

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据美国太阳报报道,在问答网站Quora上有这么一个问题,If someone drinks Pepsi while working in a Coke factory, will he/she get fired?(如果有人在可口可乐工厂工作时喝百事可乐,他/她会被解雇吗?)

一名自称可口可乐公司的员工回答说,会。“Upon being hired you actually sign an agreement stating you will not purchase or consume ANY competitors' products or face termination.”(在被雇用时,你实际上签署了一份协议,声明你不会购买或消费任何竞争对手的产品,否则将面临解雇。)



I’m a Coca-Cola employee – we are strictly forbidden from drinking a popular beverage

The Sun

May 13 2022

ONE employee at Coca-Cola alleged company workers are forbidden from consuming a popular beverage.

Drinking Pepsi is something that could get you terminated, according to the claims of some crew members of the multinational corporation, with a current market cap of $282 billion.

According to a message shared on Quora one poster, calling himself Mike Smith, claims those working for the beverage giant are not permitted to drink the competition's beverages, while they are at work on the clock.

Smith posted: "Upon being hired you actually sign an agreement stating you will not purchase or consume ANY competitors' products or face termination."

Eat This, Not This! says there are several other rules, some quirky, that employees must follow. They are outlined in the company's 41-page Code of Conduct, which the site shared.

The Code includes justification for how it says it "can benefit employees" noting it enables workers to:

· Conduct yourself honestly and ethically

· Uphold our values and protect our reputation

· Understand what Coca-Cola expects from you

· Make good decisions every day

· Comply with the laws, regulations and standards that apply to our Company

· Understand where to go for assistance or guidance if you have questions

While a Code of Conduct is not uncommon business practice, some of the policies that the company has reportedly implemented, could be construed as not the norm. They include:

◐ Strict attendance policy

According to a former Coke employee posting on Glassdoor: "They have a crazy strict attendance policy. NO sick days without penalty if you don't give them a 48-hr notice. Who knows 48 [hours] in advance if you are going to have the flu?"

◐ Employees cannot talk to the media

A former Coca-Cola employee, Wallace B. McClure, said on Quora that workers "aren't allowed to be quoted in any media," specifying that was the policy that was in place at least while he worked there.

McClure went on to state in his post that means abstaining from interviews even if "you are not associated with Coca-Cola by the media interview or statement."

◐ Workers told to be "less white"

More disturbing is a past claim about the corporate culture at Coca-Cola made by the Toronto Sun.

It alleges in late 2020 and early 2021, the beverage titan required many of its employees to undergo a training program called "Confronting Racism" that, among other things, contained the direction that workers should act "less white."

They were also reportedly instructed to "be less oppressive," to "listen," to "believe," and to "break with white solidarity.

The US Sun reached out to Coca-Cola to verify the authenticity of these specific allegations. We have not yet received a response.

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I’m a Coca-Cola employee – we are strictly forbidden from drinking a popular beverage

The Sun

May 13 2022

ONE employee at Coca-Cola alleged company workers are forbidden from consuming a popular beverage.



表示“被说成的,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的”,英文解释为“said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing, although you have no proof”举个🌰:

It took 6 years for the alleged criminals (= people thought to be criminals) to prove their innocence.



表示“饮料”,英文解释为“Beverages are drinks.”如:alcoholic beverages 含酒精的饮料。

Drinking Pepsi is something that could get you terminated, according to the claims of some crew members of the multinational corporation, with a current market cap of $282 billion.



1)表示“(使)停止,结束,终止”,英文解释为“to end; to make sth end”举个🌰:

Your contract of employment terminates in December.


2)也可以指“终止妊娠,人工流产”(to end a pregnancy intentionally, usually by a medical operation)举个🌰:

After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.



表示“多国的;(企业)在多国经营的,跨国的”,英文解释为“involving several different countries, or (of a business) producing and selling goods in several different countries”如:a major multinational food company 跨国大食品公司,举个🌰:

The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.


market cap

market capitalization / market cap 表示“市值市场价值;全部股票的市面价值;市场上限”,英文解释为“the total value of a company's shares on a stock market;the total value of shares in a stock market or several stock markets”。

📍在LV老板超越比尔·盖茨成全球第二大富豪一文中就见过这个表达,And while LVMH's market cap of approximately $240 billion pales in comparison to Microsoft's $1.1 trillion, ...虽然LVMH集团约2400亿美元的市值与微软的1.1万亿美元相比相形见绌,

另外,cap本身表示“(可用或可借资金的)最高限额”,英文解释为“an upper limit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation”举个🌰:

The government has placed a cap on local council spending.


According to a message shared on Quora one poster, calling himself Mike Smith, claims those working for the beverage giant are not permitted to drink the competition's beverages, while they are at work on the clock.

根据在Quora上分享的一条信息,一位自称迈克·史密斯(Mike Smith)的发帖人称,那些为饮料巨头工作的人不允许在工作时喝竞争对手的饮料。


1)表示“(在网站或社交媒体上发布信息或照片的)发帖人”,英文解释为“someone who publishes something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:

There was a lively debate on the message boards, with many posters arguing against the plan.


2)通常表示“招贴,海报;布告”,英文解释为“a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, usually for decoration or to advertise something”


giant表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。


📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”

on the clock

表示“在工作,上班”,英文解释为“Currently engaged in work during one's normal working day or assigned hours. To be on the clock is an idiom meaning 'working' or 'getting paid.' ”举个🌰:

I'm on the clock right now so I can't talk with you.


Smith posted: "Upon being hired you actually sign an agreement stating you will not purchase or consume ANY competitors' products or face termination."


Eat This, Not This! says there are several other rules, some quirky, that employees must follow. They are outlined in the company's 41-page Code of Conduct, which the site shared.

Eat This, Not This!网站上说,还有其他几条规则,有些很古怪,员工必须遵守。这些规则在该公司41页的《行为准则》中有所概述,该网站分享了这些规则。


quirky /ˈkwɜːkɪ/ 表示“古怪的,独特的”,英文解释为“unusual in an attractive and interesting way”举个🌰:

He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.



表示“略述,概括”,英文解释为“to give the main facts about something”举个🌰:

At the interview she outlined what I would be doing.


code of conduct

表示“行为准则”,英文解释为“ The code of conduct for a group or organization is an agreement on rules of behaviour for the members of that group or organization.”

📍conduct作名词,表示“行为,举止”(a person's behaviour in a particular place or in a particular situation),如:优良作风 fine conduct或者说excellent conduct。

📍2020年报告Part 2中提到:加强党风廉政建设 improve Party conduct and build a clean government.

📍2021年报告Part 18:深入推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,We will work harder to improve Party conduct, ensure clean government, and root out corruption,

The Code includes justification for how it says it "can benefit employees" noting it enables workers to:

该守则包括它所说的如何“使员工受益 ”的理由,指出它使员工能够:


表示“正当的理由;辩解”,英文解释为“a good reason or explanation for something”举个🌰:

There is no justification for treating people so badly.


· Conduct yourself honestly and ethically

- 以诚实和道德的方式行事

· Uphold our values and protect our reputation

- 维护我们的价值观,保护我们的声誉

· Understand what Coca-Cola expects from you

- 理解可口可乐公司对您的期望

· Make good decisions every day

- 每天都做出好的决定

· Comply with the laws, regulations and standards that apply to our Company

- 遵守适用于我们公司的法律、法规和标准

· Understand where to go for assistance or guidance if you have questions

- 了解如果您有问题,该去哪里寻求帮助或指导


表示“支持,维护,赞成(尤指法律上的决议)”,英文解释为“to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct”如:to uphold a conviction/an appeal/a complaint 维持原判;受理上诉/申诉,举个🌰:

As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.



表示“服从;遵守;依从”,英文解释为“to act according to an order, set of rules, or request”举个🌰:

There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.


While a Code of Conduct is not uncommon business practice, some of the policies that the company has reportedly implemented, could be construed as not the norm. They include:


the norm

表示“常态,正常行为”,英文解释为“a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical”举个🌰:

One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries.


◐ Strict attendance policy 严格的考勤政策

According to a former Coke employee posting on Glassdoor: "They have a crazy strict attendance policy. NO sick days without penalty if you don't give them a 48-hr notice. Who knows 48 [hours] in advance if you are going to have the flu?"


◐ Employees cannot talk to the media 员工不能向媒体发言

A former Coca-Cola employee, Wallace B. McClure, said on Quora that workers "aren't allowed to be quoted in any media," specifying that was the policy that was in place at least while he worked there.

一位可口可乐公司的前员工华莱士-B-麦克卢尔(Wallace B. McClure)在Quora上说,员工们“不允许被任何媒体引述”,并明确指出,至少他在职时,所执行的政策就是这样。


表示“引用,引述,援引”,英文解释为“to repeat the words that someone else has said or written”举个🌰:

He's always quoting from the Bible.



表示“具体说明;明确指出”,英文解释为“to explain or describe something clearly and exactly”举个🌰:

He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.


McClure went on to state in his post that means abstaining from interviews even if "you are not associated with Coca-Cola by the media interview or statement."



abstain /æbˈsteɪn/ 1)表示“节制;戒绝(尤指不好的享乐)”,英文解释为“to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad”举个🌰:

He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking.


2)表示“弃权”,英文解释为“to decide not to use your vote”举个🌰:

30 members voted in favour, 2 opposed, and 1 abstained.


🎬电影《灵通人士》(In the Loop)中的台词提到:That he needs the Chinese to at least abstain on the security council. 他需要中国至少在安理会上弃权。

◐ Workers told to be "less white" 员工被告知要“不那么白人化”

More disturbing is a past claim about the corporate culture at Coca-Cola made by the Toronto Sun.

更令人不安的是《多伦多太阳报》(The Toronto Sun)过去提出的关于可口可乐公司企业文化的说法。

It alleges in late 2020 and early 2021, the beverage titan required many of its employees to undergo a training program called "Confronting Racism" that, among other things, contained the direction that workers should act "less white."



表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化) ”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:

Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity.


🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergothis transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...

They were also reportedly instructed to "be less oppressive," to "listen," to "believe," and to "break with white solidarity."



表示“压迫的;压制的;暴虐的”,英文解释为“cruel and unfair”举个🌰:

The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.



solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærɪtɪ/ 表示“团结一致;相互支持”,英文解释为“If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs.”

The US Sun reached out to Coca-Cola to verify the authenticity of these specific allegations. We have not yet received a response.

《美国太阳报》(The US Sun)联系了可口可乐公司,以核实这些具体指控的真实性。我们还没有收到答复。


表示“核实;查对;核准;证明;证实”,英文解释为“to check that sth is true or accurate;to show or say that sth is true or accurate”举个🌰:

We have no way of verifying his story.


Her version of events was verified by neighbours.



表示“确实性;真实性;可靠性”,英文解释为“the quality of being genuine or true.”举个🌰:

The authenticity of her story is beyond doubt.








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