

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

6月15日,微软公司将永久关闭Internet Explorer(IE)浏览器。据介绍,IE浏览器下线后,微软公司将向用户推荐使用2015年推出的Edge浏览器。


Microsoft to retire Internet Explorer browser and redirect users to Edge

The Guardian

Company says decision to disable desktop app comes as web developers less likely to make sites compatible with browser, which first graced computers in 1995

Microsoft has announced it will kill off its much-maligned legacy internet browser Internet Explorer close to 27 years after it graced desktop computers in 1995.

From 15 June, the desktop app will be disabled and users will be redirected to Microsoft’s Edge browser instead.

Internet Explorer was the gateway to the internet for people born prior to Generation Z, in an era when Microsoft dominated the tech world, before Google, Facebook and TikTok, and when the browser had to be installed on to computers using a CD-rom.

Microsoft’s market domination came about due to its bundling of the software as part of the Windows operating system. The experience was often sluggish and when faster competition arrived with Mozilla’s Firefox and later Google Chrome, people jumped ship in droves.

Although market-dominant Chrome suffers from the same issues that plagued Internet Explorer, the shift away from the need to support the legacy browser will be a relief for web developers.

In a submission to an Australian competition regulator’s review of the web browser market, Microsoft said its decision to abandon Internet Explorer was largely due to the fact web developers were less likely to make their sites compatible with Internet Explorer.

The submission said that “after years of attempting to address incompatibilities as they arose with different websites – including some of the most popular ones on the Internet” the company eventually decided that continuing to differentiate from Chrome with a unique proprietary web platform “no longer made sense”.

There’s a good chance you haven’t used Internet Explorer in many years – or ever. Microsoft has been nudging people away from it in favour of the Edge browser, which was launched in 2015 and is built on Google’s open-source Chromium.

The company ended support for Internet Explorer in Teams in 2020, and announced plans to stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 in web browsers in Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 in August 2020.

If there is a relic website that still requires Internet Explorer in order to open it, people using the Edge browser will be able to run it in “IE mode”.

Despite the gradual demise of Internet Explorer, it still has strong brand recognition. A Roy Morgan survey commissioned by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in September 2021 found the browsers people were most aware of were Chrome (95%), followed by Internet Explorer (85%), Firefox (81%), Apple Safari (80%) and Edge (69%).

The same survey found just 28% of people used Internet Explorer on their computers, compared with 81% who used Chrome – including 73% of Apple users. The main reason people gave for using Internet Explorer was that it was pre-installed on their computer and there was no reason to use another browser.

While the bundled web browser in Windows may have been an advantage to Microsoft in the past, the company said people were now aware of other options, and on desktop PCs, Microsoft Edge has only a 9% marketshare.

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Microsoft to retire Internet Explorer browser and redirect users to Edge

The Guardian

Company says decision to disable desktop app comes as web developers less likely to make sites compatible with browser, which first graced computers in 1995



表示“使发生故障,使失灵,使无法正常工作”,英文解释为“to stop something such as (part of) a machine, system, or weapon from working”举个🌰:

This weapons system will destroy or disable any incoming missile.



compatible /kəmˈpætəbəl/ 表示“可共存的;协调的;兼容的”,英文解释为“able to exist, live together, or work successfully with something or someone else”举个🌰:

It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.



表示“浏览器”,英文解释为“a computer program that makes it possible for you to read information on the internet”如:a Web browser 网页浏览器。


grace作动词,表示“使优美,为…增色,使增辉”,英文解释为“to be in a place, on a thing etc. and make it look more attractive”举个🌰:

Her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world.


📍鸿星尔克 To be No.1文中提到,Hongxing's Erke logo will grace North Korea's Olympic team in Beijing. 鸿星尔克标志将为北京奥运会的朝鲜队增添光彩。(在2008年的北京奥运会上,鸿星尔克赞助朝鲜奥运代表团。)

Microsoft has announced it will kill off its much-maligned legacy internet browser Internet Explorer close to 27 years after it graced desktop computers in 1995.

微软宣布将淘汰其备受诟病的传统互联网浏览器Internet Explorer,该浏览器于1995年出现在台式电脑后至今服役了近27年。

kill sth off

1)表示“大量杀死,大量消灭(动植物等)”,英文解释为“to make a lot of plants, animals, etc. die”举个🌰:

Some drugs kill off useful bacteria in the user's body.


2)表示“使某事物停止;除掉;排除”,英文解释为“to stop or get rid of sth ”举个🌰:

Lack of funding is killing off small theatres.



much-maligned /mʌtʃ məˈlaɪnd/ 表示“备受非议的;饱受诟病的;备受批评的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone or something as much-maligned, you mean that they are often criticized by people, but you think the criticism is unfair or exaggerated because they have good qualities too.”举个🌰:

He's a much-maligned player but has tremendous spirit.



表示“历史遗产,遗留物”,英文解释为“something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time”举个🌰:

The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature.


📍2022年政府工作报告Part 18中提到了这个词:用好北京冬奥会遗产。We will make the most of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

From 15 June, the desktop app will be disabled and users will be redirected to Microsoft’s Edge browser instead.



表示“使改变方向;使改变路线;(尤指)改寄(信件)”,英文解释为“to change the direction of something, especially to send a letter to a new address”举个🌰:

Resources must be redirected into the many under-funded areas of education.


Internet Explorer was the gateway to the internet for people born prior to Generation Z, in an era when Microsoft dominated the tech world, before Google, Facebook and TikTok, and when the browser had to be installed on to computers using a CD-rom.



1)表示“(通往…的)通道;门户”,英文解释为“a place through which you have to go to get to a particular area”举个🌰:

Manchester is known as the gateway to the north.


2)表示“通往(成功的)道路”,英文解释为“a way of achieving something”举个🌰:

Hard work is the gateway to success.


Gen Z

Generation Z (or Gen Z) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. Demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to early-2000s as starting birth years. There is little consensus regarding ending birth years. Most of Generation Z have used the Internet since a young age and are comfortable with technology and social media.

Z世代(Generation Z),美国及欧洲的流行用语,意指在1990年代中叶至2000年后出生的人。一般来说,他们主要是X世代的小孩,但也有较年轻的婴儿潮世代或是较年长的Y世代的小孩。他们又被称为M世代(多工世代,multitasking)、C世代(连结世代,Connected Generation)、网络世代(Net Generation),或是互联网世代(the Internet Generation)。(Wikipedia)


表示“占支配地位;占主导地位;拥有优势;最明显的”,英文解释为“To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it.”举个🌰:

The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.


Microsoft’s market domination came about due to its bundling of the software as part of the Windows operating system. The experience was often sluggish and when faster competition arrived with Mozilla’s Firefox and later Google Chrome, people jumped ship in droves.



bundling /ˈbʌnd.lɪŋ/ 表示“捆绑销售行为”,英文解释为“the act of selling several products or services together”如:the bundling of services/software/products 捆绑服务/软件/产品。


sluggish /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/ 表示“萧条的;迟钝的;行动缓慢的;迟缓的;缺乏活力的,性能欠佳的”,英文解释为“moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power”举个🌰:

The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.


jump ship

表示“离职,跳槽,解约;离开工作或团体”,英文解释为“to leave a company or organization in order to work for another, especially in order to get a higher salary or better working conditions”


表示“(前往某地的)群体(尤指移动的人群)”,英文解释为“a large group, especially of people, moving towards a place”举个🌰:

Every summer droves of sightseers crowd the city.


Fans came in droves to see her concerts.


Although market-dominant Chrome suffers from the same issues that plagued Internet Explorer, the shift away from the need to support the legacy browser will be a relief for web developers.



1)作名词可表示“瘟疫,疫病”,如:a fresh outbreak of plague 瘟疫的新一轮爆发;

2)作动词表示“不断困扰,折磨,使苦恼”,英文解释为“to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time”,举个🌰 :

She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.


🎬电影《白宫管家》(The Butler)中的台词提到:It's time we take a stand against these injustices that have plagued our community. 现在是时候该表明立场和采取行动来对抗这些已困扰我们很久了的不公。

In a submission to an Australian competition regulator’s review of the web browser market, Microsoft said its decision to abandon Internet Explorer was largely due to the fact web developers were less likely to make their sites compatible with Internet Explorer.



表示“提交;呈递;提交(或呈递)的文件、建议等”,英文解释为“the act of giving a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider it; the document, etc. that you give”举个🌰:

All parties will have the opportunity to make submissions relating to this case.


The submission said that “after years of attempting to address incompatibilities as they arose with different websites – including some of the most popular ones on the Internet” the company eventually decided that continuing to differentiate from Chrome with a unique proprietary web platform “no longer made sense”.



表示“不兼容;不相容;不协调;不一致”,英文解释为“the state of not being able to exist or work with another person or thing because of basic differences”。


表示“发生;产生;出现”,英文解释为“to happen”举个🌰:

Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to Beijing.



proprietary /prəˈpraɪə.tər.i/ 1)表示“所有(人)的,业主的”,英文解释为“relating to owning something, or relating to or like an owner”举个🌰:

I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.


2)表示“专有的;专卖的”,英文解释为“Proprietary goods are made and sent out by a particular company whose name is on the product.”如:proprietary medicines 专卖药品。

There’s a good chance you haven’t used Internet Explorer in many years – or ever. Microsoft has been nudging people away from it in favour of the Edge browser, which was launched in 2015 and is built on Google’s open-source Chromium.



nudge /nʌdʒ/ 本义是表示“轻推,轻触(尤指用肘部)”,英文解释为“to push something or someone gently, especially to push someone with your elbow (= the middle part of your arm where it bends) to attract the person's attention”举个🌰:

The children were giggling and nudging each other.


2)还有“接近(更高点或水平)”的含义,英文解释为“to move slowly and almost reach a higher point or level”举个🌰:

Oil prices continue to nudge higher.


LR must be nudging 18 now.


3)表示“劝说,鼓励”,英文解释为“coax or gently encourage (someone) to do something.”

📍此前,微信推出拍一拍功能时,「拍了拍」一开始被译成“You nudged xxx”,“xxx nudged you”。

不过,现在你再去看会发现,早就已经改为了“tickle”。至于为什么要改呢,个人猜测,可能是nudge nudge有不太正经的含义。作名词时,有个表达:nudge nudge (wink wink) 什么意思呢?something you say when you want to suggest that there is a sexual meaning in something that has just been said. 看到这儿,用户可能就瞎拍了......


表示“(免费并允许公众对源程序代码进行修改的)开放源码的”,英文解释为“Open-source software is free to use, and the original program can be changed by anyone.”

The company ended support for Internet Explorer in Teams in 2020, and announced plans to stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 in web browsers in Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 in August 2020.

该公司于2020年终止了对Teams软件中IE浏览器的支持,并宣布计划于2020年8月停止在Windows 10和Microsoft 365中的浏览器中支持IE 11。

If there is a relic website that still requires Internet Explorer in order to open it, people using the Edge browser will be able to run it in “IE mode”.



表示“遗物;遗迹;遗风;遗俗”,英文解释为“an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist”举个🌰:

During the dig, the archaeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.


Despite the gradual demise of Internet Explorer, it still has strong brand recognition. A Roy Morgan survey commissioned by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in September 2021 found the browsers people were most aware of were Chrome (95%), followed by Internet Explorer (85%), Firefox (81%), Apple Safari (80%) and Edge (69%).

尽管IE浏览器逐渐消亡,但它仍然具有很强的品牌认知度。2021年9月,澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会委托罗伊摩根(Roy Morgan)公司进行的一项调查发现,人们最了解的浏览器是Chrome(95%),其次是IE(85%)、火狐(81%)、苹果Safari(80%)和Edge(69%)。


表示“(曾经存在的事物的)终止,结束,消亡”,英文解释为“the end of something that used to exist”如:the imminent demise of the local newspaper 地方报纸的即将停刊,也可以直接指“死亡”。

🎬电影《史酷比2:怪兽偷跑》(Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed)中的台词提到:This is only the first rung on the ladder of your demise. 直译:这是你们死亡阶梯上的第一步。字幕组翻译为:这只是你们捐献战利品的第一步。


1)作动词,表示“委任(或任命)…为军官”,英文解释为“to give someone the official authority to be an officer in the armed forces”举个🌰:

She was commissioned in 1992.


2)作动词,表示“(正式地)安排…做,委托…做”,英文解释为“to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone”举个🌰:

She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait.


The same survey found just 28% of people used Internet Explorer on their computers, compared with 81% who used Chrome – including 73% of Apple users. The main reason people gave for using Internet Explorer was that it was pre-installed on their computer and there was no reason to use another browser.


While the bundled web browser in Windows may have been an advantage to Microsoft in the past, the company said people were now aware of other options, and on desktop PCs, Microsoft Edge has only a 9% marketshare.

虽然Windows系统中捆绑的网络浏览器在过去可能是微软的一个优势,但该公司表示,人们现在意识到了其他的选择,在台式电脑上,Microsoft Edge只占9%的市场份额。


bundle作动词,表示“(计算机软件等的)捆绑销售;搭售”,英文解释为“to include an extra computer program or other product with something that you sell”举个🌰:

The system came bundled with a word processor, spreadsheet, and graphics program.








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