

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26






还有,听说有人把它理解成了孤独和寡妇(Widow)的关系???Wisdom? Widow? 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。


Can Wisdom Protect Against Loneliness As We Age?


A fascinating new study of loneliness found that adults are at risk across the entire lifespan, but especially during their late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s. Equally interesting: the researchers say that wisdom can help protect against loneliness. That finding could be particularly useful for boomers in their mid-50s and their parents in their late-80s.

“You have more control over loneliness than you might think," said Dr. Dilip Jeste, the professor of psychiatry and neurosciences and director of the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of California, San Diego who conducted the study. “Loneliness is a personality trait. All traits are modifiable. That’s where wisdom comes in.”

The researchers studied 340 residents of San Diego, ages 27 to 101. Roughly three-fourths (76%) of the participants reported moderate to high levels of loneliness, and loneliness increased for those in their late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s. Loneliness was associated with depression, anxiety, stress, and cognitive complaints and those with higher levels of loneliness had lower resilience, optimism and mental well-being.

“Loneliness means feeling stressed out because your expectations for quality social relationships are not met,” said Jeste. “It then leads to anxiety, and even fear about future social engagement. Instead of expecting a positive experience from a new relationship, the person goes in anticipating an unsuccessful or disheartening or stressful encounter. That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and perpetuates a vicious circle.”

Jeste and his colleagues created the San Diego Wisdom Scale which identifies wisdom as having a variety of components including compassion, empathy, self-reflection, decisiveness, the ability to give good advice to others, the ability to control your emotions and the acceptance of uncertainty and diversity of perspectives.

“Our study shows that wisdom and loneliness did not seem to coexist. In other words, wiser people don't feel lonely and vice versa,” Jeste said. “Obviously, this doesn't prove that increasing wisdom will reduce loneliness, but it certainly points in that direction… It is logical to expect that wisdom will counter loneliness.”

Why Are Certain Ages At Higher Risk?

Of course, not everyone in their mid-50s or late-80s will get lonely, Jeste noted. But he and his colleague Dr. Ellen Lee, a geriatric neuropsychiatrist and one of the study’s authors, offered thoughts on why loneliness may peak at those ages.

The mid-50s is a period of midlife crisis, Jeste explained. Also, during that time of life, women experience menopause and men experience changes associated with andropause. Physical illnesses start to surface, too.

“You start seeing death  —in your family, friends — and you become aware of the shorter lifespan,” said Jeste. “You start to realize that the time horizon is truncated now.”

Lee said that research assumes people in their late-80s group are at greater risk of loneliness for a variety of reasons: they may become widowed, lose friends, have a smaller social network or become more isolated socially due to physical disabilities, for example.

Advice for Increasing Wisdom to Prevent Loneliness

Jeste offered advice on how to break a pattern loneliness by increasing wisdom.

Start with self-reflection, what Jeste calls the most important part of wisdom. This means “honestly looking inside yourself and thinking about your strengths and your limitations,” he advised, providing an example. “I may have five friends, and I feel lonely because I feel that I need twenty friends. However, you may have five friends, and you’re more than happy with having five friends. So, you don’t feel lonely.”

Jeste explained that the person who feels lonely with only five friends do one of two things. “I can find opportunities to increase my friendships from five to twenty; an older person could move into senior housing where there are organized social activities or find friends through Facebook. Alternatively, I can reduce my expectations.”

To reduce expectations, said Jeste, “I can think, ‘Why do I feel I need twenty friends, and not five? What is making me want twenty friends? Is it because I lack self-compassion? Is it because I’m not decisive?” Self-reflection, Jeste added, helps in adjusting expectations to the reality.

You can also increase wisdom by developing self-compassion, Jeste said. That’s about accepting yourself for who you are. If you go to a party and not everyone wants to talk with you, let it go. “By developing compassion for yourself, you become less bothered about not connecting with those people,” said Jeste.

To become more positive about your life, Jeste said, keep a gratitude diary and write in it daily what makes you feel grateful, happy or proud. “Doing this regularly would help you start the next day looking for positive happenings,” said Jeste.

Alternatively, he suggested, share your day’s positive experiences with others at the dinner table.

Summing up his study’s findings, Jeste said: “Every one of us is capable of being wiser and less lonely. We have more control over our brain, mind, and body than we think. We teach our kids to form good physical habits like brushing teeth every morning and night. Likewise, we can form good mental and behavioral habits of wisdom at any age. Loneliness will then be a thing of the past.”

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Can Wisdom Protect Against Loneliness As We Age?


A fascinating new study of loneliness found that adults are at risk across the entire lifespan, but especially during their late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s. Equally interesting: the researchers say that wisdom can help protect against loneliness. That finding could be particularly useful for boomers in their mid-50s and their parents in their late-80s.



等于baby boomer,表示“出生于婴儿潮时期的人,尤指二次大战后生育高峰出生的人”,英文解释为“A baby boomer is someone who was born during a baby boom, especially during the years after the end of the Second World War.”

You have more control over loneliness than you might think," said Dr. Dilip Jeste, the professor of psychiatry and neurosciences and director of the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of California, San Diego who conducted the study. “Loneliness is a personality trait. All traits are modifiable. That's where wisdom comes in.

进行这项研究的加州大学圣地亚哥分校精神病学和神经科学教授兼健康老龄化中心主任迪利普·杰斯特博士(Dr. Dilip Jeste)说:“你对孤独感的控制比你想象的要多。孤独是一种人格特质。所有的特质都是可以改变的。这就是智慧的作用。”


psychiatry /saɪˈkaɪətrɪ/ 表示“精神病学”,英文解释为“Psychiatry is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental illness.”


neuroscience /ˈnjʊərəʊˌsaɪəns/ 表示“神经系统科学(对神经系统的解剖学、生理学、生物化学和药理学的研究)”,英文解释为“the study of the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology of the nervous system”。


表示“特征,特性,品质”,英文解释为“a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour”举个🌰:

His sense of humour is one of his better traits.


The researchers studied 340 residents of San Diego, ages 27 to 101. Roughly three-fourths (76%) of the participants reported moderate to high levels of loneliness, and loneliness increased for those in their late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s. Loneliness was associated with depression, anxiety, stress, and cognitive complaints and those with higher levels of loneliness had lower resilience, optimism and mental well-being.

研究人员研究了340名年龄在27至101岁之间的圣地亚哥(San Diego)居民。大约四分之三(76%)的参与者报告了中度至高度的孤独感,而且20多岁、50多岁和80多岁的人的孤独感增加。孤独感与抑郁、焦虑、压力和认知损伤有关,那些孤独感水平较高的人的适应力、乐观精神和心理健康水平较低。


表示“认知的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:

As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 



1)表示“怨言;投诉”,英文解释为“A complaint is a statement in which you express your dissatisfaction with a situation.”举个🌰:

There's been a record number of complaints about the standard of service.


2)表示“抱怨的缘由”,英文解释为“A complaint is a reason for complaining.”举个🌰:

My main complaint is that we can't go out on the racecourse anymore.


3)表示“(尤指不严重的)疾病”,英文解释为“You can refer to an illness as a complaint, especially if it is not very serious.”举个🌰:

Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.



resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ 表示“快速恢复的能力;适应力”,英文解释为“the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.”

Loneliness means feeling stressed out because your expectations for quality social relationships are not met,” said Jeste. “It then leads to anxiety, and even fear about future social engagement. Instead of expecting a positive experience from a new relationship, the person goes in anticipating an unsuccessful or disheartening or stressful encounter. That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and perpetuates a vicious circle.


stressed (out)

表示“非常焦虑不安的;紧张的,担心的”,英文解释为“If someone is stressed out, they are very tense and anxious because of difficulties in their lives.”举个🌰:

I was really stressed out before exams.



作形容词,表示“优质的,优良的,高级的”,英文解释为“of a high standard”举个🌰:

This is a quality product.


prophecy /ˈprɑːfəsi/

表示“预言”,英文解释为“A prophecy is a statement in which someone says they strongly believe that a particular thing will happen.”


perpetuate /pəˈpɛtjʊˌeɪt/ 表示“使永久化;使持久化;使持续”,英文解释为“to make sth such as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue for a long time”如:to perpetuate injustice 持续造成不公正。

📺美剧《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)第二季中的台词提到文中的两个词,perpetuate和stereotype:I don't want to perpetuate any black stereotypes. 字面意思:我不想加深任何黑人的成见;字幕组处理为:我不想听这些陈词滥调。

⚠️区分:perpetrate /ˈpɜːpətreɪt/ 表示“犯(罪);做(错事);干(坏事)”(to commit a crime or do sth wrong or evil),如:to perpetrate a crime/fraud 犯罪/行骗。

📍 perpetrator /ˈpɜːpətreɪtə(r)/表人,指的是“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)

Jeste and his colleagues created the San Diego Wisdom Scale which identifies wisdom as having a variety of components including compassion, empathy, self-reflection, decisiveness, the ability to give good advice to others, the ability to control your emotions and the acceptance of uncertainty and diversity of perspectives.


Our study shows that wisdom and loneliness did not seem to coexist. In other words, wiser people don't feel lonely and vice versa,Jeste said. “Obviously, this doesn't prove that increasing wisdom will reduce loneliness, but it certainly points in that direction… It is logical to expect that wisdom will counter loneliness.


vice versa

表示“反过来也一样,反之亦然”,英文解释为“used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order”举个🌰:

He doesn't trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn't trust him).



作动词,表示“反驳;反对;对抗”,英文解释为“to react to something with an opposing opinion or action, or to defend yourself against something”举个🌰:

When criticisms were made of the school's performance, the parents' group countered with details of its exam results.


◉ Why Are Certain Ages At Higher Risk? 为什么某些年龄段的人风险更高?

Of course, not everyone in their mid-50s or late-80s will get lonely, Jeste noted. But he and his colleague Dr. Ellen Lee, a geriatric neuropsychiatrist and one of the study's authors, offered thoughts on why loneliness may peak at those ages.

杰斯特指出,当然,不是每个50多岁或80多岁的人都会感到孤独。但他和他的同事,老年神经精神病学家和该研究的作者之一李埃伦博士(Dr. Ellen Lee),对为什么孤独感在这些年龄段可能达到顶峰表达了想法:

geriatric /ˌdʒɛrɪˈætrɪk/

1)作形容词,表示“老年人的,老年的;老年病学的,老年医学的”,英文解释为“Geriatric is used to describe things relating to the illnesses and medical care of old people.”如:a geriatric hospital 老年人医院,举个🌰:

There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.


2)作名词,表示“老年人;老头子;老婆子;老年病人;老家伙 (有冒犯之嫌)”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a geriatric, you are implying that they are old and that their mental or physical condition is poor. This use could cause offence.”举个🌰:

He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.


🎬电影《逃出绝命镇》(Get Out)中的台词提到:The next 911...is gonna be on some geriatric shit 拜这个老家伙所赐很可能会引发下一起911事件。


表示“达到峰值”,英文解释为“When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.”举个🌰:

Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees.


The mid-50s is a period of midlife crisis, Jeste explained. Also, during that time of life, women experience menopause and men experience changes associated with andropause. Physical illnesses start to surface, too.



andropause /ˈændrəʊˌpɔːz/ 表示“男性更年期”,英文解释为“physical and emotional changes experienced by some men in middle or late life, caused by their body producing less testosterone (= a male hormone)”。

You start seeing death  —in your family, friends — and you become aware of the shorter lifespan,” said Jeste. “You start to realize that the time horizon is truncated now.



表示“截短,删节,缩短(尤指去尾)”,英文解释为“to make something shorter or quicker, especially by removing the end of it”举个🌰:

Television coverage of the event was truncated by a technical fault.


Lee said that research assumes people in their late-80s group are at greater risk of loneliness for a variety of reasons: they may become widowed, lose friends, have a smaller social network or become more isolated socially due to physical disabilities, for example.


Advice for Increasing Wisdom to Prevent Loneliness 增加智慧以防止孤独的建议

Jeste offered advice on how to break a pattern loneliness by increasing wisdom.


Start with self-reflection, what Jeste calls the most important part of wisdom. This means “honestly looking inside yourself and thinking about your strengths and your limitations,” he advised, providing an example. “I may have five friends, and I feel lonely because I feel that I need twenty friends. However, you may have five friends, and you're more than happy with having five friends. So, you don't feel lonely.



表示“内省,自我反省”,英文解释为“the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behaviour, and the reasons that may lie behind them”举个🌰:

He seems to be incapable of self-reflection.


Jeste explained that the person who feels lonely with only five friends do one of two things. “I can find opportunities to increase my friendships from five to twenty; an older person could move into senior housing where there are organized social activities or find friends through Facebook. Alternatively, I can reduce my expectations.



表示“(用来建议别种可能性)要不,或者”,英文解释为“used to suggest another possibility”举个🌰:

We could go to the Indian restaurant, or alternatively, we could try that new Italian place.


To reduce expectations, said Jeste, “I can think, ‘Why do I feel I need twenty friends, and not five? What is making me want twenty friends? Is it because I lack self-compassion? Is it because I'm not decisive?’” Self-reflection, Jeste added, helps in adjusting expectations to the reality.



表示“同情;怜悯”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them”。

You can also increase wisdom by developing self-compassion, Jeste said. That's about accepting yourself for who you are. If you go to a party and not everyone wants to talk with you, let it go. “By developing compassion for yourself, you become less bothered about not connecting with those people,” said Jeste.


To become more positive about your life, Jeste said, keep a gratitude diary and write in it daily what makes you feel grateful, happy or proud. “Doing this regularly would help you start the next day looking for positive happenings,” said Jeste.


Alternatively, he suggested, share your day's positive experiences with others at the dinner table.


Summing up his study's findings, Jeste said: “Every one of us is capable of being wiser and less lonely. We have more control over our brain, mind, and body than we think. We teach our kids to form good physical habits like brushing teeth every morning and night. Likewise, we can form good mental and behavioral habits of wisdom at any age. Loneliness will then be a thing of the past.









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