

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-05



1. vent是什么意思?

2. hit a bump in the road是什么意思?

3. How to Offer Encouragement to Someone Who Has Failed an Exam or Test?


How to Offer Encouragement to Someone Who Has Failed an Exam or Test

From: wikiHow

Failing an exam can make someone feel really bad about themselves, not to mention embarrassed. But there are lots of ways you can encourage and help someone who has failed! Help them deal with their feelings about the failure by reminding them that everyone fails sometimes, and this one failure doesn't define them. You can also help them figure out how to do better next time. Encourage them to find a tutor, help them create a new study space, or share your own studying strategies.

Method 1: Helping Them Deal with the Failure

1 Let them vent. Sometimes they'll just need to be upset, or complain about the exam or the class. That's okay! Listen quietly, letting them get all of their emotions out about the failure.

Ask them to tell you how they feel, and let them talk as long as they need to. You can say something like "Tell me how you're feeling about it. I'm here to listen as long as you need me."

2 Tell them that this failure does not define them. A lot of people who fail an exam might think that failing an exam makes them a failure at life. Tell them it was one exam, in one class. It doesn't mean that they are a failure at life, and it doesn't even mean they can't be successful in the rest of the course.

You can say "I know it feels like you'll never get past this, but you will. Failing this one test doesn't mean that you're a failure. It just means you hit a bump in the road."

3 Offer them positive examples. Right after you've failed an exam, it's easy to feel like you'll never do anything well again. If you know someone who has failed the same test or exam (or a similar one), but then became successful, tell them about it! It can remind them that good things will happen again, too.

For example, say something like "You know how everyone talks about how John is the most successful alumnus we've got? Well, he failed this exact same exam. And he still did great!"

4 Suggest that they take a break. After failing a test, some people feel like they have to immediately begin studying again. Instead, suggest that they take a bit of a break, even if it's just for a day. Suggest they take a walk outside, or even focus on chores at home. A break can be good for their mental health.

Say something like, "How about we go for a walk? It'll get your mind off of things and let you recharge a little bit."

5 Remind them that everyone fails at some point. Failing an exam might be especially hard for someone who has never failed one before. Remind them that everyone fails at some point, even if they don't talk about it. They're only human, and humans fail!

You can say something like "Everyone fails. There's people in this class who have failed an exam. It happens to everyone at some point, and you can get through it!"

6 Don't make fun of them. Failing a test can be a seriously demoralizing thing. And even if they seem okay about it, they might be hiding how they really feel. Don't make fun of them for failing, or compare their score to yours.

Method 2: Offering Them Ways Forward

1 Help them figure out new ways to study. Ask how long they studied, how often they took notes in class, and if they ever felt like they weren't doing enough. Help them look up studying strategies on websites like Princeton Review, and select strategies they haven't tried before. Using a new strategy can yield different results.

Share strategies that you find successful. For instance, if you always use flashcards, you can show them how you organize your notes into flashcards.

2 Suggest they set a time limit on their reaction. It can be really easy to obsess over a failure for days or even weeks. Suggest they give themselves a certain amount of time – say, 24 hours – to react however they want. Then suggest that once that timeframe is over, they focus on moving forward.

3 Help them create a new study space. Ask them where they study. If it's usually somewhere loud, with lots of distractions, offer to help them create a new space. Choose a quiet corner of their home to set up a desk and chair. Or help them scope out quiet coffee shops.

4 Suggest a tutor. Some people simply need help learning how to study or learning certain material, and that's okay. Suggest to the person who has failed that a tutor might give them the boost they need.

You can suggest they look for tutor services at their school, or through websites.

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How to Offer Encouragement to Someone Who Has Failed an Exam or Test


From: wikiHow

Failing an exam can make someone feel really bad about themselves, not to mention embarrassed. But there are lots of ways you can encourage and help someone who has failed! Help them deal with their feelings about the failure by reminding them that everyone fails sometimes, and this one failure doesn't define them. You can also help them figure out how to do better next time. Encourage them to find a tutor, help them create a new study space, or share your own studying strategies.



表示“窘迫的,尴尬的;害羞的”,英文解释为“feeling ashamed or shy”举个🌰:

I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared. 我不好意思承认我给吓坏了。

Method 1: Helping Them Deal with the Failure 帮他们应对失败

1 Let them vent. Sometimes they'll just need to be upset, or complain about the exam or the class. That's okay! Listen quietly, letting them get all of their emotions out about the failure.



vent /vent/ 表示“发泄,表达(负面的情绪)”,英文解释为“to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way”举个🌰:

I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just needed to vent. 我没想要针对任何人,我只是想发泄一下。

Ask them to tell you how they feel, and let them talk as long as they need to. You can say something like "Tell me how you're feeling about it. I'm here to listen as long as you need me."


2 Tell them that this failure does not define them. A lot of people who fail an exam might think that failing an exam makes them a failure at life. Tell them it was one exam, in one class. It doesn't mean that they are a failure at life, and it doesn't even mean they can't be successful in the rest of the course.


You can say "I know it feels like you'll never get past this, but you will. Failing this one test doesn't mean that you're a failure. It just means you hit a bump in the road."



bump /bʌmp/ 1)表示“隆起;凸块;肿块”,英文解释为“a round, raised area on a surface or on the body”,a bump in the road 路面上的凸块,举个🌰:

Her bicycle hit a bump in the road and threw her off. 自行车撞上了路上的一个鼓包,她摔了下来。

2)表示“增加”,英文解释为“an increase in something”举个🌰:

There had been a bump in the number of students with learning disorders. 有学习障碍的学生数量增加了。

hit a bump in the road,可以指遇到问题,挫折(A temporary problem, a small setback)

3 Offer them positive examples. Right after you've failed an exam, it's easy to feel like you'll never do anything well again. If you know someone who has failed the same test or exam (or a similar one), but then became successful, tell them about it! It can remind them that good things will happen again, too.


For example, say something like "You know how everyone talks about how John is the most successful alumnus we've got? Well, he failed this exact same exam. And he still did great!"



📍alumnus /əˈlʌm.nəs/ 表示“男校友;男毕业生;校友”,英文解释为“a former male student of a school, college or university;someone who has left a school, college, or university after finishing their studies there”,复数:alumni  /əˈlʌmnaɪ/

📍alumna /əˈlʌm.nə/ 表示“女校友;女毕业生”,英文解释为“a former woman student of a school, college or university”,复数:alumnae /əˈlʌmniː/ 

4 Suggest that they take a break. After failing a test, some people feel like they have to immediately begin studying again. Instead, suggest that they take a bit of a break, even if it's just for a day. Suggest they take a walk outside, or even focus on chores at home. A break can be good for their mental health.



chore /tʃɔːr/ 表示“日常琐事;杂务;乏味的例行工作”,英文解释为“a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly”举个🌰:

I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or around the house). 我把家务琐事干完后要去购物。

Say something like, "How about we go for a walk? It'll get your mind off of things and let you recharge a little bit."


5 Remind them that everyone fails at some point. Failing an exam might be especially hard for someone who has never failed one before. Remind them that everyone fails at some point, even if they don't talk about it. They're only human, and humans fail!


You can say something like "Everyone fails. There's people in this class who have failed an exam. It happens to everyone at some point, and you can get through it!"


6 Don't make fun of them. Failing a test can be a seriously demoralizing thing. And even if they seem okay about it, they might be hiding how they really feel. Don't make fun of them for failing, or compare their score to yours.



demoralize /dɪˈmɒr.ə.laɪz/ 表示“使泄气,使垂头丧气”,英文解释为“to make someone or something feel much less confident”举个🌰:

Losing several games in a row had completely demoralized the team. 连续输掉数场比赛使全队上下彻底泄了气。

Method 2: Offering Them Ways Forward 指明前行的道路

1 Help them figure out new ways to study. Ask how long they studied, how often they took notes in class, and if they ever felt like they weren't doing enough. Help them look up studying strategies on websites like Princeton Review, and select strategies they haven't tried before. Using a new strategy can yield different results.



1)表示“出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供”,英文解释为“to produce or provide sth, for example a profit, result or crop”举个🌰:

Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns. 高利率的存款会产生丰厚的收益。

2)yield /jiːld/ 表示“(常指被迫)放弃,让出”,英文解释为“to give up the control of or responsibility for something, often because you have been forced to”举个🌰:

Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory, they will not yield. 尽管有新的压力要求放弃被占领的土地,他们就是不愿屈服。

Share strategies that you find successful. For instance, if you always use flashcards, you can show them how you organize your notes into flashcards.


flash card

flash card /ˈflæʃ ˌkɑːd/ 表示“(上有单词或图片的)教学卡片;抽认卡”,英文解释为“a card with a word or picture on it that is used to help students learn”

2 Suggest they set a time limit on their reaction. It can be really easy to obsess over a failure for days or even weeks. Suggest they give themselves a certain amount of time – say, 24 hours – to react however they want. Then suggest that once that timeframe is over, they focus on moving forward.



表示“(使)着迷;(使)困扰;(使)牵挂;(使)萦回于心”,英文解释为“if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else – used to show disapproval”,用法:be obsessed by / with sth. / sb.,举个🌰:

The whole relationship obsessed me for years. 这一关系多年来一直困扰着我。

She used to obsess about her weight. 她过去总是过分在意自己的体重。

time frame

表示“(安排进行某活动的)时间框架,时间范围”,英文解释为“a period of days, weeks, months, etc. within which an activity is intended to happen”举个🌰:

Have you set a time frame for completing the job? 你给这项工作定完成时限了吗?

3 Help them create a new study space. Ask them where they study. If it's usually somewhere loud, with lots of distractions, offer to help them create a new space. Choose a quiet corner of their home to set up a desk and chair. Or help them scope out quiet coffee shops.



表示“分心的事;分散注意力的东西”,英文解释为“something that prevents someone from giving their attention to something else”举个🌰:

I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction. 如果你觉得电视让你思想无法集中,我可以关掉。

scope sth/sb out

表示“仔细观察(看某事物/某人是否有趣或具吸引力)”,英文解释为“to look carefully to see if something or someone is interesting or attractive”举个🌰:

We scoped out the local area to see if it would be a good place to rent a flat. 我们仔细观察了一下附近地区,看是否适于在那里租房住。

4 Suggest a tutor. Some people simply need help learning how to study or learning certain material, and that's okay. Suggest to the person who has failed that a tutor might give them the boost they need.


You can suggest they look for tutor services at their school, or through websites.


- 今日盘点 -

embarrassed、vent、bump、alumnus、chore、demoralize、yield、flash card、obsess、time frame、distraction、scope sth/sb out

- Generated By ChatGPT -

As an alumnus of the prestigious university, John was thrilled to attend the alumni event. But as he arrived, he suddenly realized he had forgotten his flash card, which listed all the important details about the event. He felt embarrassed and demoralized, but decided to vent his frustration by sharing his chore of finding a replacement with his old classmates. While he was scoping out potential solutions, he bumped into a fellow alumnus who offered him a spare flash card. John yielded to his kind offer and used the card to navigate the event's time frame. Despite the distraction caused by his forgetfulness, he was able to fully scope out the scope of the event and left feeling satisfied.
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