
钻石商推出新广告语 鼓励女性自己买钻石 只因结婚率降低!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据外媒报道,随着结婚率的降低,近日美国钻石商推出了新的广告语「For Me, From Me」,鼓励女性为自己购买钻石。

「For Me, From Me」国内媒体译为:我心仪,我掏钱。


Diamond industry wants women to buy their own rings


Diamond sellers have a new marketing tactic: Convincing women to buy their own diamonds. Women, they say in a campaign called "For Me, From Me," deserve to splurge on themselves with diamond jewelry that celebrates anything from a promotion to even a breakup. 

splurge on

splurge /splɜːdʒ/ 表示“乱花(钱);糟蹋(钱);挥霍”,英文解释为“to spend a lot of money on sth that you do not really need”举个🌰:

I feel like splurging on a new dress.



splash out表示“花大笔的钱(尤指购买不需要的东西);挥霍”,英文解释为“to spend a lot of money on buying things, especially things that are pleasant to have but that you do not need”举个🌰:

They splashed out ¥1,234 on a holiday.


In 2019, the diamond industry will spend more than $200 million in global ad spending — the highest in almost 20 years — as part of an effort to reverse a decline in diamond sales, according to a recent report from Bain and Company and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre. Polished diamond sales are expected to fall 2% globally, while rough diamond sales are expected to fall as much as 25% worldwide, Bain says.   


表示“(使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻”,英文解释为“to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite”举个🌰:

The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.



这里提到了两种类别,一种是Polished diamond,“抛光钻石”,另一个种是rough diamond,“未经加工的钻石”。

据黄金首饰网的介绍:抛光钻石是相对毛坯钻石而言的,也就是我们口中的成品钻石。毛坯钻石是开采出来的未经加工的钻石,为了凸显钻石本身的璀璨光芒,必须进行切割和抛光。Polished diamonds is a general term for diamonds that have undergone processing, without any connection to their size, shape or any other feature.

此外,rough diamond还有一个引申的含义,表示“看上去粗鲁但心地善良的人,外粗内秀的人”,英文解释为“a person who is kinder and more pleasant than they seem to be from their appearance and manner”,也可以说diamond in the rough.

The ad spend takes different forms in different places. In China, where Western-style weddings are growing in popularity with a swelling middle class, marketers have launched a "Hand-in-Love" campaign to associate diamonds with love and commitment, according to Bain. In India, a recent campaign called "The Most Precious Gift" associates the birth of a child with a gift of diamonds.


swell本身作动词,表示“使增大; 增大;肿胀,肿,膨胀”,英文解释为“to become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount”举个🌰:

Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.


But in America, marriage rates are falling, leading to a downturn in so-called "commitment" jewelry, according to a report from De Beers, which says the number of U.S. marriages declined by more than 3% from 2000 to 2017.


表示“衰退,渐入低迷”,英文解释为“a reduction in the amount or success of something, such as a country's economic activity”。

So, in campaigns like "For Me, From Me," marketers have a new message: Women should buy diamonds for themselves as a sign of self-empowerment and independence, rather than waiting for a proposal and promises of eternal love

"A Diamond is Forever"
Prior to the 2000s, the diamond industry was focused on sparking demand for diamonds, rather than promoting a single brand, according to Bain. That stemmed from the Great Depression, when diamond sales were at all-time low and Americans primarily viewed diamond engagement rings as purchases for the very rich. 

stem from

表示“源自;由…造成”,英文解释为“to start or develop as the result of something”举个🌰:

Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.


all-time low/high

上个月在双十一这个千亿大项目,你贡献了多少呢?韩国高考英语听力时段禁止飞机起降两篇文中都提到了这个说法。all-time表示“前所未有的,空前的”,英文解释为“An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been.举个🌰:

After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.


In 1947, De Beers came up with its massively popular slogan "A Diamond is Forever" to imbue diamonds with emotional sentiments like romantic love and commitment as well as to convince consumers not to resell their jewelry. By 1951, eight out of 10 brides in the U.S. received a diamond engagement ring. In 1999, Advertising Age considered it the most successful slogan of the previous century

imbue with

表示“使…充满…;将…灌输给…”,英文解释为“to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality, or idea”举个🌰:

Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.


But since then, the diamond industry has dealt with a new set of problems. For one, American consumers don't have the same attachments to diamonds as their parents did. And some consumers are increasingly concerned with the ethical and environmental implications of diamonds, particularly American millennials who grew up learning about diamond conflicts in war-torn Sierra Leone


表示“深厚的感情;喜爱,爱慕;依恋”,英文解释为“a feeling of love or strong connection to someone or something;a feeling of love and need for another person, for example for a mother by her child”举个🌰:

At university I formed a strong attachment to one of my tutors.



表示“受战争严重破坏的;饱受战争蹂躏的”,英文解释为“a war-torn country or area is severely affected by the fighting that is taking place there”。

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂,世界最不发达国家之一,该国矿产丰富,最为世人所知的是从塞拉利昂开采的血钻石。

In 2016, the Diamond Producers Association invested $6 million to reintroduce industry-wide campaigns like "A Diamond is Forever," an investment that jumped to as much as $80 million this year, according to Bain. Diamond sellers are also spending $120 million this year on brand-specific ads.

Reward myself
Many women don't need much convincing. One woman interviewed by CBS News, Mindie Barnett, a 45-year-old public relations specialist based in New York and New Jersey, says she often buys herself diamond jewelry to reward herself. The single mother of two young children says she has three businesses going in tandem. She also hopes to pass down her diamond collection to her children one day. 

in tandem

表示“协同地,联合地;同时”,英文解释为“at the same time;If two pieces of equipment, people, etc. are working in tandem, they are working together, especially well or closely.”举个🌰:

I want these two groups to work/operate in tandem on this project.


"I feel like if I can buy a present for myself every so often, you know, why not?" Barnett said. "I think that it's special. I love it. I see it in a mirror, I see it in a dress, and it makes me feel good." Barnett's experience echoes the trend of women buying jewelry for themselves, analysts said.

every so often

表示“间或,偶尔,有时”,英文解释为“sometimes but not often”举个🌰:

Every so often I treat myself to a meal in an expensive restaurant.



表示“重复,附和;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, something else”举个🌰:

The design of the church echoes that of St. Paul's Cathedral.


"Women are living on their own more, they may be taking care of others, so they're more comfortable with taking their money and putting it back into themselves," Alexis DeSalva, senior research analyst at Mintel, told CBS News. "I think this campaign is a really good example of how a brand is giving them permission to do that."

Other women are choosing to pop the question to their significant others, including the retired competitive ski racer and Olympic medalist Lindsey Vonn. After her fiancé, the NHL ice hockey player P.K. Subban, proposed in August, Vonn returned the favor on Wednesday with his own engagement ring.

pop the question

表示“求婚”,英文解释为“to ask someone to marry you”,举个🌰:

So did he pop the question, then?


求婚还可以说, propose或者make a proposal,proposal作名词除了表示“建议,提议”,也可以用来表示“求婚”,举个🌰:

She politely declined his proposal of marriage.


ice hockey

表示“冰球运动; 冰上曲棍球”,英文解释为“a game played on ice, in which players use long sticks to hit a hard rubber disc (= called a puck ) into the other team's goal”。

Women buy pricier rings
De Beers also noted that the number of women who are buying their own engagement rings outright doubled between 2013 and 2017 — and observed that those women report paying more than their fiancés would. According to the diamond conglomerate, brides who bought their own rings spent about $4,400 in 2017, while grooms spent roughly $3,300. 


表示“彻底,完全;立刻;当场”,英文解释为“completely or immediately”举个🌰:

I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.



经常出现的一个词,conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。


· giant 来表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。

· behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

bride & groom

bride 新娘

groom / bridegroom 新郎

groomsman / best man 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

It's a trend that Tiina Smith, who owns a rare and vintage jewelry store on Boston's Newbury Street, said she has seen grow in her own shop over the past two years. Women — whether they're earning more money or starting a second marriage — are dictating what they want from the beginning, she said. 

They're also often paying more for cut, color and clarity, Smith said. "We have seen that the more women participate in the purchase of their engagement ring, the higher the cost and quality of that engagement ring," she said. 


表示“(尤指过去某个时期)最佳的,最典型的,经典的”,英文解释为“of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past”,如:a vintage plane 最出色的飞机 a vintage comic book 经典的漫画书。


熟词僻义,作名词,表示“剪裁;样式;款式”,英文解释为“the shape into which something is cut ”举个🌰:

I don't like the cut of these jeans.


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