
人生有幸 唯你不变

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





A whirlwind romance seems romantic — but two years is the ideal time to wait


Part of what drives speedy marriages is the idea of love at first sight and being swept away. But in reality, the research shows that speedy engagements don't have a good track record, said Melissa Hobley, the CMO at OkCupid.

Anecdotally, you have the likes of Russell Brand and Katy Perry, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, being just a few of the couples who committed after weeks — sometimes even days — of meeting each other. And none of them worked out.

"There's a reason why... the number of those people who are still together is pretty low," Hobley said. "Speedy engagements often don't work out because you haven't gone through life. I'm sure you've been in a relationship with somebody and then s--t hits the fan — losing a job, losing a friend, whatever. That's when you learn the most about someone, when life gets tough."

The first few months of a relationship are the easiest and the most fun, because your life is full of new experiences, and your body is filled with dopamine and oxytocin.

As Claire Stott, a relationship psychologist and data analyst at Badoo told INSIDER in a previous article, it's not all about the butterflies [you get at] the beginning. "A good relationship is a slow burner," she said.

Further down the road, when you lose a parent, a pet dies, or you're in an accident — that's when you really learn the most about each other.

And while infatuation is irresistible, it's the long term connections that really matter when choosing to spend forever with someone else, according to Hobley.

"If you look at the research, people who date for at least two years before they get engaged do have happier marriages," she said. "It's hard to put an exact timeframe on that, because some people get to know each other a lot faster than others... But that's what the data will show, that people knowing someone for a couple of years before making that commitment have the happiest marriages."

Still, short engagements can work

Not every speedy engagement is doomed. They can work, provided you bond over something other than the initial rush of hormones flowing through your veins.

"When you look at the research, folks who have dated less than six months before getting engaged, the data is all over the place," said Hobley. "Some are happy some are very unhappy. What we know is that if people connect over something they care about, and tell each other who they are, those are the kinds of things that help those couples work out."

Also, it's important not to rush into something new if you still have feelings for your ex. That way, you're simply masking your hurt by seeking attention from someone else.

"Dating after a breakup is ok, jumping into something really serious isn't," Hobley said. "Oftentimes, we might not even realise we're not over it. I'm sure there are some exceptions... but it's not great."

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A whirlwind romance seems romantic — but two years is the ideal time to wait


Part of what drives speedy marriages is the idea of love at first sight and being swept away. But in reality, the research shows that speedy engagements don't have a good track record, said Melissa Hobley, the CMO at OkCupid.

促使闪婚的部分原因是一见钟情并为之倾倒。但在现实中,研究表明,快速订婚并不好,OkCupid的首席营销官(chief marketing officer)梅丽莎·霍布利(Melissa Hobley)说。


whirlwind /ˈwɝːl.wɪnd/ 1)作名词,表示“旋风”,英文解释为“a tall, spinning column of air that moves across the surface of the land or sea.”

2)作形容词,表示“(事件)旋风般的,飞快的”,英文解释为“A whirlwind event happens very fast, and often unexpectedly.”举个🌰:

They married three months after they met - it was a real whirlwind romance.


sweep away

1)sweep sb away/along表示“使某人醉心;驱使某人专注;令(某人)着迷,令(某人)倾倒,深深吸引(某人)”,英文解释为“to make sb very interested or involved in sth, especially in a way that makes them forget everything else”举个🌰:

They were swept away by the force of their emotions.


2)sweep sth away表示“消灭;彻底消除;完全打”,英文解释“to get rid of sth completely”举个🌰:

Any doubts had long since been swept away.


track record

表示“业绩记录;成绩记录;过去的成绩或成就”,英文解释为“all the past achievements, successes or failures of a person or an organization”举个🌰:

He has a proven track record in marketing.


Anecdotally, you have the likes of Russell Brand and Katy Perry, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, being just a few of the couples who committed after weeks — sometimes even days — of meeting each other. And none of them worked out.

一些情侣结识对方几周——有时甚至几天——后就承诺结婚,比如传闻中的拉塞尔·布兰德(Russell Brand)和凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry),帕米拉·安德森(Pamela Anderson)和汤米·李(Tommy Lee)等。他们最终都分开了。


副词 anecdotally /ˌænɪkˈdoʊtəli/ 形容词 anecdotal /ˌænɛkˈdəʊtəl/ 表示“逸事的;趣闻的;传闻的”,英文解释为“based on anecdotes and possibly not true or accurate”,如:anecdotal evidence 传闻的证据。


the likes of sb/sth = sb's/sth's like 表示“…之类”,英文解释为“a person, thing, or group similar in character or quality to the one mentioned”举个🌰:

They're competing with the likes of Microsoft.


He was a very great actor - we won't see his like again.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述奢侈品集团思索清空库存方法的文章中提到:Every frock sold by the likes of Gucci or Givenchy is billed as a must-have that season. 古驰或纪梵希之类的品牌把它们的每条裙子都标榜为当季必买。


表示“承诺,保证;(使)忠于;(使)致力于;投入(时间或金钱)”,英文解释为“to promise or give your loyalty, time, or money to a particular principle, person, or plan of action”举个🌰:

Like so many men, he has problems committing himself to a relationship.


📍commit本身也有“订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情”的含义,英文解释为:be in a long-term emotional relationship with (someone).

work out

表示“发生;发展;进展顺利”,英文解释为“To happen or develop in a particular way; If a situation works out well or works out, it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way.”举个🌰:

Let's hope this new job works out well for him.


Things just didn't work out as planned.


"There's a reason why... the number of those people who are still together is pretty low," Hobley said. "Speedy engagements often don't work out because you haven't gone through life. I'm sure you've been in a relationship with somebody and then s--t hits the fan — losing a job, losing a friend, whatever. That's when you learn the most about someone, when life gets tough."


shit hits the fan

表示“麻烦到来,灾难来临”,英文解释为“When the shit hits the fan or when the shit flies, a situation suddenly causes a lot of trouble for someone.”举个🌰:

I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan.


The first few months of a relationship are the easiest and the most fun, because your life is full of new experiences, and your body is filled with dopamine and oxytocin.



dopamine /ˈdəʊpəmiːn/表示“多巴胺(神经细胞产生的一种作用于其他细胞的化学物质)”,英文解释为“a chemical produced by nerve cells which has an effect on other cells”。


oxytocin /ˌɑːk.sɪˈtoʊ-/ 表示“催产素”,英文解释为“a hormone that helps with labour (= the process of pushing out a baby) and helps women and female mammals to produce milk.”

As Claire Stott, a relationship psychologist and data analyst at Badoo told INSIDER in a previous article, it's not all about the butterflies [you get at] the beginning. "A good relationship is a slow burner," she said.

正如Badoo的关系心理学家和数据分析师克莱尔·斯托特(Claire Stott)在之前的一篇文章中告诉INSIDER的那样,并不全是你刚开始时拥有的紧张感。她说:“一段良好的关系会越来越舒适。”


1)除了表示蝴蝶,还可以表示“轻浮多变的人;追求享乐的人”,英文解释为“a person who is not responsible or serious, and who is likely to change activities easily or only be interested in pleasure”举个🌰:

She's such a social butterfly.


2)短语:have butterflies (in your stomach) 表示“(通常指对将要做的事)感到非常紧张,觉得很心慌”,英文解释为“to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do”举个🌰:

I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Hangzhou.


slow burner

表示“随着时间的推移而变得越来越有趣、成功或愉快的人或事物””,英文解释为“something that gradually becomes interesting, enjoyable, successful, etc.” 举个🌰:

It was a bit of a slow burner.


Further down the road, when you lose a parent, a pet dies, or you're in an accident — that's when you really learn the most about each other.


down the road

表示“将来”,英文解释为“in the future”举个🌰:

Cars that drive themselves are in development now, but a marketable product is a long way down the road.


And while infatuation is irresistible, it's the long term connections that really matter when choosing to spend forever with someone else, according to Hobley.



infatuation /ɪnˌfætʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“(通常短期)热恋,着迷”,英文解释为“strong but not usually lasting feelings of love or attraction”举个🌰:

No one expected their infatuation with each other to last.



1)表示“无法抗拒的;非常诱人的”,英文解释为“so attractive, desirable etc that you cannot prevent yourself from wanting it”,举个🌰:

Tax-cutting proposals could prove irresistible to lawmakers.


2)表示“(力量太强大而)不可遏止的;不可避免的”,英文解释为“too strong or powerful to be stopped or prevented ”,举个🌰:

I was overcome by an irresistible urge to cry.


"If you look at the research, people who date for at least two years before they get engaged do have happier marriages," she said. "It's hard to put an exact timeframe on that, because some people get to know each other a lot faster than others... But that's what the data will show, that people knowing someone for a couple of years before making that commitment have the happiest marriages."


Still, short engagements can work 不过,快速订婚也可能奏效

Not every speedy engagement is doomed. They can work, provided you bond over something other than the initial rush of hormones flowing through your veins.



表示“注定失败(或灭亡、毁灭)的”,英文解释为“certain to fail, die, or be destroyed”举个🌰:

This is a doomed city.



作连词,表示“如果;只要”,英文解释为“if, or only if”举个🌰:

He's welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.


other than

表示“不同于;除了”,英文解释为“different from or except”举个🌰:

Cruises other than the ones listed below are not discounted at this time.



1)表示“急速流动(或行进);猛冲”,英文解释为“the act of suddenly moving somewhere quickly”举个🌰:

There was a rush of air as she opened the door.


2)表示“(突然的)一阵强烈感情;(身体的)一阵感觉;迸发的情绪;情绪迸发”,英文解释为“a sudden strong emotion or physical feeling;a sudden strong emotion or sign of strong emotion”如:a sudden rush of excitement/fear/anger 突然感到的兴奋/恐惧/愤怒,举个🌰:

The memory of who he was came back to him with a rush.


"When you look at the research, folks who have dated less than six months before getting engaged, the data is all over the place," said Hobley. "Some are happy some are very unhappy. What we know is that if people connect over something they care about, and tell each other who they are, those are the kinds of things that help those couples work out."


all over the place

1)表示“凌乱,杂乱”,英文解释为“put or left in a lot of different places in an untidy way”举个🌰:

There were dirty dishes and clothes all over the place.


2)表示“到处”,英文解释为“in every place”举个🌰:

You can buy T-shirts like this all over the place.


Also, it's important not to rush into something new if you still have feelings for your ex. That way, you're simply masking your hurt by seeking attention from someone else.


rush into

表示“仓促做;匆忙做;草率地做”,英文解释为“If you rush into something such as a job, you start doing it without having really decided if it is the right thing to do or having considered the best way to do it.”

"Dating after a breakup is ok, jumping into something really serious isn't," Hobley said. "Oftentimes, we might not even realise we're not over it. I'm sure there are some exceptions... but it's not great."










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