

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,微博网友@美狄亚的面纱 发现张桂梅老师被写进《中华人民共和国简史》(最新版)。



China honours education pioneer who lifted 1,800 girls out of poverty


21 Feb, 2021

The founder of China’s first and only free public high school for girls – in a poor, mountainous region in the country’s southwest – has been honoured as an inspirational role model in this year’s Touching China awards.

Zhang Guimei, 63, was in visibly poor health when she accepted the award on Wednesday, prompting a wave of sympathy and support on Chinese social media.

The awards, which recognise wisdom, bravery and tenacity, are presented annually by state broadcaster CCTV. Also among this year’s 10 recipients was Xie Jun, chief designer of BeiDou’s third-generation satellite.

Zhang was hailed as a hero during the awards ceremony for her extraordinary achievement in building and operating the High School for Girls in Lijiang’s Huaping county in northern Yunnan province, one of the country’s poorest areas.

The years of hard work and mental pressure have taken their toll on Zhang, who is battling 23 illnesses including emphysema, cerebellar atrophy and skull osteoma.

She was helped from her chair to the stage, where two small children presented her with the award. Her fingers were wrapped in pain-relieving tape. “I cannot open my palms and move my fingers without these tapes. With them, I can move a bit,” Zhang explained to the ceremony’s host Bai Yansong.

Zhang, who is childless, said the school was her home and all the students were her children. Since its foundation in 2008, the school has changed the fate of more than 1,800 girls from impoverished families – preparing them for university which paves the way for professional careers which would otherwise be unobtainable.

Zhang, who was born in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang, was 17 when she moved to Yunnan with her father in 1974. A year after her husband’s death in 1996, she volunteered to teach at Huaping Centre Middle School, and became director of the county’s orphanage in 2001.

She soon learned that most abandoned children in the district were girls and, while boys were encouraged to continue their education, their female classmates were not.

Nine years of education have been compulsory for all children aged 6 to 15 in China since 1986, but while there are free high schools in a few Chinese cities – notably Zhuhai, in the southern province of Guangdong – many of Huaping’s girls were leaving school early to marry or earn a living.

Zhang believed strongly in the maxim that an educated woman can help three generations and was determined to provide free high school education for the girls of Huaping. “When a woman is educated, how would she abandon her child? My intention was to stop this vicious circle of uneducated mothers and children,” she said, in a CCTV report.

For five years, Zhang battled to raise funds. Despite carrying with her all her identity documents and copies of certificates and honours she had received, most people she approached called her a swindler. All she had to show for her efforts was 10,000 yuan (US$1,500).

The turning point came in 2007. Her voice was heard.

A year later, around 100 girls from poor local families came to live and study at the new school. Three years later, they all passed the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, or gaokao, and went on to university.

Zhang persisted for the next 13 years – in contrast to most rural teachers in China, where 45.5 per cent give up because of the poor environment, low salary and lack of respect, according to a study by Wuhan University.

In 2018, Zhang was sent to hospital for treatment after fainting at the school.

As a pioneer in the promotion of free, quality education for girls, Zhang has often been subject to criticism – especially for her “tiger mom” requirements, which include a ban on entertainment, endless homework, strict schedules and identical haircuts for all students.

In October, she attracted further controversy when she said women had to be tough on themselves and not depend on men for their livelihoods. “Women need to be self-reliant. Do not trust these men.”

But there was only goodwill for the educator on Chinese social media after her appearance on CCTV to accept the award.

“This is no longer a matter of respect for work … she is definitely a well-deserved model of the times,” said another Weibo user.

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China honours education pioneer who lifted 1,800 girls out of poverty


21 Feb, 2021

The founder of China's first and only free public high school for girls – in a poor, mountainous region in the country's southwest – has been honoured as an inspirational role model in this year's Touching China awards.


Zhang Guimei, 63, was in visibly poor health when she accepted the award on Wednesday, prompting a wave of sympathy and support on Chinese social media.



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθɪ/ 表示“同情(心),理解”,英文解释为“(an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering”举个🌰:

He don't have much sympathy for her.


The awards, which recognise wisdom, bravery and tenacity, are presented annually by state broadcaster CCTV. Also among this year's 10 recipients was Xie Jun, chief designer of BeiDou's third-generation satellite.



tenacity表示“坚韧;坚毅”,英文解释为“If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily.”

📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到“顽强不屈的坚守”时,用的也是tenacity,原句:holding posts with tenacity. 其中posts指的是岗位,(坚守)岗位。


表示“接受者;领受者;承受者”,英文解释为“a person who receives something”举个🌰:

He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award.


Zhang was hailed as a hero during the awards ceremony for her extraordinary achievement in building and operating the High School for Girls in Lijiang's Huaping county in northern Yunnan province, one of the country's poorest areas.



表示“把…称赞为,把…誉为”,英文解释为“to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.”举个🌰:

The conference was hailed as a great success.


The years of hard work and mental pressure have taken their toll on Zhang, who is battling 23 illnesses including emphysema, cerebellar atrophy and skull osteoma.

多年来的辛勤工作和精神压力使张桂梅校长付出了代价,她正在与23种疾病作斗争,包括肺气肿(emphysema)、小脑萎缩(cerebellar atrophy)和颅骨骨瘤(skull osteoma)。

take a/its toll

表示“成损失(或伤亡、破坏);产生负面影响”,英文解释为“If something takes its/a toll, it causes suffering, deaths, or damage.举个🌰:

The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes.


📍去年意大利约1万名医学生免除考试 投入抗疫一线文中,路透社(Reuters)报道就提到:The epidemic has so far taken a relatively light toll on Italy's main cities, 到目前为止,新冠疫情对意大利主要城市造成的损失相对较小,


emphysema /ˌemfɪˈsiːmə/ 表示“肺气肿”,英文解释为“a condition in which the small sacs (= spaces) in the lungs become filled with too much air, causing breathing difficulties and heart problems”;

She was helped from her chair to the stage, where two small children presented her with the award. Her fingers were wrapped in pain-relieving tape. “I cannot open my palms and move my fingers without these tapes. With them, I can move a bit,” Zhang explained to the ceremony's host Bai Yansong.



palm /pɑːm/ 表示“手掌,手心”,英文解释为“the inside part of your hand from your wrist to the base of your fingers”

Zhang, who is childless, said the school was her home and all the students were her children. Since its foundation in 2008, the school has changed the fate of more than 1,800 girls from impoverished families – preparing them for university which paves the way for professional careers which would otherwise be unobtainable.



表示“赤贫的;不名一文的”,英文解释为“very poor; without money”如:impoverished peasants 贫困的农民。

pave the way

表示“(为…)铺平道路,(为…)创造条件”,英文解释为“If something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible.”举个🌰:

Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.


Zhang, who was born in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang, was 17 when she moved to Yunnan with her father in 1974. A year after her husband's death in 1996, she volunteered to teach at Huaping Centre Middle School, and became director of the county's orphanage in 2001.



orphanage /ˈɔːfənɪdʒ/ 表示“孤儿院”,英文解释为“a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them”

She soon learned that most abandoned children in the district were girls and, while boys were encouraged to continue their education, their female classmates were not.


Nine years of education have been compulsory for all children aged 6 to 15 in China since 1986, but while there are free high schools in a few Chinese cities – notably Zhuhai, in the southern province of Guangdong – many of Huaping's girls were leaving school early to marry or earn a living.



表示“必须做的;强制性的;必修的”,英文解释为“If something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law.”举个🌰:

Swimming was compulsory at my school.


Zhang believed strongly in the maxim that an educated woman can help three generations and was determined to provide free high school education for the girls of Huaping. “When a woman is educated, how would she abandon her child? My intention was to stop this vicious circle of uneducated mothers and children,” she said, in a CCTV report.



maxim /ˈmæksɪm/ 表示“格言;箴言;座右铭”,英文解释为“A maxim is a rule for good or sensible behaviour, especially one in the form of a saying.”举个🌰:

I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."



同义词是“malicious”,表示“狠毒的,恶毒的,恶意的”,英文解释为:very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someone’s feelings or make their character seem bad.

📍vicious circle表示“恶性循环”,英文解释为:a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse.

For five years, Zhang battled to raise funds. Despite carrying with her all her identity documents and copies of certificates and honours she had received, most people she approached called her a swindler. All she had to show for her efforts was 10,000 yuan (US$1,500).



表示“骗子”,英文解释为“someone who gets money dishonestly by deceiving or cheating people”。

📍swindle可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“诈骗,骗取(钱财)”(to get money dishonestly from someone by deceiving or cheating them)举个🌰:

They swindled local businesses out of thousands of dollars.


🎬电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)中的台词提到:保险诈骗 An insurance swindle.

🎬电影《星球大战7:原力觉醒》(Star Wars: Episode VII)中的台词:There's no one in the galaxy left for you to swindle. 在这个星系里不会有人再相信你的骗局了。


📍scammer表示“诈骗犯; 骗子”,英文解释为“a person who perpetrates a scam; swindler”。

📍impostor表示“假冒者;冒名顶替者;冒名行骗者”,英文解释为“Someone who is an impostor is dishonestly pretending to be someone else in order to gain an advantage.”

The turning point came in 2007. Her voice was heard.


A year later, around 100 girls from poor local families came to live and study at the new school. Three years later, they all passed the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, or gaokao, and went on to university.


Zhang persisted for the next 13 years – in contrast to most rural teachers in China, where 45.5 per cent give up because of the poor environment, low salary and lack of respect, according to a study by Wuhan University.



1) 表示“继续存在(发生)”,英文解释为“If something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen”举个🌰:

If the pain persists, you must see a doctor.


2) 表示“坚持;执意”,英文解释为“to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people oppose it”举个🌰:

‘I don't think it's right,’ He persisted.


In 2018, Zhang was sent to hospital for treatment after fainting at the school.



faint /feɪnt/ 作动词,表示“昏厥;晕倒”,英文解释为“to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down”举个🌰:

He faints at the sight of blood.


作形容词,表示“(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的”,英文解释为“that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt”如:a  faint glow/glimmer/light 微弱的光亮/闪光/光,举个🌰:

We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.


As a pioneer in the promotion of free, quality education for girls, Zhang has often been subject to criticism – especially for her “tiger mom” requirements, which include a ban on entertainment, endless homework, strict schedules and identical haircuts for all students.


be subject to

1)表示“受…支配;服从于”,英文解释为“under the authority of sth/sb”举个🌰:

All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.


2)表示“取决于;视…而定”,英文解释为“depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed”举个🌰:

The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval.


3)表示“可能受…影响的;易遭受…的”,英文解释为“likely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.


🎬电影《鹰眼》(Eagle Eye)中的台词提到:Unattended luggage is subject to collection and search by the airport police. 无人看管的行李会被机场警方托收并检查。

📍subject也可以直接作动词,subject sb/sth to sth,be subjected to,表示“使经受,使遭受”,英文解释为“to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing”举个🌰:

The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.


In October, she attracted further controversy when she said women had to be tough on themselves and not depend on men for their livelihoods. “Women need to be self-reliant. Do not trust these men.”


But there was only goodwill for the educator on Chinese social media after her appearance on CCTV to accept the award.


This is no longer a matter of respect for work … she is definitely a well-deserved model of the times,” said another Weibo user."



表示“当之无愧的,理所应得的”,英文解释为“that someone completely deserves to have because of the way they have behaved or the qualities they have”。







- 那年今日 -

2020 易烊千玺弟弟易烊昱华


2017 「Part 3」一起来学19大报告

2016 全自动驾驶汽车明年底之前上路


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