

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Twitter reacts after Trump’s hair appears to turn grey

The Independent

Donald Trump’s most recent press conference has driven the internet wild with questions, but not the ones you may think.  

During the update on coronavirus vaccine development in the White House Rose Garden, many viewers were quick to notice one significant change in the president's signature appearance: his hair.

Members of the public and journalists alike quickly pointed out that Mr Trump’s barnet seemed to be sporting a more demure shade of grey than his usual iconic bright blonde.

The 74-year-old, who is renowned for his deep tan and permanently blond hair, stepped out to make his first public remarks since major news networks declared Joe Biden winner of the presidential election on Saturday.

“This whole speech is giving me a slightly out of body experience. Hair colour changed. Noticeably whiter. But the voice and the speed of delivery is the same. #Trump,” BBC journalist Emily Maitlis tweeted.

“Is it my TV or is Trump’s hair not looking it’s usual dog-p*** yellow today?,” political strategist and commentator Ana Navarro-Cárdenas said.

Many were quick to make jokes at the president’s expense or come up with different theories as to why the president may have had a sudden change in look.

“It appears Donald Trump’s hair dye has conceded,” Ahmed Baba, Co-founder and editor-in-chief of Rantt Media, wrote.

“Either Trump's hair colourist has jumped ship, or he's trying to gradually morph into Joe Biden and hope we don't notice,” a Boris Johnson parody account joked.

“It looks like Trump let Four Seasons Total Landscaping do his hair today,” one user posted.

Others interpreted the transformation as a reflection of a downhearted spirit amidst the election, as Mr Trump is yet to concede to the president-elect and has mounted intense legal proceedings in swing states.

“How quickly has Donald Trump's hair turned white? Damn losing must have really hit him hard. No wonder he has been hiding. #Trump,” one user posted.

“Looks like the lost election has scared Trump’s hair white,” another said.

The president has actually also sported a seemingly more demure shade during another coronavirus press briefing earlier this year in March, but given the spotlight of the election, this styling change seems to be drawing more attention than usual.

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Twitter reacts after Trump’s hair appears to turn grey

The Independent

Donald Trump's most recent press conference has driven the internet wild with questions, but not the ones you may think.

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)最近的新闻发布会在互联网上引发了很多问题,但不是你想象的那些。

drive sb wild

字面意思就是让(某人)兴奋,处于极度兴奋的状态,英文解释为“To put someone into a state of extreme excitement.”另外还有一个含义:To make someone very sexually aroused.

During the update on coronavirus vaccine development in the White House Rose Garden, many viewers were quick to notice one significant change in the president's signature appearance: his hair.



常见意思是“签名,署名”,也有“明显特征;鲜明特色;识别标志”的含义,英文解释为“a particular quality that makes sth different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize”举个🌰:

Bright colours are his signature.


Members of the public and journalists alike quickly pointed out that Mr Trump's barnet seemed to be sporting a more demure shade of grey than his usual iconic bright blonde.



表示“头发,发型”,英文解释为“a person's hair and the style it is worn in”。


熟词僻义,sport作动词,表示“穿戴;装点”,英文解释为“to wear or be decorated with something”举个🌰:

She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.


📍另外也有“炫耀某物,卖弄某物”的含义(to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way)。

📍最近一次在80岁也能很时尚!这对洗衣店老夫妻火了文中出现:one image sees the pair sporting Adidas tops and bucket hats. 其中一张照片中,两人穿着阿迪达斯上衣,戴着渔夫帽。

demure /dɪˈmjʊə/

表示“(举止、衣服等)显得庄重的”,英文解释为“suggesting that a woman or girl is demure”如:a demure smile 矜持的微笑。


通常用法a xx shade (of sth),表示“浓淡深浅;色度;色调”,英文解释为“a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is”如:an unusual shade of yellow/an unusual yellow shade 少见的黄色,a delicate/pale shade of red 淡/浅的红色,a rich/soft shade of red 艳/柔和的红色。


表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的;非常出名的,受欢迎的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:

He gained iconic status following his death.


The 74-year-old, who is renowned for his deep tan and permanently blond hair, stepped out to make his first public remarks since major news networks declared Joe Biden winner of the presidential election on Saturday.

这位74岁的总统以他棕褐色的皮肤和持久的金发而闻名,自从主流新闻网络周六宣布乔·拜登(Joe Biden)赢得总统选举以来,他发表了首次公开讲话。


表示“有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的”,英文解释为“famous and respected”举个🌰:

She is renowned for her patience.



表示“晒成棕褐色的肤色”,英文解释为“pleasantly brown skin caused by being in the hot sun”如:a deep tan 晒得黝黑的皮肤。

“This whole speech is giving me a slightly out of body experience. Hair colour changed. Noticeably whiter. But the voice and the speed of delivery is the same. #Trump,” BBC journalist Emily Maitlis tweeted.

“这整场演讲让我有种略微出神的感觉。头发的颜色变了。明显更白。但是声音和讲话速度是一样的。”BBC记者艾米莉·梅特利斯(Emily Maitlis)在推特上说。

out-of-body experience

表示“灵魂出窍的体验,出体体验”,英文解释为“an experience in which you feel as if you have left your own body and can see it from the outside, usually from above”举个🌰:

He had an out-of-body experience while undergoing surgery.


“Is it my TV or is Trump's hair not looking it's usual dog-p*** yellow today?,” political strategist and commentator Ana Navarro-Cárdenas said.

“是我的电视的问题,还是特朗普今天的头发看起来不是平常的***黄?”政治战略家和评论员安娜·纳瓦罗·卡德纳斯(Ana Navarro-Cárdenas)说。

Many were quick to make jokes at the president's expense or come up with different theories as to why the president may have had a sudden change in look.


at one's expense

等于at the expense of sb,表示“捉弄,戏弄;拿…开心”,英文解释为“making another person look silly”举个🌰:

Would you stop making jokes at my expense?


“It appears Donald Trump's hair dye has conceded,” Ahmed Baba, Co-founder and editor-in-chief of Rantt Media, wrote.

“看来唐纳德·特朗普的染发剂已经认输了,”Rantt Media的联合创始人兼主编哈迈德·巴巴(Ahmed Baba)写道。

dye /daɪ/

表示“染料;染液”,英文解释为“a substance that is used to change the colour of things such as cloth or hair”,如:hair dye 染发液,black dye 黑色染料。


表示“认输;承认(失败)”,英文解释为“to admit that you have lost in a competition”举个🌰:

He kept on arguing and wouldn't concede defeat.



📍败选演讲 concession speech

“Either Trump's hair colourist has jumped ship, or he's trying to gradually morph into Joe Biden and hope we don't notice,” a Boris Johnson parody account joked.

“要么是特朗普的染发师跳槽了,要么是他想逐渐蜕变成乔·拜登(Joe Biden),希望我们不要注意到。”一个鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)的模仿账号开玩笑说。

jump ship

1)表示“擅自弃职离船”,英文解释为“to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission”。

2)表示“擅自离队;擅离职守”,英文解释为“to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly”。

morph /mɔːf/

1)表示“(尤指很大的、质的)改变;变化”,英文解释为“If one thing morphs into another thing, especially something very different, the first thing changes into the second.”举个🌰:

Mild-mannered KangKang morphs into a confident, grinning hero.


2)表示“(使)图像变形;将(图像)进行合成处理”,英文解释为“to gradually change one image into another, or combine them, using a computer program”

📍比如疫情期间,不少客运航空变成货运:Passenger airlines morph into cargo carriers.

parody /ˈpærədɪ/

1)表示“滑稽模仿作品(指文章、戏剧、音乐作品的滑稽模仿作)”,英文解释为“A parody is a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music that imitates the style of a well-known person or represents a familiar situation in an exaggerated way.”如:a brilliant parody of classical dance 一出对古典舞蹈精彩有趣的模仿作品。

2)表示“拙劣的模仿”,英文解释为“something that is not a correct or acceptable example of something”,举个🌰:

The trial was a parody of justice (=very unfair) .


“It looks like Trump let Four Seasons Total Landscaping do his hair today,” one user posted.

“看起来特朗普今天让四季全景观公司(Four Seasons Total Landscaping)给他做了头发,”一位用户发帖说。


这里其实有一个很搞笑的插曲。特朗普发推特称他们团队将在四季酒店(four seasons hotel)举办新闻发布会,结果团队的人订错了,订成了四季全景观公司(four seasons total landscaping)。



Others interpreted the transformation as a reflection of a downhearted spirit amidst the election, as Mr Trump is yet to concede to the president-elect and has mounted intense legal proceedings in swing states.



表示“(尤指因失望或失败而)灰心的,丧气的,气馁的”,英文解释为“unhappy and having no hope, especially because of a disappointment or failure”举个🌰:

After hearing the news of the defeat, she told supporters not to be downhearted.




The death toll continues to mount.


📍去年9月,美国电子烟巨头Juul的CEO辞职时,经济学人的文章中用到了As concerns mount这一表达:Juul replaced its chief executive, as concerns mount about the health risks of e-cigarettes.

2)mount作动词还可以表示“准备;安排;组织;开展,发动”,此处就是这个含义,英文解释为“If you mount a campaign or event, you organize it and make it take place.”举个🌰:

The National Gallery mounted an exhibition of American painting.


📍比如,BBC在重庆公交车坠江一文中提到的,开展大规模救援行动,A huge rescue operation was mounted.

📍纽约时报在全美最严苛反堕胎法案诞生一文中也有用到了mount的这个含义:In the coming days, we will be mounting the fight of our lives — we will take this to court and ensure abortion remains safe and legal. 在未来的日子里,我们将发动我们生命中的斗争--我们将诉诸法庭,确保堕胎仍然安全和合法。

“How quickly has Donald Trump's hair turned white? Damn losing must have really hit him hard. No wonder he has been hiding. #Trump,” one user posted.


“Looks like the lost election has scared Trump's hair white,” another said.


The president has actually also sported a seemingly more demure shade during another coronavirus press briefing earlier this year in March, but given the spotlight of the election, this styling change seems to be drawing more attention than usual.









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