

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,拜登在发表有关美国疫苗接种最新进展的演讲时,又一次口误,称副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)为“哈里斯总统”(President Harris),似乎没有什么不对的,继续他的讲话。


Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech

New York Post

President Biden on Thursday called his vice president, Kamala Harris, “President Harris” while celebrating the nearing US administration of 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Biden said, “Now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that, on that tour injecting people, giving vaccinations, said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope.”

Harris joined Biden for his remarks at the White House, but her reaction to the slip was not recorded in the official video feed.

It’s not the first time Biden has given Harris an oral promotion.

“I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason,” Biden said at the time.

During the presidential campaign last year, then-President Donald Trump frequently accused Biden of being in mental decline and claimed Democrats would invoke the 25th Amendment to replace Biden with Harris.

Biden will conduct his first White House press conference next Thursday after gripes that Biden broke a more than 100-year record for the length of time without one as a new president.

At the Thursday event celebrating vaccination progress, Biden repeated his suggestion that people can host “small” Fourth of July backyard gatherings — while also repeating there will be enough vaccine supply for all adults in May.

“If we keep our guard up, stick together and stick with the science, we can look forward to a Fourth of July that feels a bit more normal, with small groups able to gather for cookouts in backyards,” Biden said.

Some medical experts and Republicans have ridiculed Biden’s mention of “small” gatherings by July 4 as out of touch.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday said Biden “may need to get out more” to see that due to lower outdoor risk, “Americans are already getting together in small groups outdoors in blue states and red states, in small towns and big cities.”

Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday it’s “entirely conceivable and possible” that people could gather in large groups on the Fourth of July.

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Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech

New York Post

President Biden on Thursday called his vice president, Kamala Harris, “President Harris” while celebrating the nearing US administration of 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses.

美国总统拜登周四在庆祝美国即将完成1亿剂新冠病毒疫苗时,称其副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)为“哈里斯总统”。


熟词僻义, 表示“(药品)提供;施用”,英文解释为“the act of giving someone something”举个🌰:

There are strict controls on the administration of drugs.



1)表示“一剂”(a measured amount of something such as medicine),如:a dose of penicillin 一剂青霉素;

2)表示“一些(糟糕或不愉快的事)”,英文解释为“an amount or experience of something, often something bad or unpleasant”举个🌰:

He received a hefty dose of bad news this week.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述谷歌的文章中提到:The first route would involve taking a strong dose of managerial medicine to become a more tightly run conglomerate. 第一种解决方法是给它服用一剂管理上的强效药,让它成为管理更严格的企业集团。

Biden said, “Now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that, on that tour injecting people, giving vaccinations, said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope.”



上面出现名次,这里出现动词,同样是熟词僻义,表示“给予,施用(药物等)”,英文解释为“to give drugs, medicine, etc. to sb”举个🌰:

The dose was administered to the child intravenously.


Harris joined Biden for his remarks at the White House, but her reaction to the slip was not recorded in the official video feed.



表示“差错;疏漏;纰漏”,英文解释为“a small mistake, usually made by being careless or not paying attention”举个🌰:

He recited the whole poem without making a single slip.


It’s not the first time Biden has given Harris an oral promotion.



oral /ˈɔːrəl/ 表示“用口的;与口有关的”,英文解释为“You use oral to indicate that something is done with a person's mouth or relates to a person's mouth.”如:good oral hygiene 良好的口腔卫生。


表示“提升,晋升”,英文解释为“the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank”举个🌰:

Did he get/Was he given the promotion he wanted?


In December, Biden referred to Harris as the president-elect while discussing how they publicly received COVID-19 vaccine shots.


“I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason,” Biden said at the time.



表示“逐渐灌输;逐步培养(感受、思想或行为)”,英文解释为“to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves”举个🌰:

It is part of a teacher's job to instil confidence in/into his or her students.


🎬电影《梅茜的世界》(What Maisie Knew)中的台词提到:They're supposed to instill cooperation and pacifism. 他们应该灌输了合作与和平主义思想

During the presidential campaign last year, then-President Donald Trump frequently accused Biden of being in mental decline and claimed Democrats would invoke the 25th Amendment to replace Biden with Harris.

在去年总统竞选期间,时任总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)经常指责拜登智力下降,并声称民主党人将援引第25修正案,让哈里斯取代拜登。


表示“援引,借助(法律);诉诸(法律、规定等)”,英文解释为“if you invoke a law, rule etc, you say that you are doing something because the law allows or forces you to”举个🌰:

The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.


Biden will conduct his first White House press conference next Thursday after gripes that Biden broke a more than 100-year record for the length of time without one as a new president.



表示“抱怨;怨言;牢骚”,英文解释为“a complaint about sth”举个🌰:

My only gripe about the hotel was the food.


At the Thursday event celebrating vaccination progress, Biden repeated his suggestion that people can host “small” Fourth of July backyard gatherings — while also repeating there will be enough vaccine supply for all adults in May.



Fourth of July 美国独立纪念日(纪念美国于1776年7月4日独立),英文解释:a national holiday in the US when people celebrate the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

“If we keep our guard up, stick together and stick with the science, we can look forward to a Fourth of July that feels a bit more normal, with small groups able to gather for cookouts in backyards,” Biden said.



等同于barbecue,表示“露天烧烤餐;野外烧烤宴会”,英文解释为“a meal or party when food is cooked over an open fire outdoors, for example at a beach”。

Some medical experts and Republicans have ridiculed Biden’s mention of “small” gatherings by July 4 as out of touch.



表示“嘲笑;奚落;讥笑”,英文解释为“If someone or something is an object of ridicule or is held up to ridicule, someone makes fun of them in an unkind way.”举个🌰:

She is an object of ridicule in the newspapers.


be in/out of touch

表示“了解/不了解最新情况”,英文解释为“If you are in touch/out of touch with a subject, activity, or situation, your knowledge about it is recent/not recent.”举个🌰:

He's not really in touch with what young people are interested in.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday said Biden “may need to get out more” to see that due to lower outdoor risk, “Americans are already getting together in small groups outdoors in blue states and red states, in small towns and big cities.”

参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)周一表示,拜登“可能需要多出去走走”,可以看到由于户外风险较低,“美国人已经在蓝州和红州、小城镇和大城市的户外小团体聚会了”。

Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday it’s “entirely conceivable and possible” that people could gather in large groups on the Fourth of July.

拜登的首席医疗顾问安东尼·福奇博士(Dr. Anthony Fauci)周二表示,人们在国庆节当天大规模地聚集在一起是“完全可以想象和可能的”。


表示“可想象的;可想到的;可以相信的”,英文解释为“possible to imagine or to believe”举个🌰:

Books on every conceivable subject lined one wall.









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