

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Advice for dads

From: health.govt.nz

08 January 2020

You might not be pregnant, but it’s important to know what’s happening to your partner during pregnancy and to support her during this time.

Find out about your changing partner, how you can support her and how to be ready for baby’s birth.

· Your changing partner

During pregnancy your partner will change. Not just her body shape, but also how she acts around you and other people.

In early pregnancy (up to around 12–14 weeks) your partner may feel very tired. Certain tastes and smells might make her feel sick, and she might seem grumpy for no reason. This usually goes away in mid-pregnancy and she will feel much better again.

In the second half of pregnancy, as baby gets bigger and the birth approaches, your partner may feel tired again and start feeling worried or anxious. If she’s feeling worried or anxious, get her to talk about her feelings. You may feel the same way – so listening and talking to each other is a great way to support each other during pregnancy and after baby is born.

· Help around the house

- Share the housework.

- Do the cooking. Some food smells may put your partner off cooking; if you cook she’s more likely to eat what she needs to stay healthy and well.

- Do the heavy lifting. Carry the groceries, washing baskets, older children, etc.

- Help with older children. Take them to school or daycare, get them ready for bed, and take them out of the house for a while so your partner can rest.

· Stay healthy and well

Both of you need to be healthy and well for your baby. This includes getting plenty of sleep, being active, eating well and being smokefree.

Throughout the pregnancy your partner will have checks to make sure that she and the baby are well. Try to get to as many of these checks as you can. That way you’ll learn more about the pregnancy and you’ll be supporting your partner at the same time.

You could also attend classes together to learn about pregnancy, giving birth and parenting. You’ll meet other dads-to-be and be able to talk about the pregnancy and the approaching birth. Plus, the more you know about what happens during labour and birth, the more you’ll be able to help.

Sometimes there are problems during pregnancy that need urgent medical attention. Know what the danger signs are.

Remember, women are strong and able to grow a baby and give birth. Birthing women often know what they need, so follow your partner’s lead in labour. If you are worried about labour and birth, make sure you discuss this with the midwife and have your questions answered.

· Be ready for the birth

Babies arrive when they want to – this could be before or after the due date. Here’s a list of things to think about or do in the final few weeks before the due date.

- Make sure that you can be contacted at all times.

- Decide how you’ll get to the hospital or birthing centre when planning a birth away from home.

- If you’re using your own car, make sure it works and has petrol, and do a trial run to see how long it takes to get from your house to the hospital or birthing centre.

- Know where your partner’s hospital bag is, and be ready to take it when she goes into labour.

- Pack your own bag, including snacks, a camera, and your phone.

- Make sure that you have a baby car seat installed in the car (hospitals and birthing centres will not allow you to leave unless they have seen your car seat).

- Think about what you and your partner will need if you are having a home or water birth. See the Preparation and Practicalities section on the Home Birth Aotearoa website.

- Have childcare organised for other children.

- Have somewhere safe for baby to sleep.

- Check out the Being a great dad page for tips on supporting your partner once baby is born.

· Getting your home ready for baby

Your baby needs a safe place to sleep. They need to be in their own cot, bassinet or other baby bed for every sleep.

The Tapuaki website has a list of what you might need after your baby is born, including for when you are out and about, accessories (for changing baby’s nappy, wraps to keep baby warm, etc), clothes for baby and things for you.

If you need financial support to help with the cost of having a baby, see the Work and Income website.

· Stocking up

Both you and your partner will be busy with your new baby in the first few weeks, so do as much planning as you can in advance. Stock up on basics, such as toilet paper, sanitary pads and nappies. If you have a freezer, cook some meals in advance and freeze them. Ask your whānau and friends to help you.

· Time off work

Partner’s leave is available to help you support your partner and your new baby. If you are eligible, this will be 1 or 2 weeks of unpaid leave. You can find out more about partner’s leave on the Employment New Zealand website.

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Advice for dads

From: health.govt.nz

Updated: 08 January 2020

You might not be pregnant, but it's important to know what’s happening to your partner during pregnancy and to support her during this time.


Find out about your changing partner, how you can support her and how to be ready for baby's birth.


· Your changing partner 你不断变化中的伴侣

During pregnancy your partner will change. Not just her body shape, but also how she acts around you and other people.


In early pregnancy (up to around 12–14 weeks) your partner may feel very tired. Certain tastes and smells might make her feel sick, and she might seem grumpy for no reason. This usually goes away in mid-pregnancy and she will feel much better again.


grumpy /ˈɡrʌmpɪ/

表示“脾气坏的,易生气的;爱抱怨的”,英文解释为“easily annoyed and complaining”举个🌰:

I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.


In the second half of pregnancy, as baby gets bigger and the birth approaches, your partner may feel tired again and start feeling worried or anxious. If she's feeling worried or anxious, get her to talk about her feelings. You may feel the same way – so listening and talking to each other is a great way to support each other during pregnancy and after baby is born.


· Help around the house 在家里帮忙

- Share the housework.


- Do the cooking. Some food smells may put your partner off cooking; if you cook she's more likely to eat what she needs to stay healthy and well.


put sb off (sth./sb.)

1)表示“使反感;使泄气”,英文解释为“to make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something”举个🌰:

The smell of hospitals always puts me off.


2)表示“(从…)分散(某人)的注意力,让(某人)打消(…)的念头”,英文解释为“to take someone's attention away from what they want to be doing or should be doing”举个🌰:

The sudden flash of the camera put the players off their game.


- Do the heavy lifting. Carry the groceries, washing baskets, older children, etc.


heavy lifting

表示“搬抬重物,搬运重物”,英文解释为“the act of picking up and carrying heavy objects”举个🌰:

The smallest fossils were carried out of the park by hand. Machines did the heavy lifting.



复数,表示“食品杂货”,英文解释为“food and other goods sold by a grocer or at a supermarket”。

- Help with older children. Take them to school or daycare, get them ready for bed, and take them out of the house for a while so your partner can rest.


· Stay healthy and well 保持健康和良好的状态

Both of you need to be healthy and well for your baby. This includes getting plenty of sleep, being active, eating well and being smokefree.


Throughout the pregnancy your partner will have checks to make sure that she and the baby are well. Try to get to as many of these checks as you can. That way you'll learn more about the pregnancy and you'll be supporting your partner at the same time.


You could also attend classes together to learn about pregnancy, giving birth and parenting. You'll meet other dads-to-be and be able to talk about the pregnancy and the approaching birth. Plus, the more you know about what happens during labour and birth, the more you'll be able to help.



to-be后缀,表示“未来的”,英文解释为“in the near future”如:a bride-to-be 待嫁的女子,mothers-to-be 准妈妈们。

Sometimes there are problems during pregnancy that need urgent medical attention. Know what the danger signs are.


Remember, women are strong and able to grow a baby and give birth. Birthing women often know what they need, so follow your partner's lead in labour. If you are worried about labour and birth, make sure you discuss this with the midwife and have your questions answered.



熟词僻义,大家比较熟悉的意思都是“工作,劳动”,这里表示“分娩期;分娩,生产,临盆”,英文解释为“Labour is the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother.”举个🌰:SheI was in labour for twelve hours with her first baby.




表示“助产士,接生员;产婆”,英文解释为“a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth”


· Be ready for the birth 为分娩做好准备

Babies arrive when they want to – this could be before or after the due date. Here's a list of things to think about or do in the final few weeks before the due date.


due date

表示“预产期”,英文解释为“the date on which a woman's baby is expected to be born”举个🌰:

She had her baby on September 19th, ten days after her due date.


- Make sure that you can be contacted at all times.

- Decide how you'll get to the hospital or birthing centre when planning a birth away from home.

- If you're using your own car, make sure it works and has petrol, and do a trial run to see how long it takes to get from your house to the hospital or birthing centre.

trial run

表示“试行;试验;试用”,英文解释为“a practical test of something new or unknown to discover its effectiveness举个🌰:

We're holding a tournament in the new ice-hockey stadium, as a trial run for next year's Winter Olympics.


- Know where your partner's hospital bag is, and be ready to take it when she goes into labour.

- Pack your own bag, including snacks, a camera, and your phone.

- Make sure that you have a baby car seat installed in the car (hospitals and birthing centres will not allow you to leave unless they have seen your car seat).


表示“安装”,英文解释为“to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position and make it ready to use”举个🌰:

The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.


- Think about what you and your partner will need if you are having a home or water birth. See the Preparation and Practicalities section on the Home Birth Aotearoa website.
想一想,如果你是在家分娩或水中分娩,你和你的伴侣会需要什么。请参阅Home Birth Aotearoa网站上的“准备与实际操作”(Preparation and Practicalities)部分。


表示“新西兰(毛利语,意为白云绵绵之地)”,英文解释为“he Maori name for New Zealand, usually translated as 'the land of the long white cloud)”


- Have childcare organised for other children.

- Have somewhere safe for baby to sleep.

- Check out the Being a great dad page for tips on supporting your partner once baby is born.
请查看“做个好爸爸”(Being a great dad)页面,了解在宝宝出生后如何支持你的伴侣。

· Getting your home ready for baby 为宝宝准备好你的家

Your baby needs a safe place to sleep. They need to be in their own cot, bassinet or other baby bed for every sleep.



表示“婴儿床,小床”,英文解释为“a small bed for a baby or young child with high bars around the sides so that the child cannot fall out”


bassinet /ˌbæsɪˈnɛt/ 表示“(一端有蓬盖的)婴儿摇篮,手提式婴儿床”,英文解释为“a small bed for a very young baby”。

The Tapuaki website has a list of what you might need after your baby is born, including for when you are out and about, accessories (for changing baby's nappy, wraps to keep baby warm, etc), clothes for baby and things for you.



表示“附件,配件,附属品;装饰品,配饰”,英文解释为“something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose”举个🌰:

She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).


out and about

表示“到外面活动”,英文解释为“If someone is out and about, they are going out and doing things, especially after they have been unable to for a while.”举个🌰:

Despite considerable pain she has been getting out and about almost as normal.



nappy /ˈnæpɪ/ 表示“尿布;纸尿裤”,英文解释为“a piece of soft cloth or paper that is folded around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb and hold its body waste”,如:a disposable nappy (= one that is made to be used once only) 一次性尿布,举个🌰:

I'll change her nappy.


If you need financial support to help with the cost of having a baby, see the Work and Income website.

如果你需要经济支持来帮助解决生孩子的费用,请看工作和收入(Work and Income)网站。

· Stocking up 储备物品

Both you and your partner will be busy with your new baby in the first few weeks, so do as much planning as you can in advance. Stock up on basics, such as toilet paper, sanitary pads and nappies. If you have a freezer, cook some meals in advance and freeze them. Ask your whānau and friends to help you.


stock up

表示“大量购买;囤积”,英文解释为“to buy a large quantity of something”举个🌰:

During the emergency, people stocked up on essential items.



表示“基本生活用品”,英文解释为“Basics are things such as simple food, clothes, or equipment that people need in order to live or to deal with a particular situation.”如:supplies of basics such as bread and milk 面包、牛奶等基本食品的供给。

sanitary pad/towel

表示“卫生巾,月经垫”,英文解释为“a piece of soft material worn by a woman to absorb blood during her period”

· Time off work 休假时间

Partner's leave is available to help you support your partner and your new baby. If you are eligible, this will be 1 or 2 weeks of unpaid leave. You can find out more about partner's leave on the Employment New Zealand website.



1)表示“有资格的;合格的;具备条件的”,英文解释为“a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc. ”举个🌰:

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.


2)还有一个好玩的意思,表示“(指结婚对象)令人中意的;合意的,合适的”,英文解释为“An eligible man or woman is not yet married and is thought by many people to be a suitable partner.”举个🌰:

He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.


🎬电影《我要当警察》(Observe And Report)中的台词提到:There are several tests to complete in order to be eligible for police academy 想要进警校 得通过几项测试。









- 那年今日 -

2020 六级翻译四大名著三缺一

2019 中国家长40万美元包装儿子进名校

2018 马云在杭州云栖大会上发表演讲

2016 Great again? | 经济学人

2015 U.S. VWs go back to the factory…


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