

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26










Movie stars out in full force as China's top film festival kicks off in Xiamen


The coastal city of Xiamen, located in east China's Fujian Province, is embracing a carnival of cinematic art as the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival returns for its 28th year.

The opening ceremony was held Tuesday night at the Xiamen Banlam Grand Theater, with a dazzling constellation of Chinese movie stars and directors in attendance including globally famed actor Jackie Chan, filmmaker Zhang Yimou, celebrated actress Zhou Xun and up-and-coming actor Jackson Yee.


表示“狂欢节;嘉年华会”,英文解释为“(a special occasion or period of) public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating and drinking, usually held in the streets of a city”举个🌰:

There's a real carnival atmosphere in the streets.



表示“群英荟萃;人才济济;明星群集”,英文解释为“a group of famous or admired people all together in one place”举个🌰:

At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.



表示“有前途的”,英文解释为“likely to achieve success soon or in the near future”,如:up-and-coming young actresses 前程似锦的年轻女演员们。

The festival, regarded as China's top film gala, has been held in 26 cities across the country since it was established in 1992 by combining the Golden Rooster Film Festival and the Hundred Flowers Film Festival, which began in 1981 and 1962 respectively.

Since 2005, the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards have been held in turn on alternate years. This year marks the 32nd edition of the Golden Rooster Awards, and its bold reform through several new moves.

At the opening ceremony, it was announced that the Golden Rooster Awards will be presented annually in Xiamen from this year. Before that, the coastal city had been chosen as a "permanent home" for the festival and will host it for at least five editions – also a first for the event.

This year's festival will run through to November 23. A grand closing ceremony will be held on Saturday night, unveiling the winners of 19 Golden Rooster Awards.

More than just a prize giving
The five day festival will feature several events and cultural activities besides the awards ceremony including film screenings, forums and seminars, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies.

A total of 277 Chinese films are signed up for the main competition, including 103 feature films, 20 traditional Chinese opera films and 28 documentaries, the organizer said at a press conference on Tuesday morning.

feature film

feature film表示“(电影)故事片,正片”,英文解释为“a film that is usually 90 or more minutes long”,feature一词本身就有这个含义。

Six critically acclaimed films – "Dying to Survive," "The Wandering Earth," "So Long, My Son," "Us and Them," "Operation Red Sea" and "The Bugle from Gutian" – are vying for the Best Feature Award.


vie /vaɪ/ 表示“竞争;争夺”,英文解释为“to compete with other people to achieve or get something”举个🌰:

The two older children tend to vie with the younger one for their mother's attention.


Connecting with film fans
In addition to the gleaming trophies, the festival also offers audiences opportunities to engage in cinematic events enjoy the charm of film.

The festival's screening section showcases nearly 80 films in approximately 200 screenings, including 30 foreign works from more than 20 countries.


表示“光洁闪亮的;明净的;闪耀的”,英文解释为“bright and shiny from being cleaned”,如:a gleaming kitchen 清洁明亮的厨房 gleaming windows 明净的窗户。

A total of 35 new domestic films will be previewed. More than 10 will hold fan meeting activities after being shown, where viewers will have a chance to speak with actors, directors and screenwriters during question and answer sessions.

The highly anticipated movie "The Whistleblower," starring celebrated Chinese actress Tang Wei and actor Lei Jiayin, will make its premiere during the festival.


表示“预先播映(或展示),预告”,英文解释为“to describe something or be shown before it officially begins”举个🌰:

His new play is previewing (= being performed publicly before it officially opens) at the Theatre Royal tomorrow.



讲电影的文章必然会出现的词,比如此前的《千与千寻》中:My Neighbour Totoro became the first Ghibli film to ever debut in theatres in China in 2018, 30 years after its original release.

· debut可以作动词也可以当名词,表示“首演,首次公演,首次亮相”(the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.)

· premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 也可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”(the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment),这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.


Learning from masters of Chinese cinema
This year's festival also incorporates nine film forums on different topics, featuring renowned actors, directors and producers such as Li Shaohong, head of the China Film Director's Guild, actor Xu Zheng and actress Zhou Dongyu.

Film pros will discuss the intricacies of film production and give their thoughts on innovations in filmmaking.


intricacy复数形式,表示“错综复杂的细节”,英文解释为“complicated details”举个🌰:

I enjoyed the film, but I couldn't follow all the intricacies of the plot.


The opening forum, named "Depicting the Chinese Dream with Light and Shadow" was held on Tuesday afternoon, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Also, a film funding project has been established for the first time "to discover good stories, produce good works and fund good films."

A total of 1,262 project pitches have been received and among them, 30 films are shortlisted for two million yuan of prizes, according to the organizer.

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