

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Russian man 'trapped' on Chinese reality TV show finally voted out after three months

The Guardian

A Russian man who joined a boyband competition show on Chinese TV on a whim but quickly regretted his decision has finally been released from his ordeal after making it all the way to the final.

Vladislav Ivanov, a 27-year-old part-time model from Vladivostok, was working on the show Produce Camp 2021 as a translator when producers reportedly noticed his good looks and asked him to sign up as a contestant.

Ivanov told the programme he had been asked “if I’d like to try a new life” and agreed, but quickly came to regret the decision. Unable to leave on his own without breaching his contract and paying a fine, he instead begged viewers to send him home and deliberately performed poorly in the hope of being voted off.

The programme concept, which originated in Korea, pits young performers against each other to train and eventually form an 11-member international boyband, chosen by a voting public. Ivanov and his fellow contestants were sequestered in dorm rooms on Hainan island and their phones reportedly confiscated.

Using the stage name Lelush, Ivanov told viewers “don’t love me, you’ll get no results”, and repeatedly pleaded with people not to vote for him. His first song was a half-hearted Russian rap, in stark contrast to the high-pop of his competitors. “Please don’t make me go to the finals, I’m tired,” he said in a later episode.

“I hope the judges won’t support me. While the others want to get an A, I want to get an F as it stands for freedom,” the South China Morning Post reported him as saying.

His pleas went unanswered, however, and he was propelled through three months of competition and 10 episodes, plus supplemental digital content. A fanbase which had taken to his grumpy, anti-celebrity persona, or were perhaps driven by schadenfreude, urged each other to vote for him and “let him 996!” in reference to China’s digital industry culture of chronic overwork - 9am to 9pm, six days a week.

Others called him “the most miserable wage slave”, and celebrated him as an icon of “Sang culture”, a Chinese millennial concept of having a defeatist attitude toward life.

After making it to the final, Ivanov grumpily ate a lemon on camera, and said he hoped people would not support him again. “I’m not kidding,” he said, deadpan.

He was eventually voted out in the final episode, which aired on Saturday. “I’m finally getting off work,” he posted on his Weibo account the next day.

A Weibo hashtag related to his departure was viewed more than 180m times and reposted more than 59,000 times, including by the Russian embassy. “Congrats, have a good rest,” the embassy said.

Russian media reported that Ivanov had been mobbed at Beijing airport as he left the country, defying rumours he would stay to build a modelling career.

Reports of a captive Russian from Vladivostok being held prisoner on a Chinese reality show had led to an online campaign at home for Ivanov to be released from his contract, which bloggers coined #FreeLelush or #СвободуЛелушу.

State media began reporting on Ivanov’s predicament about a week ago after popular Russian bloggers posted about the interpreter’s unlikely run. “It’s not funny any more, let Vlad go home!” wrote one.“I am very sad and disturbed. It might have been amusing for some time, but the situation is becoming absurd.”

Popular blogger Ruslan Usachev said Ivanov’s high profile, if reticent, participation had boosted Produce Camp’s aura of an international competition – no doubt pleasing Tencent, the Chinese tech giant that runs it.

“Suddenly a real live person appeared on this show and people started to vote for him,” Usachev said. “Partially because he stands out [from the other contestants.] But mainly because it’s just kek” - a term, adopted by gamers, that refers to an amusing incident.

Ivanov’s story, which has gained him millions of viewers and fans on social media, has drawn accusations of being a publicity stunt, but his friend, the agency executive Ivan Wang, who had hired him to chaperone and translate for his two Japanese clients on the show, said he really disliked being in front of the camera.

“One time, I got him a modelling job in Hong Kong, he sent me a SOS message saying he couldn’t stand it five minutes after arriving on set,” Wang told a Chinese entertainment blog.

“He declined repeated participation requests by the director of Produce Camp 2021. He just said yes after getting bored on the island. He thought joining the show might help his introverted personality.”

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Russian man 'trapped' on Chinese reality TV show finally voted out after three months

The Guardian

A Russian man who joined a boyband competition show on Chinese TV on a whim but quickly regretted his decision has finally been released from his ordeal after making it all the way to the final.


on a whim

on a whim 表示“一时兴起,一时冲动”,whim /wɪm/ 作名词,表示“突然的念头,冲动”,英文解释为“a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained”举个🌰:

We booked the trip on a whim.



表示“磨难;折磨;煎熬;严酷的考验”,英文解释为“a difficult or unpleasant experience”,如考完研的朋友考研说,the painful ordeal of the past year 过去一年里令人痛苦的煎熬。

Vladislav Ivanov, a 27-year-old part-time model from Vladivostok, was working on the show Produce Camp 2021 as a translator when producers reportedly noticed his good looks and asked him to sign up as a contestant.

来自符拉迪沃斯托克(Vladivostok)的27岁兼职模特弗拉迪斯拉夫·伊万诺夫(Vladislav Ivanov)在《创造营2021》(Produce Camp 2021)节目中担任翻译,据说制作人注意到他的长相,要求他报名参加比赛。


表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为“A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it”。


📍combatant表示“战斗人员,战士,斗士”,英文解释为“a person who fights in a war”。

Ivanov told the programme he had been asked “if I'd like to try a new life” and agreed, but quickly came to regret the decision. Unable to leave on his own without breaching his contract and paying a fine, he instead begged viewers to send him home and deliberately performed poorly in the hope of being voted off.



表示“破坏,违犯;违反,不履行”,英文解释为“to break a law, promise, agreement, or relationship”举个🌰:

They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.


The programme concept, which originated in Korea, pits young performers against each other to train and eventually form an 11-member international boyband, chosen by a voting public. Ivanov and his fellow contestants were sequestered in dorm rooms on Hainan island and their phones reportedly confiscated.


pit sb. against sb.

有“使相斗;使竞争;使较量”的含义,英文解释为“to cause one person, group, or thing to fight against or be in competition with another”,也有用pitch sb/sth against sb/sth这个表达,英文解释为“to make someone fight or compete against someone else”,互相较劲/较量/对立/对战,举个🌰:

The climbers pitted themselves against the mountain.


It was a bitter war, that pitted neighbour against neighbour.


📍此前,霉霉新歌MV与水果姐拥抱 重归于好文中就提到:It also reiterates that while fans might be out there trying to pit females stars against one another,


sequester /sɪˈkwestər/ 1)表示“使...隔离”,英文解释为“If someone is sequestered somewhere, they are isolated from other people.”举个🌰:

This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.


2)等同于sequestrate,表示“强制管理,扣押(债务人资产)”(to take control of sb's property or assets until a debt has been paid)。


confiscate /ˈkɒnfɪˌskeɪt/ 表示“没收”,英文解释为“If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment.”举个🌰:

The law has been used to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.


Using the stage name Lelush, Ivanov told viewers “don't love me, you'll get no results”, and repeatedly pleaded with people not to vote for him. His first song was a half-hearted Russian rap, in stark contrast to the high-pop of his competitors. “Please don't make me go to the finals, I'm tired,” he said in a later episode.



the stage name,指的就是“(演员的)艺名”,英文解释为“a name that an actor uses instead of his or her real name”。


表示“恳求”,英文解释为“If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it.”举个🌰:

The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home. 



表示“不热情的;兴趣不大的”,英文解释为“showing no enthusiasm or interest”举个🌰:

He made a half-hearted attempt to clear up the rubbish.



表示“(对比)明显的,鲜明的”,英文解释为“If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.”如:stark differences 鲜明的区别,举个🌰:

The good weather was in stark contrast to the storms of previous weeks.



在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:

This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.



📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

“I hope the judges won't support me. While the others want to get an A, I want to get an F as it stands for freedom,” the South China Morning Post reported him as saying.

“希望评委给我打低分,别人都想得A,我想得F,F代表自由,”《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)报道时他说。

His pleas went unanswered, however, and he was propelled through three months of competition and 10 episodes, plus supplemental digital content. A fanbase which had taken to his grumpy, anti-celebrity persona, or were perhaps driven by schadenfreude, urged each other to vote for him and “let him 996!” in reference to China's digital industry culture of chronic overwork - 9am to 9pm, six days a week.



表示“未得到回答(或解释)的”,英文解释为“not answered or explained”举个🌰:

Questions from local residents remained unanswered.



表示“推动;驱动;推进”,英文解释为“To propel something in a particular direction means to cause it to move in that direction.”举个🌰:

The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.


The film propelled him to international stardom.



表示“补充的;追加的;额外的”,相当于extra,如:a supplementary income 额外收入。

grumpy /ˈɡrʌmpɪ/

表示“脾气坏的,易生气的;爱抱怨的”,英文解释为“easily annoyed and complaining”举个🌰:

I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.



persona /pɜːˈsəʊnə/ 表示“伪装;假象;人格面具;(同本人真实品性不一致的)表面形象,人物角色”,英文解释为“the aspects of a person's character that they show to other people, especially when their real character is different”。


我们为什么那么喜欢吃瓜?文中出现过,schadenfreude /ˈʃɑːdnfrɔɪdə/ 来源德语,表示“幸灾乐祸”,英文解释为“a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people”。

chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/

1) 表示“(疾病)慢性的,长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured”,如:chronic arthritis表示“慢性关节炎”。

2) 表示“(问题)长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved”。举个🌰:

There is a chronic shortage of teachers.


3) 还有一种解释是用来形容人“积习难改的”,如“长期酗酒/沉迷赌博等的人”我们就可以用chronic alcoholic/gambler表示。

Others called him “the most miserable wage slave”, and celebrated him as an icon of “Sang culture”, a Chinese millennial concept of having a defeatist attitude toward life.



1)表示“象征物;偶像”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.”如:a fashion icon 时尚偶像。

2)表示“图标;图符”,英文解释为“a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file”。


作名词,表示“失败主义者”,英文解释为“A defeatist is someone who thinks or talks in a way that suggests that they expect to be unsuccessful.”也可以作形容词,举个🌰:

There is no point going out there with a defeatist attitude.


After making it to the final, Ivanov grumpily ate a lemon on camera, and said he hoped people would not support him again. “I'm not kidding,” he said, deadpan.



表示“面无表情的;不带感情色彩的;假装正经的”,英文解释为“Deadpan humour is when you appear to be serious and are hiding the fact that you are joking or teasing someone.”

He was eventually voted out in the final episode, which aired on Saturday. “I'm finally getting off work,” he posted on his Weibo account the next day.


A Weibo hashtag related to his departure was viewed more than 180m times and reposted more than 59,000 times, including by the Russian embassy. “Congrats, have a good rest,” the embassy said.


Russian media reported that Ivanov had been mobbed at Beijing airport as he left the country, defying rumours he would stay to build a modelling career.



表示“(人群)围住,围聚”,英文解释为“to come together around someone in a crowd to express admiration, interest, or anger”举个🌰:

They were mobbed by fans when they arrived at the theatre.



1)表示“违抗;反抗;蔑视”,英文解释为“to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc.”举个🌰:

I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.


2)defy belief/explanation/description 表示“不可能,无法(相信、解释、描绘等)”,英文解释为“to be impossible or almost impossible to believe, explain, describe, etc.”举个🌰:

The chaos at that place defies description.


🎬电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)中的台词提到:There's things in these woods that defy imagination. 树林里有你无法想象的东西。

Reports of a captive Russian from Vladivostok being held prisoner on a Chinese reality show had led to an online campaign at home for Ivanov to be released from his contract, which bloggers coined #FreeLelush or #СвободуЛелушу.



表示“被监禁的;被关起来的;被困住的”,英文解释为“kept as a prisoner or in a confined space; unable to escape”,如:captive animals 关在笼子里的动物。


coin作动词,熟词僻义,表示“创造(新词语)”,英文解释为“to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use”举个🌰:

He coined the term "learn and record".

他创造了learn and record这一说法。

State media began reporting on Ivanov's predicament about a week ago after popular Russian bloggers posted about the interpreter's unlikely run. “It's not funny any more, let Vlad go home!” wrote one.“I am very sad and disturbed. It might have been amusing for some time, but the situation is becoming absurd.”



predicament /prɪˈdɪkəmənt/ 表示“尴尬的处境;困境;窘境”,英文解释为“If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.”举个🌰:

I'm in a terrible predicament.


Popular blogger Ruslan Usachev said Ivanov's high profile, if reticent, participation had boosted Produce Camp's aura of an international competition – no doubt pleasing Tencent, the Chinese tech giant that runs it.

当红博主Ruslan Usachev说,伊万诺夫引人关注的参与,即使是沉默寡言,也提升了《创造营》的国际竞争光环--毫无疑问,这让运营方中国科技巨头腾讯公司感到高兴。


profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.举个🌰:

A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.


2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

📍顺便插一句,如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。

reticent /ˈretɪsnt/

表示“寡言少语;不愿与人交谈;有保留”,英文解释为“unwilling to tell people about things”举个🌰:

She was shy and reticent.



aura /ˈɔːrə/ 表示“气氛;氛围;气质”,英文解释为“a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place”。

“Suddenly a real live person appeared on this show and people started to vote for him,” Usachev said. “Partially because he stands out [from the other contestants.] But mainly because it's just kek” - a term, adopted by gamers, that refers to an amusing incident.

“突然间,一个真实的活生生的素人出现在这个节目中,人们开始为他投票,”Usachev说。“部分原因是他[从其他参赛者中]脱颖而出,但主要原因是这只是Kek”- 游戏玩家用的术语,指的是一件趣事。

Ivanov's story, which has gained him millions of viewers and fans on social media, has drawn accusations of being a publicity stunt, but his friend, the agency executive Ivan Wang, who had hired him to chaperone and translate for his two Japanese clients on the show, said he really disliked being in front of the camera.

伊万诺夫的故事在社交媒体上为他赢得了数百万的观众和粉丝,引来了关于他是一个宣传噱头的指责,但他的朋友,即雇佣他在节目中为他的两个日本客户做陪练和翻译的机构主管王友良(Ivan Wang)说,他真的不喜欢出现在镜头前。


1)作名词,表示“引人注目的噱头”,英文解释为“A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it.”如:如:a stunt pilot 特技飞行员,a publicity stunt 宣传噱头,an advertising stunt 广告噱头,a marketing stunt 营销噱头。举个🌰:

In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.


2)作名词,表示“(电影中的)特技动作”,英文解释为“A stunt is a dangerous and exciting piece of action in a movie.”举个🌰:

He insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.


3)作动词,表示“阻碍”,英文解释为“If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.”举个🌰:

The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.


📍 此前在俄网红庆生往浴池倒约30公斤干冰文中提到,许多人在那一出闹剧中受伤时,就出现过这一表达,Several people were injured during the stunt.

📍 而沙特石油公司让印度员工装扮成洗手液一文中也称这事为stunt, 原文:The oil giant explained that the stunt was an attempt to "emphasise the importance of sterilisation" in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

“One time, I got him a modelling job in Hong Kong, he sent me a SOS message saying he couldn't stand it five minutes after arriving on set,” Wang told a Chinese entertainment blog.


“He declined repeated participation requests by the director of Produce Camp 2021. He just said yes after getting bored on the island. He thought joining the show might help his introverted personality.”



introverted /ˈɪntrəvɜːtɪd/ 表示“内向的;不喜欢交往的”,英文解释为“Introverted people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people.”








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