

LearnAndRecord 2023-04-21



1. indictment, indict是什么意思?


3. hit out是什么意思?


Ex-US President Donald Trump expects to be arrested on Tuesday

From: BBC

Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested on Tuesday and has urged his supporters to launch mass protests.

However his lawyer said there had been no communication from law enforcement and the former president's post was based on media reports.

Prosecutors have been looking at a possible indictment of Mr Trump. Reports say it could come next week.

If he is indicted, it would be the first criminal case ever brought against a former US president.

This case focuses on alleged hush money paid on Mr Trump's behalf by his lawyer to porn star Stormy Daniels prior to the 2016 presidential election.

It is one of several cases in which the 76-year-old is currently being investigated, although he has not yet been charged in any and denies wrongdoing in each.

Mr Trump has pledged to continue his campaign to become the Republican nominee in the 2024 presidential election, even if he is indicted.

Past efforts to investigate him, including two impeachment trials, the Russia investigation and the Mar-a-Lago raid, have tended to make him more popular with his base, so an indictment could have a similar effect.

It is not yet known if he is going to be criminally charged this week or even, beyond broad strokes, what those charges might be.

But with the former president predicting an arrest, and calling for mass protests, this is a journey into unknown territory.

Mr Trump has a loyal base of followers, and the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Capitol by his supporters following his repeated calls to protest has proven that a fraught situation can quickly escalate into violence.

On Saturday Mr Trump wrote on his social networking site Truth Social that "illegal leaks" from the Manhattan district attorney's office "indicate" he would be arrested on Tuesday.

The district attorney's office has not yet commented. Mr Trump's lawyer, Susan Necheles, said her team had not heard anything from law enforcement officials.

"Since this is a political prosecution, the district attorney's office has engaged in a practice of leaking everything to the press, rather than communicating with President Trump's attorneys as would be done in a normal case," she said.

The Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, has hit out at the investigation, calling it "an outrageous abuse of power by a radical DA [district attorney]".

In a tweet, he also promised to investigate whether federal money was being used to interfere in elections "with politically motivated prosecutions".

Any indictment would create a complicated calculation for Mr Trump's rivals within the Republican Party, as they decide whether to up their attacks on the former president while he is potentially distracted or keep their heads down and hope for the best.

If history is any guide, it will be the latter.

What happens next?

• Grand jury finishes its investigation 

Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and ex-aides Kellyanne Conway and Hope Hicks, are among those understood to have given evidence so far. The Trump team has said the former president declined an invitation to appear, a sign the case is almost over, according to experts. Reports suggest one final witness could give evidence, possibly on Monday.

• Prosecutors decide whether to indict 

Once the investigation is complete, the grand jury votes on whether to recommend criminal charges. However, their verdict is not binding. Ultimately, it is up to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to determine what, if any, charges to bring. There is no deadline for this. It is a legal decision - what does he believe can he prove beyond a reasonable doubt to win a conviction - but also a deeply political one.

• A possible Trump court appearance in New York 

A former US president has never been indicted before but Mr Trump's lawyer said he would follow normal procedure. Typically, a defendant is either arrested or surrenders to the authorities - if they are facing a more serious felony charge they would be handcuffed. They then have their photo and fingerprints taken. After an initial hearing - called an arraignment - a defendant in a white-collar crime case like this is usually released until the next court date.

The Stormy Daniels case is about how Mr Trump reimbursed his lawyer Michael Cohen after Cohen paid Ms Daniels $130,000. The record for the payment reimbursing Cohen says the payment was for "legal fees". Prosecutors may say this amounts to Mr Trump falsifying business records, a misdemeanour in New York.

US media organisations say law enforcement agencies in New York are preparing for the possibility of Mr Trump being indicted and appearing in a Manhattan courtroom as early as next week.

According to the Associated Press, they are considering the practicalities of taking a former president into court, including questions around security.

Donald Trump faces a separate criminal investigation over efforts to overturn his narrow loss in the state of Georgia in the 2020 presidential election - though it is not known if the former president is being directly investigated.

The Department of Justice is also looking at whether classified government documents were handled incorrectly after Mr Trump left office, as well as broader efforts to undermine the results of the presidential election three years ago - including the 6 January attack.

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Ex-US President Donald Trump expects to be arrested on Tuesday


From: BBC

Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested on Tuesday and has urged his supporters to launch mass protests.

美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump,川普)表示,他预计将于当地时间下周二被捕,并敦促他的支持者发起大规模抗议活动。


arrest /əˈrest/ 表示“逮捕;拘捕”,英文解释为“If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime that they might have committed.”

However his lawyer said there had been no communication from law enforcement and the former president's post was based on media reports.


Prosecutors have been looking at a possible indictment of Mr Trump. Reports say it could come next week.



1)表示“公诉人;检察官”,英文解释为“a public official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court”,如:the public/state prosecutor 公诉人;州检察官。

2)表示“原告律师;控方律师”,英文解释为“a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court”。


1)表示“起诉书;公诉书”,英文解释为“a formal statement of accusing someone”举个🌰:

The charges on the indictment include murder and attempted murder.


2)表示“控诉;谴责”,英文解释为“a sign that a policy, system, society, etc. is bad or wrong”举个🌰:

This seems to me to be a damning indictment of the education policy.


📺美剧《邻家女特工》(Covert Affairs)第三季中的台词提到:Why are you turning this amazing news into an indictment? 为何要让这个惊喜的消息变成一场控诉呢?

动词 indict /ɪnˈdaɪt/ 表示“控告,告发;起诉”,英文解释为“If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime.”

If he is indicted, it would be the first criminal case ever brought against a former US president.


This case focuses on alleged hush money paid on Mr Trump's behalf by his lawyer to porn star Stormy Daniels prior to the 2016 presidential election.

该案件的关键在于,在2016年总统大选之前,特朗普通过律师向前成人片影星丹尼尔斯(Stormy Daniels)支付封口费的指控。

hush money

hush money /ˈhʌʃ ˌmʌn.i/ 表示“封口钱”,英文解释为“money that is given to someone to make them keep something secret”

It is one of several cases in which the 76-year-old is currently being investigated, although he has not yet been charged in any and denies wrongdoing in each.



表示“违法行为;不道德行为;做坏事;违法犯罪”,英文解释为“Wrongdoing is behaviour that is illegal or immoral.举个🌰:
The city attorney's office hasn't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing. 市律师事务所还没有发现任何犯罪行为的证据。

Mr Trump has pledged to continue his campaign to become the Republican nominee in the 2024 presidential election, even if he is indicted.



1)作动词,表示“承诺,保证(做某事);保证给予(某物)”,英文解释为“When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.”举个🌰:

He pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 他承诺给予支持并提供力所能及的帮助。

2)表示“抵押”,英文解释为“If you pledge something such as a valuable possession or a sum of money, you leave it with someone as a guarantee that you will repay money that you have borrowed.”举个🌰:

He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan. 他要她抵押房子作为贷款担保。

3)作名词,表示“誓言;诺言;保证”,英文解释为“When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.举个🌰:

The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the states of the region. 会议以加快该地区州之间合作的承诺结束。

Past efforts to investigate him, including two impeachment trials, the Russia investigation and the Mar-a-Lago raid, have tended to make him more popular with his base, so an indictment could have a similar effect.



表示“弹劾;控告”,英文解释为“The impeachment of a senior official is the process of charging them with a crime that makes them unfit for office. ”举个🌰:

There are grounds for impeachment. 有数个弹劾的理由。


1)表示“审讯,审理,审判”,英文解释为“A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.”举个🌰:

I have the right to a trial with a jury of my peers. 有权要求由和我一样的平民组成的陪审团参加审判。

2)表示“(对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用”,英文解释为“the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of sb/sth, especially before you make a final decision about them”。


📍trail作名词则表示“小路,小径”,如:a forest/mountain trail 林间/山间小道,以及“臭迹;踪迹;痕迹;蛛丝马迹,线索”等意思(the smell or series of marks left by a person, animal, or thing as it moves along;various pieces of information that together show where someone you are searching for has gone)个🌰:

The dogs are trained to follow the trail left by the fox. 这些狗经过特别的训练,能够追踪狐狸留下的气味。


作动词,表示“(警方)突击检查,突然搜查”,英文解释为“(of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in central London. 有组织犯罪调查处的警察已经突击搜查了位于伦敦中心的一些公司。

作名词,1)表示“(通常由一小队人发起的)突袭,袭击”,英文解释为“a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people”举个🌰:

The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid (on the enemy). 突击队大胆(向敌人)发起了突袭。

2)表示“抢劫;打劫”,英文解释为“the act of entering a place by force in order to steal from it”举个🌰:

Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night. 昨晚一家银行被劫走数百万美元。

3)表示“(警方)查抄,突然搜查”,英文解释为“an occasion when the police enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

The drugs were found during a police raid on the house. 这些毒品是在警方查抄这栋房子时发现的。

📍 air raid 表示“空袭”,英文解释为“an attack by enemy aircraft, usually dropping bombs”如:an air raid shelter/siren 防空洞/空袭警报。

It is not yet known if he is going to be criminally charged this week or even, beyond broad strokes, what those charges might be.


But with the former president predicting an arrest, and calling for mass protests, this is a journey into unknown territory.


Mr Trump has a loyal base of followers, and the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Capitol by his supporters following his repeated calls to protest has proven that a fraught situation can quickly escalate into violence.



1)表示“充满(问题或风险)的”,英文解释为“If a situation or action is fraught with problems or risks, it is filled with them.”举个🌰:

The earliest operations employing this technique were fraught with dangers.  最早采用这一技术的手术充满了危险。

2)表示“令人担忧的”,英文解释为“If you say that a situation or action is fraught, you mean that it is worrisome or difficult. ”举个🌰:

It has been a somewhat fraught day.  这是令人颇为担忧的一天。

🎬电影《兰戈》(Rango)中的台词提到:The path to knowledge is fraught with consequence. 通往真知的道路充满了荆棘坎坷


escalate /ˈɛskəˌleɪt/ 表示“使…加剧;加剧”,英文解释为“If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity.”举个🌰:

They fear the dispute could escalate. 他们都害怕争端会加剧。

🎬电影《死亡实验》(The Experiment)中的台词提到:Do I need to escalate matters right now? 逼我把事情闹大吗?

📍de-escalate /ˌdiːˈes.kə.leɪt/ 表示“(使)缓和,(使)缓解”,英文解释为“to (cause to) become less dangerous or difficult”举个🌰:

There are signs that the confrontation is beginning to de-escalate. 有迹象表明对立已经开始缓和。

On Saturday Mr Trump wrote on his social networking site Truth Social that "illegal leaks" from the Manhattan district attorney's office "indicate" he would be arrested on Tuesday.

特朗普周六(3月17日)在其自创的社交媒体平台“Truth Social”上写道,来自曼哈顿地区检察官办公室的“非法泄密”“表明”,他将于下周二被捕。


attorney /əˈtɜːnɪ/ 表示律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我们可以说a prosecuting attorney,即“公诉律师”。



The district attorney's office has not yet commented. Mr Trump's lawyer, Susan Necheles, said her team had not heard anything from law enforcement officials.

曼哈顿地区检察官办公室尚未对此发表评论。特朗普的律师苏珊·内切莱斯 (Susan Necheles) 表示,她的团队没有从执法部门官员那里听到任何消息。

"Since this is a political prosecution, the district attorney's office has engaged in a practice of leaking everything to the press, rather than communicating with President Trump's attorneys as would be done in a normal case," she said.



1) 表示“起诉”,英文解释为“Prosecution is the action of charging someone with a crime and putting them on trial.”如:a criminal prosecution 刑事诉讼。

2) 也可以表示“(刑事案件的)检控方,控方”,英文解释为“the prosecution the lawyers who try to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime”。

3)表示“实施;从事;进行”,英文解释为“the act of making sth happen or continue”。

The Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, has hit out at the investigation, calling it "an outrageous abuse of power by a radical DA [district attorney]".

美国众议院共和党议长凯文·麦卡锡 (Kevin McCarthy) 对该调查提出了猛烈抨击,称此举为“激进的地区检察官无耻地滥用权力”。

hit out

表示“猛烈批评,严厉抨击”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly”举个🌰:

The Medical Association yesterday hit out at cuts in healthcare services.



outrageous /ˌaʊtˈreɪ.dʒəs/ 1)表示“骇人的;无耻的;无法接受的”,英文解释为“shocking and morally unacceptable”举个🌰:

The judge criticized the "outrageous greed" of some of the bankers. 法官批评有些银行家“无耻贪婪”。

2)表示“(因反常或怪异)吓人的,惊人的,令人震惊的”,英文解释为“used to describe something or someone that is shocking because they are unusual or strange”如:outrageous clothes/behaviour 奇装异服/怪异的举止。


1)表示“激进的;过激的;极端的”,英文解释为“believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change”举个🌰:

He was known as a radical thinker. 他是个著名的激进思想家。

2)表示“根本的;彻底的,完全的”,英文解释为“relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme”举个🌰:

We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures. 我们需要对操作规程进行一些根本性的变革。

In a tweet, he also promised to investigate whether federal money was being used to interfere in elections "with politically motivated prosecutions".



表示“妨碍,干扰”,英文解释为“to prevent something from working effectively or from developing successfully”举个🌰:

Even a low level of noise interferes withmyconcentration.即使很低的噪声也会分散我的注意力。

Any indictment would create a complicated calculation for Mr Trump's rivals within the Republican Party, as they decide whether to up their attacks on the former president while he is potentially distracted or keep their heads down and hope for the best.


If history is any guide, it will be the latter.


What happens next? 接下来会发生什么?

Grand jury finishes its investigation 大陪审团完成调查

Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and ex-aides Kellyanne Conway and Hope Hicks, are among those understood to have given evidence so far. The Trump team has said the former president declined an invitation to appear, a sign the case is almost over, according to experts. Reports suggest one final witness could give evidence, possibly on Monday.

特朗普的前私人律师迈克尔·科恩(Michael Cohen)以及前助手凯莉安妮·康威(Kellyanne Conway)和霍普·希克斯(Hope Hicks)据了解目前已经提供了证据。据专家称,特朗普团队曾表示,这位前总统拒绝了出庭邀请,这是此案即将结束的迹象。报道称,最后一名证人可能会在周一出现在大陪审团面前提供证据。

grand jury

表示“(美国)大陪审团”,英文解释为“in the US, a group of people who decide if a person who has been charged with a crime should be given a trial in a law court”

• Prosecutors decide whether to indict 检察官决定是否起诉

Once the investigation is complete, the grand jury votes on whether to recommend criminal charges. However, their verdict is not binding. Ultimately, it is up to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to determine what, if any, charges to bring. There is no deadline for this. It is a legal decision - what does he believe can he prove beyond a reasonable doubt to win a conviction - but also a deeply political one.

调查一旦完成,大陪审团将投票决定是否建议提出刑事指控。然而,他们的判决没有约束力。如果有的话,最终将由曼哈顿地区检察官阿尔文·布拉格 (Alvin Bragg) 决定提出何种指控,但没有最后期限。这是一个法律决定,即他相信什么,他能否证明他能排除合理怀疑来赢得定罪——但也是一个深刻的政治决定。


1)表示“(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见”,英文解释为“a decision that you make or an opinion that you give about sth, after you have tested it or considered it carefully”举个🌰:

The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy. 这名医生的判断是他完全是健康的。

2)另一个常用含义,表示“裁定,裁决,裁断”(In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.)

🎬电影《真实故事》(True Story)中的台词提到:And the verdict was you're a liar. 而判决是,你是个骗子


表示“有约束力的”,英文解释为“A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.”,如:a binding contract/promise/agreement 具有约束力/必须履行的合同/承诺/协议。

• A possible Trump court appearance in New York 特朗普可能在纽约出庭

A former US president has never been indicted before but Mr Trump's lawyer said he would follow normal procedure. Typically, a defendant is either arrested or surrenders to the authorities - if they are facing a more serious felony charge they would be handcuffed. They then have their photo and fingerprints taken. After an initial hearing - called an arraignment - a defendant in a white-collar crime case like this is usually released until the next court date.



defendant /dɪˈfen.dənt/ 表示“被告,被告人”,英文解释为“a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal”


1)表示“放弃;交出”,英文解释为“If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle.”举个🌰:

She had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property. 她不得不填写表格,放弃对她财产的所有权利。

2)表示“投降;屈服”,英文解释为“If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten.”举个🌰:

The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police. 劫机者最终向警方投降。


felony /ˈfel.ə.ni/ 表示“重罪”,英文解释为“In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery.”举个🌰:

He pleaded guilty to two felonies. 他承认犯了两项重罪。


handcuff /ˈhænd.kʌf/ 表示“给…戴手铐”,英文解释为“to put handcuffs on someone”举个🌰:

He arrived in court handcuffed to two police officers. 他上了法庭,手分别同两名警察的手铐在一起。


arraignment /əˈreɪn.mənt/ 表示“传讯,控辩诉讼程序”,英文解释为“a legal process in a law court where someone is accused of a particular crime and asked to say if they are guilty or not”

The Stormy Daniels case is about how Mr Trump reimbursed his lawyer Michael Cohen after Cohen paid Ms Daniels $130,000. The record for the payment reimbursing Cohen says the payment was for "legal fees". Prosecutors may say this amounts to Mr Trump falsifying business records, a misdemeanour in New York.



reimburse /ˌriː.ɪmˈbɜːs/ 表示“偿还;付还;补偿”,英文解释为“to pay back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you”举个🌰:

The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me. 航空公司把多收的钱退还给我了。


falsify /ˈfɒl.sɪ.faɪ/ 表示“篡改,伪造(文件)”,英文解释为“to change something, such as a document, in order to deceive people”举个🌰:

The certificate had clearly been falsified. 这张证书很明显是伪造的。

amount to sth

表示“等于;意味着;达到;总计”,英文解释为“to be the same as something, or to have the same effect as something举个🌰:
His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.


misdemeanour /ˌmɪs.dɪˈmiː.nər/ 表示“不端行为,不检点的举止”,英文解释为“an action that is slightly bad or breaks a rule but is not a crime”如:sexual/youthful misdemeanours 不检点的性行为/青年人的不端行为。

US media organisations say law enforcement agencies in New York are preparing for the possibility of Mr Trump being indicted and appearing in a Manhattan courtroom as early as next week.


According to the Associated Press, they are considering the practicalities of taking a former president into court, including questions around security.


Donald Trump faces a separate criminal investigation over efforts to overturn his narrow loss in the state of Georgia in the 2020 presidential election - though it is not known if the former president is being directly investigated.



表示“(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;打翻”,英文解释为“if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side”举个🌰:

His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal. 他的有罪裁决被上诉法院推翻了。

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季中的台词提到:Even then, would we have enough to overturn the verdict? 即使拿到证词,就真能推翻判决吗?


narrow /ˈnær.əʊ/ 作动词 1)表示“(使)变窄,(使)缩窄”,英文解释为“to become less wide or to make something less wide”举个🌰:

The road narrows after the bridge. 过桥之后道路变窄了。

2)表示“(使)变少”,英文解释为“to become less”举个🌰:

The retailer's loss narrowed to $3 million from $10 million a year earlier. 这家零售商的亏损从前一年的1千万降至3百万。

作形容词,表示“勉强的;差距微小的”,英文解释为“A narrow result is one that could easily have been different because the amount by which someone failed or succeeded was very small.”举个🌰:

We won a narrow victory. 我们险胜。

The Department of Justice is also looking at whether classified government documents were handled incorrectly after Mr Trump left office, as well as broader efforts to undermine the results of the presidential election three years ago - including the 6 January attack.



表示“(常指逐渐地)削弱信心、权威等,损害”,英文解释为“to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually”举个🌰:

Criticism just undermines their confidence. 批评只是削弱了他们的信心。

- 今日盘点 -

arrest、prosecutor、indictment、hush money、wrongdoing、pledge、impeachment、trial、raid、fraught、escalate、attorney、prosecution、hit out、outrageous、radical、interfere、grand jury、verdict、binding、defendant、surrender、felony、handcuff、arraignment、reimburse、falsify、amount to sth、misdemeanour、overturn、narrow、undermine

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The prosecutor had been investigating the defendant's alleged wrongdoing for months, gathering evidence to support an indictment. When the raid on the defendant's office was finally executed, the evidence was overwhelming. The defendant was arrested and pled not guilty at the arraignment. The prosecution's case was fraught with challenges, including hush money paid to witnesses and attempts to falsify evidence. The grand jury ultimately returned a binding verdict of guilty on multiple felony charges, leading to the defendant's impeachment and surrender. The trial was intense, with the defendant's attorney hitting out at the prosecution's radical tactics, but the verdict was upheld and the defendant was sentenced to reimburse those affected by their misdemeanours. The scandal threatened to undermine the entire industry, but justice prevailed in the end.
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