

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-20



Is Entertainment More Important Than Science?

The Daily Nexus

April 1, 2021

by Athina Mihalopoulos

The whole world revolves around them: actors, singers, models, athletes and TV personalities. If I scroll through Instagram, Snapchat or any social media newsfeed, I get too familiar. 

I have nothing against the entertainment industry and celebrities. I think they’re talented in their field and do a lot of good with their work. What I can’t see is what their big contribution to the world is other than entertainment. It seems as if entertainment has become a first priority and the uttermost thing that the world cares about. 

The problem is that by idolizing the entertainment industry so much, we sometimes completely forget about the things that are truly important and that are changing our world. The screen that you’re reading this from right now wouldn’t have existed if someone hadn’t discovered how the wavelengths of light work. The same thing goes for when you FaceTime a loved one from the other side of the globe, or how you can leave LA and be in NY in under six hours. These are all things that are taken for granted now but are made possible by hard work and years of studying done by specific scientists, most of whom probably receive little recognition for their accomplishments.

Here’s an example. You probably know who Leonardo DiCaprio is — a very talented American actor and film producer — who has gifted the world with some of the most successful films in history. But then you probably don’t know who Cori Bargmann is. Bargmann is a scientist who is uncovering the causes of Alzheimer’s and autism, which have been unknown for years. Both are very talented in their fields; however, it’s logical to argue that Bargmann’s contribution to the world is much more important. 

What I think is wrong here, though, is that DiCaprio’s net worth is $260 million dollars, while Bargmann’s is less than $1 million dollars. DiCaprio is definitely talented and has worked hard to give us such good films, but Bargmann is working for something that can save thousands of humans who are suffering. And just because our society prefers to idolize the entertainment industry instead of science and medicine, she gets paid much less than she deserves.

Imagine if the money that every Hollywood actor and director makes went into medical research and pharmaceuticals. It would be so much easier for scientists to diagnose diseases and unknown viruses.

So, if it would benefit the world so much to invest all of our time and attention toward scientists, why don’t we do it? Why don’t we make scientists our new “celebrities,” if they are the ones that deserve it the most? I believe that there are plenty of reasons that stop this vision from becoming a reality.

First of all, we like being entertained. Most people might not praise scientists because it’s not something entertaining. People will care more about the latest drama of Charli D’Amelio or Brad Pitt’s upcoming new movie, rather than NASA’s most current space exploration that might change the way we live our lives. That’s not because we’re careless human beings. It’s because we simply like being entertained. We love aesthetic lifestyles, pretty faces and easy-to-digest information. It’s easier to care about simple stuff rather than scientific, complicated things.

Another reason is that most scientists don’t like being in the spotlight. There are studies that have identified the personality traits of people most likely to become scientists. They’re mostly reserved, introverted and like to have privacy. Even if we gave them that much attention, they wouldn’t be so excited to be followed by paparazzi all day or get invited to events every weekend. They’re busy people, which explains why they haven’t attracted the media the same way that performers have.

Also, it’s not as if we could make a worldwide announcement and say: “From now on, every human is commanded to idolize scientists and make them their No.1 choice of attention.” People have free will and the right to be interested in whatever they want to be. Unfortunately, no one can make you instantly interested in science. Even if you care about science’s contributions and you want to give scientists more recognition, you can’t do it only by your will to do better.

Therefore, it’s very unlikely that scientists will ever become the “celebrities” of modern days. Even in the middle of a pandemic, science is still not as popular as entertainment. However, interest in science has definitely risen since the pandemic began. Studies have shown that young people are more interested in a scientific career as a result of COVID-19. 

The pandemic has also made known some scientists who have suddenly started appearing on TV and guiding us on how to get protected from this deadly virus. We didn’t know who Dr. Anthony Fauci was before March 2020, and now he is recognized as “America’s Doctor”.  All the scientists who emerged the past year have gained public recognition due to unprecedented circumstances but still didn’t see their bank account growing.

Maybe that’s the start of the development of a different point of view against science for future generations. It would be extremely interesting to witness the world waking up and realizing the exceptional contribution of scientists.

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Is Entertainment More Important Than Science?

The Daily Nexus

April 1, 2021

by Athina Mihalopoulos

The whole world revolves around them: actors, singers, models, athletes and TV personalities. If I scroll through Instagram, Snapchat or any social media newsfeed, I get too familiar. 


revolve around sb/sth

表示“以…为中心;以…为主题;围绕…”,英文解释为“to have someone or something as the main or most important interest or subject”举个🌰:

The conversation revolved around childcare problems.



除了表示“性格,个性”,还可以表示“名人,名流”,英文解释为“a famous person”举个🌰:

The show is hosted by a popular TV personality.



表示“滚动;滚屏”,英文解释为“to move text or other information on a computer screen in order to see a different part of it举个🌰:

Scroll to the end of the document.


🎬电影《兔子洞》(Rabbit Hole)中的台词提到:Scroll down with your finger. 用手指向下滑动。


表示“动态消息,新闻推送,新闻源”,英文解释为“a web page or screen that updates (= changes) often to show the latest news or information”举个🌰:

LabSpaces has all of the features of a social-networking site with the addition of a daily science newsfeed.


I have nothing against the entertainment industry and celebrities. I think they’re talented in their field and do a lot of good with their work. What I can’t see is what their big contribution to the world is other than entertainment. It seems as if entertainment has become a first priority and the uttermost thing that the world cares about. 


other than

表示“不同于;除了”,英文解释为“different from or except”举个🌰:

Cruises other than the ones listed below are not discounted at this time.


The problem is that by idolizing the entertainment industry so much, we sometimes completely forget about the things that are truly important and that are changing our world. The screen that you’re reading this from right now wouldn’t have existed if someone hadn’t discovered how the wavelengths of light work. The same thing goes for when you FaceTime a loved one from the other side of the globe, or how you can leave LA and be in NY in under six hours. These are all things that are taken for granted now but are made possible by hard work and years of studying done by specific scientists, most of whom probably receive little recognition for their accomplishments.



idolize /ˈaɪ.dəl.aɪz/ 表示“把…当偶像,十分崇拜”,英文解释为“to admire and respect someone very much, often too much”举个🌰:

She idolized her father.


take sth for granted

表示“认为…是理所当然的”,英文解释为“to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it”举个🌰:

I didn't realize that she hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for granted.


Here’s an example. You probably know who Leonardo DiCaprio is — a very talented American actor and film producer — who has gifted the world with some of the most successful films in history. But then you probably don’t know who Cori Bargmann is. Bargmann is a scientist who is uncovering the causes of Alzheimer’s and autism, which have been unknown for years. Both are very talented in their fields; however, it’s logical to argue that Bargmann’s contribution to the world is much more important. 

举个例子。你可能知道莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)是谁——一位非常有才华的美国演员和电影制片人——他为世界带来了历史上最成功的一些电影。但是你可能不知道柯里·巴格曼(Cori Bargmann)是谁。巴格曼是一位科学家,她正在揭露阿尔茨海默氏症和自闭症的原因,这些原因多年来一直不为人知。两人在各自的领域都非常有才华;然而,认为巴格曼对世界的贡献要重要得多是合乎逻辑的。


表示“揭露,发现(秘密或隐藏物);揭开(覆盖物)”,英文解释为“to discover something secret or hidden or remove something covering something else”举个🌰:

The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.


🎬电影《弯伦》(Machete)中的台词提到:We need to uncover and dismantle this network. 我们必须揭露并且除掉这个网络。


autism /ˈɔː.tɪ.zəm/ 表示“孤独症;自闭症”,英文解释为“a condition that starts in young children and typically causes behaviour that is unusually centred on the self while limiting the development of social and communication skills”举个🌰:

Autism is four times more common in boys than in girls.


What I think is wrong here, though, is that DiCaprio’s net worth is $260 million dollars, while Bargmann’s is less than $1 million dollars. DiCaprio is definitely talented and has worked hard to give us such good films, but Bargmann is working for something that can save thousands of humans who are suffering. And just because our society prefers to idolize the entertainment industry instead of science and medicine, she gets paid much less than she deserves.


Imagine if the money that every Hollywood actor and director makes went into medical research and pharmaceuticals. It would be so much easier for scientists to diagnose diseases and unknown viruses.



pharmaceutical /ˌfɑːməˈsjuːtɪkəl/ 作形容词,表示“制药的;配药的;卖药的”,英文解释为“connected with making and selling drugs and medicines”,如:pharmaceutical products 药物,pharmaceutical companies 制药公司,the pharmaceutical industry 制药业。

也可以直接作名词,常用复数,pharmaceuticals表示“药品,药物,药剂”,英文解释为“a medicine”。

So, if it would benefit the world so much to invest all of our time and attention toward scientists, why don’t we do it? Why don’t we make scientists our new “celebrities,” if they are the ones that deserve it the most? I believe that there are plenty of reasons that stop this vision from becoming a reality.


First of all, we like being entertained. Most people might not praise scientists because it’s not something entertaining. People will care more about the latest drama of Charli D’Amelio or Brad Pitt’s upcoming new movie, rather than NASA’s most current space exploration that might change the way we live our lives. That’s not because we’re careless human beings. It’s because we simply like being entertained. We love aesthetic lifestyles, pretty faces and easy-to-digest information. It’s easier to care about simple stuff rather than scientific, complicated things.

首先,我们喜欢被娱乐。大多数人可能不会称赞科学家,因为这不是娱乐性的东西。人们会更关心查理·德阿梅里奥(Charli D’Amelio)或布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)即将上映的新电影的最新剧情,而不是美国航天局(NASA)可能改变我们生活方式的最新太空探索。这不是因为我们不在乎,而是因为我们只喜欢被娱乐。我们喜欢美的生活方式、漂亮的脸蛋和易于消化的信息。关心简单的事情比关心科学、复杂的事情更容易。


aesthetic /iːsˈθetɪk;esˈθetɪk/ 表示“审美的;有审美观点的;美学的”,英文解释为“concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things”,如:an aesthetic appreciation of the landscape 用审美的眼光欣赏风景。

Another reason is that most scientists don’t like being in the spotlight. There are studies that have identified the personality traits of people most likely to become scientists. They’re mostly reserved, introverted and like to have privacy. Even if we gave them that much attention, they wouldn’t be so excited to be followed by paparazzi all day or get invited to events every weekend. They’re busy people, which explains why they haven’t attracted the media the same way that performers have.



1)作名词,除了聚光灯,还可以表示“媒体和公众的注意”,英文解释为“attention from newspapers, television and the public”举个🌰:

Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.


2)作动词,表示“特别关注,突出报道(以使公众注意)”,英文解释为“to give special attention to a problem, situation, etc. so that people notice it”举个🌰:

The programme spotlights problems in the health service.


📺动画片《鲍勃汉堡店》(Bob's Burgers)中的台词提到:You couldn't share the spotlight with Francis, could you? 你无法忍受弗兰西斯抢你风头是吧?


表示“特征,特性,品质”,英文解释为“a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour”举个🌰:

His sense of humour is one of his better traits.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:Scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。


表示“拘谨;矜持;内向”,英文解释为“Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts.”如:a quiet, reserved woman 一位安静、矜持的女子。


introverted /ˈɪntrəvɜːtɪd/ 表示“内向的;不喜欢交往的”,英文解释为“Introverted people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people.”


单数 paparazzo /ˌpæpəˈrætsəʊ/,通常用复数 paparazzi /ˌpæpəˈrætsɪ/ 表示“追逐名人的摄影记者,狗仔队”,英文解释为“photographers who follow famous people in order to take photographs they can sell to newspapers”。

Also, it’s not as if we could make a worldwide announcement and say: “From now on, every human is commanded to idolize scientists and make them their No.1 choice of attention.” People have free will and the right to be interested in whatever they want to be. Unfortunately, no one can make you instantly interested in science. Even if you care about science’s contributions and you want to give scientists more recognition, you can’t do it only by your will to do better.



1)表示“命令,指示”,英文解释为“to give someone an order”举个🌰:

He commanded that the troops (should) cross the water.


2)表示“指挥;统帅;管辖”,英文解释为“to control someone or something and tell him, her, or it what to do”

3)熟词僻义,表示“应得,值得”,英文解释为“to deserve and get something good, such as attention, respect, or a lot of money”举个🌰:

She was one of those teachers who just commanded respect.


She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述当今汽车产业的文章中提到:The only firm that commands their confidence is Tesla, an electric-car specialist, whose shares are up by 64% this year. 唯一能赢得投资者信心的公司是专做电动汽车的特斯拉,它的股票今年上涨了64%。

Therefore, it’s very unlikely that scientists will ever become the “celebrities” of modern days. Even in the middle of a pandemic, science is still not as popular as entertainment. However, interest in science has definitely risen since the pandemic began. Studies have shown that young people are more interested in a scientific career as a result of COVID-19. 


The pandemic has also made known some scientists who have suddenly started appearing on TV and guiding us on how to get protected from this deadly virus. We didn’t know who Dr. Anthony Fauci was before March 2020, and now he is recognized as “America’s Doctor”.  All the scientists who emerged the past year have gained public recognition due to unprecedented circumstances but still didn’t see their bank account growing.

这场疫情还让一些突然开始出现在电视上的科学家出名,并指导我们如何保护自己免受这种致命病毒的侵害。在2020年3月之前,我们不知道安东尼·福奇博士(Dr. Anthony Fauci)是谁,现在他被公认为“美国医生”。过去一年中出现的所有科学家都因前所未有的情况而获得公众认可,但他们的银行账户仍然没有增长。


表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past举个🌰:

This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.


🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。

Maybe that’s the start of the development of a different point of view against science for future generations. It would be extremely interesting to witness the world waking up and realizing the exceptional contribution of scientists.



表示“(尤指在技能、才智、品质等方面)卓越的,杰出的,不同凡响的”,英文解释为“much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc.”如:an exceptional student 出类拔萃的学生。







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