

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26






Carlo Paalam vows to go all-out in semis showdown with hometown bet Ryomei Tanaka


Carlo Paalam moved two wins away from the ultimate goal in the Tokyo Olympics and it doesn't look like he's about to let the moment get the best of him.

"I'll do my best," Paalam told reporters in Filipino during the virtual Philippine Sportswriters Association (PSA) Forum on Tuesday, just hours after he claimed a place in the men's flyweight semifinals. "My coaches keep reminding me not to rush, just play my game, and believe in myself."

The advice from Paalam's corner sounds simple, but it was the very recipe for success the scavenger-turned-Olympian used to upend top-seed and reigning Olympic champion Shakhobidin Zoirov of Uzbekistan.

The Filipino fighter didn't look deterred against an aggressive Zoirov and had an answer for all his counterpart threw at him. That was more than enough for all five judges to score Round 1 10-9 in favor of the Philippine bet.

The second round was not too different, as Paalam remained in control and led in four of five scorecards before the fight was called off at the 1:16 mark as both boxers sustained deep cuts due to an accidental headbutt.

While the win was surprising even for him, the Filipino flyweight said that it was all made possible thanks to a game plan focused on getting off to a strong start in order to put Zoirov on the back foot.

"I did not expect this. I just told myself I'll do what I can and not rush the whole process until I get to the end," he shared. "My coaches said I needed to win the first round because that would mean he'll have a lot of catching up to do. It wouldn't have been favorable for me if I was the one who had to make up a lot of ground later on."

Paalam's victory assured Team Philippines of an unprecedented fourth medal - a haul that is, without a doubt, the biggest in the country's history in the Olympiad.

That is far from the end of it for the surprise semifinalist, though. His next hurdle on Thursday (1:30 p.m on TV5 and One Sports): hometown bet Ryomei Tanaka, who had to be taken away by wheelchair after surging back against Colombia's Yuberjen Herney Rivas in a split decision quarterfinals win.

Asked if Tanaka's condition heading into the match will be an advantage, Paalam answered in the negative and added that his team will nonetheless go hard at work to come up with a strategy that will continue charting his course towards Philippine boxing's first-ever gold medal in the Games.

"I can't really say it would be an advantage. I saw him walking on his own power hours after his bout," he shared. "But I'll work hard and think of a good strategy for that fight. I'll do my best, trust in the Lord, in my coaches, and in our game plan."

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Carlo Paalam vows to go all-out in semis showdown with hometown bet Ryomei Tanaka


Carlo Paalam moved two wins away from the ultimate goal in the Tokyo Olympics and it doesn't look like he's about to let the moment get the best of him.

卡洛·帕拉姆(Carlo Paalam)离东京奥运会的最终目标还有两场胜利,而且看起来他不会让对手打败自己。


表示“极端的;最重要的;最初(或终)的;最好(差)的”,英文解释为“most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst”举个🌰:

My manager will make the ultimate decision about who to employ.


get the best of sb.

表示“击败,战胜;对…占优势”,英文解释为“to defeat someone”举个🌰:

She played well, but her opponent got the better of her.


"I'll do my best," Paalam told reporters in Filipino during the virtual Philippine Sportswriters Association (PSA) Forum on Tuesday, just hours after he claimed a place in the men's flyweight semifinals. "My coaches keep reminding me not to rush, just play my game, and believe in myself."



Filipino /ˌfɪlɪˈpiːnəʊ/ 表示“菲律宾语”,英文解释为“an official language of the Philippines”。


表示“获得;赢得;取得”,英文解释为“to gain, win or achieve sth举个🌰:

She has finally claimed a place on the team.



表示“特轻量级拳击手,次最轻量级拳击手,最轻量级摔跤手(体重48至51公斤之间)”,英文解释为“a boxer who is in the lightest weight group, weighing 51 kilograms or less”。


之前在张伟丽一文中,提到 strawweight 表示“草量级拳击手,47.6公斤及以下级别的职业拳击手”,英文解释为“professional boxer weighing not more than 47.6 kg (105 pounds)”。草量级是最轻的一级。


表示“半决赛”,英文解释为“one of the two games that are played to decide who will take part in the final game of a competition”。

The advice from Paalam's corner sounds simple, but it was the very recipe for success the scavenger-turned-Olympian used to upend top-seed and reigning Olympic champion Shakhobidin Zoirov of Uzbekistan.

来自帕拉姆教练的建议听起来很简单,但这正是这位清扫工出身的奥运选手用来打败头号种子、乌兹别克斯坦的卫冕奥运冠军沙霍比丁·佐罗夫(Shakhobidin Zoirov)的成功秘诀。


在拳击运动和摔跤中,表示“场角;(场角处的)辅助人员”,英文解释为“(in boxing and wrestling) any of the four corners of a ring; the supporters who help in the corner”。


除了表示“食谱”,还可以指“方法;秘诀;诀窍”,英文解释为“a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result”举个🌰:

What's her recipe for success?



scavenger /ˈskævɪndʒə(r)/表示“清扫工,清道夫”,英文解释为“a person employed to clean the streets”,另一个含义表示“食腐肉的兽(或鸟);捡破烂的人;拾荒者”,英文解释为“an animal, a bird or a person that scavenges”。


...-turned-...,字面意思也是很好理解,xxx转变为xxx的,turned可以解释为“...出身的”(someone who has done one job and then does something completely different),比如,English-teacher-turned-founder of ...英语老师出身的xxx公司创始人,an actor turned politician 演员出身的政治家,a housewife turned author 家庭主妇出身的作家。


表示“颠倒”,英文解释为“If you upend something, you turn it upside down.”举个🌰:

He upended the beer, and swallowed.


引申的,也有“使...结束;打倒;推翻”(To end up; to set on end)的含义。

🎬电影《云图》(Cloud Atlas)中的台词提到:And those who try to upend it do not fare well. 那些企图颠覆秩序的人不会善终。


📍fare well值得积累的一个表达,此前在「经济学人」足球客队为啥总是输?文中提到过,fare作动词,表示“进展;成功;遭遇”,直白地解释就是,xxx做得好/做得不好,表现得好/表现不好,后面可接well或者是badly(文中为比较级),英文解释为“If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity.”举个🌰:

How did you fare in your exams?


🎬电影《总统杀局》(The Ides of March)中的台词提到:And you wouldn't fare too well in federal prison. 你在联邦监狱也不会好过。

reigning /ˈreɪnɪŋ/

表示“(冠军)本届的;现任的”,英文解释为“The reigning champion is the most recent winner of a contest or competition at the time you are talking about.”如:the reigning champion 卫冕冠军,举个🌰:

he's the reigning champion at Wimbledon.


The Filipino fighter didn't look deterred against an aggressive Zoirov and had an answer for all his counterpart threw at him. That was more than enough for all five judges to score Round 1 10-9 in favor of the Philippine bet.



表示“阻挠,阻止;威慑;使不敢”,英文解释为“to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it”举个🌰:

High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.


🎬电影《杀手:代号47》(Hitman)中的台词提到:I, for one, will not let their cowardice deter me. 作为总统 为了一个人 我将一往无前。

🎬电影《孤独的生还者》(Lone Survivor)中的台词提到:If you do come under attack, use the appropriate force necessary to deter or defeat that threat. 如果遭受袭击使用适当的武力来制止或反击此威胁。


1)表示“好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的”,英文解释为“angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack”;

2)表示“气势汹汹的;声势浩大的;志在必得的”,英文解释为“acting with force and determination in order to succeed”如:an aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。


counterpart一词经常出现,counter-表示“相反的;对立的;相应的”(opposite; against; in return; corresponding),和part一起就是“对立的,相应的事物”,从而表示“职位相当的人;作用相当的事物”,英文解释为“Somene's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.”

The second round was not too different, as Paalam remained in control and led in four of five scorecards before the fight was called off at the 1:16 mark as both boxers sustained deep cuts due to an accidental headbutt.


call off

表示“取消,停止,中止(尤指体育赛事)”,英文解释为“to decide that a planned event, especially a sports event, will not happen, or to end an activity because it is no longer useful or possible”举个🌰:

Tomorrow's match has been called off because of the icy weather.



表示“经历,遭受(尤指破坏或损失)”,英文解释为“to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss”举个🌰:

She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.



表示“伤口;切口;割痕”,英文解释为“an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp”如:a deep cut 一道深深的伤痕。


表示“故意用头撞(人)”,英文解释为“a violent blow with the forehead or crown of the head especially into the face or head of another person”。

While the win was surprising even for him, the Filipino flyweight said that it was all made possible thanks to a game plan focused on getting off to a strong start in order to put Zoirov on the back foot.


get off to a good start

表示“有好的开端;开门红;顺利开始”,英文解释为“to begin an activity successfully”举个🌰:

I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working!


on the back foot

on the back foot/put someone on the back foot 表示“处于不利境地;受到威胁”,英文解释为“If someone is on the back foot, or if something puts them on the back foot, they feel threatened and act defensively.”

"I did not expect this. I just told myself I'll do what I can and not rush the whole process until I get to the end," he shared. "My coaches said I needed to win the first round because that would mean he'll have a lot of catching up to do. It wouldn't have been favorable for me if I was the one who had to make up a lot of ground later on."


Paalam's victory assured Team Philippines of an unprecedented fourth medal - a haul that is, without a doubt, the biggest in the country's history in the Olympiad.



表示“(尤指为消除其忧虑而)确定地对…说,向…保证,使确信;让…放心”,英文解释为“to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry”举个🌰:

She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.



表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:

This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.


🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。


1)haul可以表示“(一大批)非法物品,赃物”,相对比较负面的,英文解释为“a large amount of illegal or stolen goods”如:a haul of weapons 大批非法武器,a drugs haul 一大批毒品,举个🌰:

A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers.


2)表示“很高的得分”(a large number of points, goals, etc.);

His haul of 37 goals in a season is a record.


3)表示“旅行的距离;旅程”(the distance covered in a particular journey),举个🌰:

They began the long slow haul to the summit.



📍a long haul可以特指“耗时费力的事”,英文解释为“something that takes a lot of time and effort”,举个🌰:

Revitalizing the economy will be a long haul.


That is far from the end of it for the surprise semifinalist, though. His next hurdle on Thursday (1:30 p.m on TV5 and One Sports): hometown bet Ryomei Tanaka, who had to be taken away by wheelchair after surging back against Colombia's Yuberjen Herney Rivas in a split decision quarterfinals win.

不过,这还远远不是这位意外的半决赛选手的终点。他的下一个挑战是周四(下午1:30,TV5和One Sports):东道主日本的田中亮明(Ryomei Tanaka),他在四分之一决赛中,以有分歧的裁决战胜了哥伦比亚的尤伯珍·亨尼·马丁内兹·里瓦斯(Yuberjen Herney Rivas)后,不得不被轮椅推走。


在文中作名词表示“难关;障碍”,英文解释为“a problem or difficulty that must be solved or dealt with before you can achieve sth.”

它还有另一个常见意思是“栏架,跨栏”,英文解释为each of a series of vertical frames that a person or horse jumps over in a race. 复数形式 hurdles 即表示“跨栏比赛”,如:the 400-metre hurdles 400米跨栏比赛。


表示“四分之一决赛”,英文解释为“any of the four games in a competition that decides which players or teams will play in the two semifinals”。

Asked if Tanaka's condition heading into the match will be an advantage, Paalam answered in the negative and added that his team will nonetheless go hard at work to come up with a strategy that will continue charting his course towards Philippine boxing's first-ever gold medal in the Games.


"I can't really say it would be an advantage. I saw him walking on his own power hours after his bout," he shared. "But I'll work hard and think of a good strategy for that fight. I'll do my best, trust in the Lord, in my coaches, and in our game plan."



bout /baʊt/ 表示“(疾病的)发作;(某活动的)一段,一阵,一场”,英文解释为“a short period of illness or involvement in an activity”如:a bout of flu 一场流感。








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