

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Traffic slows in Suez Canal as tanker faces difficulties


Marine traffic slowed in the Suez Canal on Tuesday as oil tanker M/T Rumford appeared to face difficulties in the south of the canal, shipping websites MarineTraffic and TankerTrackers said.

A trade source said that the canal notified companies that the M/T Rumford faced engine trouble in the canal and that it had sent tug boats Tim Hope and Mosaed 3 to its aid.

TankersTracker said on twitter that the vessel had run into difficulty but is finally heading north again.

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) told Reuters the issue had only lasted about 10 minutes and “was fixed”.

Global supply chains are still a source of strength, not weakness

The Economist

For the best part of a week, the Suez canal was blocked by a 200,000-tonne metaphor. The Ever Given is not just one of the world’s biggest container ships, it is also the emblem of a backlash that accuses globalisation of going too far. Since the early 1990s supply chains have been run to maximise efficiency. Now, however, there are growing worries that, like a ship which is too big to steer, supply chains have become a source of vulnerability.

A semiconductor shortage is forcing car firms to idle plants all over the world. The European Union and India have clamped down on vaccine exports, disrupting the world’s efforts to get jabs into arms. As they battle the pandemic and face up to rising geopolitical tensions, governments everywhere are switching from the pursuit of efficiency to a new mantra of resilience and self-reliance.

It makes sense for supply chains to be more robust. When national security is at stake, governments have a role in making supplies more secure. Yet the world must avoid a stampede back from globalisation that would not only cause great harm, but also create unforeseen new vulnerabilities. (节选)

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Traffic slows in Suez Canal as tanker faces difficulties


Marine traffic slowed in the Suez Canal on Tuesday as oil tanker M/T Rumford appeared to face difficulties in the south of the canal, shipping websites MarineTraffic and TankerTrackers said.

航运网站MarineTraffic和TankerTrackers称,周二苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)的海上交通放缓,因为M/T Rumford号油轮似乎在运河南部遇到困难。


1)表示“海的;海产的;海生的”,英文解释为“connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that live there”;

2)表示“海船的;货船的;海上贸易的”,英文解释为“connected with ships or trade at sea”。


表示“运送大量液体或气体的轮船(或卡车);油轮;罐车;油槽车”,英文解释为“a ship or lorry/truck that carries oil, gas or petrol/gas in large quantities”如:an oil tanker 油轮。

A trade source said that the canal notified companies that the M/T Rumford faced engine trouble in the canal and that it had sent tug boats Tim Hope and Mosaed 3 to its aid.

一位行业消息人士称,运河通知各公司,M/T Rumford号油轮在运河中面临引擎故障,运河已派出拖船Tim Hope和Mosaed 3前往援助。


表示“ (正式)通报,通知”,英文解释为“to formally or officially tell sb about sth”举个🌰:

Competition winners will be notified by post.



苏伊士运河开挖掘机的小哥火了文中就出现过,回顾一下,tug表示“拖船”,英文解释为“a small powerful boat for pulling ships, especially into a harbour or up a river”。

TankersTracker said on twitter that the vessel had run into difficulty but is finally heading north again.



vessel /ˈvesl/ 表示“大船;轮船”,英文解释为“a large ship or boat”如:ocean-going vessels 远洋轮船。

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) told Reuters the issue had only lasted about 10 minutes and “was fixed”.


Global supply chains are still a source of strength, not weakness

The Economist

For the best part of a week, the Suez canal was blocked by a 200,000-tonne metaphor. The Ever Given is not just one of the world's biggest container ships, it is also the emblem of a backlash that accuses globalisation of going too far. Since the early 1990s supply chains have been run to maximise efficiency. Now, however, there are growing worries that, like a ship which is too big to steer, supply chains have become a source of vulnerability.

在一周的大部分时间里,苏伊士运河被20万吨的“长赐”号(Ever Given)堵塞。它不仅是世界上最大的集装箱船之一,还是指责全球化走得太远的强烈抵制情绪的象征。自上世纪90年代以来,供应链的运作一直是为了实现效率最大化。然而,越来越多的人担心,就像一艘大得无法驾驭的船一样,供应链已经成为脆弱之源。


metaphor /ˈmɛtəfə/ 表示“暗喻;隐喻”,英文解释为“a word or phrase used to describe sb/sth else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example  She has a heart of stone ; the use of such words and phrases”如:a game of football used as a metaphor for the competitive struggle of life 用来喻指生活中的激烈斗争的一场足球比赛。


emblem /ˈembləm/ 表示“象征;标志”,英文解释为“something that represents a perfect example or a principle”举个🌰:

The dove is an emblem of peace.



表示“强烈抵制,集体反对”,英文解释为“a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to sth that has recently changed in society如:the male backlash against feminism 男性对女权主义的强烈反应。

📺美剧《无耻之徒》(Shameless)第一季中的台词提到:There will be a backlash if people don't stop 字幕组翻译为:如果人们不停止...的话,迟早会出大事。


1)表示“引导,带领”,英文解释为“to take someone or something or make someone or something go in the direction in which you want him, her, or it”举个🌰:

She steered her guests into the dining room.


2)表示“驾驶”,英文解释为“When you steer a car, boat, or plane, you control it so that it goes in the direction that you want.”举个🌰:

He steered the boat into the harbour.



vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ 表示“易受伤害;有弱点;脆弱”,英文解释为“the quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable”。

A semiconductor shortage is forcing car firms to idle plants all over the world. The European Union and India have clamped down on vaccine exports, disrupting the world's efforts to get jabs into arms. As they battle the pandemic and face up to rising geopolitical tensions, governments everywhere are switching from the pursuit of efficiency to a new mantra of resilience and self-reliance.



表示“半导体”,英文解释为“A semiconductor is a substance used in electronics whose ability to conduct electricity increases with greater heat.”


作动词,表示“(尤指暂时地)关闭工厂,使(工人)闲着”,英文解释为“to close a factory, etc. or stop providing work for the workers, especially temporarily”举个🌰:

The incident has idled nearly 300 workers.



熟词僻义,作名词,表示“工厂;电厂”,英文解释为“A plant is a factory or a place where power is produced.”

clamp down on

表示“取缔;严加限制;强行限制;压制”,英文解释为“To clamp down on people or activities means to take strong official action to stop or control them.”举个🌰:

The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.


jab /dʒæb/

1)原意表示“戳;刺;捅;猛击 ”,英文解释为“to push a pointed object into sb/sth, or in the direction of sb/sth, with a sudden strong movement”举个🌰:

She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger.


2)作名词时,还表示注射”,等同于injection,如: a flu jab 流感预防针,举个🌰:

You'll need some jabs if you're going to USA.


mantra /ˈmæntrə/

1)表示“准则”,英文解释为“You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.”,举个🌰:

Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.


2)表示“老话,口头禅,口号”,英文解释为“a word or phrase representing a rule or principle which someone often uses, but which other people often find annoying or boring”。

3)还可以解释为“(佛教和印度教中的)祷语”(A mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm.)


resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ 表示“快速恢复的能力;适应力”,英文解释为“the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.”


表示“自立,依靠自己”,英文解释为“Self-reliance is the ability to do things and make decisions by yourself, without needing other people to help you.”

It makes sense for supply chains to be more robust. When national security is at stake, governments have a role in making supplies more secure. Yet the world must avoid a stampede back from globalisation that would not only cause great harm, but also create unforeseen new vulnerabilities.



表示“强劲的;富有活力的;强健的;强壮的”,英文解释为“strong and not likely to fail or become weak”如:robust economic growth 强劲的经济增长。

at stake

表示“有风险;处于危急关头”,英文解释为“If something that is valuable is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost.”举个🌰:

Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.



stampede /stæmˈpiːd/ 1)表示“ 热潮;风尚;风气”,英文解释为“a situation in which a lot of people are trying to do or achieve the same thing at the same time”举个🌰:

Falling interest rates have led to a stampede to buy property.


2)表示“(人群的)奔逃,蜂拥;(兽群的)惊跑,狂奔”,英文解释为“a situation in which a group of people or large animals such as horses suddenly start running in the same direction, especially because they are frightened or excited”举个🌰:

A stampede broke out when the doors opened.


📍经济学人20115月一篇讲述「新科技泡沫」The new tech bubble 的文章中提到:There has been a stampede for shares in Renren, hailed as “China's Facebook”, and other Chinese web giants listed on American exchanges. 号称“中国版Facebook”的人人网以及其他中国网络巨头在美国交易所上市的时候就上演了一场场股票抢购热潮。


表示“未想到的;始料不及的”,英文解释为“that you did not expect to happen”如:unforeseen delays/problems 意外的延误/问题。








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