People's Daily, a Chinese state media outlet, published a commentary on Wednesday calling for the public to calm down and stop doxxing Zhang.

"Many people continue to obsess over the consequences faced by this woman. But in the process, some have exposed her name, age, school, major, and other personal information, and others found her personal social account, and others insulted, abused her, and condemned her endlessly," it wrote. "These are signs of cyberbullying."

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A college student is getting eviscerated on social media for accusing a Chinese migrant worker of taking upskirt photos of her, even though she knew he was just minding his own business


A Chinese university student has found herself in the center of a social media maelstrom after she falsely accused a man of taking upskirt photos of her, despite verifying on-camera that he didn't commit the act.



eviscerate /ɪˈvɪs.ə.reɪt/ 1)表示“切除…的内脏;移去…的内部器官”,英文解释为“to remove one or all of the organs from the inside of a body”

2表示“重创组织或体系的元气”,英文解释为“If you say that something will eviscerate an organization or system, you are emphasizing that it will make the organization or system much weaker or much less powerful.”


maelstrom /ˈmeɪl.strɒm/ 表示“骚乱;极度混乱”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction”


表示“核实;查对;核准;证明;证实”,英文解释为“to check that sth is true or accurate;to show or say that sth is true or accurate”举个🌰:We have no way of verifying his story. 我们无法核实他所说的情况。Her version of events was verified by neighbours. 她对这些事件的说法已得到邻居的证实。



Identified only by her surname, Zhang, the woman made a social media post on June 7 saying that she noticed a migrant worker squatting near her on the Guangzhou subway, per local media.



squat /skwɒt/ 表示“蹲,蹲坐”,英文解释为“to position yourself close to the ground balancing on the front part of your feet with your legs bent under your body”举个🌰:She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire. 她蹲在地上,伸出双手烤火。

Zhang said she suspected him of secretly taking upskirt photos of her, and posted an online video that showed his face.


"It couldn't be the first time that this wretched old man has taken photos with skillful tactics," she wrote in a caption.

“感觉这个猥琐老头不是第一次作案,” 她在配文中写道。


wretched /ˈretʃ.ɪd/ 1)表示“苦恼的;不幸的;质量差的”,英文解释为“unpleasant or of low quality”如:a wretched childhood 不幸的童年。

2)表示“(表示憎恶)讨厌的,该死的”,英文解释为“used to express anger when something annoying happens”举个🌰:My wretched car's broken down again. 我那该死的车又抛锚了。


tactic /ˈtæk.tɪk/ 表示“策略,手法”,英文解释为“a planned way of doing something”举个🌰:These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists. 这些炸弹袭击事件表明恐怖分子改变了策略。


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success." 当地的报纸刊登了一幅我站在梯子上的特写,下面写着:“他登上了成功之梯。”

The now-deleted video went viral, but the footage appeared to debunk Zhang's claim. It showed Zhang's confrontation with the man, who Chinese media outlets identified by his last name, Deng.



表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


footage 表示“(描述某一事件的)片段镜头”,英文解释为“Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.”举个🌰:They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals. 他们计划独家播放今年夏季节日活动的片断镜头。


📍closed-circuit footage指的是监控录像画面;

📍CCTV:此CCTV非彼CCTV,其中的CC就是Closed Circuit的缩写,TV就是电视Television的缩写。


表示“驳斥;揭穿,揭露…的真相”,英文解释为“to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear”举个🌰:The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress. 作者的目的是为了揭穿围绕这位女演员的种种传闻。


outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。

"Hello. May I see your phone to check if you took photos of me?" she asked Zhang.

“你好,我能看看你的手机,看看你是否拍了我的照片吗?” 她问邓先生。

Appearing confused, the man immediately opened his photo gallery and showed that it did not have any photos of Zhang or anyone on the subway.


"Watch it. Don't carelessly take photos of others," Zhang told him before leaving.

“注意点,不要随便拍别人的照片,” 张女士在离开前对他说。

Zhang gets blasted online and quickly goes viral 张女士在网上遭到炮轰,并迅速传播开来

As Zhang's video and accusations about the man's conduct spread, she started getting slammed on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.



作名词,blast /blɑːst/ 表示“爆炸;爆破”,英文解释为“an explosion”举个🌰:Three people were injured in the blast. 爆炸中有3人受伤。

作动词,表示“抨击,严厉批评”,英文解释为“to criticize someone or something severely”举个🌰:They were blasted for failing to create jobs. 他们因未能创造工作机会而遭到抨击。

📍“霉霉”再怼特朗普文中提到,DEADLINE媒体对此事的报道中标题是:Taylor Swift Blasts Trump’s “Calculated Dismantling Of USPS” Amid President’s Efforts To Decommission Services,


slam /slæm/ 1)表示“(使)重重撞上,(使)砰地关上”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise”举个🌰:The wind made the door/window slam (shut). 风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。

2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。”

📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.

"If you suspect that I've done something wrong, shouldn't you show evidence that I've done so? Why do I need to prove my innocence? Report it to the police and let them figure it out," said one Weibo user.

“你怀疑我有问题不是该你拿出证据证明我真的有问题吗?为什么还要我自证清白?报警让警察来检查不就好了吗?” 一名微博用户说。

"The most hateful thing about this woman is that after she clearly reconciled the situation, she posted something on the internet to make others go viral," wrote another.



reconcile /ˈrek.ən.saɪl/ 表示“调和;调解;使一致”,英文解释为“to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together”举个🌰:It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion. 有时很难调和宗教和科学之间的矛盾。

📍be reconciled表示“和解;和好;重归于好”,英文解释为“When two people are reconciled, they become friendly again after they have argued.”举个🌰:They were finally reconciled with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years. 他们差不多有5年的时间连话都不说,但最后终于重归于好。

On Monday, the local broadsheet Qilu Evening News published an interview with Deng's son, who said his father was a migrant worker visiting the city on his off day when he was confronted by Zhang on the subway.



broadsheet /ˈbrɔːd.ʃiːt/ 表示“大幅报纸;大幅广告”,英文解释为“a newspaper that is printed on large sheets of paper, or an advertisement printed on a large sheet of paper”举个🌰:In Britain, the broadsheets are generally believed to be more serious than the tabloids. 在英国,人们通常认为大报比小报更严肃。

Deng's son said his family went to the police over the weekend to mediate the dispute between Zhang and the migrant worker. He told Qilu Evening News that the family, at the time, was unaware of the video that was already circulating on Weibo. 



mediate意思是“调停,调解,斡旋”,英文解释“to try to end a quarrel between two people, groups, countries etc.”举个🌰:My mom was the one who mediated between Jane and her mom. 我妈妈是那个调解简和她妈妈的人。

此外,mediate还可以表示“影响;减轻”,英文解释为“to change the effect or influence of something, especially to make the effect less bad”举个🌰:Exercise may mediate the effects of a bad diet. 运动可以减轻不良饮食造成的影响。


circulate有“(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传递;(使)散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another)举个🌰:Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems. 有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。

🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,

After finding out about the Weibo post, Deng's son told local reporters that his family intended to sue Zhang if she didn't apologize.


Zhang has since issued a public apology on her Weibo account. "Sir, I'm sorry, I was really wrong. I shouldn't have spread this video on the internet even after confirming your innocence," she wrote on Sunday evening.

张女士已在她的微博账号上发表了公开道歉。“叔叔,对不起,我真的错了,我不该在地铁上和您确认后依然在网络上随意散播视频。” 她在周日晚上写道。 

"I sincerely acknowledge that this incident has caused serious harm to you and your family, and I solemnly express my deep apologies to you and your family," she added.

“我已经深刻认识到这件事情给您和您的家人带来了严重的伤害,我郑重地向您和您的家人致以深深的歉意。” 她补充说。 


solemnly /ˈsɒl.əm.li/ 表示“庄严地,严肃地”,英文解释为“seriously and without any humour”举个🌰:I solemnly promise to tell the truth. 我郑重承诺说出真相。

Zhang did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.


The backlash has intensified to the point that its top state media outlets are getting involved in the fracas 抵制情绪已经激增到了国家主流媒体也参与其中的地步

The university student's accusations have gone viral on Weibo, with hashtags related to her post being viewed nearly 1 billion times, per data seen by Insider.



表示“强烈抵制,集体反对”,英文解释为“a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to sth that has recently changed in society”如:the backlash against xx 对xx的强烈反对。

📺美剧《无耻之徒》(Shameless)第一季中的台词提到:There will be a backlash if people don't stop 字幕组翻译为:如果人们不停止...的话,迟早会出大事。


fracas /ˈfræk.ɑː/ 表示“高声争吵;激烈打斗”,英文解释为“a noisy argument or fight”


表示“在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号”,英文解释为“used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post (= message)”.

Even the Ministry of Public Security jumped in, posting on Monday that people should seek help from police first when facing potential criminal issues that are "difficult to judge and deal with."


Meanwhile, people have called for Zhang to be charged in court for false accusations, and expelled from her school, Sichuan University. Unverified details about her life and relationships with her college classmates also went viral.



expel 表示“驱逐;除名;开除”,英文解释为“to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country”举个🌰:He was expelled from school for bad behaviour. 他因为行为不端被学校开除了。

Deng's son told local media that his family has chosen to forgive Zhang. "We've already said that as long as she apologizes, we'll forgive her and give her a chance," he said.

邓先生的儿子告诉当地媒体,他们家选择原谅张女士。“我们已经说过,只要她道歉,我们就会原谅她,给她一个机会。” 他说。

The People's Daily, a Chinese state media outlet, published a commentary on Wednesday calling for the public to calm down and stop doxxing Zhang.



doxx = dox /dɒks/表示“人肉搜索;(未经他人同意)在互联网上擅自发布可识别身份的个人信息”,英文解释为“the action of finding or publishing private information about someone on the internet without their permission, especially in a way that reveals their name, address, etc.”举个🌰:Doxing may be carried out for law enforcement reasons, as well as being used to harass or victimize people. 在网上擅自泄露他人的个人信息可能是出于执法原因,也可能是用于骚扰或伤害他人。

"Many people continue to obsess over the consequences faced by this woman. But in the process, some have exposed her name, age, school, major, and other personal information, and others found her personal social account, and others insulted, abused her, and condemned her endlessly," it wrote. "These are signs of cyberbullying."

“很多网友持续关注着该女子会面临怎样的处理结果。但在这个过程中,部分网友曝光了该女子的姓名、年龄,就读的学校、专业等个人信息,还有网友扒出了她的个人社交账号,甚至有网友对她进行侮辱谩骂,声讨声不绝于耳,” 该文写道。“也有网络暴力之嫌。”


obsess /əbˈses/ 表示“(使)着迷;(使)困扰;(使)牵挂;(使)萦回于心”,英文解释为“If something or someone obsesses you, or if you obsess about something or someone, you think about it, him, or her all the time.”举个🌰:The whole relationship obsessed me for years. 这一关系多年来一直困扰着我。

- 词汇盘点 -


- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In the maelstrom of a viral footage, an outlet circulated an eviscerated upskirt photo with a caption employing a wretched tactic. The hashtag #verifytruth caused a backlash. Broadsheet media debunked the footage, slamming the outlet. Amidst the fracas, an obsessed squatter doxxed and got expelled. A mediator solemnly attempted to reconcile parties involved, blasting and eviscerating the tactics used. Public vowed to stay vigilant.
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