

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


《心灵奇旅》讲述的是,梦想成为爵士钢琴家的男主乔伊·高纳(Joe Gardner)与厌世的灵魂22相遇,一起去寻找生命意义的故事。




Soul, review: With beauty, humour, and heart, this is Pixar at its very best

The Independent

Pixar has already tackled some of life’s great questions: why do we feel the emotions we feel? Is there life after death? Their latest, Soul, cuts right to the chase. Why not embrace, head-on, the biggest mystery there is: life itself? What, after all, is the point of all this living? The studio are certainly up for the challenge. That won’t surprise anyone. But not only does Soul live up to Pixar’s own impossibly high standards, it represents the very best the studio has to offer: beauty, humour, heart. The children will laugh and cheer; the adults will sob until their muscles ache.

The film’s soul-searching comes courtesy of two very different individuals: the first is Joe Gardner, a man who’s placed jazz music at the very centre of his existence. It’s all he talks about. It’s all he thinks about it. And life, for him, will only have purpose once he hits the big time. For now, he’s languishing in mediocrity, working as a high-school band teacher – his students only capable of creating a discordant tangle of out-of-tune notes, droning yawns, and the rhythmic tapping of phone screens. One day, Joe finally gets his big shot. Dorothea Williams, a jazz hero, is in sudden need of a pianist. As soon as he gets the news, he falls into a manhole and dies. Oh well.

His soul ends up, as all souls do, on an escalator to The Great Beyond. But Joe believes his life is only just getting started. He has to get back to his body and, in his struggle to get free, ends up in a place called The Great Before. It’s here he meets 22, a soul who has yet to inhabit a body, stubbornly refusing to leave the You Seminar. It’s the place where souls learn and develop their personalities and, with the help of accomplished mentors like Archimedes, Muhammad Ali and Marie Antoinette, are given the spark of inspiration needed to launch them into existence. 22, however, wants no part of it. She hasn’t for several millennia, despite everyone’s best efforts (she once made Mother Theresa cry).

Soul is also the story of two planes of existence. The You Seminar is a soft bed of candy colours and clouds – one of the most purely serene and beautiful places Pixar has ever imagined, as inhabited by bobble-headed infant souls and their caretakers, who have seemingly been inspired by Picasso’s famous light paintings.

The rest of the story takes place in New York City, which here becomes a breathtaking demonstration of the latest in Pixar’s computer wizardry. Not only is it a faithful recreation of a city bursting with life (one of its most notorious residents, the pizza rat, even makes a brief cameo), but of its people. Soul puts diversity, family, and community at its centre – it’s also, notably, the first of the animation studio’s films with a Black protagonist, even if a chunk of the film is spent with Joe’s soul, who’s rendered as a sort of humanoid blue blob.

Soul lands on something far more profound than the act of someone rediscovering their joie de vivre. Soul wonders if we could seek out something more simple. What if the true joy of living is that we get to do it in the first place?

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Soul, review: With beauty, humour, and heart, this is Pixar at its very best

The Independent

Pixar has already tackled some of life's great questions: why do we feel the emotions we feel? Is there life after death? Their latest, Soul, cuts right to the chase. Why not embrace, head-on, the biggest mystery there is: life itself? What, after all, is the point of all this living? The studio are certainly up for the challenge. That won't surprise anyone. But not only does Soul live up to Pixar's own impossibly high standards, it represents the very best the studio has to offer: beauty, humour, heart. The children will laugh and cheer; the adults will sob until their muscles ache.


cut to the chase

表示“开门见山;直奔主题”,英文解释为“to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important”举个🌰:

I didn't have long to talk so I cut to the chase and asked whether she was still married.



可以作形容词也可以作副词,此处作副词表示“正面反对地;正面反对地;迎头”,如:to tackle a problem head-on (= without trying to avoid it) 正面处理问题。

up for sth

1)up for sth表示“计划要;被建议;正被考虑”,英文解释为“intended, suggested, or being considered for something”举个🌰:

That house at the end of our road is up for sale again.


2)up for (doing) sth表示“愿意做(或参与)”,英文解释为“willing and able to do or take part in an activity”举个🌰:

After a long day at work I wasn't really up for a party.


The film's soul-searching comes courtesy of two very different individuals: the first is Joe Gardner, a man who's placed jazz music at the very centre of his existence. It's all he talks about. It's all he thinks about it. And life, for him, will only have purpose once he hits the big time. For now, he's languishing in mediocrity, working as a high-school band teacher – his students only capable of creating a discordant tangle of out-of-tune notes, droning yawns, and the rhythmic tapping of phone screens. One day, Joe finally gets his big shot. Dorothea Williams, a jazz hero, is in sudden need of a pianist. As soon as he gets the news, he falls into a manhole and dies. Oh well.

这部电影的灵魂探索由两个截然不同的人提供:第一个是乔伊·高纳(Joe Gardner),一个将爵士乐置于其生存中心的人。这是他谈论的一切,也是他思考的一切。他只想着它。而生活,对他来说,只有在他大红大紫的时候,才会有目标。现在,他在平庸中苟延残喘,当一名高中乐队老师--他的学生们只能创造出一团不和谐的音符、沉闷的哈欠和有节奏的手机屏幕敲击声。有一天,乔伊终于迎来了他的大好机会。爵士乐大拿多萝西娅·威廉姆斯(Dorothea Williams)突然需要一位钢琴家。他一得到消息,就掉进窨井里死了。哦,好吧。


原意表示“内省,自我反省”,英文解释为“deep and careful thought about your feelings, especially in relation to a moral problem or decision”,此处可以理解为字面意思,对灵魂的搜寻。

courtesy of

两个含义,1)Provided by. 由...提供,承蒙…的允许(或好意);

2)Due to someone or something. 类似于because of 因为,由于,举个🌰:

Jessie J appears courtesy of Universal Records.


He got his black eye courtesy of a bloke he insulted at the bar last night.


the big time

表示“出名,成功”,英文解释为“the state of being famous or successful”通常说hit the big time或者make the big time,举个🌰:

She finally hit the big time (= became famous or successful) with her latest novel.



表示“受苦,经历苦难,受煎熬”,英文解释为“to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often for a long time”举个🌰:

After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.



mediocrity /ˌmiːdɪˈɒkrɪtɪ/ 表示“平庸”,英文解释为“the quality of being not very good”。


表示“(声音)刺耳的;不和谐的”,英文解释为“producing an unpleasant sound”。


表示“纠结的一团;纠结;混乱”,英文解释为“an untidy mass of things that are not in a state of order, or a state of confusion or difficulty”如:a tangle of wires 一团乱糟糟的电线。


rhythmic /ˈrɪðmɪkəl/ 表示“有节奏的;有规律的”,英文解释为“A rhythmic sound has a regular movement or beat that is repeated.”


表示“(检查地下管道用的)人孔,检查井”,英文解释为“a hole in the street that is covered with a lid, used when sb needs to go down to examine the pipes or sewers below the street”。

His soul ends up, as all souls do, on an escalator to The Great Beyond. But Joe believes his life is only just getting started. He has to get back to his body and, in his struggle to get free, ends up in a place called The Great Before. It's here he meets 22, a soul who has yet to inhabit a body, stubbornly refusing to leave the You Seminar. It's the place where souls learn and develop their personalities and, with the help of accomplished mentors like Archimedes, Muhammad Ali and Marie Antoinette, are given the spark of inspiration needed to launch them into existence. 22, however, wants no part of it. She hasn't for several millennia, despite everyone's best efforts (she once made Mother Theresa cry).

他的灵魂结束了,就像所有的灵魂一样,在通往生之彼岸(The Great Beyond)的自动扶梯上结束了。但乔伊认为他的生活才刚刚开始。他必须回到自己的身体,并在他的斗争中获得自由,最终落入了一个叫生之来处(The Great Before)的地方。在这里,他遇到了22,一个尚未投生人类的灵魂,顽固地拒绝离开“心灵学院(You Seminar)”。在这里,灵魂学习和发展自己的个性,并在阿基米德(Archimedes)、穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)和玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)等杰出导师的帮助下,被赋予了灵感的火花,使他们得以生存。然而,22不想参与其中。尽管每个人都尽了最大的努力,但几千年来她都没有这样做(她曾把特蕾莎修女弄哭过)。


表示“才华高的;技艺高超的;熟练的”,英文解释为“very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills”如:an accomplished artist 有造诣的艺术家。

Soul is also the story of two planes of existence. The You Seminar is a soft bed of candy colours and clouds – one of the most purely serene and beautiful places Pixar has ever imagined, as inhabited by bobble-headed infant souls and their caretakers, who have seemingly been inspired by Picasso's famous light paintings.

《心灵奇旅》有两个平行的时空。心灵学院(You Seminar)是一张糖果色和云朵的软床--这是皮克斯想象中最纯粹的宁静和美丽的地方之一,因为居住着小绒球婴儿灵魂和他们的看护者,他们的灵感似乎来自于毕加索著名的光影涂鸦。


1)表示“平面”,英文解释为“in mathematics, a flat or level surface that continues in all directions”;

2)表示“水平;层面;程度”,英文解释为“a particular level or standard”。



表示“(装饰用的)小羊毛球,小绒球”,英文解释为“a small, round ball of soft material used as decoration”。

The rest of the story takes place in New York City, which here becomes a breathtaking demonstration of the latest in Pixar's computer wizardry. Not only is it a faithful recreation of a city bursting with life (one of its most notorious residents, the pizza rat, even makes a brief cameo), but of its people. Soul puts diversity, family, and community at its centre – it's also, notably, the first of the animation studio's films with a Black protagonist, even if a chunk of the film is spent with Joe's soul, who's rendered as a sort of humanoid blue blob.



1)表示“巫术,魔法”,英文解释为“the skill of a wizard”;

2)表示“杰出的成就;非凡的才能”,英文解释为“a very impressive and clever achievement; great skill”。


notorious 表示“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的”,英文解释为“famous or well-known for something bad”,如:a notorious computer hacker 声名狼藉的电脑黑客。

cameo /ˈkæmɪˌəʊ/

表示“(名演员在电影或剧目中的)客串角色,小配角”,英文解释为“a small but noticeable part in a film or play, performed by a famous actor”举个🌰:

He appears briefly towards the end of the film in a cameo role as a priest.



protagonist /prəʊˈtæɡənɪst/ 表示“(戏剧、电影或故事的)主要人物,主角,主人公”,英文解释为“the most important character in a play, film, or story”;


📍main character 主要人物;主要角色;

📍star表示“主角,主演”(the person who has the main part, or one of them, in a film, play, show etc);

📍hero和heroine分别表示“男主角/男主人公”(the man or boy who is the main character in a book, film, play etc)和“女主角/女主人公”(the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, film, play etc)。


chunk /tʃʌŋk/ 表示“大块;厚块;一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大块”,英文解释为“a roughly cut piece;a part of something, especially a large part如:a chunk of cheese 一大块奶酪,a chunk of meat 一大块肉,a chunk of text 一大段文字,a substantial chunk of profits 利润的很大一部分。

🎬电影《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》(Ice Age: Continental Drift)中的台词提到:Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown 太阳下山前把这块浮冰给我找来。

Soul lands on something far more profound than the act of someone rediscovering their joie de vivre. Soul wonders if we could seek out something more simple. What if the true joy of living is that we get to do it in the first place?

joie de vivre

法语,表示“生活之乐;人生的极大乐趣”,英文解释为“a feeling of great happiness and enjoyment of life”。








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