

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22

近日,在巴西纪念独立200周年之际,巴西第一位皇帝佩德罗一世(Pedro I)的心脏当天从葡萄牙被运抵巴西。


Heart of Brazil’s first emperor returns after nearly 200 years for ‘state visit’

From: The Guardian

Nearly two centuries after it was cut from his corpse and preserved in formaldehyde, the heart of Emperor Pedro I, who declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal, has returned for politically charged commemorations of the South American country’s 200th birthday.

Dom Pedro, a beloved figure in both Brazilian and Portuguese history, has been divided between the two countries in death – his heart enshrined in a church in Porto, Portugal, and the rest of his remains in an independence monument in São Paulo, Brazil.

But after Porto city officials agreed to return the heart on loan, it arrived in Brazil on Monday for the country’s bicentennial independence celebrations on 7 September.

The heart, which is kept in a glass jar in a golden urn, arrived with all the pomp and circumstance of a state visit.

“It will be treated as if Dom Pedro I were alive and with us … just as if it were a state visit by a foreign leader,” said Alan Coelho, chief of ceremonial protocol at the Brazilian foreign ministry.

Dom Pedro fled to Brazil with his family as a nine-year-old boy when Napoleon’s army invaded Portugal in 1807.

He stayed behind to rule the then colony as regent when his father, King Joao VI, returned home to the increasingly restless mother country in 1821.

Facing pressure to rein in the political autonomy the colony had enjoyed, Pedro I instead declared it an independent country on 7 September 1822, and became its first emperor.

But no sooner had he thrown off Portuguese rule and established Brazil as a constitutional empire than turbulence across the Atlantic forced him to return to Portugal, where his younger brother had usurped the throne and was attempting to return the country from a constitutional government to absolute monarchy.

Pedro I, who is known in Portugal as Pedro IV, abdicated in 1831 and sailed back to Portugal, leading an army into Porto in support of the constitutionalists’ ultimately successful struggle.

After his death of tuberculosis in 1834, he was celebrated in both Brazil and Portugal as a champion of liberal causes and representative rule. At his request, his heart was removed and kept in Porto, in gratitude to its people for their support.

“Today the heart of this national hero, the first emperor of Brazil, returns home to our soil,” defence minister Paulo Sérgio Nogueira said at a ceremony to welcome the organ at an airbase in Brasília. “This important relic represents the bravery, passion and above all the immeasurable strength of our first emperor.”

The heart has a busy agenda for its visit. President Jair Bolsonaro will hold an official ceremony for it on Tuesday with military honours.

The 9kg (20 pound) urn will then go on display for 17 days at the foreign ministry headquarters, Itamaraty Palace.

Bolsonaro, who is campaigning to win reelection in October, has faced accusations of fanning the flames of nationalism with the festivities around the heart. The far-right leader is also planning a big rally by supporters and a military parade on independence day.

Critics said parading the heart around was reminiscent of when Brazil’s 1964-1985 military dictatorship – which Bolsonaro openly admires – brought the rest of Pedro I’s body back from Portugal in 1972.

“This is going to be a farce by Bolsonaro, welcoming this heart like a visiting dignitary,” said historian Lilia Schwarcz, who has written books on Pedro I and Brazilian independence.

“We should ask ourselves what kind of way this is to think about history – a dead history stuck in time, like the stopped organ of a deceased emperor.”

Others found humour in the occasion.

“Since the independence process began with the Napoleonic invasion, I suggest they also bring over Bonaparte’s penis,” quipped fellow historian Luiz Antônio Simas.

Ordinarily kept under quintuple lock and key at the Our Lady of Lapa church in Porto, the heart will be under the watchful eye of a police officer sent by the Portuguese city during its visit to Brazil, before being returned on 8 September.

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Heart of Brazil’s first emperor returns after nearly 200 years for ‘state visit’

From: The Guardian

Nearly two centuries after it was cut from his corpse and preserved in formaldehyde, the heart of Emperor Pedro I, who declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal, has returned for politically charged commemorations of the South American country’s 200th birthday.



corpse /kɔːps/ 表示“(人的)尸体”,英文解释为“the dead body of a person”举个🌰:

The corpse was found by children playing in the woods.



表示“保护,维护;保留;保养”,英文解释为“to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed”如:to preserve the environment 保护环境。


formaldehyde /fɔːˈmæl.də.haɪd/ 表示“甲醛;福尔马林;甲醛水溶液”,英文解释为“a chemical (formula CH2O), used in industry and for preserving dead bodies and body parts”举个🌰:

We dissected fish that had been preserved in formaldehyde.



表示“纪念;纪念活动”,英文解释为“something that is done to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event”。

Dom Pedro, a beloved figure in both Brazilian and Portuguese history, has been divided between the two countries in death – his heart enshrined in a church in Porto, Portugal, and the rest of his remains in an independence monument in São Paulo, Brazil.

多姆·佩德罗(Dom Pedro)是巴西和葡萄牙历史上受人爱戴的人物,逝世后的他一直被两国“瓜分”,他的心脏被供奉在葡萄牙波尔图(Porto)的一座教堂里,其余遗体被供奉在巴西圣保罗(São Paulo)的一座独立纪念碑里。


表示“钟爱的;深受喜爱的”,英文解释为“loved very much by sb; very popular with sb”如:the deep purple flowers so beloved by artists 受艺术家青睐的深紫色花。


enshrine /ɪnˈʃraɪn/ 表示“把…置于神龛内;视...为神圣;使...神圣不可侵犯;铭记;珍藏(指传统或权利被保留下来以使人铭记、珍视)”,英文解释为“If something such as a tradition or right is enshrined in something, it is preserved and protected so that people will remember and respect it”举个🌰:

The right is enshrined in the Constitution.



表示“剩余物;残留物;遗迹,遗址”,英文解释为“pieces or parts of something that continue to exist when most of it has been used, destroyed, or taken away”,如:human/sb's remains 特指“人的/某人的遗体(或遗骸)”,举个🌰:

The remains of lunch were still on the table.


But after Porto city officials agreed to return the heart on loan, it arrived in Brazil on Monday for the country’s bicentennial independence celebrations on 7 September.



美式 bicentennial /ˌbaɪsɛnˈtɛnɪəl/ 英式 bicentenary /ˌbaɪ.senˈtiː.nər.i/ 表示“200周年;200周年纪念日”,英文解释为“the day or year that is 200 years after a particular event, especially an important one”如:bicentenary celebrations 200周年庆祝活动。

The heart, which is kept in a glass jar in a golden urn, arrived with all the pomp and circumstance of a state visit.



表示“罐子,坛子;广口瓶”,英文解释为“a glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing food”如:a jar of coffee 一罐咖啡,a jam jar 果酱罐子。


urn /ɜːn/ 表示“瓮;骨灰瓮”,英文解释为“a container, especially a large, round one on a stem, that is used for decorative purposes in a garden, or one that has a lid and is used for holding a dead person's ashes (= the powder that is left after a dead body has been burned)”

pomp and circumstance

pomp and circumstance 表示“正式庆典,隆重仪式”,英文解释为“formal ceremonies”举个🌰:

After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.


“It will be treated as if Dom Pedro I were alive and with us … just as if it were a state visit by a foreign leader,” said Alan Coelho, chief of ceremonial protocol at the Brazilian foreign ministry.

巴西外交部礼仪礼宾司司长艾伦·科埃略(Alan Coelho)表示:“它会被视为佩德罗一世还活着,和我们在一起...就好像是一位外国领导人的国事访问一样。”


1)表示“规程,协议(计算机之间交换信息的计算机语言)”,英文解释为“a computer language allowing computers that are connected to each other to communicate”

2)表示“礼仪;外交礼节”,英文解释为“a system of fixed rules and formal behaviour used at official meetings, usually between governments”如:a breach of protocol 违反外交礼节。

3)表示“(正式的国际性)条约,公约,议定书”,英文解释为“a formal international agreement”举个🌰:

The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibits the use of poisonous gases in war. 1925年通过的《日内瓦公约》禁止在战争中使用有毒气体。

Dom Pedro fled to Brazil with his family as a nine-year-old boy when Napoleon’s army invaded Portugal in 1807.



1)表示“武装入侵;侵略;侵犯”,英文解释为“to enter a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it”举个🌰:

The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago.


2)表示“(尤指造成损害或混乱地)涌入;侵袭”,英文解释为“to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that causes damage or confusion”举个🌰:

As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the field.


He stayed behind to rule the then colony as regent when his father, King Joao VI, returned home to the increasingly restless mother country in 1821.

1821年,当他的父亲若昂六世国王(King Joao VI)回到日益动荡的祖国时,他留下来作为摄政王统治当时的殖民地。


colony /ˈkɒlənɪ/ 家熟悉的“殖民地”这一意思就不多说了。colony还有几个比较有趣的意思。1)表示“(某一类人的)聚居区”,英文解释为:You can refer to a place where a particular group of people lives as a particular kind of colony,比如《甄嬛传》中的宁古塔就可以说是a penal colony(一个罪犯的流放地)。 

2)表示“(生物)居住在一起的群体”,英文解释为A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together. 举个🌰:

The islands are famed for their colonies of sea birds. 


📍还有看动物世界的时候,水牛什么的经常是一群群的,就可以用a buffalo colony表示。


表示“摄政者;摄政王”,英文解释为“a person who rules a country because the king or queen is too young, old, ill/sick, etc.”

Facing pressure to rein in the political autonomy the colony had enjoyed, Pedro I instead declared it an independent country on 7 September 1822, and became its first emperor.


rein sth in

rein sth in = rein sth back 表示“抑制;控制;约束”,英文解释为“to control an emotion, activity, or situation to prevent it from becoming too powerful”举个🌰:

We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.


Reports today suggest consumers are already reining back spending.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述美国对抗华为的文章中提到:It also explains why it is going to such lengths, even using European-style industrial policy, to rein in Huawei, China's leading maker of telecoms equipment. 这也解释了美国何以要竭尽全力遏制中国的通信设备制造巨头华为,甚至为此采取欧洲式的产业政策。


表示“自主,自主权”,英文解释为“the ability to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else”

But no sooner had he thrown off Portuguese rule and established Brazil as a constitutional empire than turbulence across the Atlantic forced him to return to Portugal, where his younger brother had usurped the throne and was attempting to return the country from a constitutional government to absolute monarchy.


throw sth off

表示“摆脱;抛弃”,英文解释为“to free oneself of; discard”


表示“宪法(或章程)允许的,符合宪法(或章程)的”,英文解释为“allowed by or contained in a constitution”举个🌰:

Such a policy would not be constitutional.



turbulence /ˈtɜː.bjə.ləns/ 表示“骚乱,骚动;动荡,混乱”,英文解释为“a state of confusion without any order”举个🌰:

The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.



usurp /juːˈzɜːrp/ 表示“篡夺,夺取(权位)”,英文解释为“to take control of a position of power, especially without having the right to”举个🌰:

Did she usurp his place in his mother's heart?



表示“王位;王权;帝位”,英文解释为“the position of being a king or queen”举个🌰:

Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952.



monarchy /ˈmɒnəkɪ/ 表示“君主政体,君主制,君主国”,也可以指“王室”,英文解释为“The monarchy is used to refer to the monarch and his or her family.”

Pedro I, who is known in Portugal as Pedro IV, abdicated in 1831 and sailed back to Portugal, leading an army into Porto in support of the constitutionalists’ ultimately successful struggle.



表示“退位”,英文解释为“If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen.”举个🌰:

The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.

最后一位法国国王是路易斯·菲利普, 退位于1848年。

After his death of tuberculosis in 1834, he was celebrated in both Brazil and Portugal as a champion of liberal causes and representative rule. At his request, his heart was removed and kept in Porto, in gratitude to its people for their support.



tuberculosis /tʃuːˌbɜː.kjəˈləʊ.sɪs/ 缩写TB,表示“结核病,(尤指)肺结核”,英文解释为“a serious infectious disease that can attack many parts of a person's body, especially their lungs”

“Today the heart of this national hero, the first emperor of Brazil, returns home to our soil,” defence minister Paulo Sérgio Nogueira said at a ceremony to welcome the organ at an airbase in Brasília. “This important relic represents the bravery, passion and above all the immeasurable strength of our first emperor.”

“今天,这位民族英雄、巴西第一位皇帝的心脏重返故土,”巴西国防部长保罗·塞尔吉奥·诺盖拉(Paulo Sérgio Nogueira)在巴西利亚(Brasília)空军基地举行的欢迎仪式上说。“这一重要遗物象征着我们第一位皇帝的勇敢、激情,尤其是其不可估量的力量。”


表示“遗物;遗迹;遗风;遗俗”,英文解释为“an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist”举个🌰:

During the dig, the archaeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.



表示“不可计量的,无限的”,英文解释为“so large or great that it cannot be measured or known exactly”举个🌰:

Her movies had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Americans.


The heart has a busy agenda for its visit. President Jair Bolsonaro will hold an official ceremony for it on Tuesday with military honours.

这颗心脏“出访”议程满满。总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)将于周二以军事礼仪为其举行正式仪式。

The 9kg (20 pound) urn will then go on display for 17 days at the foreign ministry headquarters, Itamaraty Palace.

这个9公斤(20磅)的金瓮将在外交部总部伊塔马拉蒂宫(Itamaraty Palace)展出17天。

Bolsonaro, who is campaigning to win reelection in October, has faced accusations of fanning the flames of nationalism with the festivities around the heart. The far-right leader is also planning a big rally by supporters and a military parade on independence day.


fan the flames

表示“煽风点火,鼓惑人心”,英文解释为“to make a dangerous or unpleasant mood or situation worse”举个🌰:

His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.



复数,表示“庆祝活动”,英文解释为“the parties, meals, and other social activities with which people celebrate a special occasion”举个🌰:

Come in and join the festivities!


📍festivity作不可数名词时,表示“欢庆;欢乐”,英文解释为“a situation in which people are happy and celebrating”。

Critics said parading the heart around was reminiscent of when Brazil’s 1964-1985 military dictatorship – which Bolsonaro openly admires – brought the rest of Pedro I’s body back from Portugal in 1972.



reminiscent /ˌrɛmɪˈnɪsənt/ 表示“令人想起的”,英文解释为“If you say that one thing is reminiscent of another, you mean that it reminds you of it.”举个🌰:

The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.


🎬电影《六天》(6 days)中的台词提到:In scenes more reminiscent of north Ireland, 此场景更让人想起北爱尔兰或美国,

“This is going to be a farce by Bolsonaro, welcoming this heart like a visiting dignitary,” said historian Lilia Schwarcz, who has written books on Pedro I and Brazilian independence.

“这将是博尔索纳罗的一场闹剧,像来访的高官一样欢迎这颗心脏,”历史学家莉娅·施瓦茨(Lilia Schwarcz)说,她曾写过关于佩德罗一世和巴西独立的书。


farce /fɑːs/ 表示“滑稽的情景,荒唐的举动,闹剧”,英文解释为“a situation that is very badly organized or unfair”举个🌰:

No one had prepared anything so the meeting was a bit of a farce.



dignitary /ˈdɪɡnɪtərɪ/ 表示“显贵;要人;达官贵人;(政府或教会的)显要人物”,英文解释为“Dignitaries are people who are considered to be important because they have a high rank in government or in a church.”

“We should ask ourselves what kind of way this is to think about history – a dead history stuck in time, like the stopped organ of a deceased emperor.”



deceased /dɪˈsiːst/ 表示“死去了的;已死的;亡故的”,英文解释为“A deceased person is one who has recently died.”如:her deceased friend 她已故的朋友。

Others found humour in the occasion.


“Since the independence process began with the Napoleonic invasion, I suggest they also bring over Bonaparte’s penis,” quipped fellow historian Luiz Antônio Simas.

历史学家路易斯·安东尼奥·西马斯(Luiz Antônio Simas)打趣道:“既然独立进程始于拿破仑的入侵,我建议他们也把拿破仑·波拿巴的**带来。”


此前在美国女子坚持浇花两年,忽然发现是假花???一文中就出现过这一说法,quip作动词,表示“说俏皮话,说妙语”,英文解释为“to say something clever and amusing”,举个🌰:

‘Giving up smoking is easy,’ he quipped. ‘I've done it hundreds of times.’


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who once quipped, 我记得萧伯纳曾说过,

Ordinarily kept under quintuple lock and key at the Our Lady of Lapa church in Porto, the heart will be under the watchful eye of a police officer sent by the Portuguese city during its visit to Brazil, before being returned on 8 September.



quintuple /kwɪnˈtʃuː.pl/ 表示“五部分的;包括五部分的”,英文解释为“affecting or involving five different things or parts of something”举个🌰:

He had a quintuple heart bypass operation.


under lock and key

1)表示“锁起来的,存放好的”,英文解释为“locked away safely”举个🌰:

Her jewellery is securely under lock and key at the bank.


2)表示“(尤指罪犯)在牢房里的,在押的”,英文解释为“If a person, especially a criminal, is under lock and key, they are being kept in a place from which they cannot escape, usually a prison.”

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pomp and circumstance





rein sth in


throw sth off










fan the flames








under lock and key









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