

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天早些时候,乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)发表讲话,宣布乌克兰与俄罗斯断交。


U.S. vows to hold Russia responsible after it begins attack on Ukraine

The Washington Post

Russia on Thursday launched a military assault against Ukraine, President Biden said, with explosions occurring across a wide swath of the country, in what the president called an “unjustified attack” that signals “a premeditated war.”

The explosions could be heard in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, and Kharkiv, in the country’s northeast. A senior Ukrainian official said there were also explosions at the country’s largest airport, in Kyiv. Air raid sirens were going off in the capital, though the official said that they were intended to wake up residents and that there were no indications of incoming warplanes.

The attacks came as Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the launch of a “special military operation” to carry out the “demilitarization and denazification” of Ukraine and end eight years of war in the country’s east, where Kyiv government forces have been fighting Russian-backed separatists.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared martial law. Kyiv’s generals said the military was at full combat readiness and had repelled a Russian air attack, though few claims were immediately verifiable amid the uncertainty of armed conflict.

In a statement, Biden said that Putin “has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering” and vowed that he would face “further consequences.”

“Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way,” he said. “The world will hold Russia accountable.”

Global leaders react to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, criticize Putin

As President Biden promised that “the world will hold Russia accountable” for what he described as an “unprovoked and unjustified attack” on Ukraine, other global leaders were quick to condemn Russia’s actions and call for a decisive response.

Before dawn in London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote on Twitter that “President Putin has chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack on Ukraine” and promised to work with allies to “decisively” respond.

The country’s foreign minister, Liz Truss, called it “a terrible act of aggression.”

Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö strongly condemned the Russian military measures, describing them as an assault not just on Ukraine, but “on the entire European security order.”

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U.S. vows to hold Russia responsible after it begins attack on Ukraine

The Washington Post

Russia on Thursday launched a military assault against Ukraine, President Biden said, with explosions occurring across a wide swath of the country, in what the president called an “unjustified attack” that signals “a premeditated war.”



可以作名词,表示“发誓;誓言;许愿”;也可以作动词,表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个🌰:

While many models vow to go back to college, few do.


🎬电影《诸神之战》(Clash of the Titans)中的台词提到:You vowed to your wife you'd never let Helius wield a sword. 你曾对你的妻子发誓 你永远不会让赫利俄斯使用武器。


表示“发起”,英文解释为“To launch a large and important activity, for example, a military attack, means to start it.”举个🌰:

A group of 80 attackers launched an all-out assault just before dawn.



assault可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“袭击,攻击,猛攻”,英文解释为“a violent attack”;作名词时以表示“侵犯人身(罪),殴击他人身体(罪)”,如:sexual/indecent assault 性侵/猥亵。举个🌰:

The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.



swath /swɑːθ/ 更常写作 swathe /sweɪð/ 1)表示“长条区域,大块区域;(尤指)长条田地,大块田地”,英文解释为“a long strip or large area especially of land”举个🌰:

Huge swathes of rainforest are being cleared for farming and mining.


2)表示“部分;范围”,英文解释为“a large part of something that includes several different things”举个🌰:

These people represent a broad/wide swathe of public opinion.



表示“错误的;不值得的;不必要的”,英文解释为“wrong and/or not deserved”举个🌰:

The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified confidence in his own judgment.


📍2021年政府工作报告中提到:1)要严控非税收入不合理增长Unjustified growth in non-tax government revenue will be strictly checked;

2)进一步清理用电不合理加价,Further steps will be taken to cut unjustified surcharges on electricity use;


premeditated /ˌpriːˈmed.ə.teɪ.t̬ɪd/ 表示“(尤指罪行或不快的事情)预先考虑的,预先策划的,预谋的”,英文解释为“(especially of a crime or something unpleasant) done after being thought about or carefully planned”如:a premeditated attack 蓄意攻击,举个🌰:

The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal.


The explosions could be heard in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, and Kharkiv, in the country’s northeast. A senior Ukrainian official said there were also explosions at the country's largest airport, in Kyiv. Air raid sirens were going off in the capital, though the official said that they were intended to wake up residents and that there were no indications of incoming warplanes.



1)表示“(通常由一小队人发起的)突袭,袭击”,英文解释为“a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people”举个🌰:

The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid (on the enemy).


2)表示“抢劫;打劫”,英文解释为“the act of entering a place by force in order to steal from it”举个🌰:

Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night.


3)表示“(警方)查抄,突然搜查”,英文解释为“an occasion when the police enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.



siren /ˈsaɪrən/ 表示“警报器,汽笛”,英文解释为“a device for making a loud warning noise”如:an air-raid siren 空袭警报,举个🌰:

When the air raid siren went off people ran to their shelters.


go off

1)表示“(警报器等)突然发出巨响”,英文解释为“If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise.”举个🌰:

The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke is detected.


2)表示“(电灯)熄灭;(机器)停止运行,停止运转”,英文解释为“If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working.”举个🌰:

The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.


The attacks came as Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the launch of a “special military operation” to carry out the “demilitarization and denazification” of Ukraine and end eight years of war in the country’s east, where Kyiv government forces have been fighting Russian-backed separatists.

袭击发生之际,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)宣布启动一项“特别军事行动”,以实现乌克兰的“去军事化和去纳粹化”,并结束该国东部八年的战争,基辅政府军一直在那里与受俄罗斯支持的分离主义分子作战。


表示“宣布;声明;公布”,英文解释为“to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially”举个🌰:

They declared their support for the proposal.


🎬电影《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)中的台词提到:Can I... Can I... levy a tax? Declare a war? No. 我能 我能征税吗 能宣战吗 不能。


表示“(有目的的)活动,行动”,英文解释为“an activity that is planned to achieve something”举个🌰:

Following the earthquake, a large-scale rescue operation was launched.



demilitarization /diːˌmɪlɪtərəˈzeɪʃn/ 表示“非军事化;废除军备;解除武装”,英文解释为“Demilitarization is often narrowly defined as simply the dismantling or demobilization of a military, and the eventual destruction of military equipment, the destruction of weapons and explosives, and the incineration and destruction of chemical and biological weapons.”


denazification  /ˈdiːnɑːtsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ 表示“非纳粹化;消灭纳粹化”,英文解释为“Denazification (German: Entnazifizierung) was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of the Nazi ideology following the Second World War.”


表示“分裂主义者,分离主义者”,英文解释为“someone who is a member of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country and who believes that this group should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared martial law. Kyiv’s generals said the military was at full combat readiness and had repelled a Russian air attack, though few claims were immediately verifiable amid the uncertainty of armed conflict.

乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)宣布戒严。基辅的将军们表示,军队处于充分的战斗准备状态,并击退了俄罗斯的空袭,尽管在武装冲突的不确定性中,很少有说法可以立即得到核实。

martial law

表示“军事管制,戒严”,英文解释为“the control of a city, country, etc. by an army instead of by its usual leaders”举个🌰:

Renegade forces captured the capital and declared/imposed martial law.



表示“准备就绪”,英文解释为“the state of being ready or prepared for sth”举个🌰:

Everyone has doubts about their readiness for parenthood.



repel /rɪˈpel/ 1)表示“驱逐;逐回;击退;抗御”,英文解释为“to force something or someone to move away or stop attacking you”举个🌰:

The defenders repelled the attack without losing any men.


2)表示“排斥;相斥”,英文解释为“to have a magnetic field that pushes away something with a similar magnetic field”举个🌰:

Similar poles of magnets repel each other, and opposite poles attract.


3)表示“使厌恶;使极反感”,英文解释为“People or things that repel you make you feel strongly that you do not want to be near, see, or think about them”举个🌰:

Her arrogance repels many people.



verifiable /ˈver.ə.faɪ.ə.bəl/ 表示“可证实的;可证明的”,英文解释为“able to be proved”举个🌰:Throughout the trial, he didn't produce a single verifiable fact.


In a statement, Biden said that Putin “has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering” and vowed that he would face “further consequences.”



catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ 1)表示“灾难性的”,英文解释为“Something that is catastrophic involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster.”举个🌰:

The water shortage is potentially catastrophic.


2)表示“极糟的;失败的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as catastrophic, you mean that it is very bad or unsuccessful.”

“Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way,” he said. “The world will hold Russia accountable.”



ally /ˈæl.aɪ/ 表示“(尤指战时的)同盟国,盟友”,英文解释为“a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war”举个🌰:

The US is one of Britain's staunchest allies.


📍the Allies 特指“(第二次世界大战期间的)同盟国”,英文解释为“the countries, including the US, the UK, the USSR, and France, that fought against the Axis countries in the Second World War”


1)表示“决定性的,具有决定意义的”,英文解释为“strongly affecting how a situation will progress or end”如:a decisive victory 决定性的胜利。

2)表示“果断的,干脆的;有决断力的”,英文解释为“able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality”举个🌰:

You need to be more decisive.


📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到:2020年,全面建成小康社会取得伟大历史性成就,决战脱贫攻坚取得决定性胜利。In 2020, China made the historic achievement of establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieved decisive success in eradicating extreme poverty.


表示“应负责任的;应作解释的;应加以说明的;(对自己的决定、行为)负有责任,有说明义务”,英文解释为“Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it.”举个🌰:

She is accountable only to the managing director.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述商业软件公司SAP的文章中提到:“COUNT ON US, hold us accountable and together we will reinvent the way businesses run.”“信赖我们,向我们问责,齐心协力,我们将重塑公司的运营方式。”

Global leaders react to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, criticize Putin 全球领导人对俄罗斯向对乌克兰发起进攻作出反应,批评普京

As President Biden promised that “the world will hold Russia accountable” for what he described as an “unprovoked and unjustified attack” on Ukraine, other global leaders were quick to condemn Russia’s actions and call for a decisive response.



unprovoked /ˌʌn.prəˈvoʊkt/ 表示“(令人不快的言行)无端的,无缘无故的”,英文解释为“If an unpleasant action or remark is unprovoked, it has not been caused by anything and is therefore unfair.”举个🌰:

Her angry outburst was totally unprovoked.



表示“(通常指出于道义而)谴责,指责”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons”举个🌰:

The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.


🎬电影《英伦对决》(The Foreigner)中的台词提到:And I condemn these acts of violence, but I can't help you. 对这些暴力行为我表示谴责,但我帮不了你。

Before dawn in London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote on Twitter that “President Putin has chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack on Ukraine” and promised to work with allies to “decisively” respond.

伦敦凌晨,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在推特上写道:“普京总统选择了一条流血和毁灭的道路,对乌克兰发动了这次无端的攻击”,并承诺与盟国合作,“果断地”作出回应。


dawn /dɔːn/ 表示“拂晓,破晓,黎明”,英文解释为“the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky”举个🌰:

We woke at dawn.



📍The darkest hour is just before the dawn.表示“黑暗即将过去,黎明就在眼前”,英文解释为“said to emphasize that things often seem at their worst just before they get better”


bloodshed /ˈblʌd.ʃed/ 表示“流血,杀戮”,英文解释为“killing and violence”举个🌰:

The army was brought in to try to prevent further bloodshed.


The country's foreign minister, Liz Truss, called it “a terrible act of aggression.”

该国外交部长莉斯·特拉斯(Liz Truss)称这是“可怕的侵略行为。”


表示“侵略;侵犯;攻击;挑衅”,英文解释为“spoken or physical behaviour that is threatening or involves harm to someone or something”举个🌰:

Some types of dog are bred for aggression.


Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö strongly condemned the Russian military measures, describing them as an assault not just on Ukraine, but “on the entire European security order.”

芬兰总统绍利·尼尼斯托(Sauli Niinistö)强烈谴责俄罗斯的军事行动,称其不仅是对乌克兰的攻击,而且是对“整个欧洲安全秩序”的攻击。








- 那年今日 -

2021 权志龙 Jennie

2020 你的头发还好吗?

2019 抄作业机器人卖断货

2018 韩国队内讧门

2017 如何不出国学好一门外语?

2016 Cyberthieves Hold Hospital...

2015 Google teams up with 3wireless...



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