

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



As people watched, a prankster removed the banana, which was taped to a wall at Art Basel in Miami Beach. 

A $120,000 Banana Is Peeled From an Art Exhibition and Eaten

The New York Times

In plain sight of art aficionados and influencers, a prankster removed a $120,000 banana from an Art Basel exhibition in Miami Beach on Saturday, peeled it and then ate it.


表示“搞恶作剧者;开玩笑者”,英文解释为“A prankster is someone who plays tricks and practical jokes on people.”


表示“除去,剥去(水果、蔬菜的)皮”,英文解释为“to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables”举个🌰:

Peel, core, and chop the apples.


in plain sight of ...

可以理解为“众目睽睽,...清楚地看到”,英文解释为“in a place where people can clearly see something”,等同于in plain view.


in plain clothes表示“穿便衣的”,英文解释为“If a police officer is in plain clothes, he or she is wearing ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform.”

Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car.



aficionado /əˌfɪʃjəˈnɑːdəʊ/ 表示“酷爱…者;…迷”,英文解释为“a person who likes a particular sport, activity or subject very much and knows a lot about it”,如:a jazz aficionado 一个爵士乐迷

Three buyers paid between $120,000 and $150,000 this week for limited-edition pieces featuring a single banana, created by the artist Maurizio Cattelan and titled “Comedian.” Each came with a certificate of authenticity and replacement instructions, which perhaps should have included a disclaimer: for display only.


表示“免责声明”,英文解释为“a formal statement saying that you are not legally responsible for something, such as the information given in a book or on the internet, or that you have no direct involvement in it”。

Shortly before 2 p.m. on Saturday, a New York City-based performance artist, David Datuna, peeled the taped banana from the wall and devoured it, an Instagram video posted by Mr. Datuna showed.


devour /dɪˈvaʊə/ 表示“狼吞虎咽,吞食”,英文解释为“to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left”举个🌰:

The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.


注:performance artist 行为艺术家,表演艺术家,David Datuna is a Georgian-born American artist living in New York City. He is most widely known for his Viewpoint of Millions series that explores the sources and meaning of cultural identity from each unique point of view.

He grinned and raised the half-eaten banana as if making a toast.

Another video posted on Twitter showed Mr. Datuna appearing to be escorted out of the Galerie Perrotin space as bemused and stupefied art patrons watched.


表示“露齿笑,咧嘴笑,龇牙笑”,英文解释为“to smile a wide smile”举个🌰:

He grinned at me from the doorway.



表示“护送”,英文解释为“If you escort someone somewhere, you accompany them there, usually in order to make sure that they leave a place or get to their destination.”举个🌰:

I escorted him to the door.



1)表示“赞助者,资助人”,英文解释为“a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money”;

2)表示“老顾客,老主顾”,英文解释为“a person who uses a particular shop, restaurant, hotel, etc., especially regularly”。


stupefied形容词,表示“目瞪口呆的;呆若木鸡的”,动词形式stupefy,表示“使震惊; 使惊呆”,英文解释为“If something stupefies you, it shocks or surprises you so much that you cannot think properly for a while.”如:a violent slap on the side of the head, which stunned and stupefied him 他的一边脑袋上猛地挨了一巴掌,使他顿时觉得头晕目眩。

But a spokeswoman for Galerie Perrotin, which represents Mr. Cattelan, said in an interview on Saturday that the gallery was not taking any action against Mr. Datuna. “It’s all in good spirits,” the spokeswoman said. “Perrotin is not pressing any legal charges.”

press charge

表示“提起诉讼”,英文解释为“to complain officially about someone in a law court”举个🌰:

The family have decided not to press charges against him.


Gallery officials replaced the banana with another one, saying that the artwork was not destroyed and that the banana was simply an “idea.”

Mr. Datuna poked fun at the episode in an Instagram post he titled “Hungry Artist,” writing: “Art performance by me. I love Maurizio Cattelan artwork and I really love this installation. It’s very delicious.

poke fun at

表示“打趣;取笑,奚落(某人)”,英文解释为“to make someone seem stupid by making jokes about them or laughing unkindly”举个🌰:

Her novels poke fun at the upper class.



昨天一根香蕉卖12万美元一文中就提到了,熟词僻义,表示“装置艺术(除物体外还运用声音、动作或空间来创作临时艺术品的现代雕塑形式)”,英文解释为“a form of modern sculpture where the artist uses sound, movement, or space as well as objects in order to make an often temporary work of art”。

Mr. Datuna and Mr. Cattelan did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Saturday.

This was not the first caper involving Mr. Cattelan’s artwork. In September, an 18-karat-gold toilet titled “America” was stolen from an art exhibition at Britain’s Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.


表示“不法勾当;不同寻常的行为;可笑的活动”,英文解释为“an illegal, unusual, or entertaining activity”举个🌰:The whole incident started as an innocent caper.


Gold toilet stolen from Blenheim Palace

The episode recalled the self-destruction of a $1.4 million painting by the British street artist Banksy at Sotheby’s in London in 2018. The banana invited comparisons with Marcel Duchamp’s urinal and Jeff Koons’s vacuum cleaners, with some questioning whether it was really art.


2018年10月份,英国涂鸦艺术家班克西(Banksy)的著名画作《女孩与气球》(Girl with Balloon)在伦敦以104万英镑成交,落锤后画作突然“自毁”,现场一片哗然。

Girl with balloon

Marcel Duchamp’s urinal

A spokesman for the Miami Beach Police Department, Ernesto Rodriguez, said there were no arrests or interactions with the police. He referred further questions to Art Basel, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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