

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





This app uses neural networks to put a smile on anybody’s face

The Verge

Jan 27, 2017

2017 may be the year the US starts a nuclear war because someone tweets something mean about Donald Trump, but at least we’re getting some weird selfie apps before we go. Earlier this month we had Meitu, which made you look like a terrifying anime character and possibly tracked your location data, and this week we have FaceApp, which uses neural networks to paste a smile on anybody’s photo and possibly steals your soul or something.

The app is iOS only and very hit-and-miss. You can see it did quite a good job with Trump up top, but that’s because his face is quite small in the photo, he doesn’t have a beard, and he’s looking straight at the camera. Add in any of these elements, and the results become much less convincing, as with Wesley Snipes below:

Adding smiles isn’t all the app can do, though. You can also make people old, young, male, female, and “hot.” (Like Meitu, this mainly makes you skin paler; an example of the often racist association of paleness with beauty.) The gender swapping is perhaps the most interesting feature, and often turns out some quite convincing results. But for some reason, you can only access it in “collage” mode, meaning the resulting images are quite small.

FaceApp isn’t anything more than a fun distraction, but it does demonstrate something we’ve written about before: how artificial intelligence is making it easier than ever to morph and manipulate photos.

As with Russian app Prisma, which uses an AI technique named “style transfer” to make selfies look like famous paintings, FaceApp is leveraging the power of neural networks; sending images to the cloud to transform them. With Prisma, its creators slowly improved the app by making the neural nets faster, adding more filters, and allowing the software to run locally on users’ phones. Then Google announced it had created similar software; then Facebook. It’s not impossible that FaceApp could make a similar journey to the mainstream, although modifying photos in this way is trickier than style transfer, and might be too taxing to work locally.

Yaroslav Goncharov, an ex-Yandex exec and CEO of the Russian company that created the app, Wireless Lab, told The Verge that an Android version of FaceApp is already in alpha and should be out soon. He said that the neural networks involved were trained by Wireless Lab “from scratch” and claimed that no other commercial products offered photo modifications as good. (Although there have been similar research prototypes, like Tom White’s SmileVector.)

Goncharov also confirmed that photos uploaded to the app are stored on the company’s servers to save bandwidth if several filters are applied, but get deleted not long after. And, he added, unlike the Meitu app, FaceApp doesn’t require any weird system permissions or track data like GPS. New filters will be coming to successive versions of the app, including some emulating photo effects like bokeh and different lighting setups.

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This app uses neural networks to put a smile on anybody’s face

The Verge

Jan 27, 2017

2017 may be the year the US starts a nuclear war because someone tweets something mean about Donald Trump, but at least we're getting some weird selfie apps before we go. Earlier this month we had Meitu, which made you look like a terrifying anime character and possibly tracked your location data, and this week we have FaceApp, which uses neural networks to paste a smile on anybody's photo and possibly steals your soul or something.

2017年可能是美国发动核战争的一年,因为有人在推特上发了一些关于唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的坏话,但至少我们在走之前得到了一些奇怪的自拍应用。本月早些时候,我们有美图,它让你看起来像一个可怕的动漫人物,并可能跟踪你的位置数据,本周我们有FaceApp,它使用神经网络在任何人的照片里加上微笑,并可能偷走你的灵魂或什么东西。


tweet作名词,表示“发布在推特上的信息”,其实指的就是“推文”,英文解释为“a short remark or piece of information published on Twitter”;作动词,指的就是“发推文,发推特”(to publish a short remark or piece of information on Twitter),retweet就是转发推文,举个🌰:

He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.



表示“奇异的;不寻常的;怪诞的”,英文解释为“very strange or unusual and difficult to explain”,如:a weird dream 离奇的梦。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第三季中的台词提到:Just when I think life with you people couldn't get any weirder, one of you takes it to the next level. 每次我以为跟你们混的日子已经怪得登峰造极时,你们总有人能再创新高。


1)表示“跟踪,追踪”,英文解释为“to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment”;

2)表示“追踪,记录…的进展”,英文解释为“to record the progress or development of something over a period”举个🌰:

We continued tracking the plane on our radar.


🎬 电影《博物馆奇妙夜3》(Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb)中的台词提到:You're sort of set up to track my phone? You track my phone? 你装定位追踪我的手机?你竟然追踪我的手机?


表示“神经的;神经系统的”,英文解释为“involving a nerve or the system of nerves that includes the brain ”举个🌰:

Some people suffered severe neural damage as a result of the disease.


📍neural networks 神经网络


📍复制、粘贴、剪切英语怎么说?Copy, Paste, and Cut.

paste /peɪst/ 表示“粘贴;贴入;插入”,英文解释为“to copy or move text into a document from another place or another document”。

The app is iOS only and very hit-and-miss. You can see it did quite a good job with Trump up top, but that's because his face is quite small in the photo, he doesn't have a beard, and he's looking straight at the camera. Add in any of these elements, and the results become much less convincing, as with Wesley Snipes below:

这款应用只在iOS平台上使用(注:目前Android也有),而且时好时坏。你可以看到它在特朗普照片上效果相当好,但那是因为他的脸在照片中相当小,他没有胡子,而且他直视着相机。加入任何这些元素,结果就变得不那么有说服力了,就像下面的韦斯利·斯奈普斯(Wesley Snipes)。


表示“没准的,碰运气的”,英文解释为“If something is hit-and-miss, you cannot depend on it to be of good quality, on time, accurate, etc.”举个🌰:

The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.


Adding smiles isn't all the app can do, though. You can also make people old, young, male, female, and “hot.” (Like Meitu, this mainly makes you skin paler; an example of the often racist association of paleness with beauty.) The gender swapping is perhaps the most interesting feature, and often turns out some quite convincing results. But for some reason, you can only access it in “collage” mode, meaning the resulting images are quite small.



pale /peɪl/ 表示“(脸色或肤色)苍白的,白的”,英文解释为“used to describe a person's face or skin if it has less colour than usual, for example when the person is or ill or frightened, or if it has less colour than people generally have”举个🌰:

You're looking pale - are you feeling well?




可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“交换”,英文解释为“If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.”举个🌰:

Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly.



collage /kəˈlɑːʒ/ 表示“拼贴艺术;拼贴画”,英文解释为“the art of making a picture by sticking pieces of coloured paper, cloth, or photographs onto a surface; a picture that you make by doing this”。

FaceApp isn't anything more than a fun distraction, but it does demonstrate something we've written about before: how artificial intelligence is making it easier than ever to morph and manipulate photos.

FaceApp只不过是一个有趣的分散注意力的工具,但它确实展示了我们以前写过的一些东西:人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)是如何使照片的变形和处理变得比以往更容易的。


表示“分心的事;分散注意力的东西”,英文解释为“something that prevents someone from giving their attention to something else”举个🌰:

I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.


morph /mɔːf/

1)表示“(尤指很大的、质的)改变;变化”,英文解释为“If one thing morphs into another thing, especially something very different, the first thing changes into the second.”举个🌰:

Mild-mannered KangKang morphs into a confident, grinning hero.


2)表示“(使)图像变形;将(图像)进行合成处理”,英文解释为“to gradually change one image into another, or combine them, using a computer program”

📍比如疫情期间,不少客运航空变成货运:Passenger airlines morph into cargo carriers.


表示“操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly举个🌰:

Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.



📍rig表示“(采取不正当的手段)操纵;对…做手脚,英文解释为“to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed举个🌰:

He said the election had been rigged.


📍此前,在故意改低女生成绩 东京医科大学被曝操控男女录取比例一文中,纽约时报的标题就用了rig这个词:Japanese Medical School Accused of Rigging Admissions to Keep Women Out. 操纵录取结果 rig admissions.

As with Russian app Prisma, which uses an AI technique named “style transfer” to make selfies look like famous paintings, FaceApp is leveraging the power of neural networks; sending images to the cloud to transform them. With Prisma, its creators slowly improved the app by making the neural nets faster, adding more filters, and allowing the software to run locally on users' phones. Then Google announced it had created similar software; then Facebook. It's not impossible that FaceApp could make a similar journey to the mainstream, although modifying photos in this way is trickier than style transfer, and might be too taxing to work locally.



表示“充分利用”,英文解释为“to spread or use resources(= money, skills, buildings etc that an organization has available ), ideas etc again in several different ways or in different parts of a company, system etc”举个🌰:

Reusable software is leveraged across many applications.



1)表示“筛选(过滤)程序”,英文解释为“a program that stops certain types of electronic information, email, etc. being sent to a computer.”

2)表示“滤器;过滤器”,英文解释为“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted”

3)此前在尴尬!视频会议忘关摄像头......文中介绍有公司主管在线会议时,误开滤镜特效,会议全程整个人变成土豆头🥔,就提到:she could not figure out how to remove the filter. 主管一直搞不清要怎么关掉滤镜。此处的filter指的就是滤镜。


表示“难办的;难对付的”,英文解释为“If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill.”举个🌰:

I'm in a tricky situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone.



表示“难懂的,费劲的”,英文解释为“difficult or needing a lot of thought or effort”举个🌰:

I just need an entertaining read for the beach - nothing too taxing.


Yaroslav Goncharov, an ex-Yandex exec and CEO of the Russian company that created the app, Wireless Lab, told The Verge that an Android version of FaceApp is already in alpha and should be out soon. He said that the neural networks involved were trained by Wireless Labfrom scratch” and claimed that no other commercial products offered photo modifications as good. (Although there have been similar research prototypes, like Tom White's SmileVector.)

前Yandex执行官、俄罗斯公司Wireless Lab的CEO、该应用创始人雅罗斯拉夫·冈察洛夫(Yaroslav Goncharov)告诉科技媒体The Verge,FaceApp的安卓版本已经进入研发初期阶段,应该很快就会推出。他说,所涉及的神经网络是由Wireless Lab“从头开始”训练的,并声称没有其他商业产品能够提供这么好的照片修改技术了。(虽然已经有类似的研究原型,如汤姆·怀特的SmileVector)。


希腊语字母表的第一个字母α,此处表示“初期的(用来描述在研发初阶的软件)”,英文解释为“Alpha software is at the first stage of development.”

from scratch

表示“从零开始”,英文解释为“If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before.”举个🌰:

Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging. 



表示“样机;原型”,英文解释为“A prototype is a new type of machine or device that is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold”举个🌰:

He has built a prototype of a machine called the wave rotor. 


Goncharov also confirmed that photos uploaded to the app are stored on the company's servers to save bandwidth if several filters are applied, but get deleted not long after. And, he added, unlike the Meitu app, FaceApp doesn't require any weird system permissions or track data like GPS. New filters will be coming to successive versions of the app, including some emulating photo effects like bokeh and different lighting setups.



表示“效仿;努力赶上;同…竞争”,英文解释为“to try to do sth as well as sb else because you admire them;If you emulate something or someone, you imitate them because you admire them a great deal.”举个🌰:

She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements.


bokeh /ˈbəʊkeɪ/

表示“(摄影)背景散焦效果”,英文解释为“a blurred (= not clear) effect used in photography”。








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