

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-16



1. What is the significance of the May Day holiday for China's tourism industry and economy?

a) It marks the beginning of spring

b) It is the longest holiday period

c) It is traditionally one of China's busiest travel seasons

d) It signifies the end of COVID curbs

2. What is the main difference between this year's May Day holiday and last year's?

a) There are more domestic tourists

b) Outbound travel is no longer restricted

c) Tickets for popular sightseeing spots are easier to obtain

d) The holiday period is longer


Fully booked! China braces for record May Day holiday rush

From: Reuters

China is bracing for a record-high travel rush over the Labour Day holiday, with popular sightseeing spots selling out of tickets and some cities warning would-be visitors away as domestic tourism rebounds after Beijing ended COVID curbs.

Authorities are expecting 19 million trips to be made across China's vast railway network on Saturday, the first day of the five-day holiday, which would be the highest number of rail trips made in a single day in the country's history.

It compares to 4.4 million rail trips on May 1 last year, when China locked down several cities including Shanghai to battle the spread of the virus, and the last peak of 18.8 million on the same day in 2021.

Over the 40-day Lunar New Year travel period in January-February this year, 348 million trips were made in total, or about 8.7 million trips a day on average, according to the National Railway Administration.

The May holiday is far shorter than the Lunar New Year and October Golden Week holidays but traditionally still is one of China's busiest travel seasons as spring moves into summer. This year, the holiday is crucial for the tourism industry as well as the wider Chinese economy as the country strives to recover from years of virus disruptions.

“It took me a lot of effort to get a ticket, it's hard this time,” said Di Jingshu, 21, as she waited for a train at Shanghai's packed Hongqiao railway station on Thursday. China's aviation authority said it expects air passenger trips to reach a total of 9 million over the five days.

Booking sites for popular scenic spots, such as Beijing's Old Summer Palace and the Badaling section of the Great Wall showed they were sold out of tickets for the first few days of the Labour Day holiday, and Trip.com Group said that reservations across its online travel platform had surpassed 2019 levels.

One small city, Zibo in China's coastal Shandong province, which has gone viral on Chinese social media in recent weeks for its local barbecue cuisine, imposed an upper limit on Sunday on hotel room rates and three days later issued a public letter warning would-be visitors its downtown hotels were fully booked.

“Passenger traffic has exceeded our accommodation capacity,” it said, pleading for understanding should service levels fall short given the anticipated swelling of visitor numbers.

Outbound travel for the holiday however continues to remain constrained, in part due to a shortage of international flights, although bright spots were emerging in cities such as Macau and Jakarta, according to a report from travel data firm ForwardKeys.

“Bookings for outbound travel are around 50% behind the pre-pandemic levels,” it said. “Chinese travellers have started to travel abroad but are still preferring destinations within the Asia Pacific region.”

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Fully booked! China braces for record May Day holiday rush

From: Reuters

China is bracing for a record-high travel rush over the Labour Day holiday, with popular sightseeing spots selling out of tickets and some cities warning would-be visitors away as domestic tourism rebounds after Beijing ended COVID curbs.



作名词,表示“箍子;夹子;支架”英文解释为“a device that holds things firmly together or holds and supports them in position”。

作动词,brace for 表示“作准备,准备迎接(令人不快的事)”,英文解释为“to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen”举个🌰:They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle. 他们在为漫长的法律诉讼作准备。

📍C罗等球员在脸上涂口红反对家暴文中提到,brace作名词,还可以表示“(尤指猎获的野鸟的)一双,一对”,英文解释为“two things of the same type, especially two wild birds that have been killed for sport or food”,如:a brace of pheasants 一对野鸡;

The word “brace” in the English language means “two” or a “pair”. When the term “brace” is used in soccer, it is referring to the act of one player scoring 2 goals in a single game. If a player has “scored a brace” it means they have scored twice.

📍在体育比赛中,也有成双成对的含义,指的就是“两个球”相当于two goals,因此,score a brace或者make a brace就有进两个球的意思,也就是我们常听到新闻报道中出现的“梅开二度”。


1)表示“急速流动(或行进);猛冲”,英文解释为“the act of suddenly moving somewhere quickly”举个🌰:There was a rush of air as she opened the door. 她一打开门,一阵风忽地吹了进来。

2)表示“(突然的)一阵强烈感情;(身体的)一阵感觉;迸发的情绪;情绪迸发”,英文解释为“a sudden strong emotion or physical feeling;a sudden strong emotion or sign of strong emotion”如:a sudden rush of excitement/fear/anger 突然感到的兴奋/恐惧/愤怒,举个🌰:The memory of who he was came back to him with a rush. 他忽地一下子想起了自己是谁。

3)表示“忙乱,忙碌;争做;争抢”,英文解释为“a time when a lot of things are happening or a lot of people are trying to do or get something”举个🌰:There's been a rush for (= sudden popular demand for) tickets. 人们蜂拥而至抢购门票。

4)表示“(通常因经济利益驱动而发生的)蜂拥前往,蜂拥的人潮”,英文解释为“a sudden movement of people to a certain area, usually because of some economic advantage”如:the California gold rush 加利福尼亚淘金潮。


would-be 表示“想要做…的;试图成为…的;未来的”,英文解释为“wanting or trying to be”如:a would-be artist/politician 未来的艺术家/政治家。


表示“弹回;反弹;跳回”,英文解释为“the act of rebounding”举个🌰:I hit the ball on the rebound (= after it had hit the wall or ground once). 球反弹回来时被我击中了。


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)”,英文解释为“to control or limit sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. 为了抑制通货膨胀实施了一系列的政策。(名词)He called for much stricter curbs on immigration. 他呼吁对移民实行更为严格的限制。

Authorities are expecting 19 million trips to be made across China's vast railway network on Saturday, the first day of the five-day holiday, which would be the highest number of rail trips made in a single day in the country's history.


It compares to 4.4 million rail trips on May 1 last year, when China locked down several cities including Shanghai to battle the spread of the virus, and the last peak of 18.8 million on the same day in 2021.


lock down

柯林斯词典公布2020年度词汇:Lockdown。Lockdown这一词,柯林斯词典官方给出的释义为:the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces. 指的是对出行、社交和进入公共场所实行严格限制。


可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“(达到)峰值”,英文解释为“When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.”举个🌰:Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees. 温度已达到峰值,超过了90度。

Over the 40-day Lunar New Year travel period in January-February this year, 348 million trips were made in total, or about 8.7 million trips a day on average, according to the National Railway Administration.


The May holiday is far shorter than the Lunar New Year and October Golden Week holidays but traditionally still is one of China's busiest travel seasons as spring moves into summer. This year, the holiday is crucial for the tourism industry as well as the wider Chinese economy as the country strives to recover from years of virus disruptions.


“It took me a lot of effort to get a ticket, it's hard this time,” said Di Jingshu, 21, as she waited for a train at Shanghai's packed Hongqiao railway station on Thursday. China's aviation authority said it expects air passenger trips to reach a total of 9 million over the five days.



packed /pækt/ 表示“挤满的,拥挤的”,英文解释为“completely full”举个🌰:The train was so packed that I couldn't find a seat. 火车里挤满了人,我一个座位也找不到。

jam-packed /ˌdʒæmˈpækt/ 表示“挤得满满的,塞得紧紧的”,英文解释为“full of people or things that are pushed closely together”举个🌰:The streets were jam-packed with tourists. 街道被游客挤得水泄不通。


表示“航空(学);飞行(术);航空工业”,英文解释为“the activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing, and keeping them in good condition”如:the British Civil Aviation Authority 英国民航局。

Booking sites for popular scenic spots, such as Beijing's Old Summer Palace and the Badaling section of the Great Wall showed they were sold out of tickets for the first few days of the Labour Day holiday, and Trip.com Group said that reservations across its online travel platform had surpassed 2019 levels.



reservation /ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“存疑;保留意见;异议”,英文解释为“a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely”举个🌰:Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the plan. 对于该规划是否明智,工人和雇主都非常怀疑。

2)表示“预订;预约”,英文解释为“an arrangement in which something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant is kept for you”

3)表示“野生动物保护区;自然保护区;禁猎区”,英文解释为“an area of land in which wild animals are protected”举个🌰:He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation. 他是一个大型动物保护区的管理主任。


surpass表示“优于;超过”,英文解释为“If one person or thing surpasses another, the first is better than, or has more of a particular quality than, the second.”举个🌰:He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers. 他决心超过他的几位哥哥的成就。

One small city, Zibo in China's coastal Shandong province, which has gone viral on Chinese social media in recent weeks for its local barbecue cuisine, imposed an upper limit on Sunday on hotel room rates and three days later issued a public letter warning would-be visitors its downtown hotels were fully booked.



表示“(位于)海岸的;临海的;沿海的”,英文解释为“positioned on, or relating to the coast”如:a coastal town 海滨城镇。


表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


barbecue /ˈbɑː.bɪ.kjuː/ 表示“烤肉,烧烤”,英文解释为“a meal that is prepared and eaten outdoors using such a frame, often during a party”举个🌰:He made some salads to have with the barbecue. 他做了一些色拉跟烤肉一起吃。


cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ 表示“烹调风格;饭菜,菜肴”,英文解释为“The cuisine of a country or district is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place.”


1)表示“推行;强制实行”,英文解释为“to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received”举个🌰:Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. 最近对香烟开征很高的税。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登贸易政策的文章中提到:The other matter is what Mr Biden will do with the tariffs imposed by Mr Trump. 另一件事是拜登将如何处理特朗普实施的关税。

2)表示“把(尤指信仰或生活方式)强加于”,英文解释为“to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living”举个🌰:I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children. 我不希望他们把自己的宗教信仰强加给我的孩子们。

3)表示“勉强;打扰,麻烦”,英文解释为“to expect someone to do something for you or spend time with you when they do not want to or when it is not convenient for them”举个🌰:She's always imposing on people - asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her. 她总是强人所难——要人帮忙做这做那。

“Passenger traffic has exceeded our accommodation capacity,” it said, pleading for understanding should service levels fall short given the anticipated swelling of visitor numbers.



这句话中的should属于虚拟语气,表示假设或推测的语气。should引出了虚拟条件句,“should service levels fall short”(如果服务水平不足)。整个从句的意思是:如果服务水平不足以满足预计的游客数量,请求谅解(pleading for understanding)。

在这个语境中,should后面接动词原形,构成should + 动词原形的结构,表达的是一种假设或者可能性。should可以用来表示请求、建议、要求等情况下的委婉表达,相当于“如果”或“万一”的意思。


熟词僻义,traffic一词除了熟知的“交通”的意思,还有“流量”的含义,英文解释:the movement of messages and signals through an electronic communication system,如“数据流量”:data traffic。

此外,作为动词,还有“贩卖(人口)”的意思,to illegally buy or sell people, or make money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work. 如:人口贩卖 human trafficking.

📍注:traffic (v.) 过去式 trafficked 过去分词:trafficked 现在分词:trafficking.

📍people trafficking/human trafficking表示“贩卖人口”,英文解释为“the crime of buying and selling people, or making money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work”


表示“超过,超出(数量);超越(规定的范围)”,英文解释为“to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit”举个🌰:The final cost should not exceed ¥100. 最终的花费不应超出100元。


1)表示“恳求”,英文解释为“If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it.”举个🌰:The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.  那位女士恳求她的女儿回家。

2)表示“(尤指在法庭上)为…辩护;申辩;认(罪)”,英文解释为“to make a statement of what you believe to be true, especially in support of something or someone or when someone has been accused in a law court”举个🌰:The defendant pleaded not guilty/innocent to robbery with violence. 被告不承认暴力抢劫。


swell本身作动词,表示“使增大; 增大;肿胀,肿,膨胀”,英文解释为“to become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount”举个🌰:Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs. 去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

Outbound travel for the holiday however continues to remain constrained, in part due to a shortage of international flights, although bright spots were emerging in cities such as Macau and Jakarta, according to a report from travel data firm ForwardKeys.



表示“外驶的;向外的;离港的;离开某地的”,英文解释为“travelling away from a particular point”如:outbound flights/passengers 出港航班/旅客。


表示“限制;约束;束缚”,英文解释为“to control and limit something”举个🌰:The company's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward. 公司领导缺乏发展眼光限制了公司的进步。

“Bookings for outbound travel are around 50% behind the pre-pandemic levels,” it said. “Chinese travellers have started to travel abroad but are still preferring destinations within the Asia Pacific region.”


- 今日要点 -

Travel Rush

  • Bracing for record-high travel rush over Labour Day holiday
    • Domestic tourism rebounds after COVID curbs end in Beijing
  • Authorities expecting 19 million trips on railway network on Saturday
    • Highest number of rail trips made in a single day in China's history
  • May holiday is one of the busiest travel seasons
    • Crucial for tourism industry and Chinese economy
  • Aviation authority expects air passenger trips to reach 9 million over five days
  • Outbound travel remains constrained due to shortage of international flights
    • Chinese travelers preferring destinations within Asia Pacific region

Sightseeing Spots and Hotels

  • Popular scenic spots selling out of tickets
    • Old Summer Palace and Great Wall section among them
  • Reservations surpass 2019 levels across online travel platform
  • One small city, Zibo, imposes upper limit on hotel room rates
    • Downtown hotels fully booked
    • Passenger traffic exceeds accommodation capacity

- 词汇盘点 -

brace、rush、would-be、rebound、curb、lock down、peak、packed、aviation、reservation、surpass、coastal、viral、barbecue、cuisine、impose、traffic、exceed、plead、swell、outbound、constrain

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

During the peak of the viral outbreak, the government had to impose strict measures to curb the spread. Lockdowns were in place, and traffic was constrained. But a would-be chef was determined to surpass expectations by offering coastal cuisine with a twist. Despite limited capacity due to social distancing guidelines, reservations were packed. The aroma of barbecue filled the air as guests pleaded for more. With outbound aviation still on hold, the restaurant became a rebound spot for locals. As the swell of support grew, the chef's dreams began to brace for a bright future.
- 推荐阅读 -
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