

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Even With a Dream Job, You Can Be Antiwork

The New York Times

Oct. 22, 2021

The world’s long-suffering workers have finally gained some measure of leverage over their bosses, and their new power is a glorious thing to behold.

In South Korea this week, tens of thousands of union members staged a one-day strike to demand better benefits and protections for temporary and contract workers. In Britain, where Brexit has contributed to severe shortages of goods and labor, Boris Johnson, the prime minister, has been taking dubious credit for what he calls a new era of higher pay.

And in the United States, a record nearly 4.3 million people quit their jobs in August, according to the Labor Department, and more than 10 million positions were vacant — slightly down from July, when about 11 million jobs needed filling. The shortage of workers has led to a growth in wages that has surpassed many economists’ expectations, and seems to have discombobulated bosses who are used to employees leaping at their every demand.

There are many potential reasons for workers’ reluctance to work terrible jobs. People who are flush with unemployment assistance and stimulus money might be holding out for better jobs to come along. Workers who spent the last year and half on the front lines of dangerous jobs in thankless industries — for instance, enforcing mask rules for belligerent customers in shops and restaurants — could be burned out by the experience. And many workers continue to fear for their health in an ongoing pandemic, while a lack of child and elder care has added costs and complications that have rendered many jobs just not worth the trouble.

All of this makes sense. But there might also be something deeper afoot. In its sudden rearrangement of daily life, the pandemic might have prompted many people to entertain a wonderfully un-American new possibility — that our society is entirely too obsessed with work, that employment is not the only avenue through which to derive meaning in life and that sometimes no job is better than a bad job.

“The pandemic gave us a kind of forced separation from work and a rare critical distance from the daily grind,” Kathi Weeks, a professor of gender, sexuality and feminist studies at Duke University, told me. “I think what you’re seeing with people refusing to go back is a kind of yearning for freedom.”

Weeks, the author of “The Problem With Work,” is among a handful of scholars who have been pushing for a wholesale reappraisal of the role that work plays in wealthy societies. Their ideas have been dubbed “post-work” or “antiwork,” and although they share goals with other players in the labor market — among them labor unions and advocates for higher minimum wages and a stronger social safety net — these scholars are calling for something even grander than improved benefits.

They’re questioning some of the bedrock ideas in modern life, especially life in America: What if paid work is not the only worthwhile use of one’s time? What if crushing it in your career is not the only way to attain status and significance in society? What if electing to live a life that is not driven by the neuroses and obsessions of paid employment is considered a perfectly fine and reasonable way to live?

Evidence for such a reappraisal is, admittedly, more anecdotal than rigorous. It might well be that as soon as labor markets loosen up, workers will again answer to their bosses’ every beck and call.

But David Frayne, a sociologist who is the author of “The Refusal of Work,” noted that traumatic events often cause people to reassess their lives and goals.

“The pandemic has had the potential to create that kind of disruption on a mass scale,” Frayne told me, and the disruption has created new political opportunities for regulating labor markets in a way that favors workers. He pointed out that in Britain, where he lives, politicians have begun to entertain the idea of a four-day workweek, a plan that was long considered a no-go.

In the United States, the Biden administration’s huge social policy legislation — now stalled in Congress — was also conceived in part as a way to address the kind of problems working people experienced during the pandemic. And the pandemic cracked open space to discuss more far-flung ideas for a society that is no longer centered on work — especially a universal basic income, a policy that is being tested in pilot programs across the country.

You can get a peek of a post-job world at /antiwork, a Reddit forum “for those who want to end work” that has gone viral in recent months, with hundreds of thousands following its subversive cause. /antiwork teems with posts from workers who are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore — including many screenshots from folks saying they are telling off their managers, quitting in a rage after years of abuse.

I’ve been reading /antiwork for months, and I’ve been surprised to find myself joining in the visceral thrill of seeing people wrest the reins of their lives from the soul-sucking, health-destroying maw of capitalism.

I was surprised to find common cause with people on /antiwork because, of course, I have very little to complain about, job-wise. Indeed, at least once a day I revel in open-mouthed gratitude. What I do to make a living — writing this column — is less physically demanding and more intellectually rewarding than anything my ancestors had to endure to earn their supper, and — don’t tell my bosses — more than fair compensation for my time and effort.

It sounds perfect, right?

And yet, a lot of times my job can feel like an all-consuming hell. I’ve got a wife and kids and two lovely cats, but work is the first thing I think about every morning and the last thing I worry about every night. My job has dibs on my mind and my time, it gets the best of my attention and creativity, and it is the subject of my deepest neuroses and my most intractable stresses.

I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t really realize how much work ruled my life until the pandemic — until this huge meteor took aim at our lives and forced me to reconsider what I was doing.

I’m not saying I’m quitting — I hope to keep this gig for a long time. It’s just that I now have space in my mind for a truth that my prepandemic workaholism never allowed me to consider — that even a dream job is still a job, and in America’s relentless hustle culture, we have turned our jobs into prisons for our minds and souls. It’s time to break free.

- ◆ -



Even With a Dream Job, You Can Be Antiwork

The New York Times

Oct. 22, 2021

The world’s long-suffering workers have finally gained some measure of leverage over their bosses, and their new power is a glorious thing to behold.



表示“影响力”,英文解释为“Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.”举个🌰:

His position as mayor gives him leverage to get things done. 



1)表示“辉煌的;光荣的;荣耀的”,英文解释为“deserving great admiration, praise, and honour”如:a memorial to the glorious dead of two world wars 为缅怀在两次世界大战中光荣献身的人们而修建的纪念碑;

2)表示“令人愉快的,(尤指天气)极好的”,英文解释为“Glorious weather is very pleasant, and especially hot and sunny.”举个🌰:

They had glorious weather for their wedding.


In South Korea this week, tens of thousands of union members staged a one-day strike to demand better benefits and protections for temporary and contract workers. In Britain, where Brexit has contributed to severe shortages of goods and labor, Boris Johnson, the prime minister, has been taking dubious credit for what he calls a new era of higher pay.

本周在韩国,数万名工会成员举行了为期一天的罢工,要求为临时工和合同工提供更好的福利和保护。在英国,脱欧导致了商品和劳动力的严重短缺,首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)称这是一个高工资的新时代,并且这是他的功劳——这一点存疑。


1)表示“上演;举办;举行”,英文解释为“to organize and present a play or an event for people to see”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览,举个🌰:

The local theatre group is staging a production of ‘Hamlet’.


2)表示“组织;筹划”,英文解释为“to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览。

3)表示“使发生;使出现”,英文解释为“to make sth happen”举个🌰:

After five years in retirement, he  staged a comeback to international tennis.



表示“半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的”,英文解释为“thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted”举个🌰:

These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.


🎬电影《唐璜》(Don Jon)中的台词提到:- Yo, Jonny, you coming out tonight? - That's dubious.-璜璜 你今晚出去吗 -不确定。

And in the United States, a record nearly 4.3 million people quit their jobs in August, according to the Labor Department, and more than 10 million positions were vacant — slightly down from July, when about 11 million jobs needed filling. The shortage of workers has led to a growth in wages that has surpassed many economists’ expectations, and seems to have discombobulated bosses who are used to employees leaping at their every demand.



表示“超过,优于,胜过”,英文解释为“to do or be better than”举个🌰:

He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.



discombobulate /ˌdɪs.kəmˈbɑː.bjə.leɪt/ 表示“使困惑,扰乱,打乱”,英文解释为“to confuse someone or make someone feel uncomfortable”.

leap at sth.

表示“赶紧抓住,迫不及待地接受”,英文解释为“to eagerly accept the chance to do or have something”举个🌰:

When I offered her the job, she leapt at it.


There are many potential reasons for workers’ reluctance to work terrible jobs. People who are flush with unemployment assistance and stimulus money might be holding out for better jobs to come along. Workers who spent the last year and half on the front lines of dangerous jobs in thankless industries — for instance, enforcing mask rules for belligerent customers in shops and restaurants — could be burned out by the experience. And many workers continue to fear for their health in an ongoing pandemic, while a lack of child and elder care has added costs and complications that have rendered many jobs just not worth the trouble.



表示“勉强;不情愿”,英文解释为“an unwillingness to do something”举个🌰:

I accepted his resignation with great reluctance.



表示“有钱的,富有的”,英文解释为“having a lot of money”举个🌰:

I've just been paid so I'm feeling flush.



表示“出力不讨好的;徒劳无功的”,英文解释为“A thankless job is difficult or unpleasant, and people do not thank you for it.”举个🌰:

Keeping the boys' rooms tidy is a thankless job.



belligerent /bəˈlɪdʒ.ər.ənt/ 表示“好斗的;挑衅的”,英文解释为“wishing to fight or argue”举个🌰:

Watch out! He's in a belligerent mood.


burned out

表示“极度劳累;疲劳过度”,英文解释为“extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much”。


1)此前,在经济学人翻译的出路在哪里?这篇文章中出现过,render表示“翻译,把...译成...”,通常用法为render sth into English/Russian/Chinese etc,将sth译成英语/俄语/汉语等,举个🌰:

She is rendering the book into English from French.


2)表示“(以某种方式)表达;表现”,英文解释为“to express or present something in a particular way”,如:a sculpture rendered in bronze 一尊青铜雕像;

3)此处含义为“使成为;使变得;使处于某种状态,英文解释为to cause someone or something to be in a particular state,举个🌰:

His rudeness rendered me speechless.


4)还可以指“给予,提供”,英文解释为to give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or because someone expects you to,如:an obligation to render assistance to those in need 为有困难的人提供援助的义务,举个🌰:

We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.


5)还还还可以表示“粉刷;给(墙壁)抹灰(或水泥)”,英文解释为to put a first layer of plaster or cement on a wall.

All of this makes sense. But there might also be something deeper afoot. In its sudden rearrangement of daily life, the pandemic might have prompted many people to entertain a wonderfully un-American new possibility — that our society is entirely too obsessed with work, that employment is not the only avenue through which to derive meaning in life and that sometimes no job is better than a bad job.



表示“进行中的;策划中的;准备中的”,英文解释为“happening or being planned or prepared”举个🌰:

There are plans afoot to launch a new radio station.



表示“使痴迷,使迷恋,使心神不宁”,英文解释为“if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else – used to show disapproval”,用法:be obsessed by / with sth. / sb.,举个🌰:

A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.


she has been obsessed with some lifeguard for months.



表示“方法;途径;渠道”,英文解释为“a method or way of doing something”举个🌰:

We should pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.



表示“从…中得到,从…中获得”,英文解释为“to get something from something else”举个🌰:

She derives great pleasure from playing the violin.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary might derive benefit from it. 吉利安姆子爵觉得玛丽小姐去参加一下有好处。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述2020年诺贝尔经济学奖的文章中提到:Mr Milgrom (whose doctoral thesis was supervised by Mr Wilson) derived a number of important lessons from his analyses. 米尔格罗姆(威尔逊是他的博士论文导师)通过分析得出了许多重要经验。

“The pandemic gave us a kind of forced separation from work and a rare critical distance from the daily grind,” Kathi Weeks, a professor of gender, sexuality and feminist studies at Duke University, told me. “I think what you're seeing with people refusing to go back is a kind of yearning for freedom.”

“疫情让我们在某种程度上被迫离开了工作,与日常工作保持了一种难得的关键距离,”杜克大学(Duke University)性别、性行为和女权主义研究教授卡蒂·威克斯(Kathi Weeks)告诉我。“我认为,你看到的人们拒绝回去上班是一种对自由的渴望。”


表示“令人厌倦的苦事,苦差事”,英文解释为“a difficult or boring activity that needs a lot of effort”举个🌰:

Having to type up my handwritten work was a real grind.



作形容词,也可以作名词,表示“女权主义者;女权主义的”,英文解释为“A feminist is a person who believes in and supports feminism. Feminist groups, ideas, and activities are involved in feminism.”举个🌰:

She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.



表示“渴望,切盼,渴求”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of wishing for something, especially something that you cannot have or get easily”举个🌰:

He spoke of his yearning for another child.


Weeks, the author of “The Problem With Work,” is among a handful of scholars who have been pushing for a wholesale reappraisal of the role that work plays in wealthy societies. Their ideas have been dubbed “post-work” or “antiwork,” and although they share goals with other players in the labor market — among them labor unions and advocates for higher minimum wages and a stronger social safety net — these scholars are calling for something even grander than improved benefits.

著有《工作的问题》(The Problem With Work)一书的威克斯,是少数几位一直主张全面重新评估工作在富裕社会中所扮演角色的学者之一。他们的想法被称为“后工作”或“反工作”,尽管他们与劳动力市场上的其他参与者有着共同的目标——包括工会,提高最低工资以及更强大社会保障网络——但这些学者所呼吁的是比提高福利更宏大的东西。


reappraisal /ˌriː.əˈpreɪ.zəl/ 表示“重新评价;重新估计”,英文解释为“the act of examining and judging something or someone again”举个🌰:

He'd like to see a fundamental reappraisal of the way unions operate.



1)表示“把…称为”,英文解释为“If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name.举个🌰:

Today's session has been widely dubbed as a "make or break" meeting. 


2)表示“为(影片或声道等)配音”,英文解释为“If a film or soundtrack in a foreign language is dubbed, a new soundtrack is added with actors giving a translation.”举个🌰:

It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences. 



表示“重大的;主要的;首要的”,英文解释为“important and large in degree”举个🌰:

She has all kinds of grand ideas.


They’re questioning some of the bedrock ideas in modern life, especially life in America: What if paid work is not the only worthwhile use of one’s time? What if crushing it in your career is not the only way to attain status and significance in society? What if electing to live a life that is not driven by the neuroses and obsessions of paid employment is considered a perfectly fine and reasonable way to live?



表示“基础;牢固基础;基本事实;基本原则”,英文解释为“the main principles on which something is based”举个🌰:

Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.



单数neurosis /nʊˈroʊ.sɪs/ 复数 neuroses,表示“神经官能症,神经症”,英文解释为“a mental illness resulting in high levels of anxiety, unreasonable fears and behaviour and, often, a need to repeat actions for no reason”举个🌰:

If you want my opinion, I think she's suffering from some form of neurosis.


Evidence for such a reappraisal is, admittedly, more anecdotal than rigorous. It might well be that as soon as labor markets loosen up, workers will again answer to their bosses' every beck and call.



anecdotal /ˌænɛkˈdəʊtəl/ 表示“逸事的;趣闻的;传闻的”,英文解释为“based on anecdotes and possibly not true or accurate”,如:anecdotal evidence 传闻的证据。


表示“严格缜密的;谨慎的;细致的;彻底的”,英文解释为“A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict.”举个🌰:

The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.


sb's beck and call

表示“听命于,唯…之命是从”,英文解释为“always willing and able to do whatever someone asks”举个🌰:

Go and get it yourself! I'm not at your beck and call, you know.


But David Frayne, a sociologist who is the author of “The Refusal of Work,” noted that traumatic events often cause people to reassess their lives and goals.

但《拒绝工作》(The Refusal of Work)一书的作者、社会学家戴维·弗莱恩(David Frayne)指出,创伤性事件往往会让人们重新评估自己的生活和目标。


表示“(经历)痛苦难忘的,造成精神创伤的”,英文解释为“If an experience is traumatic, it causes you severe emotional shock and upset.”如:traumatic amnesia 创伤性遗忘。举个🌰:

Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things.


“The pandemic has had the potential to create that kind of disruption on a mass scale,” Frayne told me, and the disruption has created new political opportunities for regulating labor markets in a way that favors workers. He pointed out that in Britain, where he lives, politicians have begun to entertain the idea of a four-day workweek, a plan that was long considered a no-go.



表示“妨碍;扰乱”,英文解释为“When there is disruption of an event, system, or process, it is prevented from continuing or operating in a normal way.”举个🌰:

The plan was designed to ensure disruption to business was kept to a minimum.



熟词僻义,表示“怀着;抱有;心存;持有”,英文解释为“to hold something in your mind or to be willing to consider or accept something”举个🌰:

He refused to entertain the possibility of defeat.


In the United States, the Biden administration’s huge social policy legislation — now stalled in Congress — was also conceived in part as a way to address the kind of problems working people experienced during the pandemic. And the pandemic cracked open space to discuss more far-flung ideas for a society that is no longer centered on work — especially a universal basic income, a policy that is being tested in pilot programs across the country.



表示“推迟,暂缓;搁置”,英文解释为“If you stall an event, you delay it or prevent it from making progress.”举个🌰:

Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.



1)conceive (of) sth (as sth)表示“想出(主意、计划等);想象;构想;设想”,英文解释为“to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine sth”举个🌰:

God is often conceived of as male.


2)另一个含义表示“怀孕;怀(胎)”,英文解释为“When a woman conceives or conceives a child , she becomes pregnant”。

🎬电影《云图》(Cloud Atlas)中的台词提到:One may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so一个人可以打破任何陈规,只要这个人能首先想到这样做

🎬电影《最后的维加斯》(Last Vegas)中的台词提到:My brain cannot conceive how old this body is. 我的脑袋没办法接受老去的躯体。

🎵歌曲《A Better Way》中就有这么一句歌词:

I'll try

Try to believe it
Try to conceive it
By using your bone
There's gotta be a way to get out of here


表示“遥远的;分布广的;广泛的”,英文解释为“used to refer to places that are a great distance away, or something that is spread over a very large area”举个🌰:

She has travelled to the most far-flung corners of the world.


You can get a peek of a post-job world at /antiwork, a Reddit forum “for those who want to end work” that has gone viral in recent months, with hundreds of thousands following its subversive cause. /antiwork teems with posts from workers who are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore — including many screenshots from folks saying they are telling off their managers, quitting in a rage after years of abuse.



表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.


📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


subversive /səbˈvɝː.sɪv/ 表示“起破坏作用的,有颠覆性的”,英文解释为“trying to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system”如:subversive ideas 煽动性想法。

tell off

表示“责备,斥责(某人)”,英文解释为“to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong”举个🌰:

The teacher told me off for swearing.



表示“(一阵)盛怒;(一阵)狂怒;(一阵)暴怒”,英文解释为“(a period of) extreme or violent anger”举个🌰:

I was frightened because I had never seen him in such a rage before.


I've been reading /antiwork for months, and I've been surprised to find myself joining in the visceral thrill of seeing people wrest the reins of their lives from the soul-sucking, health-destroying maw of capitalism.



visceral /ˈvɪs.ər.əl/ 表示“发自内心的;发自肺腑的”,英文解释为“based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought”举个🌰:

His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.



表示“兴奋;激动;紧张感”,英文解释为“a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant”举个🌰:

It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.



1)表示“夺取;攫取”,英文解释为“to violently pull something away from someone”举个🌰:

He wrested the letter from my grasp.


2)表示“辛苦谋求;费力取得”,英文解释为“to get something with effort or difficulty”举个🌰:

The shareholders are planning to wrest control of the company (away) from the current directors.



the reins 复数,表示“控制;主宰;掌管”,英文解释为“the state of being in control or the leader of sth”举个🌰:

It was time to  hand over the reins of power (= to give control to sb else).



1)表示“(凶猛动物的)口部,嘴巴”,英文解释为“the mouth of a fierce (= frightening) animal”如:the lion's maw 狮子的嘴。

2)表示“无底洞,深渊”,英文解释为“something that seems to surround and absorb everything near it”举个🌰:

She fears that the matter will simply be swallowed up by the maw of bureaucracy.


I was surprised to find common cause with people on /antiwork because, of course, I have very little to complain about, job-wise. Indeed, at least once a day I revel in open-mouthed gratitude. What I do to make a living — writing this column — is less physically demanding and more intellectually rewarding than anything my ancestors had to endure to earn their supper, and — don't tell my bosses — more than fair compensation for my time and effort.


revel in

表示“陶醉于;着迷于;纵情于”,英文解释为“to enjoy sth very much”举个🌰:

She was clearly revelling in all the attention.



📍reveler /'revələ/ 表示“欢宴者,狂欢者;饮酒狂欢者;摆设酒宴者”,英文解释为“someone who dances, drinks, sings, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way”。


表示“值得做的;有意义的”,英文解释为“giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well”举个🌰:

Is it a rewarding job?


It sounds perfect, right?


And yet, a lot of times my job can feel like an all-consuming hell. I've got a wife and kids and two lovely cats, but work is the first thing I think about every morning and the last thing I worry about every night. My job has dibs on my mind and my time, it gets the best of my attention and creativity, and it is the subject of my deepest neuroses and my most intractable stresses.


dibs on

表示“对…的所有权(或使用权)”,英文解释为“a right to have or get something from someone, or to use something”举个🌰:

The current owner might have first dibs on buying the rest of the property.



表示“难驾驭的;难对付的;难解决的”,英文解释为“very difficult or impossible to control, manage, or solve”举个🌰:

We are facing an intractable problem.


I'm embarrassed to say I didn't really realize how much work ruled my life until the pandemic — until this huge meteor took aim at our lives and forced me to reconsider what I was doing.



meteor /ˈmiː.t̬i.ɔːr/ 表示“流星”,英文解释为“a piece of rock or other matter from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the atmosphere”

📍还有用shooting star / falling star 表示“流星”,英文解释为“a meteor (= a piece of rock from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the earth's atmosphere)”

📍meteor shower 表示“流星雨”,英文解释为“an occasion when a number of meteors (= pieces of matter in space that produce a bright light as they travel) move fast across the sky at night”举个🌰:

This could be the best meteor shower that anybody alive today will ever see.


I'm not saying I'm quitting — I hope to keep this gig for a long time. It's just that I now have space in my mind for a truth that my prepandemic workaholism never allowed me to consider — that even a dream job is still a job, and in America's relentless hustle culture, we have turned our jobs into prisons for our minds and souls. It’s time to break free.



1)表示“(尤指临时的)工作”,英文解释为“a job, especially a temporary one”.

2)表示“现场演出;现场演奏会,现场演唱会;现场喜剧表演”,英文解释为“A gig is a live performance by someone such as a musician or a comedian.举个🌰:

The two bands join forces for a gig on February 8.



表示“毫不留情的;持续严厉的;持续强烈的”,英文解释为“Something bad that is relentless never stops or never becomes less intense.”如:relentless criticism/pressure 不断的严厉批评/施压,relentless heat 持续高温,举个🌰:

The pressure now was relentless










- 那年今日 -

2021 全棉时代再次致歉

2020 伊朗承认意外击落乌克兰客机

2019 不要回答 不要回答 不要回答

2018 3D微缩版的自己是什么样子呢

2017 奥巴马数次落泪发表告别演说

2016 U.S. Woos Tourists from Emerging...



- END -






