
「故事·听力」I Sent My Brother To Hospital Giving Him Sleeping Pills

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Sent My Brother To Hospital Giving Him Sleeping Pills

Hey, guys. My name is Hanna and this is my confession. I did something terrible to my brother, and he almost died because of it. I am very sorry about it, and I am very ashamed. But I had a reason for doing it.

It all started when my father left our family. To be precise, my mom kicked him out and it happened when I was a baby. As far as I know, my parents were always fighting over money. Of course, raising a child is not only difficult, but also extremely expensive. Plus, I had an older brother, Dunn, who also needed to be cared for. And at this difficult time, my dad was fired from his job and he began to look for another one. But it wasn't that easy. Mom said he sat at home for months, and only had a few interviews. Soon the constant lack of money and fighting led my parents to divorce. The court ordered him to pay alimony, but the fact is that my father practically didn`t work, so the money he paid my mom was just pennies.

Of course, this affected our family very much. I don't remember it, but my mother said we lived in terrible poverty. All the money she had went to diapers and baby food. In those days, there was no question of resting or going anywhere. And it completely changed my brother's attitude toward me. I started noticing it when I went to school. My classmates had older brothers and sisters and they loved each other very much, and constantly took care of each other at school. But Dunn never tried to connect with me or even ask me how I felt. It was the opposite actually. He avoided me, and was always angry when I asked for help. And this went on for years. The older I got, the worse his attitude toward me got and I was 100% pure that he just hated me.  I was very upset, because I didn't understand what the reason was for this attitude. We were family after all. I was very patient, but at one point, I got tired of it.

Dunn was going to the movies with friends that night, and mom told him to take me with him. Honestly, I didn't want to go with my brother. I knew it would turn into an endless stream of insults, but mom wanted a break from both of us, so we had no choice. Needless to say, my brother was very unhappy about this. I knew I was keeping him from having fun, so I tried to stay out of their conversation. I just wanted to watch a movie, but Dunn decided otherwise. He told me to go for a walk for a couple of hours while they watched the movie. And with the money that was meant for my ticket, he bought a huge container of popcorn. This wasn't fair! It wasn't my idea to go to the movies. And now my brother was making me just walk around the mall alone? Oh no. At that moment I decided that I wasn`t going to forget this, just like that. My brother had been bullying me for the past few years, and I couldn't even say anything back. I was going to get back at him and make him regret what he had done.

I knew Dunn had a habit of drinking a lot of tea. Every day he took a thermos mug with him and drank it on the way to school. So I came up with a plan to punish him. He had an important test that day, and I wanted him to fail it. So I stole my mom's sleeping pills, crushed them up, and slipped them into Dunn's tea. He was supposed to get sleepy, lose concentration, and get an F on the test. After that, if everything went according to plan, he would have problems at school, and mom would punish him. So I sat in class, and I was glad I finally got my revenge. But suddenly I heard the sound of a siren. An ambulance pulled up to the school. I had a bad feeling right away. Dunn became ill right in the classroom, and he fainted. The teacher called an ambulance, and now my brother got taken to the hospital. Oh, my God, I was starting to feel super guilty. This was not what I had intended. What had I done?

Half an hour later my mother picked me up and we went to the hospital. I can't tell you how I felt. I knew it was all my fault, but I was too scared to admit it. So I just kept quiet and cried. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors said everything would be fine. Someone decided to play a prank, and Dunn had overdosed on sleeping pills. My brother was asleep when we went to his room. He was very pale. It was clear that he felt very ill. And it all happened because of me. We spent the day in the hospital. Mom was taking care of some business with the doctors, and I was sitting by Dunn's bed the whole time. Suddenly he woke up and saw me. He was scared. Dunn told me that he was just sitting in class and felt dizzy, and that he remembers nothing. He thought he might die. And he could've, if the doctors hadn't helped him. 







