

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Cheating Ourselves of Sleep 缺觉?后果可能很严重

The New York Times

Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.

Research shows that most people require seven or eight hours of sleep to function optimally. Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life. From infancy to old age, the effects of inadequate sleep can profoundly affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability, as well as your physical health.

According to sleep specialists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, among others, a number of bodily systems are negatively affected by inadequate sleep: the heart, lungs and kidneys; appetite, metabolism and weight control; immune function and disease resistance; sensitivity to pain; reaction time; mood; and brain function.

Poor sleep is also a risk factor for depression and substance abuse, especially among people with post-traumatic stress disorder, according to Anne Germain, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. People with PTSD tend to relive their trauma when they try to sleep, which keeps their brains in a heightened state of alertness.

Dr. Germain is studying what happens in the brains of sleeping veterans with PTSD in hopes of developing more effective treatments for them and for people with lesser degrees of stress that interfere with a good night’s sleep.

The elderly are especially vulnerable. Timothy H. Monk, who directs the Human Chronobiology Research Program at Western Psychiatric, heads a five-year federally funded study of circadian rhythms, sleep strength, stress reactivity, brain function and genetics among the elderly. “The circadian signal isn’t as strong as people get older,” he said.

He is finding that many are helped by standard behavioral treatments for insomnia, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding late-in-day naps and caffeine, and reducing distractions from light, noise and pets.

It should come as no surprise that myriad bodily systems can be harmed by chronically shortened nights. “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies,” said Dr. Michael J. Twery, a sleep specialist at the National Institutes of Health.

Several studies have linked insufficient sleep to weight gain. Not only do night owls with shortchanged sleep have more time to eat, drink and snack, but levels of the hormone leptin, which tells the brain enough food has been consumed, are lower in the sleep-deprived while levels of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, are higher.

In addition, metabolism slows when one’s circadian rhythm and sleep are disrupted; if not counteracted by increased exercise or reduced caloric intake, this slowdown could add up to 10 extra pounds in a year.

The body’s ability to process glucose is also adversely affected, which may ultimately result in Type 2 diabetes. In one study, healthy young men prevented from sleeping more than four hours a night for six nights in a row ended up with insulin and blood sugar levels like those of people deemed prediabetic. The risks of cardiovascular diseases and stroke are higher in people who sleep less than six hours a night. Even a single night of inadequate sleep can cause daylong elevations in blood pressure in people with hypertension. Inadequate sleep is also associated with calcification of coronary arteries and raised levels of inflammatory factors linked to heart disease. (In terms of cardiovascular disease, sleeping too much may also be risky. Higher rates of heart disease have been found among women who sleep more than nine hours nightly.)

The risk of cancer may also be elevated in people who fail to get enough sleep. A Japanese study of nearly 24,000 women ages 40 to 79 found that those who slept less than six hours a night were more likely to develop breast cancer than women who slept longer. The increased risk may result from diminished secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin. Among participants in the Nurses Health Study, Eva S. Schernhammer of Harvard Medical School found a link between low melatonin levels and an increased risk of breast cancer.

A study of 1,240 people by researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland found an increased risk of potentially cancerous colorectal polyps in those who slept fewer than six hours nightly.

Children can also experience hormonal disruptions from inadequate sleep. Growth hormone is released during deep sleep; it not only stimulates growth in children, but also boosts muscle mass and repairs damaged cells and tissues in both children and adults.

Dr. Vatsal G. Thakkar, a psychiatrist affiliated with New York University, recently described evidence associating inadequate sleep with an erroneous diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. In one study, 28 percent of children with sleep problems had symptoms of the disorder, but not the disorder.

During sleep, the body produces cytokines, cellular hormones that help fight infections. Thus, short sleepers may be more susceptible to everyday infections like colds and flu. In a study of 153 healthy men and women, Sheldon Cohen and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University found that those who slept less than seven hours a night were three times as likely to develop cold symptoms when exposed to a cold-causing virus than were people who slept eight or more hours.

Some of the most insidious effects of too little sleep involve mental processes like learning, memory, judgment and problem-solving. During sleep, new learning and memory pathways become encoded in the brain, and adequate sleep is necessary for those pathways to work optimally. People who are well rested are better able to learn a task and more likely to remember what they learned. The cognitive decline that so often accompanies aging may in part result from chronically poor sleep.

With insufficient sleep, thinking slows, it is harder to focus and pay attention, and people are more likely to make poor decisions and take undue risks. As you might guess, these effects can be disastrous when operating a motor vehicle or dangerous machine.

At your next health checkup, tell your doctor how long and how well you sleep. Be honest: Sleep duration and quality can be as important to your health as your blood pressure and cholesterol level.

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Cheating Ourselves of Sleep 缺觉?后果可能很严重

The New York Times


Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.



表示“糊里糊涂地;茫然;无意地”,英文解释为“without being aware of what you are doing or the situation that you are involved in”举个🌰:

She had broken the law unwittingly, but still she had broken it.



1)表示“对…不公平,亏待;克扣,少给…应得的东西”,英文解释为“to treat someone unfairly, by giving them less than they deserve”举个🌰:

Children who leave school unable to read and write are being tragically shortchanged.


2)表示“少找给…零钱”,英文解释为“to give someone back less money than they are owed when the person is buying something from you”举个🌰:

I think I was shortchanged in the café.


Research shows that most people require seven or eight hours of sleep to function optimally. Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life. From infancy to old age, the effects of inadequate sleep can profoundly affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability, as well as your physical health.



表示“最佳地;最适地;最优地”,英文解释为“in the way that is most likely to bring success or advantage”举🌰:

How do I know if my computer is performing optimally?



表示“损害,伤害,危及”,英文解释为“to risk having a harmful effect on something”举个🌰:

We would never compromise the safety of our passengers.


According to sleep specialists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, among others, a number of bodily systems are negatively affected by inadequate sleep: the heart, lungs and kidneys; appetite, metabolism and weight control; immune function and disease resistance; sensitivity to pain; reaction time; mood; and brain function.

据美国匹兹堡大学医学院(University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)和西方精神医学研究所与诊所(Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic)的睡眠专家们称,睡眠不足会对某些身体系统造成负面影响,尤其是:心脏、肺和肾脏;食欲、新陈代谢和体重控制;免疫功能和疾病抵抗力;疼痛敏感性;反应时间;情绪;以及脑功能。


metabolism /mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“新陈代谢”,英文解释为“( biology 生 ) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth”举个🌰:

The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold.


Poor sleep is also a risk factor for depression and substance abuse, especially among people with post-traumatic stress disorder, according to Anne Germain, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. People with PTSD tend to relive their trauma when they try to sleep, which keeps their brains in a heightened state of alertness.

匹兹堡大学的精神病学副教授安妮·杰曼(Anne Germain)指出,睡眠质量不佳也是发生抑郁症和药物滥用的一个风险因素,对于创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者尤其如此。PTSD患者在尝试入睡时很容易回忆起他们所遭受的创伤,这使得他们的大脑持续处于高度警觉的状态。

substance abuse

表示“滥用毒品,滥用药物”,英文解释为“the use of a drug to get pleasure, or to improve a person's performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it.”

post-traumatic stress disorder

表示“创伤后应激障碍”,英文解释为“a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or shocking experience, such as an accident or a war.”

📍创伤后应激障碍( post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)是指个体经历、目睹或遭遇到一个或多个涉及自身或他人的实际死亡,或受到死亡的威胁,或严重的受伤,或躯体完整性受到威胁后,所导致的个体延迟出现和持续存在的精神障碍。(百度百科)


trauma /ˈtrɔːmə/ 表示“精神创伤,心理创伤”,英文解释为“(a) severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience”举个🌰:

He had psychotherapy to help him deal with his childhood traumas.


Dr. Germain is studying what happens in the brains of sleeping veterans with PTSD in hopes of developing more effective treatments for them and for people with lesser degrees of stress that interfere with a good night’s sleep.



veteran /ˈvetərən/ 1)表示“退伍军人”,英文解释为“A veteran is someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war.”

2)表示“老手,(在某方面)经验丰富的人”,英文解释为“someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity”,如:veteran leader/veteran journalist/actor/goalkeeper etc 资深领袖/资深记者/资深演员/经验丰富的守门员等。


表示“妨碍,干扰”,英文解释为“to prevent something from working effectively or from developing successfully”举个🌰:

Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.


The elderly are especially vulnerable. Timothy H. Monk, who directs the Human Chronobiology Research Program at Western Psychiatric, heads a five-year federally funded study of circadian rhythms, sleep strength, stress reactivity, brain function and genetics among the elderly. “The circadian signal isn’t as strong as people get older,” he said.

老年人尤为脆弱。西方精神医学研究所与诊所中人类时间生物学研究计划(Human Chronobiology Research Program)的负责人蒂莫西·H·蒙克(Timothy H. Monk)领导了一项由联邦政府资助的为期五年的研究,探讨了老年人的昼夜节律、睡眠强度、应激反应性、脑功能以及遗传学。“随着人们日渐衰老,昼夜节律的信号渐渐减弱,”他说。


circadian /sɜːˈkeɪ.di.ən/ 表示“(动植物的)昼夜的,约一日的,约24小时的(节律,周期)”,英文解释为“used to describe the processes in animals and plants that happen naturally during a 24-hour period”举个🌰:

Our circadian clock makes it difficult to sleep during the day.


He is finding that many are helped by standard behavioral treatments for insomnia, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding late-in-day naps and caffeine, and reducing distractions from light, noise and pets.



insomnia /ɪnˈsɒmnɪə/ 表示“失眠(症)”,英文解释为“the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time”举个🌰:

He suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.


It should come as no surprise that myriad bodily systems can be harmed by chronically shortened nights. “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies,” said Dr. Michael J. Twery, a sleep specialist at the National Institutes of Health.

有众多身体系统都会因为长期睡眠不足而受到损害,这不足为奇。美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的睡眠专家迈克尔·J·特渥利(Michael J. Twery)博士表示:“睡眠几乎影响着我们身体中的每一组织”。


myriad /ˈmɪrɪəd/ 表示“无数,极大数量各种各样的”,英文解释为“a very large number of things举个🌰:

And now myriads of bars and hotels are opening up along the coast.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述非洲大陆正在寻找自己的经济腾飞之路的文章中提到:Yet beneath that broad trend lies a myriad of stories. 然而,在这种大趋势下,很多变化正在发生。


表示“(动物或植物的细胞)组织”,英文解释为“a group of connected cells in an animal or plant that are similar to each other, have the same purpose, and form the stated part of the animal or plant”举个🌰:

His face is covered with scar tissue where he was badly burned.


Several studies have linked insufficient sleep to weight gain. Not only do night owls with shortchanged sleep have more time to eat, drink and snack, but levels of the hormone leptin, which tells the brain enough food has been consumed, are lower in the sleep-deprived while levels of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, are higher.


night owl

表示“夜猫子”,英文解释为“A night owl is someone who regularly stays up late at night, or who prefers to work at night.”


hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/ 表示“激素;荷尔蒙”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects”,如:growth hormones 生长激素。


leptin /ˈlep.tɪn/ 表示“消瘦素(一种激素)”,英文解释为“a hormone (= a chemical made in the body) that controls feelings of hunger and the way the body stores fat”举个🌰:

The identification of the hormone leptin transformed obesity research.



ghrelin /ˈɡrel.ɪn/ 表示“(让人产生饥饿感的)脑肠肽,饥饿激素”,英文解释为“a hormone (= a chemical made in the body) that makes you hungry”举个🌰:

When ghrelin levels are up, people feel hungry.


In addition, metabolism slows when one’s circadian rhythm and sleep are disrupted; if not counteracted by increased exercise or reduced caloric intake, this slowdown could add up to 10 extra pounds in a year.



表示“抵消;对抗;减少”,英文解释为“to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect”举个🌰:

Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.


📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Although, we'll prescribe an anti-emetic and try to counteract that. 不过我们会开些止吐剂 帮助缓解症状。

The body’s ability to process glucose is also adversely affected, which may ultimately result in Type 2 diabetes. In one study, healthy young men prevented from sleeping more than four hours a night for six nights in a row ended up with insulin and blood sugar levels like those of people deemed prediabetic. The risks of cardiovascular diseases and stroke are higher in people who sleep less than six hours a night. Even a single night of inadequate sleep can cause daylong elevations in blood pressure in people with hypertension. Inadequate sleep is also associated with calcification of coronary arteries and raised levels of inflammatory factors linked to heart disease. (In terms of cardiovascular disease, sleeping too much may also be risky. Higher rates of heart disease have been found among women who sleep more than nine hours nightly.)



glucose /ˈɡluːkəʊz/ 表示“葡萄糖”,英文解释为“Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.”


adversely副词,形容词形式为adverse,表示“不利的;负面的;有害的”,英文解释为“having a negative or harmful effect on something举个🌰:

They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.



diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs, -tiːz/ 表示“糖尿病”,英文解释为“a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.”

in a row

表示“接连地;连续地”,英文解释为“one after another without a break”举个🌰:

She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row.



insulin /ˈɪnsjəlɪn/表示“胰岛素”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood (by influencing the rate at which it is removed); a similar artificial substance given to people whose bodies do not produce enough naturally”举个🌰:

She has to have insulin injections for her diabetes.



cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə/ 表示“心血管的”,英文解释为“Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.”举个🌰:

Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.



1)表示“(水平或数量)提高,升高,增加”,英文解释为“an increase in the level or amount of sth”如:elevation of blood sugar levels 血糖升高;

2)表示“ 提拔;晋级;提升”,英文解释为“the process of sb getting a higher or more important rank”如:his elevation to the presidency 他提升到校长的职位。

3)表示“(某地方的)高度;(尤指)海拔”,英文解释为“the height of a place, especially its height above sea level”举个🌰:

The city is at an elevation of 2000 metres.



表示“高血压”,英文解释为“a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high.”


calcification /ˌkæl.sɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“钙化”,英文解释为“a gradual increase in the amount of calcium in body tissue, sometimes as a response to injury, causing the tissue to harden, or an area of such tissue”举个🌰:

Arterial walls may develop calcifications, which reduce the ability of the vessels to transport blood adequately.



coronary /ˈkɒr.ən.ər.i/ 表示“动脉的,冠状动脉的”,英文解释为“relating to the arteries (= thick tubes) that supply blood to the muscles of the heart举个🌰:

Regular exercise reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.


📍coronary artery表示“冠状动脉”(either of the two arteries that supply blood to the heart)。


1)表示“动脉”,英文解释为“one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body”举个🌰:

Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.


2)表示“要道;干道;干线”,英文解释为“an important road or railway line”如:the main arteries leading into Hangzhou 通往杭州的主干道。


1)表示“发炎的;引发炎症的”,英文解释为“causing or related to swelling and pain in the body”

2)表示“使人激愤的;煽动性的”,英文解释为“intended or likely to cause anger or hate”举个🌰:

The men were making inflammatory remarks about the other team's supporters.


The risk of cancer may also be elevated in people who fail to get enough sleep. A Japanese study of nearly 24,000 women ages 40 to 79 found that those who slept less than six hours a night were more likely to develop breast cancer than women who slept longer. The increased risk may result from diminished secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin. Among participants in the Nurses Health Study, Eva S. Schernhammer of Harvard Medical School found a link between low melatonin levels and an increased risk of breast cancer.

未能得到充足睡眠的人患癌症的风险很可能也有所升高。一项日本研究在考察了近2.4万名年龄在40至79岁的女性后发现,每晚睡眠不足六小时的女性比睡眠时间较长的女性更容易罹患乳腺癌。这种风险增加有可能是睡眠激素褪黑激素的分泌减少所导致。哈佛医学院的伊娃·S·舍汉摩(Eva S.Schernhammer)发现,在护士健康研究(Nurses Health Study)的参与者中,较低的褪黑激素水平与乳腺癌风险增加之间存在关联。


1)表示“抬高;提高;使上升;举起”,英文解释为“to raise something or lift something up”;

2)表示“提升;提高;改进”,英文解释为“to make someone or something more important or to improve something”举个🌰:

They want to elevate the status of teachers.



表示“分泌;分泌液”,英文解释为“the process by which an animal or plant produces and releases a liquid, or the liquid produced”举个🌰:

The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.



melatonin /ˌmɛləˈtəʊnɪn/ 表示“褪黑素,降黑素(体内的一种激素,能刺激肤色变化,与日常睡眠等生物节律有关)”,英文解释为“a hormone in the body that produces changes in skin colour and is involved in controlling biorhythms such as our sleep pattern”。

A study of 1,240 people by researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland found an increased risk of potentially cancerous colorectal polyps in those who slept fewer than six hours nightly.

在克利夫兰市凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)一项关于1240人的研究中,研究人员发现,每晚睡眠时间少于六小时的人出现具癌变潜能的大肠息肉的风险有所增加。


colorectal /kəʊ.ləʊˈrek.təl/ 表示“结肠直肠的”,英文解释为“relating to the colon (= the large bowel) and the (= rectum) (= the last section of the large bowel).”如:colorectal cancer/surgery 结肠直肠癌/手术。


polyp /ˈpɒl.ɪp/ 表示“息肉”,英文解释为“a small mass of cells that grows in the body, and is usually not harmful.”

Children can also experience hormonal disruptions from inadequate sleep. Growth hormone is released during deep sleep; it not only stimulates growth in children, but also boosts muscle mass and repairs damaged cells and tissues in both children and adults.


Dr. Vatsal G. Thakkar, a psychiatrist affiliated with New York University, recently described evidence associating inadequate sleep with an erroneous diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. In one study, 28 percent of children with sleep problems had symptoms of the disorder, but not the disorder.

隶属于纽约大学(New York University)的精神病学家瓦斯塔尔·G·塔克尔(Vatsal G. Thakkar)博士近期报告了一些证据,将睡眠不足与儿童中的注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)误诊相关联。在一项研究中,在28%的存在睡眠问题的儿童身上都可观察到ADHD的症状,但他们并非该疾病的真正患者。


affiliate /əˈfɪliət/  作名词,表示“附属机构;分支机构;分公司;分会”,英文解释为“a company, an organization, etc. that is connected with or controlled by another larger one”,如:an affiliate of the university 大学的隶属机构/分支机构。

作动词,表示“使并入,使隶属(较大的团体或组织);使紧密联系”,英文解释为“to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group, or organization”,如:a college affiliated to Zhejiang University 浙江大学附属学院;举个🌰:

The hospital is affiliated with the local university.



📍北京大学附属中学 The Affiliated High School of Peking University

📍清华大学附属中学 Tsinghua University High School

📍中国人民大学附属中学 The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China

📍浙江大学附属中学 The High School Attached to Zhejiang University


表示“(尤指儿童的)注意力缺乏多动障碍”,英文解释为“a condition in which someone, especially a child, is often in a state of activity or excitement and unable to direct their attention towards what they are doing.”

📍注意缺陷与多动障碍(Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)俗称多动症,指发生于儿童时期,与同龄儿童相比,以明显注意集中困难、注意持续时间短暂、活动过度或冲动为主要特征的一组综合征。

During sleep, the body produces cytokines, cellular hormones that help fight infections. Thus, short sleepers may be more susceptible to everyday infections like colds and flu. In a study of 153 healthy men and women, Sheldon Cohen and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University found that those who slept less than seven hours a night were three times as likely to develop cold symptoms when exposed to a cold-causing virus than were people who slept eight or more hours.

入睡时,人体可产生细胞因子,这是一种有助于抵抗感染的细胞激素。因此,缺觉的人也许更容易患上感冒和流感等常见传染病。在一项对153名健康男性和女性的研究中,卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的谢尔登·科恩(Sheldon Cohen)及其同事发现,在暴露于致感冒病毒中时,夜晚睡眠时间不足七小时的人出现感冒症状的可能性是睡眠时间至少达八小时者的三倍。


cytokine /ˈsaɪ.tə.kaɪn/ 表示“细胞活素,细胞因子”,英文解释为“a small protein produced by cells in the nervous and immune systems that affects what happens between cells”


susceptible /səˈseptəbl/ 表示“易受影响(或伤害等);敏感;过敏”,英文解释为“very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth”举个🌰:

Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.


Some of the most insidious effects of too little sleep involve mental processes like learning, memory, judgment and problem-solving. During sleep, new learning and memory pathways become encoded in the brain, and adequate sleep is necessary for those pathways to work optimally. People who are well rested are better able to learn a task and more likely to remember what they learned. The cognitive decline that so often accompanies aging may in part result from chronically poor sleep.



insidious /ɪnˈsɪdɪəs/ 表示“潜伏的;隐袭的;隐伏的;暗中为害的”,英文解释为“spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious harm”举个🌰:

The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years.


🎬电影《灵书妙探》(Castle)中的台词提到:within the vast and insidious conspiracy behind all this, 其背后巨大狡猾的阴谋中。

With insufficient sleep, thinking slows, it is harder to focus and pay attention, and people are more likely to make poor decisions and take undue risks. As you might guess, these effects can be disastrous when operating a motor vehicle or dangerous machine.



表示“过分的,过度的”,英文解释为“to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable”举个🌰:

Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on the local tax payer.


At your next health checkup, tell your doctor how long and how well you sleep. Be honest: Sleep duration and quality can be as important to your health as your blood pressure and cholesterol level.



cholesterol /kə'lɛstərɔl/ 表示“胆固醇”,英文解释为“Cholesterol is a substance that exists in the fat, tissues, and blood of all animals. Too much cholesterol in a person's blood can cause heart disease.”如:a dangerously high cholesterol level. 危险的高胆固醇水平。









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