
号称只有女生才能成功的「椅子挑战」风靡网络 不信你试试!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,国外社交媒体上流行一项新的挑战 Chair Challenge(椅子挑战),号称只有女生才做得到,多数男生挑战失败。


至于什么原因,有专家认为是男女生弯腰时重心(the centre of gravity)高低不一;也有认为是男生脚掌更长,离墙更远,更易向前倾。

Women better at ‘chair challenge’

Videos are circulating on social media of men and women experimenting a new viral challenge show women coming out on top.

The latest social media challenge has tested participants on what's supposed to be a simple task.

Chair challenge” videos have been circulating on video platform Tik Tok of men and women lifting chairs with their heads against the wall at a 90-degree angle.


表示“传播;流传;散布”,英文解释为“if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another”举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


The challenge went viral after it found that men had more trouble lifting the chair at the angle than women.

The challenge involves standing a few feet from a wall, and lifting up a chair from a bent-over position.

With a chair beneath you, the next step is to lift the chair from the ground against your torso and stand up holding it.



standing a few feet from a wall

lifting up a chair from a bent-over position



The ‘chair challenge’ involves a person walking flush up against a wall before stepping three feet backwards, before bending over 90° at the waist and placing their head against the wall. The challenger then places a chair beneath themselves before attempting to stand up while holding said chair.

此处said表示“上述的,前面提到的”(used before the name of a person or thing you have already mentioned),类似于aforementioned,如:the said company 上述公司,举个🌰:

The said Joseph Brown was seen outside the house on the night of 15 January.



The trick involves standing three feet away from a wall, which appears to be just two steps back. You then have to bend over at a 90-degree angle with your head against the wall. Next, place the chair underneath yourself and attempt to stand up while holding onto the piece of furniture.


表示“(身体的)躯干”,英文解释为“the main part of the body, not including the head, arms or legs”举个🌰:

The man had the bulky upper torso of a weightlifter.


It seems to baffle those who take the challenge with men being unable to lift the piece of furniture. Women on the other hand are lifting the chair with ease.


表示“使困惑;难住”,英文解释为“to confuse sb completely; to be too difficult or strange for sb to understand or explain”举个🌰:

His behaviour baffles me.



According to The Sun, one reason men struggle with the challenge is because the centre of gravity differs between the sexes.

Interestingly enough, many girls can successfully complete this challenge, while most boys cannot,” US scientist Jeremy Johnson said.

The centre of mass for most girls is lower to the hips, while the centre of mass in boys is much higher. Therefore for most girls, the centre of mass while bent over the chair is above their feet, while the centre of mass for boys is above the chair.”

Professor Brian Ford from Cambridge University told The Sun the reason lied with the size of men's feet.

Prof Ford confirmed women had a lower centre of gravity than men by several centimetres but that had no “bearing on this crafty little trick”.

bear on

表示“与…有关系;对…有影响”,英文解释为“to be connected or related to something”举个🌰:

I don't see how that information bears on this case.


“Men have longer feet than women. Two paces back for a man would be some 60cm, for a woman it's more like 50cm,” Prof Ford said.

“The man's larger feet mean he is farther away from the wall than the woman, and is thus leaning forward. The woman's legs are closer to the wall, and are thus leaning back.”

This puts women at an advantage but that doesn't stop people from testing the logic of science for a hilarious result.

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