

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨天,11月25日,是制止暴力侵害妇女行为国际日(International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women)。

同样是昨天,Papi酱公司旗下艺人、仿妆网络红人@宇芽YUYAMIKA 站了出来,以纪录片的形式,自曝过去半年被家暴的经历。“我被家暴了,过去的半年我仿佛活在噩梦里,关于家暴的这一切,我必须说出来!#面对家暴不再沉默#”。

Popular Chinese make-up vlogger He Yuhong goes public with claims of abuse by ex-boyfriend


Police in western China are investigating a popular make-up vlogger's claims of physical abuse by her former boyfriend after she posted a video and details of the allegations online on Monday, the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women.

He Yuhong*, known online as Yuyamika, said on Chinese social media platform Weibo that her former boyfriend Chen Hong, a 44-year-old illustrator, abused her repeatedly during their one-year relationship, which began in September last year.



此处南华早报(SCMP)用的是a popular make-up vlogger来指代她;澎湃新闻第六声(Sixth Tone)用的是A prominent beauty blogger;环球时报(Global Times)用的是A female celebrity blogger/ web star. 还有微博热点话题网站Whatsonweibo用的则是Fashion and makeup blogger/ Chinese famous makup vlogger 等等。


表示“插图画家”,英文解释为“An illustrator is an artist who draws pictures and diagrams for books and magazines.”


· domestic violence:the situation in which someone you live with attacks you and tries to hurt you 家庭暴力

· domestic violence against women 女性遭受的家庭暴力

· 也可以说domestic abuse/family violence

· abuse可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“虐待”,英文解释为“If someone is abused, they are treated cruelly and violently.”,也可以指“侮辱,辱骂,谩骂”(You can say that someone is abused if extremely rude and insulting things are said to them.)或者是“滥用,妄用”(to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage),举个🌰:

He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position.


He, 28, also posted screenshots of text conversations with Chen, surveillance camera footage and testimony from two of Chen's ex-wives to back up her case.


表示“证词;证言;口供”,英文解释为“a formal written or spoken statement saying what you know to be true, usually in court”,如:a sworn testimony 宣誓证词。

Police in Jiangbei district, Chongqing, where Chen and He live, launched an investigation into the claims and the local women's federation was providing legal aid to He, the district's public security bureau said in a Weibo post on Tuesday.

He, who has more than 2 million followers on video app TikTok and is best known for transforming herself into Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, said she came forward because she did not want there to be any more victims.

come forward

表示“站出来”,英文解释为“If someone comes forward, they make themselves known and offer to help.”举个🌰:

No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police appeal.


Can you imagine turning into a completely different person with only makeup? This makeup artist has taken the Chinese internet by storm with her stunning makeup transformations, turning herself into Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johansson, Johnny Depp, and even the Mona Lisa.

“I hope this is not too late,” she wrote.

Calls to He on Tuesday went unanswered but one of her friends, Zhao Mengjiao, who also appeared in the video, said on Weibo that He was safe and the case would be handled by a lawyer. Chen has not responded publicly to He's claims.

In her posts, He said the abuse started in April when Chen slapped her on the face a dozen times after they argued about him hanging out with another woman. She forgave him after he apologised but the violence escalated in further confrontations.


表示“(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧”,英文解释为“to become or make sth greater, worse, more serious, etc.”如:further escalation of the conflict 冲突的进一步加剧。

Screenshots from Yuyamika’s video show a man physically assaulting her. From SIXTH TONE

In a fourth incident, He was dragged out of a lift by her feet by Chen, she said, offering the surveillance footage as evidence. Chen later grabbed her by her neck and hit her head against the wall, He said.

Eight days later she was beaten up again, with Chen pushing her to the ground, kicking her and stepping on her face, she said.


drag out of / grab her by her neck / hit her head against the wall / beat up / push her to the ground / kick her / step on her face.

She said she then split up with Chen but it never occurred to her to contact the police, something she regretted.

Because I didn't call the police and have my injuries checked in time, it's useless to turn to the police afterwards,” she wrote.

The video also contains interviews with three of the man's former partners, including two ex-wives. They recounted several acts of abuse, saying he had handcuffed, slapped, and choked them — and even threatened to kill one of them.


表示“(使)窒息;(使)哽噎;(使)呼吸困难”,英文解释为“If you choke, or if something chokes you, you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat. She choked to death on a fish bone. To make someone stop breathing by pressing their throat with the hands”举个🌰:

The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building, where they choked him with his tie.


Jin Qiu, Chen’s second ex-wife who divorced him in 2012, said in the video that Chen abused her multiple times during their short marriage, including hitting her head against a wall.

Chen's first ex-wife, who identified herself only as Abu, said He's experience mirrored her own a decade earlier.


作动词,1)表示“反映”,英文解释为“to represent something honestly”举个🌰:

The book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.


2)表示“与…很相似”,英文解释为“to be very similar to something”举个🌰:

Her on-screen romances seem to mirror her experiences in her private life.


“If we keep it a secret, the same thing may happen again many times,” Abu said. “There may be more and more girls getting hurt.”

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