

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


蔡英文在推特(Twitter)中回复拜登,“From one animal lover to another, I'm so sorry for your loss.”(来自一个动物爱好者对另一个动物爱好者的慰问,我对您失去爱犬深表遗憾。)




Bidens Announce Death of 'First Dog' Champ


President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden on Saturday announced the passing of their German shepherd Champ, who they called a "constant, cherished companion" for 13 years.

"In our most joyful moments and in our most grief-stricken days, he was there with us, sensitive to our every unspoken feeling and emotion. We love our sweet, good boy and will miss him always," the Bidens said in a statement.

Champ was one of two German shepherds living at the White House with the president and first lady. Biden got Champ in 2008, the year he was elected vice president under President Barack Obama.

Champ lived alongside Major, who the Bidens adopted in November 2018 and became the first rescue dog to live in the White House. Major had to be briefly removed from the premises after two incidents of nipping staff on White House grounds.

Major returned to the White House in April after being sent to an off-site training so he could adjust to life in the White House.

The arrival of Champ and Major marked the return of pets to the White House after a four-year hiatus under former President Donald Trump, who was the first president since Andrew Johnson in the 1860s not to share the presidential digs with a dog or a cat.

Champ lived with the Bidens when the current president served as vice president and spent his days, "chasing golf balls on the front lawn of the Naval Observatory."

"Even as Champ's strength waned in his last months, when we came into a room, he would immediately pull himself up, his tail always wagging, and nuzzle us for an ear scratch or a belly rub," the statement said.

The Bidens also have addressed the idea of getting a cat. "She is waiting in the wings," Jill Biden said in April.

◐ 声明全文:

Statement by the President and the First Lady on the Passing of their Beloved German Shepherd, Champ

Our hearts are heavy today as we let you all know that our beloved German Shepherd, Champ, passed away peacefully at home. He was our constant, cherished companion during the last 13 years and was adored by the entire Biden family. Even as Champ’s strength waned in his last months, when we came into a room, he would immediately pull himself up, his tail always wagging, and nuzzle us for an ear scratch or a belly rub. Wherever we were, he wanted to be, and everything was instantly better when he was next to us. He loved nothing more than curling up at our feet in front of a fire at the end of the day, joining us as a comforting presence in meetings, or sunning himself in the White House garden. In his younger days, he was happiest chasing golf balls on the front lawn of the Naval Observatory or racing to catch our grandchildren as they ran around our backyard in Delaware. In our most joyful moments and in our most grief-stricken days, he was there with us, sensitive to our every unspoken feeling and emotion. We love our sweet, good boy and will miss him always. 

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Bidens Announce Death of 'First Dog' Champ


President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden on Saturday announced the passing of their German shepherd Champ, who they called a "constant, cherished companion" for 13 years.

美国总统乔·拜登(oe Biden)和第一夫人吉尔·拜登(Jill Biden)周六宣布了他们的德国牧羊犬Champ(冠军)去世的消息,他们称Champ是13年来的“不变的、值得珍惜的伙伴”。


shepherd /ˈʃɛpəd/ 表示“牧羊人,羊倌”,英文解释为“a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another”。

作动词时,表示“带领(一群人),引导(人群)”,英文解释为“to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want them to go”,用法:shepherd sb into/out/towards sth,举个🌰:

The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.


"In our most joyful moments and in our most grief-stricken days, he was there with us, sensitive to our every unspoken feeling and emotion. We love our sweet, good boy and will miss him always," the Bidens said in a statement.



表示“极度悲痛的”,英文解释为“If someone is grief-stricken, they are extremely sad about something that has happened.”如:the grief-stricken family 这个极度悲痛的家庭。

📍-stricken表示“受严重侵害的,遭受重创的”,英文解释为“suffering severely from the effects of something unpleasant”,如:a poverty-stricken area 贫困地区,emergency aid for famine-stricken countries 向遭受饥荒的国家提供的紧急援助。

「Part3」2019政府工作报告中英文对照注释版中,就有一句,贫困地区自我发展能力稳步提高。The self-development capacity of poverty-stricken areas was steadily enhanced.


表示“未说出的;未表达的;默契的;心照不宣的”,英文解释为“not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people”如:an unspoken assumption 隐含的假定。

Champ was one of two German shepherds living at the White House with the president and first lady. Biden got Champ in 2008, the year he was elected vice president under President Barack Obama.

Champ是与总统和第一夫人一起住在白宫的两只德国牧羊犬中的一只。拜登在2008年养了它,那一年他在巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统任期时当副总统。

Champ lived alongside Major, who the Bidens adopted in November 2018 and became the first rescue dog to live in the White House. Major had to be briefly removed from the premises after two incidents of nipping staff on White House grounds.



表示“(尤指公司或机构的)房屋连地基,生产场所,经营厂址,厂区”,英文解释为“the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization”举个🌰:

The company is relocating to new premises.



表示“咬;夹;掐;捏”,英文解释为“to press something quickly and quite hard between two objects, especially sharp objects such as teeth or nails”举个🌰:

His hamster nipped me.


Major returned to the White House in April after being sent to an off-site training so he could adjust to life in the White House.


The arrival of Champ and Major marked the return of pets to the White House after a four-year hiatus under former President Donald Trump, who was the first president since Andrew Johnson in the 1860s not to share the presidential digs with a dog or a cat.

Champ和Major的到来标志着宠物在前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)执政四年后重返白宫,特朗普是自19世纪60年代安德鲁·约翰逊(Andrew Johnson以来第一位没有与狗或猫共用总统府的总统。


hiatus /haɪˈeɪtəs/ 表示“间歇;空隙;间断;停滞”,英文解释为“A hiatus is a pause in which nothing happens, or a gap where something is missing.”

🎬电影《模范贱兄弟》(Role Models)中的台词提到:Well, I'm kind of on hiatus right now, 我现在暂时休息中。

📍组合解散/休团/停歇?时,多有媒体会用这个词hiatus,比如,英国单向组合(One Direction)解散后拟于7月份十周年之际重聚,“自解散后”媒体就用的,since their hiatus.


lodging的非正式说法,表示“租住的住所;住处”,英文解释为“a room or rooms that you rent to live in”举个🌰:

Many students in London have to live in digs.


Champ lived with the Bidens when the current president served as vice president and spent his days, "chasing golf balls on the front lawn of the Naval Observatory."



表示“天文台;天文观测站;气象台”,英文解释为“a special building from which scientists watch the stars, the weather, etc.”

"Even as Champ's strength waned in his last months, when we came into a room, he would immediately pull himself up, his tail always wagging, and nuzzle us for an ear scratch or a belly rub," the statement said.



表示“衰减;减弱”,英文解释为“to become weaker in strength or influence”举个🌰:

By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to wane.



表示“ (使)(尤指尾巴或手指)摆动,摇”,英文解释为“(especially of a tail or finger) to move from side to side or up and down, especially quickly and repeatedly, or to cause this to happen”举个🌰:

The little dog's tail wagged in delight.



表示“(尤指用头或鼻)轻触,轻擦,磨擦”,英文解释为“to touch, rub, or press something or someone gently and/or in a way that shows your love, especially with the head or nose, usually with small repeated movements”举个🌰:

My dog came and nuzzled my foot to try and cheer me up.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“挠,搔,轻抓”,英文解释为“to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable”举个🌰:

He yawned and scratched his leg.(v.)



表示“擦;抹;搓;揉”,英文解释为“an act of rubbing a surface”举个🌰:

She gave her knee a quick rub.


The Bidens also have addressed the idea of getting a cat. "She is waiting in the wings," Jill Biden said in April.


wait in the wings

表示“准备就绪;随时可使用”,英文解释为“If someone or something is waiting in the wings, they are not yet active or important, but are ready or likely to be so soon.”举个🌰:

The team has several talented young players waiting in the wings.


◐ 声明全文:

Statement by the President and the First Lady on the Passing of their Beloved German Shepherd, Champ

Our hearts are heavy today as we let you all know that our beloved German Shepherd, Champ, passed away peacefully at home. He was our constant, cherished companion during the last 13 years and was adored by the entire Biden family. Even as Champ's strength waned in his last months, when we came into a room, he would immediately pull himself up, his tail always wagging, and nuzzle us for an ear scratch or a belly rub.


Wherever we were, he wanted to be, and everything was instantly better when he was next to us. He loved nothing more than curling up at our feet in front of a fire at the end of the day, joining us as a comforting presence in meetings, or sunning himself in the White House garden. In his younger days, he was happiest chasing golf balls on the front lawn of the Naval Observatory or racing to catch our grandchildren as they ran around our backyard in Delaware. In our most joyful moments and in our most grief-stricken days, he was there with us, sensitive to our every unspoken feeling and emotion. We love our sweet, good boy and will miss him always.


curl up

表示“蜷缩;蜷坐”,英文解释为“to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body”举个🌰:

She curled up on the sofa to watch TV.









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