

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2020年马上要结束了,又到了大家做年终总结复盘的时候了。借此机会,我们来看看《今日心理学》(Psychology Today)关于年终总结复盘的文章,20个问题问问自己,回顾过去的这一年。


20 Enjoyable End-of-Year Review Questions

Psychology Today

The theme of most of these self-reflection questions is to learn from your successes. You don't have to answer all the questions. For example, if you'd prefer just to do ten, you could pick either the odd or even numbers. Even choosing five to answer is fine if you're pushed for time (try #1, #8, #10, #13, and #18).

Try: Any of these can be used as a conversation-starter with your partner, sibling, or a close friend.

End of Year Self-Reflection Questions

1. What was a new discovery you made this year? What did you discover that you loved? Your answer could be anything like a new recipe, a podcast, or you joined a gym and found you really liked it.

2. What was one of the biggest pleasant surprises you experienced during the year? For instance, you were able to pick up a skill that you doubted your ability to master, you were dreading going to a conference but it was really good, or you were sad when your boss left for a new job but their replacement turned out to be great.

3. What achievement are you most proud of from this year? (If you find it hard to recall, try thinking back to each season of the year. For instance, what did you achieve during spring, summer, fall? You can go with your first instinct rather than attempting to recall the perfect answer.)

4. What was your favorite purchase of the year and why? Mine was my robot vacuum cleaner!

5. What was a new habit or routine you created this year that has improved your efficiency at home or work? This can be really small. For example, I got into a good habit of charging my laptop at night and every time I go out so that, whenever I'm using it, I don't need to be attached to the cord.

6. What did you face head-on this year rather than avoiding, such as you dealt with credit card debt or a difficult conversation? Again, your example could be something very small.

7. What did you ask for help with this year where you're glad you did?

8. What relationship was the biggest positive surprise to you this year? For example, you developed a closer relationship with a colleague you hadn't previously been close to, or a cousin you don't know well was at your family thanksgiving and you really enjoyed talking to them. Perhaps someone you don't know very well was very supportive or encouraging of you, even if they might not even be aware their actions were important to you.

9. Who do you need to thank for their role in your life this year?

10. What's an aspect of self-regulation you've gotten better at this year? Your answer could be anything from going to bed earlier, using moisturizer, putting your appointments on your calendar so you don't forget, or eating more vegetables.

11. What's a goal you gave up on this year, and you're glad you did that because objectively it wasn't your highest priority?

12. What's a skill you have gained confidence with this year? Your answer could be related to technology, home maintenance, cooking, work, or anything you want.

13. What simple pleasures have you especially enjoyed this year?

14. What was a goal for the year that you followed through on, or partially followed through on?

15. What's a type of technology you've integrated into your life this year and it's working out well for you? You might feel that technology doesn't always benefit you, but try learning from your successes. Use this self-knowledge to give you the confidence to curb ways in which technology isn't serving you in your life.

16. What did you change your mind about this year?

17. What did you try that didn't work out, but the process of trying it moved your thinking forward in a helpful way? 

18. How did your self-perception change this year? In what ways have you started to see yourself more positively than you did previously? For example, you've realized you've got inner strength or a capacity to cope that you didn't realize you had.

19. What's a thinking bias you've become aware of this year? For instance, you've become aware that you overcomplicate decisions, and this self-knowledge has been helpful.

20. How has what you enjoy shifted this year? For instance, you're enjoying staying home more and going out or traveling less.

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20 Enjoyable End-of-Year Review Questions

Psychology Today

The theme of most of these self-reflection questions is to learn from your successes. You don't have to answer all the questions. For example, if you'd prefer just to do ten, you could pick either the odd or even numbers. Even choosing five to answer is fine if you're pushed for time (try #1, #8, #10, #13, and #18).



表示“内省,自我反省”,英文解释为“the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behaviour, and the reasons that may lie behind them”举个🌰:

He seems to be incapable of self-reflection.


odd & even

📍odd表示“奇数的,单数的”,英文解释为“(of numbers) not able to be divided exactly by two”;

📍even表示“偶数的,双数的”,英文解释为“forming a whole number that can be divided exactly by two”,举个🌰:

2020 is an even number and 2021 is an odd number.


be pushed for sth

be pushed for time/money表示“时间/金钱紧张的”,英文解释为“to not have enough time or money”举个🌰:

I'm really pushed for money this month.


Try: Any of these can be used as a conversation-starter with your partner, sibling, or a close friend.


End of Year Self-Reflection Questions 年终自我反思问题

1. What was a new discovery you made this year? What did you discover that you loved? Your answer could be anything like a new recipe, a podcast, or you joined a gym and found you really liked it.

1. 今年你有什么新发现?你发现了什么让你喜欢的东西?你的答案可以是任何东西,比如一个新的食谱,一个播客,或者你加入了一个健身房,发现你真的很喜欢它。

2. What was one of the biggest pleasant surprises you experienced during the year? For instance, you were able to pick up a skill that you doubted your ability to master, you were dreading going to a conference but it was really good, or you were sad when your boss left for a new job but their replacement turned out to be great.

2. 在这一年里,你经历的最大惊喜是什么?例如,你能够学会一项你自怀疑己是否有能力掌握的技能,你很害怕去参加一个会议,但它真的很好,或者当你的上司离职跳槽时,你很伤心,但发现他们的接任者也很棒

pick up

表示“(不费力地)学会;获得”,英文解释为“If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time.”举个🌰:

Where did you pick up your English


📍pick up一词意义繁多,列举常见的几种:

· 捡起,拾起,如pick his cap up, 捡起帽子

·(跌倒或被击倒后)慢慢站起身,如pick himself/herself up, 慢慢站起来

·(开车)接,取,如pick up some clean clothes, 取几件干净衣服

·(不费力地)学会;习得,如pick up french, 偶然学会了法语

· 染上(疾病),如pick up a nasty infection, 染上严重的传染病

· 接起(某观点、话题),如pick up his point, 接着谈一谈他的观点

·(贸易、经济)改善,如Industrial production is beginning to pick up, 工业生产正在开始好转。


dread /dred/ 表示“对…感到恐惧;害怕;担心”,英文解释为“to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen”举个🌰:

He's dreading the exam - he's sure he's going to fail.


3. What achievement are you most proud of from this year? (If you find it hard to recall, try thinking back to each season of the year. For instance, what did you achieve during spring, summer, fall? You can go with your first instinct rather than attempting to recall the perfect answer.)

3. 这一年中,你最自豪的成就是什么?(如果你觉得难以回忆,可以试着回想一下这一年的每个季节。比如,你在春、夏、秋三个季节取得了什么成绩?你可以凭着自己的第一直觉,而不用试图去回忆完美的答案。)


表示“本能,直觉”,英文解释为“the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it”举个🌰:

All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.


4. What was your favorite purchase of the year and why? Mine was my robot vacuum cleaner!

4. 你今年购买最喜欢的东西是什么,为什么?我的是智能真空吸尘器!

5. What was a new habit or routine you created this year that has improved your efficiency at home or work? This can be really small. For example, I got into a good habit of charging my laptop at night and every time I go out so that, whenever I'm using it, I don't need to be attached to the cord.

5. 你今年养成的提高了你在家或工作效率的新习惯或生活惯例是什么?这可以是非常小的事。例如,我养成了一个好习惯,在晚上和每次外出时给我的笔记本电脑充电,这样,无论何时使用它,我都不需要与电线相连。


表示“系,绑;连接;使附着;附上;固定”,英文解释为“to fasten, join, or connect something”举个🌰:

Use this cable to attach the printer to the computer.



表示“电线”,英文解释为“a piece of wire covered in plastic, used to connect electrical equipment to a power supply”,如:an extension cord 延长线。

6. What did you face head-on this year rather than avoiding, such as you dealt with credit card debt or a difficult conversation? Again, your example could be something very small.

6. 这一年,你直面而不是逃避的事情是什么,比如你处理了信用卡债务或一次困难的谈话?同样的,可以是一些很小的事情。


可以作形容词也可以作副词,此处作副词表示“正面反对地;正面反对地;迎头”,如:to tackle a problem head-on (= without trying to avoid it) 正面处理问题。

7. What did you ask for help with this year where you're glad you did?

7. 今年你向别人求助了什么,你很高兴自己做到了?

8. What relationship was the biggest positive surprise to you this year? For example, you developed a closer relationship with a colleague you hadn't previously been close to, or a cousin you don't know well was at your family thanksgiving and you really enjoyed talking to them. Perhaps someone you don't know very well was very supportive or encouraging of you, even if they might not even be aware their actions were important to you.

8. 今年给你最大的惊喜是哪段关系?比如,你和一个之前并不亲近的同事建立了更亲密的关系,或者一个你并不熟悉的表哥参加了你家的感恩节聚会,你非常喜欢和他们聊天。也许你不太了解的人对你非常支持或鼓励,即使他们可能根本不知道自己的行为对你很重要。

9. Who do you need to thank for their role in your life this year?

9. 你要感谢谁,感谢他们今年在你生命中所扮演的重要角色?

10. What's an aspect of self-regulation you've gotten better at this year? Your answer could be anything from going to bed earlier, using moisturizer, putting your appointments on your calendar so you don't forget, or eating more vegetables.

10. 你今年在自我调节方面有什么进步?你的答案可以是任何事情,从早睡,使用保湿霜,把你的约会记在日程上以防止遗忘,或者多吃蔬菜。


moisturizer /ˈmɔɪstʃəˌraɪzə/ 表示“保湿霜,滋润霜”,英文解释为“a substance that you put on your skin to stop it from becoming dry”。

11. What's a goal you gave up on this year, and you're glad you did that because objectively it wasn't your highest priority?

11. 今年你放弃的目标是什么,你很高兴你这样做,因为客观上它不是你最优先的目标?

12. What's a skill you have gained confidence with this year? Your answer could be related to technology, home maintenance, cooking, work, or anything you want.

12. 今年你获得自信的一项技能是什么?你的答案可以和技术、房屋维护、烹饪、工作有关,或者任何你想要的事情。

13. What simple pleasures have you especially enjoyed this year?

13. 今年你特别享受了哪些简单的快乐?

14. What was a goal for the year that you followed through on, or partially followed through on?

14. 今年你贯彻执行或部分贯彻执行的目标是什么?

15. What's a type of technology you've integrated into your life this year and it's working out well for you? You might feel that technology doesn't always benefit you, but try learning from your successes. Use this self-knowledge to give you the confidence to curb ways in which technology isn't serving you in your life.

15. 今年你将哪种技术融入到生活中,并且对你有好处?你可能会觉得技术并不总是对你有利,但可以尝试从你的成功经验中学习。利用这种自我认识,让你有信心遏制科技在生活中不为你服务的方式。


表示“(使)融入(某社会或群体);(使)成为一体”,英文解释为“to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs”举个🌰:

It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.



表示“ 控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)”,英文解释为“to control or limit sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

He needs to learn to curb his temper.


16. What did you change your mind about this year?

16. 今年你改变了什么想法?

17. What did you try that didn't work out, but the process of trying it moved your thinking forward in a helpful way?

17. 你尝试了什么没有成功,但尝试的过程以一种有益的方式推动了你的思考?

18. How did your self-perception change this year? In what ways have you started to see yourself more positively than you did previously? For example, you've realized you've got inner strength or a capacity to cope that you didn't realize you had.

18. 这一年,你的自我认知发生了怎样的变化?你开始在哪些方面比以前更积极地看待自己?比如,你意识到自己有了内在的力量或者是你没有意识到的应对能力。


1)表示“认识,观念,看法”,英文解释为“a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem”举个🌰:

These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war.


2)表示“知觉;感知”,英文解释为“the way you notice things, especially with the senses”如:visual perception 视觉;

🎬电影《失落的大陆》(Land of the Lost)中的台词提到:he has terrible depth perception 他的深度感知力很差。

19. What's a thinking bias you've become aware of this year? For instance, you've become aware that you overcomplicate decisions, and this self-knowledge has been helpful.

19. 今年你意识到的思维偏差是什么?比如,你已经意识到自己把决策过度复杂化了,这种自我认知对你很有帮助。


bias /ˈbaɪəs/ 表示“偏见;偏心;偏袒”,英文解释为“the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment”举个🌰:

Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias.


20. How has what you enjoy shifted this year? For instance, you're enjoying staying home more and going out or traveling less.

20. 今年你喜欢的东西发生了怎样的转变?例如,你更喜欢待在家里,而减少外出或旅行。








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