

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



而2016年,美国宇航员斯科特·凯利(Scott Kelly)在国际空间站玩起了“乒乓水球”,与传统乒乓球不同的是,他用的是一个球形水滴。


See astronaut play water ping-pong in space


The sport of ping pong gets a space makeover as an astronaut bounces a ball of liquid between two hydrophobic paddles.

If NASA ever invents the Space Olympics, it should include events like making coffee in bags, eating lettuce, running a marathon while strapped to a treadmill and playing ping-pong with floating liquids. Astronaut Scott Kelly is already the favorite for a gold medal when it comes to that latter sport.

Kelly is in the midst of a one-year stay on the International Space Station. January 21 marked his 300th day, so he celebrated with a one-person game of ping pong. There were no standard balls in play here, but rather a spherical drop of liquid floating in microgravity.

Kelly employed two paddles with hydrophobic coatings designed to repel water. He squeezed a ball of water out of a silver bag and allowed the ball of liquid to bounce between the paddles, its shape distending with every strike against the hydrophobic surfaces.

The paddles are unusual pieces of equipment made with polycarbonate laser-etched surfaces sprayed with Teflon. You probably know Teflon from its use as a nonstick coating for cooking pans. "The combined effects of surface roughness and non-wettability produce a super-hydrophobic surface capable of preventing water adhesion in dynamic processes," NASA notes. In short: the ball of water bounces off.

The ball doesn't fall apart, thanks in part to the very gentle impact. It's nothing like watching top-level ping pong players going at it on Earth, smashing the white balls at high rates of speed across a net. Kelly follows the blob of water with his eyes and declares, "Neat stuff."

We've seen all sorts of fun water experiments coming from the space station. Astronaut Chris Hadfield wrung out a washcloth in space in 2013 to show how the water clings to hands and other surfaces. And last year, Kelly demonstrated what happens when you add an effervescent tablet to a glob of colored water. Spoiler alert: it's super-cool.

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See astronaut play water ping-pong in space


The sport of ping pong gets a space makeover as an astronaut bounces a ball of liquid between two hydrophobic paddles.



表示“(外观的)改进,改善;修饰;翻新;革新”,英文解释为“If an organization or system is given a makeover, important changes are made in order to improve it.”举个🌰:

The biggest makeover has been in TV drama.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述数字医疗的文章中提到:Swathes of America’s $3.6trn health-care market are in for a digital makeover. 美国价值3.6万亿美元的医疗保健市场当中,很大一部分将经历数字化转型


表示“(使)弹起,(使)反弹;反射;跳跃”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move up or away after hitting a surface”举个🌰:

She bounced the ball quickly.



hydrophobic /ˌhaɪdrəˈfoʊbɪk/ 表示“(物质)疏水的”,英文解释为“Hydrophobic substances cannot be mixed with or dissolved in water.”


表示“乒乓球拍”,英文解释为“A paddle is a specially shaped piece of wood that is used for hitting the ball in table tennis.”

If NASA ever invents the Space Olympics, it should include events like making coffee in bags, eating lettuce, running a marathon while strapped to a treadmill and playing ping-pong with floating liquids. Astronaut Scott Kelly is already the favorite for a gold medal when it comes to that latter sport.

如果美国宇航局发明了太空奥运会,那应该包括在袋子里泡咖啡、吃生菜、绑在跑步机上跑马拉松和用漂浮液体打乒乓球等项目。在后一项运动中,宇航员斯科特·凯利(Scott Kelly)已经是获得金牌的热门人选。[LR注:那得看咱出差三人组同不同意了。]


lettuce /ˈletɪs/ 表示“生菜;莴苣”,英文解释为“a plant with large, green leaves, eaten uncooked in salads”。


strap作动词,表示“带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好”,英文解释为“to fasten sb/sth in place using a strap or straps举个🌰:

She strapped the baby seat into the car.



📍strapped作形容词,表示“缺钱的;手头紧的”,英文解释为“having little or not enough money”;

📍外刊中经常出现cash-strapped,表示“缺钱的;财政困难的”,英文解释为“not having enough money”如:cash-strapped universities 财政困难的大学。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情下的广告业的文章中提到:Now cash-strapped consumers are switching en masse to cheaper streaming services such as Netflix. 现在,手头拮据的消费者更是大规模转向更便宜的流媒体服务,例如奈飞(Netflix)。


treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/ 表示“(锻炼用的)踏步机,跑步机”,英文解释为“an exercise machine that consists of a moving strip or two step-like parts on which you walk without moving forward”。


此处的favorite/favourite不再是形容词,而是作为名词,指“最有希望获胜的人(或动物);比赛中最被看好的人(或动物)”,英文解释为“the person or animal most people expect to win a race or competition”举个🌰:

Brazil are favourites to win this year's World Cup.


📍也可以表示“受宠的人;受偏爱的人”,英文解释为:a person who is treated with special kindness by someone in authority. 如:the teacher's favourite 老师的宠儿。


表示“(刚提及的两者中)后者的;(系列中)最后的,末尾的”,英文解释为“being the second of two things, people or groups that have just been mentioned, or the last in a list”举个🌰:

The latter point is the most important.


Kelly is in the midst of a one-year stay on the International Space Station. January 21 marked his 300th day, so he celebrated with a one-person game of ping pong. There were no standard balls in play here, but rather a spherical drop of liquid floating in microgravity.


in the midst of

表示“正当…的时候;在…之中;当某事发生时;在某人做某事时”,英文解释为“while sth is happening or being done; while you are doing sth”举个🌰:

She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things.


I'm sorry but I'm too busy - I'm in the midst of writing a report.


📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。


spherical /ˈsfɪrɪkl,ˈsferɪkl/ 表示“球形的”,英文解释为“Something that is spherical is round like a ball.”如:purple and gold spherical earrings 紫色和金色的球形耳环。


drop,作名词本身可以表示“滴;少量,少许(饮料)”,英文解释为“A drop of a liquid is a very small amount of it shaped like a little ball. In informal English, you can also use drop when you are referring to a very small amount of something such as a drink.”如:a drop of blue ink 一滴蓝墨水。

Kelly employed two paddles with hydrophobic coatings designed to repel water. He squeezed a ball of water out of a silver bag and allowed the ball of liquid to bounce between the paddles, its shape distending with every strike against the hydrophobic surfaces.



表示“涂层”,英文解释为“A coating of a substance is a thin layer of it spread over a surface.”举个🌰:

Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine clock.



1)表示“推开;赶走;驱除”,英文解释为“to drive, push or keep sth away”举个🌰:

The fabric has been treated to repel water.


2)表示“排斥;相斥”,英文解释为“if one thing repels another, or if two things repel each other, an electrical or magnetic force pushes them apart”。


1)表示“(困难地)挤进,挤过”,英文解释为“to get in, through, under, etc. with difficulty”举个🌰:

She squeezed through the crowd and found a seat at the front.


2)表示“挤压;捏”,英文解释为“to press sth firmly, especially with your fingers”如:to squeeze a tube of toothpaste 挤牙膏,举个🌰:

He squeezed her arm reassuringly.


🎬电影《今晚带我回家》(Take Me Home Tonight)中的台词提到:Come on, punch it up. punch. and squeeze real tight 来 击个拳 击拳 然后握紧。


表示“肿胀;鼓起,隆起,凸起”,英文解释为“If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large.”举个🌰:

Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.


🎬电影《撒迦利亚Z for Zachariah)中的台词提到:His belly distended, stealing my food. 他的肚子肿起来了,偷了我的食物。

The paddles are unusual pieces of equipment made with polycarbonate laser-etched surfaces sprayed with Teflon. You probably know Teflon from its use as a nonstick coating for cooking pans. "The combined effects of surface roughness and non-wettability produce a super-hydrophobic surface capable of preventing water adhesion in dynamic processes," NASA notes. In short: the ball of water bounces off.



表示“蚀刻;凿刻”,英文解释为“If a line or pattern is etched into a surface, it is cut into the surface by means of acid or a sharp tool. You can also say that a surface is etched with a line or pattern.”举个🌰:

Crosses were etched into the walls.



表示“喷;喷洒;向…喷洒”,英文解释为“to cover sb/sth with very small drops of a liquid that are forced out of a container or sent through the air”举个🌰:

The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.



表示“ (煎锅等) 不粘食物的”,英文解释为“Nonstick saucepans, frying pans, or baking pans have a special coating on the inside which prevents food from sticking to them.”举个🌰:

Use a shallow nonstick baking pan.



adhesion /ədˈhiːʒn/ 表示“附着力”,英文解释为“Adhesion is the ability of one thing to stick firmly to another.”举个🌰:

Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.


The ball doesn't fall apart, thanks in part to the very gentle impact. It's nothing like watching top-level ping pong players going at it on Earth, smashing the white balls at high rates of speed across a net. Kelly follows the blob of water with his eyes and declares, "Neat stuff."



1)表示“猛击”,英文解释为“to hit sth/sb very hard”举个🌰:

He smashed the ball into the goal.


2)表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:

Someone smashed a bottle.


3)表示“猛撞,猛冲,猛击(通常造成破坏或伤害)”,英文解释为“to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury”举个🌰:

He tried to smash the door down to get to me.



表示“(粘稠的)一滴;一团”,英文解释为“A blob of thick or sticky liquid is a small, often round, amount of it.”如:a blob of chocolate mousse 一团巧克力奶油冻。

We've seen all sorts of fun water experiments coming from the space station. Astronaut Chris Hadfield wrung out a washcloth in space in 2013 to show how the water clings to hands and other surfaces. And last year, Kelly demonstrated what happens when you add an effervescent tablet to a glob of colored water. Spoiler alert: it's super-cool.

我们已经看到来自空间站的各种有趣的水实验。2013年,宇航员克里斯·哈德菲尔德(Chris Hadfield)在太空中拧毛巾,展示水是如何附着在手和其他表面上的。去年,凯利展示了当你在一彩色液体小球中加入泡腾片时会发生什么。剧透一下:超级酷!

wring out

表示“拧干,绞干(布或衣服)”,英文解释为“to twist a cloth or piece of clothing with your hands to remove water from it”举个🌰:

She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.



表示“依附,附着;抓紧,抱紧”,英文解释为“to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it, him, or her”举个🌰:

We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.


effervescent tablet

effervescent tablet 表示泡腾片,也称水溶片,是一种药片类型,当它接触水或其他液体的时候就会分散溶解成为溶液,并在此过程中释放二氧化碳。


effervescent/ˌefərˈvesnt/ 1)表示“(液体)起泡的”,英文解释为“An effervescent liquid is one that contains or releases bubbles of gas.”如:an effervescent mineral water 一种起泡矿泉水。

2)表示“活泼快乐的;兴高采烈的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as effervescent, you mean that they are lively, entertaining, enthusiastic, and exciting.”如:an effervescent blonde actress 一位活泼快乐的金发女演员。


表示“小而软或流体的团块”,英文解释为“A glob of something soft or liquid is a small, round amount of it.”如:oily globs of soup 汤里的浮油。


表示“(在电影、电视连续剧等公映前的)剧情透漏”,英文解释为“information that you are given about what is going to happen in a film/movie, television series etc. before it is shown to the public”。


1) 表示“搅乱的人;搅乱的事物”,英文解释为“If you describe someone or something as a spoiler, you mean that they try to spoil the performance of other people or things.”举个🌰:

I was a talentless spoiler.


2) 表示“(飞机上用以减速的)扰流器;(汽车的)气流偏导器”,英文解释为:A spoiler is an object which forms part of an aircraft's wings or part of the body of a car. It changes the flow of air around the vehicle, allowing an aircraft to change direction or making a car's forward movement more efficient.








- 那年今日 -

2020 《八佰》你看了吗?

2019 转发这个萧亚轩

2018 丘索维金娜

2017 强台风终于过去了

2016 意大利中部发生6.1级地震

2015 Swatch boss to Apple


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