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LearnAndRecord 2023-02-18

今天,男子职业网球协会(ATP)250巡回赛美国达拉斯站男单决赛中,中国选手吴易(bǐng)历经鏖战,以2:1战胜约翰·伊斯内尔(John Isner),创造中国大陆男网历史,成为首位捧起ATP巡回赛单打冠军的中国大陆球员。




3. 文中的serve/serving是什么意思?


Wu Becomes First Chinese ATP Tour Titlist In History With Dallas Triumph

From: ATP Tour

Wu Yibing came back from the brink to make history Sunday at the Dallas Open, where the fast-rising 23-year-old saved four championship points before downing John Isner 6-7(4), 7-6(3), 7-6(12) to become the first Chinese player to lift an ATP Tour trophy.

Before this week, no Chinese man had ever reached a tour-level final in the Open Era or defeated an opponent in the Top 10 of the Pepperstone ATP Rankings. Wu achieved both of those in one go with his semi-final victory against World No. 8 Taylor Fritz in Dallas, and he continued his history-making run in Sunday's final with a milestone victory for tennis in his country.

“I made history here for my country and for my home,” said Wu at the trophy ceremony. “I'm very proud of myself and especially thanks to all the fans and my team who came here to support. I couldn't do this without any of you guys.”

After a bright start, Wu appeared to have faded in the face of a trademark serving barrage from Isner at the indoor ATP 250 event in Texas. The American held championship point on his opponent's serve at 6-5, 30/40 in the second set, but Wu kept his cool to recover before sealing a historic victory in a nerve-wracking deciding-set tie-break.

“It's a tough one to lose,” said Isner, who is now 16-15 in tour-level finals. “I don't know how many match points I had, I'm sure it's a lot. I swear I thought I won the match a few times… Sports can be brutal. I had match point in the second set too.

“It's like he plays every point the same, so definitely no nerves," added Isner when asked about Wu's performance. "He gets a ball to hit, he hits it, and on this court it's hard to hit him a shot he is uncomfortable with… He is an unbelievable ballstriker and a very good talent.”

Even after falling a set behind, Wu continued to strike aggressively from the baseline in his maiden tour-level meeting with Isner. His combination of power and accuracy brought him 41 winners, including seven aces, while the Chinese also won all 13 points he played at the net.

Wu, who did not compete on the ATP Tour from March 2019 to January 2022 due to a series of injuries, had notched just six tour-level wins prior to this week. Yet he showed no sign of nerves throughout his run, during which he defeated Michael Mmoh, third seed Denis Shapovalov, Adrian Mannarino, top seed Fritz, and Isner.

On Monday, Wu became just the second Chinese player to crack the Top 100 in the Pepperstone ATP Rankings. Now he will rise to a career-high World No. 58 just one week later.

Isner, who pledged to donate $100 to the Isner Family Foundation for each ace he hit this week, finished the tournament with 138 aces, raising $13,800 for needy children in the Dallas area.

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Wu Becomes First Chinese ATP Tour Titlist In History With Dallas Triumph

From: ATP Tour

Wu Yibing came back from the brink to make history Sunday at the Dallas Open, where the fast-rising 23-year-old saved four championship points before downing John Isner 6-7(4), 7-6(3), 7-6(12) to become the first Chinese player to lift an ATP Tour trophy.

周日,在达拉斯公开赛上,吴易昺化险为夷,创造了历史。这位快速成长的23岁球员在挽救了四个冠军点之后,以6-7(4), 7-6(3), 7-6(12)击败了约翰·伊斯内尔(John Isner),成为第一位捧起ATP巡回赛奖杯的中国选手。


brink /brɪŋk/ 1)表示“(峭壁、崖的)边缘”,英文解释为“the edge of a cliff or other high area”举个🌰:

She was standing right on the brink of the gorge. 她就站在峡谷的边缘。

2)表示(新的、危险的,或令人兴奋的处境的)边缘,初始状态”,英文解释为“if you are on the brink of sth, you are almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation”,如:on the brink of collapse / war / death / disaster 濒于崩溃 / 战争 / 死亡 / 灾难。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述外国企业在印度投资的文章中提到:In an epic tale of value-destruction, the company now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, weighing on Vodafone Group, its British corporate parent. 经历了如此漫长而悲壮的价值毁灭故事,该公司现在濒临破产边缘,也拖累了英国母公司沃达丰集团(Vodafone Group)。

championship point

📍championship point 冠军点

📍set point 盘点

📍break point 破发点

📍match point 赛点,决胜点,比赛中为获胜所必需的最后一分,英文解释为“a situation in a game such as tennis when the player who is winning will win the match if they get the next point”


熟词僻义,1)表示“一口气吃下;一口气喝下”,英文解释为“to eat or drink something quickly”举个🌰:

He'd downed four beers before I'd finished one. 我一杯啤酒还没喝完,他就已经一口气喝下四杯了。

2)表示“(尤指在比赛中)打败,击败,战胜”,英文解释为“to defeat someone, especially in sport”


trophy /ˈtrəʊfɪ/ 表示“奖,(流动)奖杯”,英文解释为“a prize, such as a gold or silver cup, that is given to the winner of a competition or race, and often returned after a year to be given to the winner of the competition in the following year”举个🌰:

He's an excellent rider, but he's never won a major trophy. 他是个出色的骑手,但从未赢得过任何一项重要比赛的冠军。

Before this week, no Chinese man had ever reached a tour-level final in the Open Era or defeated an opponent in the Top 10 of the Pepperstone ATP Rankings. Wu achieved both of those in one go with his semi-final victory against World No. 8 Taylor Fritz in Dallas, and he continued his history-making run in Sunday's final with a milestone victory for tennis in his country.

在本周之前,中国男子选手没有能在公开赛年代进入巡回赛决赛的,也没有人能击败Pepperstone ATP排名前10位的对手。吴易昺在半决赛中战胜了世界排名第八的泰勒·弗里茨(Taylor Fritz),一举实现了这两个目标。周日的决赛中,他继续创造历史,为中国网球运动赢得了里程碑式的胜利。

in one go

in/at one go = at/in one sitting 表示“一口气地”,英文解释为“during one limited period of time, without stopping”举个🌰:

I enjoyed the book so much that I read it all in one sitting. 我太喜欢这本书了,一口气就把它读完了。


表示“里程碑;重大事件;转折点”,英文解释为“an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life”举个🌰:

He felt that moving out of his parents' home was a real milestone in his life. 他感到搬出父母家是他一生中一个真正的转折点。

I made history here for my country and for my home,” said Wu at the trophy ceremony. “I'm very proud of myself and especially thanks to all the fans and my team who came here to support. I couldn't do this without any of you guys.


After a bright start, Wu appeared to have faded in the face of a trademark serving barrage from Isner at the indoor ATP 250 event in Texas. The American held championship point on his opponent's serve at 6-5, 30/40 in the second set, but Wu kept his cool to recover before sealing a historic victory in a nerve-wracking deciding-set tie-break.

在得克萨斯州举行的ATP 250室内赛上,吴易昺开局良好,但面对伊斯内尔标志性的发球猛攻,他似乎有些失色。在第二盘中,这位美国人以6-5、30/40的比分在对手的发球中拿下了冠军点,但吴易昺保持冷静,最后在紧张的决胜盘抢七中取得了历史性的胜利。


fade /feɪd/ 表示“(使)褪色;(使)变暗;(使)衰弱”,英文解释为“to (cause to) lose colour, brightness, or strength gradually”举个🌰:

If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade. 衣服挂在光线强的地方晾晒会褪色。


1)表示“商标”,英文解释为“a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without permission”

2)表示“(某人的)标记,特征”,英文解释为“something very noticeable that a person typically has or does”举个🌰:

He was wearing one of the brightly coloured ties that are his trademark. 他戴着一条他标志性的亮色领带。


serve /sɜːv/  表示“接待;招待;为…服务”,英文解释为“in a shop, restaurant, or hotel, to deal with a customer by taking their order, showing or selling them goods, etc.”举个🌰:

Are you being served, madam? 女士,有服务员招待您吗?

熟词僻义,1)表示“将…正式送达”,英文解释为“to give a legal document to someone, demanding that they go to a law court or that they obey an order”举个🌰:

Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the Magistrates' Court. 每一个收到传票的人在地方法院出庭之前都有6个星期的时间。

2)在网球等体育运动中,表示“发(球)”,英文解释为“in sports such as tennis, to hit the ball to the other player as a way of starting the game”举个🌰:

Whose turn is it to serve? 轮到谁发球了?


1)作名词,表示“连续炮击”,英文解释为“A barrage is continuous firing on an area with large guns and tanks.举个🌰:

The artillery barrage on the city was the heaviest since the ceasefire. 此次对城市的连续炮击是自停战以来最猛烈的。

2)作动词,表示“不断骚扰;连番轰炸”,英文解释为“If you are barraged by people or things, you have to deal with a great number of people or things you would rather avoid.”举个🌰:

Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen. 医生们抱怨总是受到医药公司销售人员的骚扰。

3)a barrage of,表示“一连串(问题,抱怨等)”,英文解释为“A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.”举个🌰:

He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor. 他面临着听众一连串的愤怒质问。


seal表示“封,密封”,还可以表示“确定;明确定下来;使成定局”,英文解释为“to make sth definite, so that it cannot be changed or argued about”,通常说seal a victory/win/match,确定,锁定胜局(to make a victory certain)举个🌰:

The two leaders sealed their agreement with a handshake. 两位领导握手表示达成协议。


📍secure熟词僻义,表示“(尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现”,英文解释为“to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort”,如:to secure a contract/deal 订立合同;达成协议,举个🌰:

His goal secured his team's place in the final. 他的进球确保了球队进入决赛。


nerve-racking /ˈnɜːvˌræk.ɪŋ/ 表示“伤脑筋的;使人心烦的”,英文解释为“Something that is nerve-racking is difficult to do and causes a lot of worry for the person involved in it.”举个🌰:

Her wedding was the most nerve-racking thing she has ever experienced. 她的婚礼是她经历过的最伤脑筋的事情。


deciding-set 表示“决胜局”,set表示“(网球比赛的)一局”,英文解释为“a part of a game of tennis or volleyball”举个🌰:

They won in straight sets (= they won every set). 他们一局未失。


tie-break / tie-breaker 表示“(当两队在比赛结束时打成平局而增加的)决胜局,加时赛,(网球)抢七局”,英文解释为“extra play at the end of a game when both teams have the same points, to decide who is the winner”

“It's a tough one to lose,” said Isner, who is now 16-15 in tour-level finals. “I don't know how many match points I had, I'm sure it's a lot. I swear I thought I won the match a few times… Sports can be brutal. I had match point in the second set too.


“It's like he plays every point the same, so definitely no nerves," added Isner when asked about Wu's performance. "He gets a ball to hit, he hits it, and on this court it's hard to hit him a shot he is uncomfortable with… He is an unbelievable ballstriker and a very good talent.”


Even after falling a set behind, Wu continued to strike aggressively from the baseline in his maiden tour-level meeting with Isner. His combination of power and accuracy brought him 41 winners, including seven aces, while the Chinese also won all 13 points he played at the net.



maiden /ˈmeɪ.dən/ 表示“首次的,初次的”,英文解释为“being the first of its type”如:his maiden appearance on TV 他在电视上的首次亮相,举个🌰:

The first hydrogen-powered airplane will make its maiden flight this year. 第一架氢动力飞机将在今年进行首飞。


ace /eɪs/ 表示“幺点的纸牌,A 纸牌”,英文解释为“one of the four playing cards with a single mark or spot. The ace has the highest or lowest value in many card games.”如:the ace of hearts / clubs / spades / diamonds 红桃/梅花/黑桃/方块 A。

在网球中,ace表示“发球得分”,英文解释为“in tennis, a serve (= a hit of the ball that starts play) that is so strong and fast that the other player cannot return the ball”

Wu, who did not compete on the ATP Tour from March 2019 to January 2022 due to a series of injuries, had notched just six tour-level wins prior to this week. Yet he showed no sign of nerves throughout his run, during which he defeated Michael Mmoh, third seed Denis Shapovalov, Adrian Mannarino, top seed Fritz, and Isner.

吴易昺因一系列伤病没有参加2019年3月至2022年1月期间的ATP巡回赛,在本周之前他只获得了六次巡回赛级别的胜利。然而,他在整个比赛过程中没有表现出任何紧张的迹象,其中他击败了迈克尔·莫(Michael Mmoh)、三号种子选手丹尼斯·沙波瓦洛夫(Denis Shapovalov)、阿德里安·马纳里诺(Adrian Mannarino)、头号种子选手弗里茨和伊斯内尔。


作名词,表示“(表面或边缘的)V形刻痕,圆形切口”,英文解释为“a V-shape or a circle cut in an edge or a surface, sometimes used to keep a record of sth”

notch sth (up) 表示“赢取;获得”,英文解释为“to achieve sth such as a win or a high score”举个🌰:

The team has notched up 20 goals already this season. 这支球队本赛季已经攻进20个球。

On Monday, Wu became just the second Chinese player to crack the Top 100 in the Pepperstone ATP Rankings. Now he will rise to a career-high World No. 58 just one week later.

周一,吴易昺成为第二位进入Pepperstone ATP排名前100名的中国球员。如今,仅仅一周后,他将升至职业生涯最高的世界第58名。

Isner, who pledged to donate $100 to the Isner Family Foundation for each ace he hit this week, finished the tournament with 138 aces, raising $13,800 for needy children in the Dallas area.



1)作动词,表示“承诺,保证(做某事);保证给予(某物)”,英文解释为“When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.”举个🌰:

He pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 他承诺给予支持并提供力所能及的帮助。

2)表示“抵押”,英文解释为“If you pledge something such as a valuable possession or a sum of money, you leave it with someone as a guarantee that you will repay money that you have borrowed.”举个🌰:

He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan. 他要她抵押房子作为贷款担保。

3)作名词,表示“誓言;诺言;保证”,英文解释为“When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.举个🌰:

The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the states of the region. 会议以加快该地区州之间合作的承诺结束。

- 今日盘点 -

brink、championship point、down、trophy、in one go、milestone、fade、trademark、serve、barrage、seal、nerve-racking、deciding-set、 tie-break、maiden、ace、notch、pledge

- Generated By ChatGPT -

At the brink of the championship point, he was feeling down. The trophy was within reach but the pressure was nerve-racking. The deciding-set had to be settled by a tie-break. With his trademark serve, he began the barrage of shots. He sealed the match with a milestone of his maiden ace, notching a new personal best. He had pledged to himself that he would win this match in one go, but as he raised the trophy, he felt the joy slowly fade away.
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