

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Merkel got a call during Putin meeting. But who from?


German chancellor gets awkward call during Moscow talks.

It’s the question on (almost) everyone’s lips: Who would dare call the most powerful politician in Europe during an important meeting with Vladimir Putin?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone went off during talks with the Russian president on Friday in Moscow, with important subjects such as Afghanistan and Nord Stream 2 on the agenda. Merkel looked none too pleased, pulling the phone from her pocket, giving a disdainful glance and swiping the screen to end the call (or set up a date if it was actually Tinder, which it definitely wasn’t). We also now know that Merkel has a fairly standard ringtone rather than David Hasselhoff’s “Looking for Freedom” or “Thot Shit” by Megan Thee Stallion.

No doubt Putin — who once brought his dog, Koni, to a meeting with Merkel with the express purpose of making her feel uncomfortable — was greatly amused.

So who called? Here are a few candidates.

Armin Laschet

The conservative candidate to replace Merkel as chancellor after next month’s German election has had a torrid time of late. Being caught laughing while on a visit to a flood-hit community was not a good look and he followed it with the indignity of being mocked by walking midlife crisis Elon Musk — lest we forget, a man who named his child X Æ A-12. Perhaps Laschet was calling for advice to avoid another campaign trail gaffe.

Dominic Raab

The British foreign secretary might seem an unlikely candidate as the caller but he needs all the help he can get. Raab is under increasing pressure to quit after it was revealed that he delegated a phone call with the Afghan foreign minister to a junior staffer while on holiday in Crete. As part of the counter-offensive, a photo was released of Raab at his desk furiously working the phones (or furiously placing an order for pizza, it’s not clear). Perhaps he was practicing calling Merkel.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy

The president of Ukraine could have been checking in with Merkel ahead of their meeting at the weekend (“Hi Angela, just confirming my Outlook calendar invite”). Or he could have been hoping to disrupt her chances of success talking to his arch-enemy Putin — like calling your secret crush when she’s on a date with a guy you hate.

Jean-Claude Juncker

Could it have been a certain former president of the European Commission? Back in 2017, at a press conference in Brussels, Juncker’s old Nokia phone rang. Juncker presumed it was his wife calling, and unlike Rudy Giuliani, who famously answered the phone when his wife called in the middle of a 2007 campaign speech to the National Rifle Association, Juncker declined the call. Juncker quickly realized it was Merkel, not his wife, that he had snubbed. Was this revenge?

Gerhard Schröder

Merkel’s predecessor certainly knows his way around a Russian meeting room. Perhaps he was offering her a job alongside him on the Nord Stream board.

Russian secret service

No, they wouldn’t, would they? Not while she was in the room?

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Merkel got a call during Putin meeting. But who from?


German chancellor gets awkward call during Moscow talks.



chancellor /ˈtʃɑːnsələ, -slə/表示“(某些国家的)总理,首相”,英文解释为“the leader of the government or the main government minister of some countries”,比如:德国总理用的是Chancellor;

prime minister 表示“总理;首相”,英文解释为“The leader of the government in some countries is called the prime minister.”

📍还有另一个词:Premier:The leader of the government of a country is sometimes referred to as the country's premier 总理。

It's the question on (almost) everyone's lips: Who would dare call the most powerful politician in Europe during an important meeting with Vladimir Putin?

这是(几乎)所有人都在谈论的问题。在与弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的重要会晤期间,谁敢给欧洲最有权力的政治家打电话?

on everyone's lips

表示“广为谈论的,议论纷纷的”,英文解释为“being talked about by a lot of people”举个🌰:

The question now on everyone's lips is "Will he resign?"


German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone went off during talks with the Russian president on Friday in Moscow, with important subjects such as Afghanistan and Nord Stream 2 on the agenda. Merkel looked none too pleased, pulling the phone from her pocket, giving a disdainful glance and swiping the screen to end the call (or set up a date if it was actually Tinder, which it definitely wasn't). We also now know that Merkel has a fairly standard ringtone rather than David Hasselhoff's “Looking for Freedom” or “Thot Shit” by Megan Thee Stallion.

德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)周五在莫斯科与俄罗斯总统会谈时电话响了,议程上有阿富汗和北溪二号(Nord Stream 2)等重要议题。默克尔看起来不太高兴,她从口袋里掏出手机,不屑地看了一眼,然后滑了一下屏幕,结束了通话(或者是安排一次约会,如果是Tinder的话,但显然不是)。我们现在还知道,默克尔有一个非常普通的铃声,而不是大卫·哈塞尔霍夫(David Hasselhoff)的《Looking for Freedom》或梅根·西·斯塔莉安(Megan Thee Stallion)的《Thot Shit》。

go off

表示“(警报器等)突然发出巨响”,英文解释为“If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise.”举个🌰:

Didn't you hear your alarm clock going off this morning?


none too pleased

表示“不高兴,不悦,气愤”,英文解释为“not pleased at all : very angry or unhappy”举个🌰:

My father was none too pleased when he found out that my brother had wrecked the car.



disdain作名词,表示“轻视,蔑视,鄙视”,英文解释为“the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they do not deserve your interest or respect”举个🌰:

He regards the process with disdain.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述巴菲特入股日本贸易公司的文章中提到:In recent years they have, even in the trading houses, which once viewed corporate governance with disdain. 近年来管理层确实发生了一些转变,即使是在曾经对公司治理不屑一顾的贸易公司。


可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“一瞥,看一眼”,英文解释为“to quickly look at someone or something”举个🌰:

She took/cast a glance at her watch.


The man glanced nervously at his watch.



表示“滑屏”,英文解释为“to move your finger over the screen of a mobile phone or tablet in order to move onto the next page, choose something, etc.s”,此处表示在手机屏幕上左右/上下滑动。




No doubt Putin — who once brought his dog, Koni, to a meeting with Merkel with the express purpose of making her feel uncomfortable — was greatly amused.





表示“明确的;明白表示的;特别指出的”,英文解释为“clearly and intentionally stated”举个🌰:

The lawyer argued that the accused had gone to the victim's house with the express purpose of killing her.


So who called? Here are a few candidates.


Armin Laschet 阿明·拉舍特

注:阿明·拉舍特(Armin Laschet),德国基督教民主联盟主席、德国北莱茵·威斯特法伦州州长。2021年4月20日,德国基民盟高层选定阿明·拉舍特为总理候选人。

The conservative candidate to replace Merkel as chancellor after next month's German election has had a torrid time of late. Being caught laughing while on a visit to a flood-hit community was not a good look and he followed it with the indignity of being mocked by walking midlife crisis Elon Musklest we forget, a man who named his child X Æ A-12. Perhaps Laschet was calling for advice to avoid another campaign trail gaffe.

这位在下个月的德国大选后将取代默克尔成为总理的保守派候选人最近经历了一段曲折的时期。他在视察一个洪灾社区时被发现在笑,这留下了不好的印象,随后他又被中年危机的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)嘲笑。我们别忘了,这个人给他的孩子取名为X Æ A-12。也许拉舍特是在征求意见,以避免在竞选活动中再发生失态事件。

a torrid time

表示“艰难时期;多事之秋”,英文解释为“a period when you experience a lot of problems”

📍torrid /ˈtɒrɪd/ 原意表示“热烈的,炽烈的”,英文解释为“involving strong emotions, especially those of sexual love”如:a torrid romance 炽烈的爱情。

of late


We haven't spoken of late.



表示“无礼,侮辱;轻蔑;侮辱性言行”,英文解释为“something that causes a loss of respect for someone or for yourself”。


mock表示“嘲笑;(为了取笑)模仿”,英文解释为“If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour.”举个🌰:

I thought you were mocking me.


🎬电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)中的台词提到:If you need to mock somebody, mock me. 如果你们要嘲弄什么人,嘲弄我。


表示“以免,唯恐”,英文解释为“in order to prevent any possibility that something will happen”举个🌰:

They were afraid to complain about the noise lest they annoyed the neighbours.


🎬电影《看不见的女人》(The Invisible Woman)中的台词提到:Lest we think silence is the place to hide a heavy heart, 不要用沉默来掩饰悲伤的心。

campaign trail

表示“(在不同地方开展的)一系列竞选活动”,英文解释为“a series of planned events in different places taken part in or given by a politician who is trying to be elected”举个🌰:

She went on the campaign trail around the Southern states.



gaffe /ɡæf/ 表示“(在社交场合或大庭广众下的)出丑,失礼,失言;(粗心的)错误”,英文解释为“an embarrassing mistake made in a social situation or in public”举个🌰:

He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.


🎬电影《前女友们的幽灵》(Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)中的台词提到:I'd turn your gaffe into a funny. 我会把你的丑态当作笑料的。


📍faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː/ 源于法语,复数也是faux pas,表示“失言;失礼”(words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite)举个🌰:

I made some remark about his wife's family, and then realized I'd made a serious faux pas.


Dominic Raab 多米尼克·拉布

注:多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab),英国新任外交大臣,现年45岁,拥有剑桥大学硕士学位,2000年进入英国外交部,曾在2018年担任脱离欧盟事务大臣。

The British foreign secretary might seem an unlikely candidate as the caller but he needs all the help he can get. Raab is under increasing pressure to quit after it was revealed that he delegated a phone call with the Afghan foreign minister to a junior staffer while on holiday in Crete. As part of the counter-offensive, a photo was released of Raab at his desk furiously working the phones (or furiously placing an order for pizza, it's not clear). Perhaps he was practicing calling Merkel.



表示“(把…)委派(给…),(把…)委托(给…);授权(给…)”,英文解释为“to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you”举个🌰:

As a boss you have to delegate (responsibilities to your staff).


📍政府工作报告中经常出现的简政放权就是:streamline administration and delegate power,


表示“(大机构)职员”,英文解释为“a member of staff in a big organization”。和staff有什么区别呢?



表示“反攻,反击”,英文解释为“a series of attacks by a defending force against an attacking enemy”。

Volodymyr Zelenskiy 弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基

The president of Ukraine could have been checking in with Merkel ahead of their meeting at the weekend (“Hi Angela, just confirming my Outlook calendar invite”). Or he could have been hoping to disrupt her chances of success talking to his arch-enemy Putin — like calling your secret crush when she's on a date with a guy you hate.

乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)可能是在周末的会议之前向默克尔发起确认(“嗨,安吉拉,刚刚确认了我的Outlook日程邀请”)。或者,他可能是希望破坏她与他的宿敌普京谈话成功的机会--就像在你的暗恋对象与你讨厌的人约会时给她打电话。

check in

表示“(通过打电话、拜访等确认或报告某人是否无恙)取得联系,查看;报平安”,英文解释为“to contact someone by making a phone call, short visit, etc., usually in order to make sure there are no problems or to tell them that there are no problems”举个🌰:

My son checks in regularly with me when he's travelling.




表示“主要敌人;大敌;死敌”,英文解释为“an especially bad enemy”;

📍arch-表示“极度的;为首的;(尤指)极恶劣的;主要的;最重要的”,英文解释为“most important;greater or especially worse than others of the same type”,如:an arch-criminal 首犯。


crush可以指“(短暂的)迷恋,热恋,爱慕;(尤指对年龄比自己大且并不熟识者的)迷恋,痴情”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well”,举个🌰:

She had a huge crush on her geography teacher.


crush也可以表示“(不大熟识的)热恋的对象,痴情的对象”,英文解释为“someone who you have a feeling of romantic love for, but who you do not know well”,如:a first date with your crush 和你心仪的人的初次约会。

Jean-Claude Juncker 让-克洛德·容克

注:让-克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker),欧盟委员会主席。2020年11月,担任欧洲经济参议院荣誉主席。

Could it have been a certain former president of the European Commission? Back in 2017, at a press conference in Brussels, Juncker's old Nokia phone rang. Juncker presumed it was his wife calling, and unlike Rudy Giuliani, who famously answered the phone when his wife called in the middle of a 2007 campaign speech to the National Rifle Association, Juncker declined the call. Juncker quickly realized it was Merkel, not his wife, that he had snubbed. Was this revenge?

会不会是欧盟委员会(European Commission)的某位前主席?早在2017年,在布鲁塞尔的一次新闻发布会上,容克的旧诺基亚手机响了。容克(Juncker)推测这是他妻子打来的,与鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)不同的是,朱利安尼在2007年对全国步枪协会(National Rifle Association)的竞选演讲中接听了妻子打来的电话而出了名,容克却拒接了这个电话。容克很快意识到,他所冷落的是默克尔,而不是他的妻子。这是报复吗?


presume /prɪˈzjuːm/ 表示“假定,推定,认定”,英文解释为“to believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not certain”举个🌰:

The boat's captain is missing, presumed dead (= it is believed that he is dead).


🎬电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)中的台词提到:Soon to be presumed dead 但很快就会判定(我)死亡了。


表示“冷落,怠慢”,英文解释为“to insult someone by not giving them any attention or treating them as if they are not important”举个🌰:

I think she felt snubbed because Anthony hadn't bothered to introduce himself.


Gerhard Schröder 格哈特·施罗德

Merkel's predecessor certainly knows his way around a Russian meeting room. Perhaps he was offering her a job alongside him on the Nord Stream board.


注:格哈特·施罗德(Gerhard Schröder),德国政治家,曾任德国总理。


predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

📍successor表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster.


know our way around sth

表示“在行;熟悉”,英文解释为“to be familiar with a place or organization and able to act effectively within it”。

Russian secret service 俄罗斯特勤局

No, they wouldn’t, would they? Not while she was in the room?









- 那年今日 -

2020 武汉水上电音节海外引热议

2019 蜘蛛侠将离开漫威电影宇宙?

2018 孙杨陷领奖服争议漩涡


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