

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-20

今天下午,日本花滑名将羽生结弦(Yuzuru Hanyu)召开记者发布会,宣布正式退役,不再参加花滑竞技赛事


Double Olympic champion Hanyu Yuzuru says he will turn pro


Japan's Yuzuru Hanyu, a two-times Olympic figure-skating champion whose attempt to pull off a third gold ended in a fourth place result at the Beijing Games in February, said on Tuesday he would turn professional and retire from competition.

A skating phenomenon whose determination has been legendary - he became the first man in over half-a-century to win back-to-back Olympic golds at PyeongChang in 2018, while skating on an injured ankle he was taking painkillers to endure - his future had been uncertain since his fourth place showing at Beijing.

It was the end of a storied competition career for the man considered one of the greatest skaters of all time, a run that included two world championship wins, four Grand Prix final crowns and six victories at the Japan nationals, besides the two Olympic golds.

Making the announcement at a news conference in Tokyo, the 27-year-old said, however, that he saw the next stage of his skating career as a beginning, not an end.

"As a pro skater I want to keep on fighting and go to an even higher stage," said Hanyu, wearing a dark suit and silver tie, occasionally pausing to sigh deeply.

The slender, photogenic Hanyu has been wildly popular throughout his career with fans around the world, many of whom would follow him from competition to competition, shouting "Yuzu!" and throwing "Winnie the Pooh" stuffed animals onto the ice after a performance - animals that would later be donated to hospitals or children's homes.

Nicknamed "Ice Prince", Hanyu had built up anticipation for the Beijing competition by promising to attempt the quadruple Axel, or "4A" - a 4-1/2-rotation jump never before landed by anyone in competition - but fell short of that goal.

"At Beijing, I didn't make it to the top, but I think that it was a place where I could prove that I could keep on fighting."

At that competition, a rare mistake during his short programme when he missed an opening quadruple Salchow jump cost him precious points, leaving him in eighth place.

Blaming a divot in the ice for making him skip the jump, Hanyu said he had been comfortable with his level of concentration and lamented, with a forced laugh, "Nothing was wrong with my skating, so I'm thinking maybe the ice doesn't like me anymore."

On Tuesday, he said he would continue his pursuit of the "4A" outside the competitive realm.

A native of Sendai in northern Japan, Hanyu was practicing when the 9.0 magnitude March 11, 2011, earthquake struck. He fled the rink in his skates as the ice cracked around him.

He and his family subsequently spent time in an evacuation centre because of damage to their home, sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers on a gymnasium floor.

Later, a tribute routine to the disaster victims became a part of his exhibition repertoire.

Known for his pre-performance rituals, which included having a box of tissues in a Pooh container at the ringside and slapping the sides of the rink before skating into the centre of the rink, Hanyu could also be impish, teasing photographers at rinkside.

But it was his ferocious powers of concentration that kept his skating skills near peak level at an age when many skaters decide to call it quits that won him the respect of his fellow skaters, none of whom counted him out for a third Olympic gold despite a growing history of injuries.

He also had to overcome asthma, which at one point limited his strength and training time.

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Double Olympic champion Hanyu Yuzuru says he will turn pro


Japan's Yuzuru Hanyu, a two-times Olympic figure-skating champion whose attempt to pull off a third gold ended in a fourth place result at the Beijing Games in February, said on Tuesday he would turn professional and retire from competition.

两届奥运会花样滑冰冠军、日本选手羽生结弦(Yuzuru Hanyu)周二表示,他将转为职业选手,正式退役。羽生结弦曾试图在2月份的北京奥运会上获得第三枚金牌,但以第四名的成绩告终。

figure skater

figure skater表示“花样滑冰运动员”,figure skating示“花样滑冰”,英文解释为“a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps”。

pull sth off

表示“成功做成(困难或出乎意料的事)”,英文解释为“to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected”举个🌰:

The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.


A skating phenomenon whose determination has been legendary - he became the first man in over half-a-century to win back-to-back Olympic golds at PyeongChang in 2018, while skating on an injured ankle he was taking painkillers to endure - his future had been uncertain since his fourth place showing at Beijing.



phenomenon /fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən/ 除了表示“(尤指不寻常的或有趣的)现象”,英文解释为“something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting”举个🌰:

Gravity is a natural phenomenon.


phenomenon还可以表示“非凡的人(或事物);奇才;奇迹”,英文解释为“someone or something that is extremely successful, often because of special qualities or abilities”举个🌰:

The Beatles were a phenomenon - nobody had heard anything like them before.



1)表示“决心;毅力”,英文解释为“the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult”如:a man of fierce/ruthless determination 很有毅力/痛下决心的人。

2)表示“决定,确定”,英文解释为“the process of controlling, influencing, or deciding something”举个🌰:

The determination of policy is not your business - your job is to implement it.



legendary /ˈlɛdʒəndərɪ/ 表示“非常著名的;享有盛名的;传奇的;传说的”,英文解释为“very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration;mentioned in stories from ancient times”,如:a legendary figure 大名鼎鼎/名扬四海的人物。


1)表示“一个接着一个的;连续的”,英文解释为“Back-to-back wins or victories are victories that are gained one after another without any defeats between them.”举个🌰:

He is celebrating back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.


2)(英式)表示“背靠背的”,英文解释为“close together and facing in opposite directions”,如:back-to-back terraced houses 互相背对着的排屋。


📍在NBA或者CBA的比赛中,你可以会听到一种说法叫“背靠背”比赛,实际上它就是源自这里的back to back,意思是连续两天比赛客场作战,而且是在不同的城市。而广义上背靠背的比赛,就是球队连续两天作战。


表示“止痛药”,英文解释为“a drug that is used to reduce or remove physical pain”举个🌰:

The body produces chemicals that are natural painkillers.


It was the end of a storied competition career for the man considered one of the greatest skaters of all time, a run that included two world championship wins, four Grand Prix final crowns and six victories at the Japan nationals, besides the two Olympic golds.



表示“广为流传的;有名的;众所周知的”,英文解释为“mentioned in stories; famous; well known”举个🌰:

Theirs was the most storied romance in Hollywood.



📍championship表示“(尤指体育比赛的)冠军赛,锦标赛”,英文解释为“a high-level competition to decide who is the best, especially in a sport”,如:the British Diving Championship 英国跳水锦标赛。

📍tournament /ˈtʊənəmənt, ˈtɜː-/表示“锦标赛”,英文解释为“a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left”如:a tennis/chess/golf tournament 网球/国际象棋/高尔夫球锦标赛。

Grand Prix

表示“国际大奖赛(汽车的国际系列大奖赛中的一场)”,英文解释为“one of a series of important international races for very fast and powerful cars”如:the Italian Grand Prix 意大利国际赛车大奖赛。

Making the announcement at a news conference in Tokyo, the 27-year-old said, however, that he saw the next stage of his skating career as a beginning, not an end.


"As a pro skater I want to keep on fighting and go to an even higher stage," said Hanyu, wearing a dark suit and silver tie, occasionally pausing to sigh deeply.



表示“叹息,叹气”,英文解释为“to breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure, etc.”举个🌰:

She sighed deeply and sat down.


The slender, photogenic Hanyu has been wildly popular throughout his career with fans around the world, many of whom would follow him from competition to competition, shouting "Yuzu!" and throwing "Winnie the Pooh" stuffed animals onto the ice after a performance - animals that would later be donated to hospitals or children's homes.



表示“苗条的;优美的”,英文解释为“A slender person is attractively thin and graceful.”举个🌰:

She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles.


🎬电影《热血警探》(Hot Fuzz)中的台词提到:- Long slender neck. - Yeah. - 脖子细长  - 是。

🎬电影《美食,祈祷和恋爱》(Eat Pray Love)中的台词提到:You are slender and elegant in a distance. 你从远处看起来苗条优雅。


photogenic /ˌfəʊtəʊˈdʒenɪk/ 表示“上镜的,上相的”,英文解释为“having a face that looks attractive in photographs”

Winnie the Pooh

Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear and Pooh, is a fictional anthropomorphic teddy bear created by English author A. A. Milne and English illustrator E. H. Shepard. 小熊维尼是一只虚构的拟人化泰迪熊。

stuffed animal

美式stuffed animal,英式soft toy,表示“布绒(动物)填充玩具”,英文解释为“a toy animal made from cloth and filled with a soft material so that it is pleasant to hold”举个🌰:

Her bed is covered with stuffed animals.


children's home

表示“儿童福利院,儿童收容所”,英文解释为“a place where children are cared for if their parents are dead or unable to take care of them”

Nicknamed "Ice Prince", Hanyu had built up anticipation for the Beijing competition by promising to attempt the quadruple Axel, or "4A" - a 4-1/2-rotation jump never before landed by anyone in competition - but fell short of that goal.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“给…起绰号”,英文解释为“to give a nickname to sb/sth”举个🌰:

LR was nicknamed ‘Lu Rou’.


quadruple Axel

quadruple /ˈkwɒdrʊpəl, -ˈdruːpəl/ 1)作动词,表示“(使)变为四倍”,英文解释为“to become four times bigger; to make sth four times bigger”举个🌰:

Sales have quadrupled in the last five years.


2)表示“大(或多)四倍”,英文解释为“four times as big”如:a quadruple measure 四倍大小;

3)表示“包括四部分(或四个人、四个地方等)的”,英文解释为“involving four parts, people, places, etc.”如:a quadruple fracture of his thumb 他的拇指四处骨折。

📍Axel:阿克塞尔跳(Axel Jump)是花样滑冰与花样轮滑运动六种跳跃中的一种,它由挪威选手阿克塞尔·保尔森(Axel Paulsen)在1882年首次完成,因而得名。在国际滑联评分体系中,阿克塞尔跳缩写为“A”,相应跳跃缩写为1A(一周半跳)、2A(两周半跳)、3A(三周半跳),依此类推。(百度百科)

📍下文出现的 Salchow jump 为萨霍夫跳(后内结环跳)。

"At Beijing, I didn't make it to the top, but I think that it was a place where I could prove that I could keep on fighting."


At that competition, a rare mistake during his short programme when he missed an opening quadruple Salchow jump cost him precious points, leaving him in eighth place.


Blaming a divot in the ice for making him skip the jump, Hanyu said he had been comfortable with his level of concentration and lamented, with a forced laugh, "Nothing was wrong with my skating, so I'm thinking maybe the ice doesn't like me anymore."



divot /ˈdɪv.ət/ 表示“(打高尔夫球等时不小心削起的)一块草皮和泥土,草皮痕”,英文解释为“a piece of grass and earth that is dug out by accident, for example by a club when sb is playing golf”


表示“对…感到悲痛,对…表示失望,痛惜”,英文解释为“to express sadness and feeling sorry about something举个🌰:

My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society.



通常表示“被迫的,不得已的”,引申表示“(笑或情感)勉强的;不真诚的”,英文解释为“used to describe laughter, a smile, or an emotion that is produced with effort and is not sincerely felt”举个🌰:

She tried hard to smile but suspected that it looked forced.


On Tuesday, he said he would continue his pursuit of the "4A" outside the competitive realm.



realm /rɛlm/ 1)表示“领域;场所”,英文解释为“an area of activity, interest, or knowledge”举个🌰:

At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving  into the realms of  fantasy.


2)表示“王国”(a country ruled by a king or queen)

📍beyond the realm of possibility 表示“超出范围,不可能”(not possible),相反的说法:within the realm of possibility 意思就是“在可能的范围”(possible),举个🌰:

A successful outcome is not beyond the realms of possibility.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)中的台词提到:In every realm, there's a reflection. 每个国度都有倒影。

A native of Sendai in northern Japan, Hanyu was practicing when the 9.0 magnitude March 11, 2011, earthquake struck. He fled the rink in his skates as the ice cracked around him.



magnitude /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/ 1)表示“(尺寸、规模、重要性等)大的程度;巨大;重大,重要性”,英文解释为“the large size or importance of something”举个🌰:

They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.


2)表示“震级”(the size of an earthquake)。


rink 表示“溜冰场;旱冰场”,英文解释为“A rink is a large area covered with ice where people go to ice-skate, or a large area of concrete where people go to roller-skate.”

He and his family subsequently spent time in an evacuation centre because of damage to their home, sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers on a gymnasium floor.



表示“随后;后来;之后;接着”,英文解释为“afterwards; later; after sth else has happened”举个🌰:

The original interview notes were subsequently lost.


shoulder to shoulder

表示“肩并肩地”,英文解释为“If people are shoulder to shoulder, they are close together and next to each other.”举个🌰:

The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat.



gymnasium /dʒɪmˈneɪ.zi.əm/ 表示“体操馆,健身房”,英文解释为“a large room with equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength”

Later, a tribute routine to the disaster victims became a part of his exhibition repertoire.



1)表示“有成效的结果”,英文解释为“If one thing is a tribute to another, the first thing is the result of the second and shows how good it is.”举个🌰:

His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism.


2)表示“(尤指在正式场合表达敬意的)颂词,礼物;称赞;敬意”,英文解释为“A tribute is something that you say, do, or make to show your admiration and respect for someone.”举个🌰:

The song is a tribute to him.


📍pay tribute to sb/sth 表示“赞扬,称赞”,英文解释为“to praise someone or something”举个🌰:

The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.



repertoire /ˈrep.ə.twɑːr/ 表示“(总称某人可演出的)全部剧目,全部节目,全部曲目”,英文解释为“all the music or plays, etc. that you can do or perform or that you know”如:a pianist with a wide repertoire 能演奏很多曲子的钢琴师。

Known for his pre-performance rituals, which included having a box of tissues in a Pooh container at the ringside and slapping the sides of the rink before skating into the centre of the rink, Hanyu could also be impish, teasing photographers at rinkside.



表示“例行公事,老规矩;(尤指)仪式”,英文解释为“a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony”举个🌰:

Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.



表示“(比赛场、表演的)台边区”,英文解释为“the edge of an area where people compete or perform, especially a boxing ring”举个🌰:

A ringside doctor tends to any cuts between rounds.



表示“拍,打;掌掴”,英文解释为“to hit someone or something with the flat part of the hand or other flat object”举个🌰:

She slapped his face.



impish /ˈɪm.pɪʃ/ 表示“顽童似的,顽皮的”,英文解释为“showing a child's pleasure in enjoying yourself and making trouble”举个🌰:

At 70, he still retains his impish grin.


But it was his ferocious powers of concentration that kept his skating skills near peak level at an age when many skaters decide to call it quits that won him the respect of his fellow skaters, none of whom counted him out for a third Olympic gold despite a growing history of injuries.



ferocious /fə'rəʊʃəs,fəˋroʃəs/ 形容词,和fierce意思比较相近,可以表示“凶猛的,凶残的;可怕的;狂暴的;猛烈的;使人不舒服的”,英文解释为“violent, dangerous, and frightening;very strong, severe, and unpleasant”,如:a ferocious battle 激烈的战斗,也可以表示“(感情)十分强烈的;很大的,极度的”。

call it quits

表示“停止做,不干了”,英文解释为“to stop doing something”。

count sb out

表示“不把…算在内;将…排除在外”,英文解释为“to keep someone out or not include someone in an activity or arrangement”举个🌰:

Singing? Oh no, count me out - I hate it!


He also had to overcome asthma, which at one point limited his strength and training time.



asthma /ˈæsmə/ 表示“气喘,哮喘”,英文解释为“a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked”,如:an asthma sufferer 哮喘病患者。

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◐ CNN标题:Japanese figure skating icon Yuzuru Hanyu retires from competition

第一段:Japanese all-time great figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu announced his retirement from competition on Tuesday, marking the end of a stellar career that included breaking more than a dozen world records and winning two Olympic gold medals.



1)表示“象征物;偶像”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.”如:a fashion icon 时尚偶像。

2)表示“图标;图符”,英文解释为“a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file”。


stellar /ˈstelə(r)/ 表示“杰出的;优秀的;精彩的”,英文解释为“A stellar person or thing is considered to be very good.”举个🌰:

The French companies are registering stellar profits.


◐ 日本时报(The Japan Times)标题:Yuzuru Hanyu confirms end to illustrious 12-year senior career


illustrious /ɪˈlʌstrɪəs/ 表示“著名的;杰出的;卓越的”,英文解释为“very famous and much admired, especially because of what you have achieved”如:a long and illustrious career 长期卓越的事业。









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