

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



小彩蛋:6年前的你在干什么呢?没想到6年前的LR就已经走在吃瓜的前线了,那会儿是开始持续行动的第21天,你猜今天是第几天?2015年2月8日到2021年6月10日,第2315天啦!虽然排版惨不忍睹,甚至字体大小不一,但是我迈出了第一步,持续至今。那你开始行动了吗? 👇


Is The Dress blue and black or white and gold? The answer lies in vision psychology

The Guardian

Would you like to have an argument with your colleagues this fine Thursday? Just ask them what colour the dress above is. Some people say white and gold, whereas others claim it’s clearly blue and black. This rift in opinions has caused many people to doubt the sanity of themselves and their friends. Excitingly, it also offers some sort of insight into the famous old philosophical question: “is your red the same as my red?” But why are people so divided by this?

It appears to be because of different interpretations of how the scene is illuminated. The brain automatically “processes” visual input before we consciously perceive it. Differences in this processing between people may underlie The Great Dress Debate.

In our everyday lives, there are many changes in the colour of the light illuminating our surroundings. For example, the yellow glow of an incandescent light bulb versus the blue-ish hue of a fluorescent light. The light that an object reflects to the eye is a combination of both the colour of the object itself and the spectrum of the light source, which may vary. The brain is able to disentangle these two things and decide what colour the object is. Simply put, objects appear the same colour even if the light illuminating them changes – a concept known as colour constancy.

So, how does the brain keep colours constant? One way is by using reference points. For example, say you know your mug is white, but the light being reflected from the mug is slightly red. The brain can then discount a certain amount of red tint from the rest of the scene you are seeing. Other contextual knowledge may come into play, for example you are drinking coffee by the window at dawn. It makes sense for the light to be red-tinted as the illumination source is the sunrise. This is known as top-down processing. All of our perceptual experiences are informed by this kind of processing, resulting from context and previous knowledge.

This is possibly something you’ve never thought about or been aware of before - you may well underestimate just how much the lighting in our world changes, because your brain compensates for it so well. This happens automatically without any conscious awareness. But, colour constancy is not perfect. In The Dress photo, there aren’t many cues or reference points to tell us the properties of the light source. This leads to ambiguity and the possibility of different interpretations.

This image is a fascinating example of something on the edge of a perceptual boundary. Some people’s colour constancy is calibrated so that their brains tell them they are seeing gold and white, whereas some are lead to believe they see black and blue. Of course, the colour constancy mechanism is always learning, and due to top-down information (e.g. reading others’ opinions) this calibration could change and lead to another experience. This may be the driving force behind people experiencing a shift from seeing white and gold to blue and black.

Imagine how the world would look without colour constancy; objects would always be changing colour as you walked, say, through your house at different times of the day. I am currently doing research on the development of colour constancy in children within the Sussex Colour Group. Toddlers may experience a lower level of colour constancy than adults, making the world even more confusing for them. It has also been suggested that Monet was somehow able to disregard this automatic process in order to paint scenes showing how light progressed over the day. To most of us, the change in the colour of light over the day would be less noticeable.

There now appears to be good evidence that The Dress is in fact blue and black (but it’s always good to keep some scepticism regarding information on the internet). Therefore, arguably, people who originally saw it this way have better colour constancy. They were able to take cues from the background and compensate for the very unnatural illumination. There is evidence that people with good colour constancy also have better working memory (a part of short term memory dedicated to immediate perceptual processing) and that these two processes may be related.

Those who originally saw The Dress as blue and black should not be too smug, though. Some may argue that colour itself is just a construct imposed by the brain to make sense of the world. What enters the eye is just a spectrum of wavelengths of light, we turn that into something with category boundaries and labels and connotations. But one thing’s for certain; The Dress is a brilliant example of how breaking the perceptual system helps us to learn more about how our brains work.

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Is The Dress blue and black or white and gold? The answer lies in vision psychology

The Guardian

Would you like to have an argument with your colleagues this fine Thursday? Just ask them what colour the dress above is. Some people say white and gold, whereas others claim it's clearly blue and black. This rift in opinions has caused many people to doubt the sanity of themselves and their friends. Excitingly, it also offers some sort of insight into the famous old philosophical question: “is your red the same as my red?” But why are people so divided by this?



表示“尽管;但是;却”,英文解释为“compared with the fact that; but”举个🌰:

He must be about 40, whereas his wife looks about 30.



表示“(人际关系的)裂痕;分歧,不和”,英文解释为“a serious disagreement that separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuing”举个🌰:

The marriage caused a rift between the brothers and they didn't speak to each other for ten years.



1)表示“明智;理智;通情达理”,英文解释为“the state of being sensible and reasonable”举个🌰:

After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers.


2)表示“精神健全;神志正常”,英文解释为“the state of having a normal healthy mind”举个🌰:

His behaviour was so strange that I began to doubt his sanity.


philosophical /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkəl/

1)表示“哲学的”,英文解释为“Philosophical means concerned with or relating to philosophy.”举个🌰:

He was more accustomed to cocktail party chatter than to political or philosophical discussions.


2)表示“泰然自若的;处乱不惊的;达观的”,英文解释为“Someone who is philosophical does not get upset when disappointing or disturbing things happen.”举个🌰:

He has grown philosophical about life.


It appears to be because of different interpretations of how the scene is illuminated. The brain automatically “processes” visual input before we consciously perceive it. Differences in this processing between people may underlie The Great Dress Debate.



表示“解释,阐释;理解”,英文解释为“an explanation or opinion of what something means”举个🌰:

The rules are vague and open to interpretation.


illuminate /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/

1)表示“照亮”,英文解释为“To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.举个🌰:

No streetlights illuminated the street.


2)表示“阐明”,英文解释为“If you illuminate something that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving information about it.”举个🌰:

Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.



It would be illuminating to hear the views of the club vice-chairman. 


🎬电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)中的台词提到:And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me. 或许您可以指点我一下。


1)表示“感知,察觉,注意到,意识到”,英文解释为“to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious举个🌰:

He perceived a tiny figure in the distance.


2)表示“认为;看待;视为”,英文解释为“to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something”举个🌰:

How do the French perceive the British?


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:Scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。


表示“是…的深层原因;对…有重大影响”,英文解释为“to be a hidden cause of or strong influence on something”举个🌰:

Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.


In our everyday lives, there are many changes in the colour of the light illuminating our surroundings. For example, the yellow glow of an incandescent light bulb versus the blue-ish hue of a fluorescent light. The light that an object reflects to the eye is a combination of both the colour of the object itself and the spectrum of the light source, which may vary. The brain is able to disentangle these two things and decide what colour the object is. Simply put, objects appear the same colour even if the light illuminating them changes – a concept known as colour constancy.

在我们的日常生活中,照亮我们周围环境光线的颜色有很多变化。例如,白炽灯的黄色光芒与荧光灯的蓝色色调。一个物体反射到眼睛的光线是物体本身的颜色和光源的光谱的组合,这两者可能有所不同。大脑能够分解这两样东西并决定物体是什么颜色。简单地说,即使照亮物体的光线发生变化,物体看起来也是同样的颜色--这个概念被称为颜色恒常性(color constancy)。


incandescent /ˌɪnkænˈdɛsənt/ 1)表示“白炽的,白热的”,英文解释为“producing a bright light from a heated filament or other part”如:an incandescent lamp 白炽灯;

2)表示“十分明亮的;耀眼的”,英文解释为“very bright”举个🌰:

The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.


versus /ˈvɜːsəs/

经常看到缩写vs,vs.或者是单单一个v,就是指的versus,表示“(比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比”,英文解释为“used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.”如:private education versus state education 私立教育与公共教育相比,举个🌰:

It is France versus Brazil in the final.



表示“颜色;色度;色调”,英文解释为“a colour; a particular shade of a colour”举个🌰:

His face took on an unhealthy whitish hue.


🎬电影《恶老板2》(Horrible Bosses 2)中的台词提到:就因为我的肤色 我就知道从哪儿拿到...?Because of the hue of my skin I know where to get ...?


fluorescent /fləˈresnt/ 表示“荧光的,发荧光的;发亮的”,英文解释为“Fluorescent lights are very bright, tube-shaped electric lights, often used in offices.”如:fluorescent lighting 荧光照明。


spectrum /ˈspɛktrəm/ 1)表示“范围;各层次;系列;幅度”,英文解释为“a complete or wide range of related qualities, ideas, etc.”如:a broad spectrum of interests 广泛的兴趣范围,举个🌰:

A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.

2)表示“光谱,谱”,英文解释为“The spectrum is the range of different colours which is produced when light passes through a glass prism or through a drop of water. A rainbow shows the colours in the spectrum.”


disentangle /ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋɡəl/ 表示“使脱离;使摆脱;分开;理顺,分清”,英文解释为“to separate things that have become joined or confused”举个🌰:

It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.


So, how does the brain keep colours constant? One way is by using reference points. For example, say you know your mug is white, but the light being reflected from the mug is slightly red. The brain can then discount a certain amount of red tint from the rest of the scene you are seeing. Other contextual knowledge may come into play, for example you are drinking coffee by the window at dawn. It makes sense for the light to be red-tinted as the illumination source is the sunrise. This is known as top-down processing. All of our perceptual experiences are informed by this kind of processing, resulting from context and previous knowledge.



表示“认为…不重要;对…不全信;低估;忽视,忽略,不理会”,英文解释为“to think or say that sth is not important or not true”举个🌰:

However, traders tended to discount the rumour.



表示“色调;淡色彩;(一层)淡色,浅色”,英文解释为“a shade or small amount of a particular colour; a faint colour covering a surface”如:the brownish tint of an old photo 旧照片的淡褐色。


表示“上下文的;与上下文有关的;与语境相关的”,英文解释为“connected with a particular context”举个🌰:

It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.



表示“感知的;知觉的”,英文解释为“relating to the ability to notice something or come to an opinion about something using your senses举个🌰:

Perceptual skills are particularly important in sports.


This is possibly something you've never thought about or been aware of before - you may well underestimate just how much the lighting in our world changes, because your brain compensates for it so well. This happens automatically without any conscious awareness. But, colour constancy is not perfect. In The Dress photo, there aren't many cues or reference points to tell us the properties of the light source. This leads to ambiguity and the possibility of different interpretations.



表示“弥补,补偿”,英文解释为“to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make someone feel better about something that has failed or been lost or missed”举个🌰:

Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.



1)表示“歧义;一语多义”,英文解释为“the state of having more than one possible meaning”;

2)表示“模棱两可的词;含混不清的语句”,英文解释为“a word or statement that can be understood in more than one way”。

This image is a fascinating example of something on the edge of a perceptual boundary. Some people's colour constancy is calibrated so that their brains tell them they are seeing gold and white, whereas some are lead to believe they see black and blue. Of course, the colour constancy mechanism is always learning, and due to top-down information (e.g. reading others' opinions) this calibration could change and lead to another experience. This may be the driving force behind people experiencing a shift from seeing white and gold to blue and black.



表示“标定,校准(刻度,以使测量准确)”,英文解释为“to mark units of measurement on an instrument such as a thermometer so that it can be used for measuring sth accurately”。


Imagine how the world would look without colour constancy; objects would always be changing colour as you walked, say, through your house at different times of the day. I am currently doing research on the development of colour constancy in children within the Sussex Colour Group. Toddlers may experience a lower level of colour constancy than adults, making the world even more confusing for them. It has also been suggested that Monet was somehow able to disregard this automatic process in order to paint scenes showing how light progressed over the day. To most of us, the change in the colour of light over the day would be less noticeable.



toddler /ˈtɒdlə/ 表示“学步的儿童”,英文解释为“A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.”举个🌰:

I had a toddler at home and two other children at school.


🎬电影《相助》(The Help)中的台词提到:She's trying to blame it on a toddler. 她想把错赖在小孩子身上。


表示“不理会;不顾;漠视;对…置之不理”,英文解释为“to not consider sth; to treat sth as unimportant”举个🌰:

Safety rules were disregarded.


There now appears to be good evidence that The Dress is in fact blue and black (but it's always good to keep some scepticism regarding information on the internet). Therefore, arguably, people who originally saw it this way have better colour constancy. They were able to take cues from the background and compensate for the very unnatural illumination. There is evidence that people with good colour constancy also have better working memory (a part of short term memory dedicated to immediate perceptual processing) and that these two processes may be related.



表示“怀疑态度;怀疑主义;怀疑”,英文解释为“Scepticism is great doubt about whether something is true or useful.”

Those who originally saw The Dress as blue and black should not be too smug, though. Some may argue that colour itself is just a construct imposed by the brain to make sense of the world. What enters the eye is just a spectrum of wavelengths of light, we turn that into something with category boundaries and labels and connotations. But one thing's for certain; The Dress is a brilliant example of how breaking the perceptual system helps us to learn more about how our brains work.



表示“自满的,自鸣得意的,沾沾自喜的”,英文解释为“showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success – used to show disapproval”。


表示“内涵意义;含义;隐含意义”,英文解释为“The connotations of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of.”举个🌰:

It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.









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[E020]#TheDress company






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