

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2017年,揭露了各行各业性骚扰和性侵事件的“打破沉默者”(The Silence Breakers)当选《时代》杂志年度人物。


今年,《时代》杂志将2019年度人物(Person of the Year)授予瑞典环保少女格蕾塔·桑伯格(Greta Thunberg)。格蕾塔·桑伯格成为史上最年轻的年度人物。

Greta Thunberg Is the Youngest TIME Person of the Year Ever. Here’s How She Made History


With her selection, 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg becomes the youngest individual ever to be named TIME's 2019 Person of the Year.

While the franchise has a long record of recognizing the power of young people, the editors have never before selected a teenager. Before 2019, the previous individual to hold the record for youngest Person of the Year was the first Person of the Year in TIME's history: 25-year-old Charles Lindbergh, selected as most influential man of 1927.


此前《时代》最年轻的封面人物是25岁的查尔斯·林德伯格(Charles Lindbergh),著名美国飞行员,第一个飞越大西洋的人(1902年2月4日—1974年8月26日)。


Lindbergh's age was, to many, inseparable from his place in the world. Though some of his admirers suggested that his feats of aviation made him so special that he ought not to risk his life with further flights, others believed that he could not stop as “heroes age swiftly when seated at office desks.”


表示“功绩;技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹”,英文解释为“If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.”如:to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取/取得惊人的功绩,举个🌰:

The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.


Some conceptual Person of the Year selections such as “You” (2006) and “The Protester” (2011) could include people who’d beat Lindbergh for the title of “youngest,” and perhaps the best illustration of the influence of youth can be seen in the Person of the Year selection for 1966: The Inheritor, the generation of Americans who were then 25 and under.


表示“ 概念(上)的;观念(上)的”,英文解释为“related to or based on ideas”,如:a conceptual framework within which children's needs are assessed 对儿童需求进行评估的概念框架。

Yes, you.

You control the Information Age.

Welcome to your world.


In the mid-1960s, young people represented an unusually large share of the population, and that generation's impact was growing. “If the statistics imply change, the credentials of the younger generation guarantee it,” the story noted. “Never have the young been so assertive or so articulate, so well educated or so worldly. Predictably, they are a highly independent breed, and—to adult eyes—their independence has made them highly unpredictable. This is not just a new generation, but a new kind of generation.


表示“坚定自信的;坚决主张的”,英文解释为“expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice”举个🌰:

You should try and be more assertive.



表示“善表达的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well.”举个🌰:

She is an articulate young woman.


In the case of 1966, experts attributed this phenomenon to a confidence born of affluence and comfort, and of having grown up in a time of peace, even as the Vietnam War waited around the corner for many of them. The young Baby Boomers, the editors believed, were given a largely glowing world to inherit, and they were sick of waiting to do so. That knowledge gave them the ability to speak boldly.

baby boomer

表示“出生于婴儿潮时期的人,尤指二次大战后生育高峰出生的人”,英文解释为“A baby boomer is someone who was born during a baby boom, especially during the years after the end of the Second World War.”

What they said was this: Our elders have sold us out. The system isn't working. The time to act is now. The world is changing faster than ever, and the young are the ones who see what's happening.

More than half a century later, many of the same themes have returned in the selection of Greta Thunberg as 2019's Person of the Year—if for a different reason. Due to the actions of prior generations, the Earth Thunberg's generation will inherit (a planet that TIME warned was in trouble three decades ago, when the Endangered Earth was Person of the Year for 1988) is losing some of its promise.

Planet of the Year | Jan. 2, 1989

Her message is one the Boomers would have recognized in the 1960s: Our elders have sold us out. The system isn't working. The time to act is now. Perhaps even more drastically than it did in 1966, the world is changing, and the young are the ones who see what's happening.

And in 2019, as millions of people across the planet joined her, history was made by the vision of one young person in particular.

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华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)的评论:

In announcing Greta Thunberg as its person of the year, Time magazine argued, “The politics of climate action are as entrenched and complex as the phenomenon itself, and Thunberg has no magic solution. But she has succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not.”

Don't get me wrong. I think climate change is a dire threat and, unlike some curmudgeons, I think Thunberg provided a public service in calling attention to the threat. However, I find it preposterous to assert that Thunberg had a unique, transformative impact on public opinion in a way no other person has.


表示“牢固确立的;根深蒂固的;积重难返的”,英文解释为“Entrenched ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed.”举个🌰:

It's very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years.


clarion call

表示“召唤;号召”,英文解释为“a very clear message or instruction about what action is needed”,如:to issue/sound a clarion call for change 吹响变革的号角。


本义是“(通常指愤怒或用力地)抛,扔”,英文解释维“to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way”,还可以表示“大声辱骂(某人)”,英文解释为“to shout insults or rude language at someone angrily”举个🌰:

Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.



表示“极其严重的;危急的”,英文解释为“very serious”,如:living in dire poverty 生活赤贫,dire warnings/threats 严重的警告/威胁,举个🌰:

Such action may have dire consequences.



curmudgeon /kɜːˈmʌdʒən/ 表示“脾气坏的人(常指老年人)”,英文解释为“a bad-tempered person, often an old one”。


表示“荒谬的,愚蠢的”,英文解释为“very silly or stupid”举个🌰:

The very idea is preposterous!


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《时代》2016年度人物——Donald Trump


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