

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26






From fighting the pandemic to reengineering American politics, these influential women—including New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams—are making history.

During the U.S. vice presidential debate in October, Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence squared off in fairly typical fashion: for 90 minutes they contradicted each other, selectively answered the moderator’s questions, and interrupted each other—with Pence doing so at twice the rate of Harris. “Mr. Vice President,” Harris would say each time, reclaiming the mic, “I’m speaking.”

The comeback launched a thousand memes, but it also became a rallying cry for women across America. One month after the debate, Senator Harris became the first woman, first  Black American and first Asian American to be elected vice president—an unprecedented trifecta of firsts for California Senator Harris.

Her rapid ascension in U.S. politics has also catapulted her onto the Forbes list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women for the first time; she makes her debut at No. 3, right below German Chancellor Angela Merkel (ranking No. 1 for the tenth year in a row) and European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde (No. 2 for the second straight year).

The women on the 17th annual power list hail from 30 countries and were born across four generations. There are 10 heads of state, 38 CEOs and five entertainers among them. But where they differ in age, nationality and job description, they are united in the ways they have been using their platforms to address the unique challenges of 2020. In particular, several of this year’s Power Women received global plaudits for their effective responses to Covid-19: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (No. 32) vanquished a first and second wave of a virus in her country by implementing strict lockdown and quarantine procedures.

As Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg (No. 52) put it during a global conference in November: “... [D]emocratic countries where human rights are respected and where women are able to reach top positions in society are also the countries that are the best-equipped to handle crises by Covid-19."

The 17 newcomers on this year’s list illustrate that women are leading all aspects of a society transformed by a global pandemic. New UPS CEO Carol Tomé (No. 11) and Clorox head Linda Rendle (No. 87) are responsible for helping provide essential services that have kept Americans connected and clean, while CVS Health executive vice president and incoming CEO Karen Lynch (No. 38) leads the pharmacy giant’s vast Covid testing program and, in 2021, will be responsible for its critical handling of Covid vaccines. 

In this year, few people deftly used their power quite like Fair Fight founder and voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams (No. 100). By working to help register some 800,000 people to vote in Georgia, the former state representative helped a Democratic presidential nominee win her state for the first time in 28 years. Her work is not done--she said she gave herself “17 minutes” of celebration before turning her focus to the critical Georgia Senate runoff elections in January. But it is due to that continued work, along with the efforts of so many women like her, that the words of the soon-to-be vice president will come to fruition. Said Harris in November: “While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last.”

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From fighting the pandemic to reengineering American politics, these influential women—including New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams—are making history.

从抗击疫情到重塑美国政治,这些有影响力的女性--包括新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)、当选副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)和投票权倡导者斯泰西·艾布拉姆斯(Stacey Abrams)--正在创造历史。

During the U.S. vice presidential debate in October, Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence squared off in fairly typical fashion: for 90 minutes they contradicted each other, selectively answered the moderator's questions, and interrupted each other—with Pence doing so at twice the rate of Harris. “Mr. Vice President,” Harris would say each time, reclaiming the mic, “I'm speaking.”

在10月的美国副总统辩论中,参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯和副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)以相当典型的方式进行了对决:在90分钟的时间里,他们互相反驳,有选择地回答主持人的问题,并互相打断--彭斯打断的次数是哈里斯的两倍。哈里斯每次夺回话筒的发言权都会说,“副总统先生,我正在讲话。”

square off

表示“摆好架势(准备迎战)”,英文解释为“to prepare to fight, compete, or argue with someone”举个🌰:

The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.



1)表示“相抵触;相矛盾;相反”,英文解释为“to be so different from each other that one of them must be wrong”举个🌰:

The two stories contradict each other.


2)表示“反驳;驳斥;批驳”,英文解释为“to say that sth that sb else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true”举个🌰:

All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.



表示“(正式讨论的)主持人;仲裁人”,英文解释为“someone who makes certain that a formal discussion happens without problems and follows the rules”举个🌰:

He challenged her to a series of TV debates. Just the two of them, with no moderator.


The comeback launched a thousand memes, but it also became a rallying cry for women across America. One month after the debate, Senator Harris became the first woman, first  Black American and first Asian American to be elected vice president—an unprecedented trifecta of firsts for California Senator Harris.



1)表示“复辟;复出;东山再起”,英文解释为“an attempt to become famous, powerful, or important again after a period of being much less famous, etc.”举个🌰:

She's trying to make a comeback with her first album for 20 years.


2)表示“(对批评迅速作出的)反驳,回应”,英文解释为“a quick reply to a critical remark”。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述经济学观点的文章中提到:But an interest in culture remained—and indeed is now making a comeback. 但对文化的兴趣并未消失,实际上如今它又东山再起了。


meme (/ˈmiːm/ )是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格,音译为媒母、米姆、谜米、弥母,又名模因、拟子等。

其实「meme」指的就是在网上迅速传播,流行起来的一些概念(或图像、视频等)等东西,可以直接解释成我们常说「梗」或者说「段子」,词典中定义为:a type of behaviour that is passed from one member of a group to another, not in the genesbut by another means such as people copying it;举个🌰:

Take a look at the top ten internet memes for this past year.


a rallying cry

表示“(团结众人的)战斗口号,信念”,英文解释为“a phrase or an idea that is used to encourage people to support sb/sth”。


表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:

This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.


🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述各国受疫情影响的文章中提到:Rich countries have deployed stimulus on an unprecedented scale. 富裕国家已经部署了规模空前的刺激措施。


trifecta /traɪˈfektə/ 表示“三连胜;重要事情连续三次”,英文解释为“a situation in which you achieve three things”举个🌰:

In this webcast, the presenters will share the trifecta for effective training: great content, simple technology, and dedicated leadership.


Her rapid ascension in U.S. politics has also catapulted her onto the Forbes list of the World's 100 Most Powerful Women for the first time; she makes her debut at No. 3, right below German Chancellor Angela Merkel (ranking No. 1 for the tenth year in a row) and European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde (No. 2 for the second straight year).

她在美国政坛的迅速崛起,也使她首次登上福布斯全球百名最具影响力女性的榜单;她首次上榜,排名第三,紧随德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel,连续十年排名第一)和欧洲央行行长克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(Christine Lagarde,连续两年排名第二)之后。


ascension /əˈsenʃn/表示“上升;升高;登上”,英文解释为“the act of moving up or of reaching a high position”如:her ascension to the throne 她的登基。


catapult /ˈkætəˌpʌlt/ 原意表示“(被)猛掷,猛扔;弹射;把…射出,把…弹出”,英文解释为“to throw sb/sth or be thrown suddenly and violently through the air”举个🌰:

She was catapulted out of the car as it hit the wall.


📍可以引申为“使突然处于;突然处于;突然经历...;一跃成为...”,英文解释为“If something catapults you into a particular state or situation, or if you catapult there, you are suddenly and unexpectedly caused to be in that state or situation.”举个🌰:

She was catapulted into the limelight.


This film catapulted her to top status Hollywood.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇介绍特朗普作为商人一面的文章中提到:The president's 50% stake in the reality-TV show, which helped craft his image as a successful tycoon and catapult him to the White House, was the shrewdest business move of his career. 这位总统在这档真人秀节目(帮助他塑造了成功大亨的形象并一跃登上白宫宝座)中持有50%的股份是他职业生涯中最精明的商业决策。


此处用了两种表达,1)in a row表示“接连地;连续地”,英文解释为“one after another without a break”举个🌰:

She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row.


2)straight表示“连续的,不间断的”,英文解释为“following one after another without an interruption”举个🌰:

They had been working for 16 hours straight.


The women on the 17th annual power list hail from 30 countries and were born across four generations. There are 38 CEOs and five entertainers among them. But where they differ in age, nationality and job description, they are united in the ways they have been using their platforms to address the unique challenges of 2020.


hail from

表示“来自;出生于”,英文解释为“to come from or have been born in a particular place”例如:

His father hailed from Italy.


In particular, several of this year's Power Women received global plaudits for their effective responses to Covid-19: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (No. 32) vanquished a first and second wave of a virus in her country by implementing strict lockdown and quarantine procedures.

尤其是今年的几位“女强人”,因其有效应对Covid-19而获得全球赞誉。新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern,排名第32位)通过实施严格的封锁和隔离措施,消灭了该国的第一波和第二波病毒。



She's received plaudits for her work with homeless people.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情影响下的线上银行业务和支付的文章中提到:By contrast the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, based in a country unscathed by the financial crisis, has built an app that has won plaudits for offering Netflix-like personalised service. 相比之下,总部位于避过金融危机重创的澳大利亚的澳洲联邦银行(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)开发的一款应用提供类似奈飞(Netflix)的个性化服务,赢得了赞誉


vanquish /ˈvæŋkwɪʃ/ 表示“ (尤指战争中)击败,使溃败”,英文解释为“to defeat an enemy or opponent, especially in war”举个🌰:

Napoleon was vanquished at the battle of Waterloo in 1815.


As Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg (No. 52) put it during a global conference in November: “... [D]emocratic countries where human rights are respected and where women are able to reach top positions in society are also the countries that are the best-equipped to handle crises by Covid-19."

正如挪威首相埃尔娜·索尔贝格(Erna Solberg,排名第52位)在11月的一次全球会议上所说的那样:“......人权得到尊重、女性能够担任社会高层职位的民主国家,也是最有能力应对Covid-19危机的国家。”

The 17 newcomers on this year's list illustrate that women are leading all aspects of a society transformed by a global pandemic. New UPS CEO Carol Tomé (No. 11) and Clorox head Linda Rendle (No. 87) are responsible for helping provide essential services that have kept Americans connected and clean, while CVS Health executive vice president and incoming CEO Karen Lynch (No. 38) leads the pharmacy giant's vast Covid testing program and, in 2021, will be responsible for its critical handling of Covid vaccines.

今年榜单上的17位新人说明,女性正在领导被全球大流行病改变的社会的方方面面。UPS公司新任CEO凯萝·多梅(Carol Tomé,排名第11位)和高乐氏(Clorox)高管琳达·伦德尔(Linda Rendle,排名第87)负责提供物流和保洁的基本服务,而西维斯健康公司(CVS Health)执行副总裁兼新任CEO凯伦·林奇(Karen Lynch,排名第38位)则领导着这家医药巨头庞大的新冠病毒检测项目,并将在2021年负责新冠病毒疫苗的关键处理工作。


pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsɪ/表示“药剂学;制药学”,英文解释为“the study of how to prepare medicines and drugs”。

In this year, few people deftly used their power quite like Fair Fight founder and voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams (No. 100). By working to help register some 800,000 people to vote in Georgia, the former state representative helped a Democratic presidential nominee win her state for the first time in 28 years. Her work is not done--she said she gave herself “17 minutes” of celebration before turning her focus to the critical Georgia Senate runoff elections in January.

这一年,很少有人像公平斗争(Fair Fight)的创始人和投票权倡导者斯泰西·艾布拉姆斯(Stacey Abrams,排名第100位)那样巧妙地利用他们的力量。这位前州议员通过帮助佐治亚州(Georgia)约80万人登记投票,助力民主党总统候选人28年来首次赢得了该州的选举。她的工作还没有结束--她说她给自己“17分钟”的庆祝时间,然后把注意力转向1月份关键的佐治亚州参议院第二轮选举。


表示“熟练地;灵巧地;敏捷地”,英文解释为“in a skilful, clever, or quick way”举个🌰:

She deftly caught the ball.



表示“决选;决胜赛”,英文解释为“A runoff is an extra vote or contest which is held in order to decide the winner of an election or competition, because no one has yet clearly won.”

But it is due to that continued work, along with the efforts of so many women like her, that the words of the soon-to-be vice president will come to fruition. Said Harris in November: “While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last.



表示“实现;完成;取得成果”,英文解释为“an occasion when a plan or an idea begins to happen, exist, or be successful”举个🌰:

None of his grand plans for a TV series ever came to fruition.









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