

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Woman Ordered To Pay $100K After Her Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Murders Flatmate


A court has ordered a woman to pay more than $100,000 in compensation as judges ruled that she was liable in her friend’s murder, in a case that has been subject to years of heated public debate in China. 

The woman, Liu Nuanxi, and the victim, Jiang Ge, were both 24 and close friends when they were studying in Japan in 2016. When Liu was being harassed and stalked by her ex-boyfriend at that time, Jiang let her move into her Tokyo apartment. 

One night, the two came home and encountered the man, Chen Shifeng. According to the court, while Jiang was having an argument with Chen, Liu entered the flat and locked the door. Chen then stabbed Jiang more than 10 times in the neck as they stood in the hallway.

Chen was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Tokyo court in 2017. Liu’s supposed ethical and legal failures also came under intense public scrutiny as the victim’s mother, Jiang Qiulian, accused Liu of contributing to the murder of her only child, filing a civil lawsuit against her in China. 

Jiang’s mother posted Liu and her parents’ personal information online, also accusing Liu of sending her hostile messages and refusing to answer questions about her daughter’s murder. Sympathetic to the mother’s pleas, the case prompted widespread public outrage against Liu.

In media interviews in 2017, Liu denied she had locked the door or was aware of the stabbing occurring outside, and cried as she talked about the abuse being directed at her. But her words only led to more condemnation as a campaign of hate grew around Liu, with internet users even suggesting that they wished she were the one killed. 

On Monday, a court in the eastern city of Qingdao ruled that Liu pay 696,000 Chinese yuan ($109,000) to the victim’s mother. In an online statement, the court said that Liu was liable as she did not inform Jiang about threats sent to Liu by her ex-boyfriend, she stopped Jiang from reporting the harassment to police, and at the time of the murder, left her friend in danger while trying to protect herself.

The court said the victim should be praised for offering “selfless help to others,” while Liu should be condemned for failing to display gratitude and making “inappropriate remarks” to cause further pain to Jiang’s mother. 

The verdict was widely applauded on Chinese social media, although some commentators said they hoped Liu would receive a harsher penalty. Following the verdict, Jiang’s mother said on microblogging site Weibo that she was glad that the court declared Liu responsible for her daughter’s death.

“Today, China’s supreme justice system finally confirmed Liu Nuanxi’s conduct,” she said. “It was Liu Nuanxi who locked Jiang Ge’s door…I have always known the law would uphold justice for Jiang Ge.”

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Woman Ordered To Pay $100K After Her Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Murders Flatmate


A court has ordered a woman to pay more than $100,000 in compensation as judges ruled that she was liable in her friend's murder, in a case that has been subject to years of heated public debate in China. 



compensation /ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/ 表示“补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿”,英文解释为“If something is some compensation for something bad that has happened, it makes you feel better.”举个🌰:

He gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class.



表示“承担责任的;负有(法律)责任的”,英文解释为“having (legal) responsibility for something or someone”举个🌰:

The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.


be subject to

1)表示“受…支配;服从于”,英文解释为“under the authority of sth/sb”举个🌰:

All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.


2)表示“取决于;视…而定”,英文解释为“depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed”举个🌰:

The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval.


3)表示“可能受…影响的;易遭受…的;承受,有”,英文解释为“likely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.


In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.


🎬电影《鹰眼》(Eagle Eye)中的台词提到:Unattended luggage is subject to collection and search by the airport police. 无人看管的行李会被机场警方托收并检查。

📍subject也可以直接作动词,subject sb/sth to sth,be subjected to,表示“使经受,使遭受”,英文解释为“to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing”举个🌰:

The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.


The woman, Liu Nuanxi, and the victim, Jiang Ge, were both 24 and close friends when they were studying in Japan in 2016. When Liu was being harassed and stalked by her ex-boyfriend at that time, Jiang let her move into her Tokyo apartment.



harass /ˈhærəs, həˈræs/ 表示“骚扰”,英文解释为“If someone harasses you, they trouble or annoy you, for example by attacking you repeatedly or by causing you as many problems as they can.”举个🌰:

A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room.


🎬电影《拜见岳父大人3》(Little Fockers)中的台词提到:Don't be mad. I totally don't want to harass you.不要生气 我不是要来骚扰你。


表示“(非法)跟踪,盯梢”,英文解释为“to illegally follow and watch sb over a long period of time, in a way that is annoying or frightening”举个🌰:

She claimed that he had been stalking her over a period of three years.


One night, the two came home and encountered the man, Chen Shifeng. According to the court, while Jiang was having an argument with Chen, Liu entered the flat and locked the door. Chen then stabbed Jiang more than 10 times in the neck as they stood in the hallway.



1)表示“遭遇”,英文解释为“If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.”举个🌰:

Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another.


2)表示“偶然相遇,邂逅,不期而遇”,英文解释为“If you encounter someone, you meet them, usually unexpectedly. ”举个🌰:

Did you encounter anyone in the building?



stab意思也是(用刀)“刺,戳,捅”,英文解释为“to push a knife into someone or something.”此外,也可以指“(用手指或手中尖物)戳;捅;按”,英文解释为“If you stab something or stab at it, you push at it with your finger or with something pointed that you are holding.”


📍stab sb in the back“背后捅人一刀,背后中伤某人,背叛某人”

Chen was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Tokyo court in 2017. Liu's supposed ethical and legal failures also came under intense public scrutiny as the victim's mother, Jiang Qiulian, accused Liu of contributing to the murder of her only child, filing a civil lawsuit against her in China.



convict表示“证明…有罪;定罪;宣判…有罪”,英文解释为“If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a court of law.”举个🌰:

There was insufficient evidence to convict him.



作动词,表示“(法官)宣布判决,宣判”,英文解释为“to decide and say officially what a punishment will be”举个🌰:

He was sentenced to life imprisonment.



scrutiny /ˈskruːtɪnɪ/表示“细看,仔细审查;监视”,英文解释为“the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it”举个🌰:

His private life came under media scrutiny.



表示“提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)”,英文解释为“to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with”如:to file for divorce 提交离婚申请书,to file a claim/complaint/petition/lawsuit 提出索赔/申诉;呈交诉状;提起诉讼。

Jiang's mother posted Liu and her parents' personal information online, also accusing Liu of sending her hostile messages and refusing to answer questions about her daughter's murder. Sympathetic to the mother's pleas, the case prompted widespread public outrage against Liu.



hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/ 就是 friendly 的反义词,表示“怀有敌意的,敌对的,不友善的”英文解释为“angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them”如:a hostile crowd 不友好的人群。也可以表示“不同意的”(not agreeing with something)。


1)表示“有同情心的,同情的”,英文解释为“used to describe someone who shows, especially by what they say, that they understand and care about someone else's suffering”举个🌰:

He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem.


2)表示“支持的,赞同的”,英文解释为“agreeing with or supporting”举个🌰:

Did he give your proposal/complaints a sympathetic hearing?



1)表示“恳求,恳请”,英文解释为“an urgent and emotional request”举个🌰:

He made a plea for help/mercy.


2)表示“申诉”,英文解释为“the answer that a person gives in court when they have been accused of committing a crime”举个🌰:

He entered a plea of not guilty.



表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


表示“愤怒;义愤;愤慨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of shock and anger”举个🌰:

The judge's remarks caused public outrage.


In media interviews in 2017, Liu denied she had locked the door or was aware of the stabbing occurring outside, and cried as she talked about the abuse being directed at her. But her words only led to more condemnation as a campaign of hate grew around Liu, with internet users even suggesting that they wished she were the one killed.



表示“谴责;指责”,英文解释为“an expression of very strong disapproval”举个🌰:

There was widespread condemnation of the invasion.


On Monday, a court in the eastern city of Qingdao ruled that Liu pay 696,000 Chinese yuan ($109,000) to the victim's mother. In an online statement, the court said that Liu was liable as she did not inform Jiang about threats sent to Liu by her ex-boyfriend, she stopped Jiang from reporting the harassment to police, and at the time of the murder, left her friend in danger while trying to protect herself.


The court said the victim should be praised for offering “selfless help to others,” while Liu should be condemned for failing to display gratitude and making “inappropriate remarks” to cause further pain to Jiang's mother.



表示“指责,谴责”,英文解释为“to say very strongly that you do not approve of something or someone, especially because you think it is morally wrong”

🎬电影《英伦对决》(The Foreigner)中的台词提到:And I condemn these acts of violence, but I can't help you. 对这些暴力行为我表示谴责,但我帮不了你。

The verdict was widely applauded on Chinese social media, although some commentators said they hoped Liu would receive a harsher penalty. Following the verdict, Jiang's mother said on microblogging site Weibo that she was glad that the court declared Liu responsible for her daughter's death.



1)表示“(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见”,英文解释为“a decision that you make or an opinion that you give about sth, after you have tested it or considered it carefully”举个🌰:

The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.


2)另一个常用含义,表示“裁定,裁决,裁断”(In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.)

🎬电影《真实故事》(True Story)中的台词提到:And the verdict was you're a liar. 而判决是,你是个骗子。


1)表示“令人不快的;严酷的;(无端地)严厉的”,英文解释为“unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary”如:harsh criticism 严厉的批评。

2)表示“刺眼的;刺耳的;过于强烈的”,英文解释为“too strong, bright, loud, etc.”如:harsh lighting 刺眼的光线。

Today, China's supreme justice system finally confirmed Liu Nuanxi's conduct,” she said. “It was Liu Nuanxi who locked Jiang Ge's door…I have always known the law would uphold justice for Jiang Ge.










- 那年今日 -

陈世峰终被判20年 | 江歌案


江歌遇害案 | 公道自在人心


2020 卡戴珊的步入式冰箱

2019 亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯。

2018 奥普拉获金球奖终身成就奖

2017 梅姨怒怼特朗普

2016 Video Player Qvod Case



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